Play at Soul's Edge

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Play at Soul's Edge Page 19

by Sophia Amador

  She bit her lip, and her eyes shifted back and forth. “Adrian invited me to go away over the weekend, and I’m a bit nervous about that.”

  “But why?” Chloe demanded. She lowered her voice. “Going away for the weekend sounds fun! Who wouldn’t want to be alone with someone as hot as Adrian all weekend? I mean, it’s not like your mom’s gonna know.”

  Elisa was sure that her face was becoming redder than the throats of the lilies. She still felt a little guilty about not following Carlos’s wishes that she wait until marriage. Although she was a legal adult now and entitled to make her own decisions, everything had ended up being far more complicated than she had ever imagined.

  Sumiko said, “I think it’s sweet that he’s thinking of two months with you as an anniversary, and that he wants to take you somewhere. Where is he taking you, by the way?”

  “Well,” she began, frantically trying to think of a trip that didn’t sound too expensive, “he has a friend with a camper, and we’re going to borrow it and go up into the mountains.” She twirled a strand of hair around her finger, ashamed that she was lying to her own best friends.

  “Camping in the middle of winter?” asked Sumiko, a line appearing in the middle of her forehead. “I hope that camper has a good heater.”


  Rory rested against the basement wall, watching the gang meeting through slitted eyes. Adrian lounged in his chair, his chin propped on his fist, listening to a stumbling report from one of the newer members. The furnace rumbled to life and the murky light in the room brightened slightly. The blond kid was stuttering, and the crowd shifted, bored.

  Rory wondered when Adrian would order the kid to shut up. He was usually less than tolerant, but today he seemed to be in a very relaxed and genial mood.

  Finally, the kid stumbled to a stop.

  “All right. Give your figures to Cesar after the meeting,” Adrian said. He tapped a finger on his armrest. “I’ll give you one more chance. Of course, you’re aware of the consequences should you fail again.” His voice was light and pleasant.

  The blond let out his breath in relief. “Y-yes, Captain. Th-thank you.” He wiped his face with his sleeve. “I-I promise I’ll do better.”

  Adrian nodded to Cesar. “Nothing more on the agenda?” He glanced over the crowd. “I’ll be away on personal business this weekend. In my absence, Cesar will be in charge. You will obey him as you would me. I’ll receive a direct report upon my return and will deal with any insubordination personally.” Cesar, standing at Adrian’s side, nodded in his impassive way.

  Rory watched the others’ faces to see how they would take the news. Adrian rarely left his headquarters, preferring to keep personal contact with his subordinates. Rory doubted a few days’ absence would make a significant difference in Adrian’s hold over the gang; they were too terrified of him to attempt anything in his absence, and Cesar was a good choice as proxy. He was completely ruthless. He would not hesitate to threaten anyone he deemed disloyal to Adrian or mete out any punishment he found necessary to maintain Adrian’s rule of terror.

  Still, Rory mused, it was interesting that Adrian had decided that something was so important that it was worth taking time away from his operation during this critical period. The distribution of Rapture was going extremely well from a financial standpoint; however, Tenebras’s success in this area was already attracting wolves in the form of rival gangs trying to muscle in on their territory, dealers being roughed up and having their product stolen, agents attempting to infiltrate their supply lines, and of course the cops from multiple jurisdictions swarming all over the district like ants looking for a source of sugar. Cesar, though loyal, did not have Adrian’s genius for planning and strategy, his flexible and wide-ranging ability to react instantly and brilliantly to any situation. It was a tactical error for Adrian to leave the field of battle at this time.

  Adrian’s expression gave little away, as always. But Rory could detect a new softness in his face. The Captain—was happy. He had never seen Adrian happy before. Intent, triumphant, pleased with a well-conceived and executed plan, yes, but never happy. This emotion was distracting him from his work; and the nature of that work required his entire concentration and delicate touch on the controls at all times. Otherwise, it could all come tumbling down, and would bring many other people down with it, Rory included. Adrian’s new love interest was a weakness. Elisa Gallardo posed a threat to all of Tenebras.

  Removing the threat without incurring Adrian’s wrath would be extremely tricky. Adrian was relentless in pursuit of revenge.

  But even though it would be difficult, Rory knew it had to be done.


  Adrian got out of the limo and reached in to help Elisa exit. They were catching a flight out of JFK. A uniformed porter put their suitcases on a cart and trundled them off in the direction of the first-class ticket counter.

  Adrian placed his hand under Elisa’s elbow to steer her in the right direction. She was trying to peer everywhere at once, eyes wide at her first glimpse of an international airport.

  They moved through security rapidly in the area reserved for first class passengers. The TSA agents were polite and friendly. Adrian returned their comments with equal courtesy, satisfied. It only took money to be treated with the respect he deserved.

  Once on the plane, they were seated in two roomy, high-backed seats with a full recline, upholstered in royal blue. They formed a semi-private compartment. The very attentive, neatly-coifed blonde flight attendant chatted with them, fetched pillows and blankets, and served them each a glass of wine before takeoff. Meanwhile, the economy passengers stood in a long line, shuffled from foot to foot, struggled with their bags and were scolded by the staff for the size of their carry-ons.

  Elisa held the glass of wine with a sweaty hand. “What should I do with this?”

  “You’re expected to drink it. To do otherwise would be rude.” He lifted his glass in a silent toast to her and drained it.

  “But,” she whispered in his ear, “neither of us is 21.”

  “Shhh.” Adrian put a finger to his lips. “Don’t let them know.”

  Elisa, her eyes darting back and forth, slowly brought the glass to her lips and sipped.

  The whine of the engines rose. The plane taxied out, and the flight attendant retrieved their empty glasses. Adrian reclined his seat. Elisa stared out the window at the baggage handlers driving by on carts. Her nervousness had eased after her glass of wine. Adrian took her hand in his and caressed her fingers.


  It was like being in a different world, strange and unreal. The buzz of the engines, the odd vibrations in the seat, the molded beige plastic covers everywhere. The cabin lights dimmed when they reached cruising altitude, and Adrian helped Elisa recline her seat all the way back until it was flat as a narrow bed. All around them, the cabin occupants settled for the night. Elisa was too agitated to even think of sleeping, the taste of the wine lingering in her mouth, her head swirling with peculiar sensations.

  Adrian lifted her blanket and crawled over the armrest between their two seats.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed. The flatbed seat was barely big enough for one.

  “I want to cuddle.”

  She glanced nervously at the darkened aisle. They had privacy only as long as no one walked past. Their bodies were jammed together under the blanket, and she could feel every inch of his body against hers.

  His scent poured into her, and she inhaled more deeply. His face was only inches from hers, his lips glistening in the dim light. He hovered over her, hands entwined in the fabric of her blouse. She traced the lines of his features, his thickly fringed eyes, the curve of his eyebrows, his mouth, and found herself hesitating. He bent toward her, and his hair brushed her cheek.

  How was it that she wanted him so much? Desire rippled like fever across her skin. His lips skimmed hers, velvet over fire; he laid down small open-mouthed kisses from the corner of her mouth to
her ear, and her skin flickered like kindling.

  Then his hands tilted her head to his, forcing her neck to arch back, bending her to his desires. He kissed her again and again, his tongue sinking into her mouth in a slow and intense rhythm.

  With one finger, he sketched a line of flame along her throat and circled her breast. His hands worked at the buttons of her shirt, and a chill breeze grazed her skin.

  Coming to her senses, she pulled away. “What are you doing? We’re in public here.”

  “So?” he whispered in her ear, his breath teasing the nape of her neck like a gust of hellfire. “No one can see us.”

  “What about the flight attendant?” she whispered back. “It’s got to be illegal to make out on an airplane.”

  “Of course it is. However…” He unhooked her bra. “I slipped her a few hundred-dollar bills. She’ll leave us alone.” He drew back briefly. “And we’re going to do much more than make out.”

  His hands snuck behind her back, pulled off her bra and tossed it on the floor.

  The cool air hit her bare breasts and she grasped at the threads of her resistance. “What if someone sees us?”

  “So? They’ll just be jealous because we’re such a sexy couple.” He bent his head to lie on her heart, his hair feathering over her skin. Her nipples ached.

  She couldn’t believe what they were doing. She needed to tell him to stop. This was just wrong. She didn’t want to have public sex.

  His fingers dawdled down her bare torso, teasing and dancing, and she gasped, even though she tried to be silent, aware of all the people sitting only a few feet away in the dim cabin. He gripped her ass hard, his fingers digging into her flesh.

  “Do you really want me to stop?” Leisurely, he licked a line from between her breasts down to her belly button. He plunged both hands into the gap between her legs. Arousal pooled like lava in her core. His fingers slipped into her panties, and she was lost.

  She lay on the rough fabric of the airplane seat, half-undressed under the blanket, both ashamed and thrilled. Adrian’s expert fingers stroked her between her legs and spread her lips apart so he could reach more deeply inside her, an intimate caress that drowned her in sensation. She groaned.

  “You like it after all,” he murmured. He took her mouth in his, his tongue probing her at the same time as his fingers entered her. She curled and twisted under his touch and let him take utter control of her. She was his, she would do anything for him; it didn’t matter; she would do whatever he wanted, even though she knew it was wrong, knew that he had done so many things that were wrong. But everything about him aroused her incredibly and now, at this moment, she would not think or judge; she simply belonged to him.



  THE AIR WAS SOFT and warm as they stepped off the plane in the stillness at the Nassau Airport. It was almost shocking after the cold sleet they had left behind in Rockton. The air felt gentle, like a loving caress over smooth skin.

  Adrian trailed his fingers over Elisa’s bare shoulders, observing her first visit to a tropical island. Clusters of orchids and calatheas lined the terminal hallways, open to the outside air. Elisa’s eyes widened at the sight, and her mouth went slack. She ran to the railing, gazed out into the sunlight, and stroked one waxy petal. Two tiny dark birds swooped in front of her and landed at her feet, pecked at crumbs on the floor, and darted away. She flinched and jumped backwards with a small yelp, a huge grin on her face.

  Adrian marveled at the fact that he could take such joy in another person’s delight.

  It was extraordinary how his thoughts turned to Elisa all the time now. When she was with him, he was fascinated by her smallest gesture or facial expression. When she wasn’t, he found himself thinking about her, desiring her, wanting, needing to do something to make her react to him. He wanted to tell her everything, share his entire dangerous, secret life with her. The habits he had built over a lifetime of lying and hiding were being stripped away. It should have been frightening, but instead, it was exhilarating.

  With that odd sensitivity he had developed around Elisa, he knew that something was bothering her. As he drove their rental car out of the lot, he said, “Elisa, please tell me what’s upsetting you.”

  She glanced away from him, out the window, and twisted a lock of hair around one finger. “What you—we—did last night on the plane? That was wrong.”

  “Why? It was fun. And I thought you enjoyed it.”

  “You deliberately manipulated me into doing something I didn’t want to do.”

  He stopped, taken aback, to consider her words. It simply had not occurred to him to ask her permission. He had desired her, and so he had taken her. That was how he led his life; he took what he wanted, and everyone around him scrambled for the leavings.

  And on the heels of his realization came an absurdly strong regret. A gut-wrenching, twisting sorrow. With one sentence, everything shifted.

  He had never looked at the world through anyone’s eyes other than his own. What sort of a person was he, really?

  The sort of person who used others. Who cared only for his own selfish desires. Who destroyed others carelessly.

  If his mother were alive, what would she think about what he did, about the life he lived?

  “Elisa, I’m sorry,” he whispered. What could he say to convince her? “You’re right. I’ve never had a relationship before, and I’m finding this is new ground for me.”

  Elisa crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re not telling me I’m your first. I know you’ve been with lots of women.”

  “Sex, yes.” He turned the wheel and they rounded a curve in the road. “But Elisa, you are the first person I’ve ever felt something for.” He wanted to say something stronger, but he was afraid she wouldn’t believe him. How could she believe that someone like him could love anyone?

  “Is it so strange that I’ve never had feelings for anyone before? I actually thought I was incapable of emotion—until I met you.”

  “The problem is you’ve lied to me so often, Adrian, that I don’t know if you’re lying now.”

  “I’ve never regretted my past lies to you as much as I do now.”

  “You lie all the time.” Her voice tightened. “And you’re good at it. I’ve caught myself believing you even when I know you’re lying. So where does that leave us?”

  “There’s no way I can prove what I’m saying is the truth.” His expression exuded sincerity, but he knew she had seen it many times before. Would she believe him this time? “All I can ask is that you look at my actions and not just my words. All I can do is tell you exactly how I feel, and let you draw your own conclusions. I’ve never felt this way before, and frankly, it scares me. I wait for every word you say; I hang on every expression on your face. When we’re apart, you fill my thoughts. I question everything I do and wonder ‘What will Elisa think?’ It’s overwhelming sometimes.” He let his voice fade.

  “But you’re still involved with that gang.”

  He was silent for a moment. “It’s not that easy to leave.”

  “What do you mean?” she said. “Can’t you just tell them you’re going to quit?”

  He had to smile at her naïveté. “Surely you know there would be—consequences if I did.”

  “I thought you said Tenebras wasn’t as violent as the rumors said.”

  “I never said they were completely non-violent. In fact, there would be some major risks.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  He thought about his last meeting with Schwartz, the delicate balance he was maintaining. He was aware of the impression he had left behind, with Rory, with Cesar, with Mario. So much was going on in his absence. Would it all work out the way he planned? There were so many potential risks.

  He sighed. It had been easier when he didn’t have to worry about a conscience. When he just took what he wanted.

  Emotion—was painful.

  “I’ve already begun plans to… retire.” He didn
’t want to tell her about Schwartz’s threat to her, the threat he himself was responsible for. There was so much he had to do to make sure that both he and Elisa could walk away from Tenebras and live. He would have to deal with Schwartz and Holman. Traitors in his own organization would have to be handled. It would not be easy, especially if he planned to avoid bloodshed.

  “Would you really be willing to give up all the money?”

  Adrian changed lanes smoothly, and accelerated up the onramp to a highway. “Believe me, there are plenty of lawful ways to become extremely wealthy.” It was true that his best strategy at this point was to acquire assets legally. Beyond a certain point, the risk-reward structure no longer favored illicit activity. “I always planned to become a legitimate businessman as soon as possible.”

  He merged into the flow of traffic. “Let me make you a promise. Give me just a few more months to extricate myself from Tenebras. After that, I promise to tell you everything, let you be the judge of what I’ve done. And even more, I promise to let you be my conscience. I will never do anything that will go against your morals.”

  She stared at him, saying nothing.

  “Could that be enough?” he murmured.

  There was terrible conflict in her eyes. He had no idea what she was thinking. All he knew was that she held the weight of his life in the balance. He felt strange; was he incredibly weightless or unbearably heavy? He had become detached from gravity, like a planet hurtling through the void of space, waiting to be caught by the gravitational well of a new sun.

  And then she placed her hand on his arm, and everything fell into place. His orbit stabilized and centered itself.

  It was the end of everything, and the beginning.

  For some reason, he found himself remembering a long-ago day. His mother had dressed him in a new coat and told him to run and look at himself in the mirror. He dragged her much larger coat from the closet and handed it to her.


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