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Tree: A Young Adult Fringe Reality Romance

Page 15

by T. Nixon

  I went about the business of feeding the rest of the animals. Once that was done, I went around to start watering. Next I started cleaning. I tried not to think. I focused on the tasks at hand and for the first time since I started doing them, I wondered who had done them before I came along. AJ? One of the hired guys? My arm muscles rebelled from the heavy barrel rolling, but I kept on. I rolled each wheelbarrow to the manure pile and dumped it where it would wait to be composted and mixed into fertilizer.

  I scrubbed down the chicken enclosure which seemed like it contained weeks of dirt after just one day. I sighed. After cleaning I collected the eggs and took the basket back to the house. I carefully rounded the corner of the Barrel Barn and scanned for people. AJ's truck was gone. The farm cart was near the door to the office so obviously Brad was in there, probably Cherry too. In the distance I heard the sound of the tractor.

  The fog was still abundant, but I was warm now from the work. I went to the front of the Barrel Barn and pulled open the tall door. Inside was a commercial size refrigerator where the eggs were stored until there was enough collected to take to the market. I transferred the eggs from the basket into a plastic tub and wrote the date the eggs were collected. What was the date again?

  I went back to the house to get some lunch and wondered how I was going to kill more time until I could go to the meadow and the tree. If Simon wasn't there- the thought made my stomach tighten- then I wanted to face it. I needed to know. I couldn't avoid the tree and wondering- not knowing- would eat me alive. Like it did with my parents. IF I thought about it.

  The time after lunch was when I worked the horses or found other small projects to do. Now that the main work was done my thoughts were trained on Simon and I went from feeling emotionless to anxious, wondering how I would pass the hours until the time we normally met. I could go now but I wouldn't know for sure if he was going to show until the time came so it would be a lot of waiting. A lot of time without an appearance around the farm which might send people looking for me.

  I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of AJ's truck coming up the drive. I heard it stop, the wheels sliding a bit on the gravel as if he stopped fast, and then his door opening and closing. I resisted the urge to get up and look out the kitchen window.

  I heard his feet crunch across the yard, faintly but distinct. They got a little louder and then before my brain sorted it out, they were clomping up the stairs of the deck. I didn't have time to react before the kitchen door swung open and he was inside.

  “Hey,” he said sounding as surprised to see me as I was to see him. He was stopped in the doorway with his hand still on the knob. “I didn't mean to bother you, Cherry told me earlier to help myself to anything in the kitchen.”

  It was something she would do. I hadn't been eating lunch in the house all week so for all I knew he had been doing this every day.

  “No problem,” I said looking away. “I was leaving anyway.”

  “No need to leave on my account,” he said casually. He had regained his composure, entered the kitchen, swung the door shut and headed for the fridge. He pulled out items to make a sandwich laid them out on the counter by the sink. “You want one?” he asked as he grabbed the bread from off the table in front of me. He was leaning over and reaching. He was close to me. It was impossible not to notice the way his t-shirt fitted him perfectly, outlining how strong he had become. I felt my heart quicken a bit and flicked my eyes away.

  “No thanks,” I said and started picking at my eyelash as a way to turn my head away. In my peripheral vision I saw him slump a little and then move away. His back was to me as he made his sandwich.

  “I heard Brad had you doing some hard labor yesterday,” he said. His tone was light and joking but it sounded forced.

  “Yeah, I didn't get that. And it's not like I could say no.” But I would today.

  “He probably just wants you to feel like you fit in.”

  “What by killing me?” I asked as I rubbed my sore biceps.

  I could see him pause. “It is awfully hard work if you're not used to it. Well,” he said as he turned around, sandwich in hand, “one or two barrels isn't so bad, but more than that-” he took a huge bite. Why did everyone think I couldn't handle it?

  I stared at him as he chewed and thought about how he had been when we were younger. He was so different now, so... grown up. I wondered if I had changed a lot since the last time we saw each other. Of course I had. Then, I had been happy, with both my parents and had a comfortable, safe life. Now... now I was a shell person who didn't know who to be.

  When I snapped out of my thought I realized my eyes were trained on his sandwich and he was frozen, mid chew, staring at me. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, knowing the glowing orbs would cause his doom. I felt myself blush, embarrassed to be under his gaze like that. I wished I could go somewhere where people didn't know me, where they didn't know what happened to me so they couldn't wonder if every word they said would put me over the edge.

  I wanted to see Simon.

  “I gotta go,” I said, now determined to wait it out in the meadow, where at least there would be some privacy.

  “I'll walk you out,” he said as he put his plate in the sink. He wasn't letting me off easy. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he didn't see.

  We walked out the kitchen door, off the porch and crossed the yard. It was only when we were out in the open that he spoke. “Did you think it was weird that Brad asked you to help him?” He didn't look at me, kept his eyes forward, towards the Barrel Barn. His ulterior motive caught me off guard.

  “Yes,” I said. “He came looking for me. And he sort of implied it would be a quick project.”

  He stopped and faced me. “He assigned me another project. I was free to help him, hell I started that project the day before. Ediberto had more than enough guys in the vineyard with him. He didn't need me. Brad made him take me.” He looked around and then back at me. “It was really weird Vic.” He was making me nervous. “I don't know what it is, but he's been acting really strange since-”

  I looked at him and waited for him to finish but he didn't. Instead, he shifted his weight, and averted his eyes.

  “Since what?” I asked, my voice firm and eyes direct. I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear him say it.

  “Look Vic that's not what I meant, but, it's sort of true. It could just be a coincidence.”

  “But it's not,” I said, and my shoulders slumped. Why be angry? It's not like it wasn't true. AJ was right, Brad had been very different, and it had all started the day I found the tree. Was he worried we would discover his secret? That he had been in the meadow that day the picture was taken with Cherry and James Harris? It wouldn't surprise me if Cherry didn't mention that we knew, she liked to keep her secrets close.

  “I don't know if maybe he's jealous that he doesn't have Cherry to himself anymore or something else but ever since you got lost he's been... different. I've known the guy a long time.” AJ had pretty much grown up with Brad, if he was nervous then I was double nervous. Why would Brad be jealous of me, he spent way more time with Cherry than I did?

  “I gotta get going,” I said for lack of anything else to say. I turned to go but he stopped me.

  “Hey Vic,” he called. I faced him. “Let me know if anything else strange happens will ya?” I considered a moment then nodded, slowly turned and walked away. I tried not to dwell on the concerned look in his eye.


  I decided it was best to take a precipitous route to the trail in case Brad was waiting for me in the barn so I skirted through the back pasture then hopped the fence farther down from the gate. Once I was in the woods, I felt a bit less anxious and my mind turned to Simon and wondered if he would show up to meet me. A part of me thought he would, he didn't seem like the type who was easily put off, but then again, if this was just a temporary fling as he had alluded then this would be a good excuse to make his exit. I sighed. Either way I would find something o
ut today and the thought was strangely comforting.

  One way or another it would be resolved. Now if only the rest of my life would do the same.

  Knowing I was early I took my time making my way to the meadow. There was no reason to hurry, I was reasonably certain Simon wouldn't be there this early- if he showed at all. My thoughts ran over what happened with Simon, what AJ said, Cherry's face as she stroked the picture of her and James by the tree. I moved quietly over the needle-strewn path, the sounds of birds occasionally making my notice. The fog had lifted but the invading quiet always remained. Our forest was not alive with sounds of birds and animals, it was thick and mostly quiet.

  As I approached the break in the trees that expanded into the meadow a movement caught my eye. There was a person near the tree. I picked up my pace and my heart leapt. But only for a second then it dipped into the bottom most corner of my stomach and mid-step I changed course and dashed behind a tree. It wasn't Simon as I had first thought- it was Brad!

  My heart was beating so hard I was sure he could hear it despite the distance. I glued myself to the tree and tried to shrink behind it. If he saw me, he could be crossing the meadow at this very moment! I listened for footsteps but the soft ground coupled with the breeze blowing through the trees masked any sounds. After agonizing seconds with no appearance from Brad I figured he hadn't seen me and decided to dare a look- but first I looked side to side to scout for better cover. I was lucky, so lucky, that the tree I was behind was part of a small clump of trees and very nearby a rotting log offering me a way to watch without being seen. I ducked and moved to my left, I crouched as far as I could.

  First I watched the area where the trail opened to the meadow, still making sure he wasn't coming to me. After almost a minute I dared a look. I arched my head sideways so the top of my head ran as parallel to the log as it could and enable me to still see. I moved slowly so as not to attract attention and inched my head up one millimeter at a time.

  Brad had his back to me but his tall frame was easily recognizable. He was kicking around in the dirt a few feet out from the base of the tree, on the right side from where I looked. His head raised up and he started a survey of the area, as he turned, I yanked myself down, my heart pounding so hard I could feel the blood rushing throughout my body. What the hell was he doing here? I waited for what felt like an infinite amount of time before braving another peek. Once again I craned my neck and slowly rose up, hoping and praying my eyes wouldn't meet with his.

  I was lucky. His attention was diverted back towards the tree, his back again to me. Though it was hard, I pulled my eyes off him and scanned the area looking for any signs of Simon. All appeared to be clear. It was both a good thing and a bad thing, but it was foolish of me to expect him this early anyway.

  My attention was diverted back to Brad when he started moving. I watched as he walked around the entire base of the tree and disappeared in the back. I assumed he was poking around in the cavernous opening and I kept myself focused for when he came back around. I ignored a cramp that was starting to spread through my neck.

  I was just beginning to speculate what could have caused Brad to come to the meadow when he reappeared. He had a hard look on his face which contorted him such a way that he almost looked like a different person. I was caught between a self-preserving desire to duck and being mesmerized by how totally different he looked. I made a mental note to mention it to AJ next time I saw him.

  He stood near the base a minute staring at the dirt in the area he was in when I first arrived, scratching his red and sweaty head and causing the few thin strands of hair left on the top to stand straight up. The image of him became burned into my mind. Red, angry looking, wild haired. He was like an animal.

  He started to move again and I watched carefully as he crossed the meadow to my right. It was an area I hadn't explored, keeping myself near the tree or the trail head. He departed into the trees at that end, there must have been a trail there too. It was far enough away from where I was that I didn't feel panic that he might show up near me but I kept a cautious eye just in case.

  I stayed hidden for several minutes waiting for something to happen. I was nervous knowing he could reappear at any minute. I debated on whether to stay or run and head back to the farm. No, I couldn't leave. If there was any chance of seeing Simon I needed to stay. I needed to put to rest the ache that had settled in my chest since my stupid overreaction. Fortunately, I heard the sound of motor start and I recognized, even though it was faint, the small motor of the farm cart. He was leaving.

  I dropped to the ground and took a deep breath. It puzzled me to be reacting so strongly. Who cared if Brad found out about Simon? I didn't want him to but what harm would be done? None. But something about him, about the way he had been acting made me feel like an animal being hunted. And Simon's mysteriousness didn't help, there would be questions I couldn't answer and certainly ones I didn't want to- his relationship to James and Chester Harris. Those were touchy subjects.

  I closed my eyes, focused on my breathing and my still pounding heart, tried to calm them both.

  Though I was relieved I certainly didn't feel calm. I was wound up and jumpy, every sound inciting anxiety. After several minutes I decided it was safe to get up, but I was still cautious. I brushed the dried pine needles off my jeans. I made my way to the trail and then into the meadow. All was as usual, the gently swaying grass, occasional birds chirping at each other and flitting around in the canopy. The meadow showed no signs of the angry intruder that had recently been there. The regularity of it had a calming effect and finally I started to feel a bit more normal. I took a deep, open mouth breath and let it out loudly.

  Now feeling a little more centered I stepped into the meadow and began to cross the ocean of grass. My plan was to find a place near the base of the tree where I would sit and wait. I had my eyes on the tree as I walked. When I was halfway across I was startled by the sudden appearance of Simon. He had come around from the base of the tree. I stopped dead in my tracks.

  “Simon?” I called. I half believed he was a mirage, he came out of nowhere. There was no way he could have come up to the tree, even from behind, without me noticing. He hadn't been hiding inside the tree because Brad would have seen him.

  “Victoria!” he called and started to move towards me. At the sound of my name I instinctively ran to him. He really was here! He showed up.

  I threw myself into his open arms. He held me tight, one arm wrapping around the back of my head, the other across my back. It felt so good to be that close to him. His shirt smelled fresh and I buried my face into his chest.

  We parted too quickly for my liking, and the second there was space between us the spell was broken. I was flooded with guilt and awkwardness. I felt embarrassed and wasn't sure how to apologize. “Simon I'm-”

  “Don't say anything,” he said and scooped me into his arms. Again, I felt comforted and reassured. “It isn't necessary.” I heard him in an altered voice, coming through his chest and also out of his mouth. It had a surreal bear-like quality.

  “I overreacted,” I said though I wasn't sure if he understood since I kept my cheek pasted to his chest.

  He held me out arm’s length and looked at me with his trademark twinkle. “Yes you did,” he said smiling. “But it doesn't matter.”

  I looked in his eyes and the next thing I knew we were both leaning in, our faces drawn together until our lips met, causing a shock of electricity that flowed through each nerve ending and settled in my throbbing heart. Our lips parted but we stayed close, forehead to forehead. He ran a thumb across my cheek. The effect was overpowering. For a moment I forgot about everything, my mind didn't even work anymore. I wasn't in the meadow. All I could sense was my body, I felt everything, the heat from his closeness, the trail of sparks his thumb left across my face.

  I was totally overpowered.

  Until he spoke.

  “What was going on around here?” And back to reality. My eyes snapp
ed open and all of the sudden everything that had just happened came back pouring back into my mind. We parted. “Who was that man?”

  “That's Brad, the farm manager. I don't know what he was doing here he-” I stopped short and pulled away from him a bit. “Wait,” I said feeling confused. “How did you see him?”

  “What?” he asked and swallowed hard. The look in his eye caused immediate alarm bells in my head.

  “I mean, I was hiding across the meadow... how could you have seen him?”

  “I was hiding too,” he said too quickly.

  “Where?” I asked, trying to work it out in my head, “I looked for you.” From my hiding place across the meadow I could see things very easily. The brush was light near the side of the tree he had come from, there were no hiding spots close by that would have sheltered him from Brad. If he had hidden further down, I would've seen him approach.

  “Back in the tree's,” he said and nodded off in the general direction Brad had left in. Of course he had, I felt a moment's relief. “What was he doing? I wasn't able to see.”

  “He was kicking around in the dirt around the base of the tree,” I walked over to the spot Brad had showed interest in, “right over here.” The ground was softer there, slightly mounded. It was about 4 feet out from the base and covered in brown dried pine needles like everywhere else within the vicinity of the mammoth tree. Nothing about it looked out of the ordinary.

  “Then what did he do?” Simon asked. He was obviously unimpressed by the dirt.

  “He walked around and went inside the tree. At least, I think he did I couldn't see him at the point.”

  “He what?” Simon asked his head snapping around to look at me. His voice was tighter than I had heard before and his eyes looked a little wilder. His reaction eliminated any relief I had felt and gave me the strangest feeling that Simon knew something I didn't.


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