Targeting Dart (Satan's Devils MC #4)

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Targeting Dart (Satan's Devils MC #4) Page 25

by Manda Mellett

  I’m hoping he doesn’t want an answer, as right now I can’t speak. I hold breath in my lungs, my whole body going taut as he lightly pinches my clit. His expertise is unquestionable, and I try to blank out all thoughts of how he got to know a woman’s body so well. Just take advantage.

  And then I can’t hold it in any longer, I’m rising and rising until I go over the top, gasping air down into my lungs.


  “Mmm. So good, doll. So good seeing you let go. Next time I’ll be inside you, alright? And next time I’ll make you really scream.”

  It gets better? I’ve nothing to compare it to. Ron never touched me like that. Dart’s right, Ron was a bastard. His abuse started long before he raised his fist. What he did to me was horrific, but the man beside me is chasing the memories away. I can move past this. With Dart’s help.

  He’s made me feel so good, he’ll expect me to reciprocate now. I try to turn to face him, but his arms tighten, and he places a soft kiss to the back of my neck. “Go to sleep, now, doll. Just go to sleep.”

  Surprised, but also relieved he wants nothing from me right now, my body and mind fatigued from the long day, the stress, and what Dart’s given me to process. Already limp in his comforting hold, I close my eyes.

  Next time I open them, it’s morning. Dart’s hair’s hanging long and wet, clearly having come from the shower. I feel my cheeks burn as the events of last night come back to me, and it’s only after I’ve relived what happened in my head I’m ashamed to say I remember my son.


  “He’s down at the clubhouse with Sam and Amy. I let you sleep in, babe, as you had a disturbed night.”

  Again my cheeks flush as I remember just how he’d disturbed me. His lips curl up in a grin as though he’s remembering it too. He comes over and perches carefully on the bed. “You sore this morning?” As he sits I can see the bulge straining at his jeans.

  Here it comes. Now he’ll expect me to do something for him. Am I ready? To delay the inevitable, I just answer his question, and honestly. “Not too bad.” I flex my shoulders and pull them back, testing my scars. “In fact, it feels easier today.”

  “Good.” Leaning down, he places a chaste kiss on my forehead. “If you want to get up and showered, I can bring you some breakfast.”

  He’s waiting on me now? And isn’t asking for anything? Perversely it makes me want to offer. “No, it’s alright, Dart. I’ll get ready and come down with you.” I glance shyly at his groin. “Unless you want me to take care of that?”

  “Don’t tempt me, babe. But I don’t want to hurt you.” He gives a cheeky smirk. “And I followed your advice and took care of it myself in the shower.”

  As I watch, the denim covering his crotch seems to strain even more. “Doesn’t look like it.”

  Ruefully he glances down at himself. “That’s your fault.”

  My eyes open wide. “I’ve done nothing.”

  He taps his finger on my forehead. “You don’t need to do anythin’. That right there, that pout. I get hard just imaginin’ my cock in your mouth. Mmm mmm. The thought of my hard cock disappearin’ into those luscious lips.” Suddenly he stands and adjusts himself. “Your sex on fuckin’ legs, babe.”

  Now what woman wouldn’t preen knowing how much she affected a man, and especially one such as Dart. And despite my scars. I might still need to be convinced Dart’s the right man for me, but every word out of his mouth makes me feel stronger.

  “Do you need help in the shower?”

  I shake my head, thinking where that might lead would be more than I could cope with. Doc had told me what to do, and he left new dressings with me.

  “I’ll go check on Tyler, give you time to get ready. Then I’ll come bring some food back or take you to the club to get something. You must be hungry by now.”

  The thought of food makes my stomach rumble, which makes him laugh. When he leaves I make quick work of getting washed and dressed, and am ready and waiting by the time he comes back. His hair’s been dried by the sun, and I watch as he ties it back into a bun. Every movement this man makes is sexy.

  “Tyler’s fine, he’s got everyone fussin’ over him.” I appreciate his first thought is to reassure me. He nods when he sees my smile. “Oh, and I’ve spoken to your sister, told her you and Tyler are safe, but haven’t told her where you are. That way she can’t say if anyone asks her.” If Ron asks her, he means. I shiver as he eludes to my ex. “I haven’t told her anything about what happened to you. It’s up to you how much you want to say.”

  The fact that he’d contacted her and put her mind at ease shows me what a special man he is. And for the moment at least, he appears to be mine. I still have some doubts on the wisdom of starting this journey with him, not having a clue where we’ll end up.

  “Dart.” He turns to me and raises his eyebrow. “All I’m asking is that your honest with me. Don’t keep secrets, like Ron. If we’re going to give whatever this is between us a try, I want to know I’ll be able to trust you.” I pause and gather my thoughts. “You do something to hurt me or my son, we’ll be finished.”

  He gathers me to him, his chin resting on the top of my head. “Babe, I’ll be tryin’ here. Never had somethin’ like this before. Can’t promise I won’t do anythin’ wrong, but I’ll never intentionally hurt ya. Or step out on ya. If I don’t feel it’s gonna work, we’ll talk about it, okay? And if you’ve got a problem with somethin’ I do or don’t do, don’t keep it to yourself, babe. We’ll thrash it out.”

  That’s seems fair, and all I can ask.

  I tilt my head up. “You think we’ve got a chance, Dart? A biker who doesn’t do relationships, and a scarred woman who’s come from an abusive marriage?”

  Looking down at me, he smiles. “We write our own rules, babe. Make it up as we go along.”

  And that, I suppose, is as much as any couple can do. Couple. I like the sound of that. Having never had a proper relationship with Ron, I’m exploring new ground too.

  When we enter the clubhouse, it looks quite empty until I remember most of the men must still be in San Diego. I follow Dart through to the kitchen, but don’t really need him to lead the way, as the smell of bacon would have guided me there all by itself. Tyler’s sitting at a table, an older woman beside him, and he’s got paper and pens and appears to be drawing a bike. There’s five women in all, and I think for once the women outnumber the men. Although I’d met them at the cookout. Sam, who I know is with Drum, and Ella, who’s with Slick. My eyes flick toward her as I wonder how she recovered from her own ordeal. She’s showing no signs of it now. There’s Carmen, the hairdresser, and Sophie, who I think I’m remembering correctly, is with their VP.

  As I’m nodding towards her, Dart gives a chuckle. “You’ll have to forgive Sophie if she starts speaking garbage. She’s from England and doesn’t know how to talk proper English.”

  The woman in question flicks a dish cloth towards him, and he steps out of reach with a laugh. The last woman, Sandy, is sitting at the table with Tyler. She looks up and gives a little wave. As Dart pulls out a chair for me, I sit beside her and take a moment to praise my son for the drawing he’s done. I also thank Sandy for looking after him.

  “Ain’t no problem,” she tells me with a smile, “always loved kids. Can’t wait for my own grandkiddy to be born.” She grins toward Sam, who rubs her small belly. She then leans down to check on Amy, who’s playing under the table.

  Dart makes me a plate and soon I have more eggs, bacon, and waffles in front of me than I’ve seen in my life. Then he pushes a fruit bowl toward me. “I can’t eat all this!” I say with a laugh.

  “Expect you want this.” And Sam sets a very welcome cup of coffee within reach. Dart starts in on his own breakfast, and I decide where to start tackling mine. Conversation flows easily.

  When there’s a lull I ask a question which has been eating at me. “The strange names, where do they come from? Do the men choose them?”

  “Ah, right. I’m well chuffed you asked that. Allow me.” Sophie pulls out the seat on the other side of me from Dart and sits down. “Now, Dart, you know why he got his name?”

  I shake my head. Up to now I hadn’t thought to ask.

  “Well, he doesn’t throw darts at a dartboard.”

  “I’ve been known to,” Dart interrupts.

  Sophie flicks her hand at him in dismissal. “Dart, do your thing.”

  Wondering what’s going on, I watch as Dart stands. He undoes his hair and his long dark wavy locks flow down around his face. He then bows with an exaggerated flourish and a twirl of his hand, then says, “D’Artagnan at your service, ma’am.” He looks up and winks. “And before you ask, I’m very good with my sword.”

  My hand covers my mouth as I laugh, and then I’m grateful for my dark skin hiding my flush as I remember how it felt against me last night. Although I’ve yet to experience it, I’ve no doubts he knows how to use what he’s got. The other’s might not have noticed my lapse, but Dart has. He gives me a wink.

  Sam sighs. “My man’s called Drummer because he used to bang everything in sight.”

  “Doesn’t need to now, hun.” Sandy gives what I’ve gathered to be her daughter-in-law a fond look.

  The prez’s old lady shrugs. “He knows I’d cut off his dick if he even looked at another woman.” As the other old ladies echo Sam’s solution, I give a pointed glance toward Dart and notice his hands go protectively to his groin.

  Another man wanders in, stretches his arms up over his head and yawns, and then goes to grab himself a plate. While he’s putting a mound of bacon on it, Sophie calls over. “Why you called Rock, Rock? Alex wants to know.”

  “What?” He must have had a good night, as his eyes are rimmed red. He grins, puts down his breakfast, approaches me and lifts up his shirt. “Hit me.”

  What? Dart winks to encourage me. I ball my fist and hit him in the stomach. Then shake my hand out afterwards. Yup, he’s abs are as hard as rock.

  Another man comes in and sits next to Dart and nudges him. “Shall I tell her how I got my name?” A stud flashes in his mouth as he talks.

  “I think she can guess, Tongue.”


  Chapter 24


  Leaving Alex chatting away with the old ladies and watching her son, who I last saw proudly showing Amy his new motorbike toy, I enter the clubroom, still hearing bursts of laughter coming from behind me. I suspect Sophie’s still in her element explaining the names of my brothers. I just hope the old ladies keep to the PG version in front of Tyler.

  It’s good to hear them having a good time. That one of their number is no longer with us is still a raw wound, but at least they’re starting to move past it, proving Crystal’s no longer hovering around like a spectre. Heart’s wife had such a huge personality it’s still often a shock not to find her dressed in her colourful clothes cooking up something tasty on the stove, seeming able to relentlessly multi-task as she looked after us, her daughter, and her old man without breaking a sweat, and always with a smile on her face.

  I still miss her like fuck, and thinking on it, can better understand why my brother’s staying away—if it’s painful for me, it must be ten, no, one hundred times worse for him. Even though the hospital visits were painful, I miss seeing him and talking with him. Heart having decided to recuperate with an old buddy leaves me wanting to offer support without knowing how. With that sombre thought in mind, I join Mouse at the bar.

  Nodding at Hyde to give me a beer, I raise the bottle in salute. “It’s good to be home, Brother.”

  “That it is.” He glances around the room. “At least I can trust everyone here to have my back. We’re both quiet for a moment, each reliving the horror of the previous day. Betrayal in any form is never good, but betrayal by a brother? It’s going take some time to get past that.

  Because he’s been on my mind, I ask Mouse the question, “Talking of home, when d’ya reckon Heart will come back?”

  Mouse thinks as he takes a swallow of his own drink. “I think the more pertinent question might be, if he ever does.”

  “You think he’s abandoning his patch?” If I sound shocked, it’s because I am. Very few people leave this life, voluntarily that is. And most, like old Digger, hang onto it as long as they possibly can. “What about Amy? Surely at some point he needs to start thinkin’ ‘bout her.” I’m stating the obvious and not looking for an answer. Amy’s a cute kid and we all tolerate her fondly. Perhaps other MCs wouldn’t like a little’un running around getting under their feet, but she’s got most of the men here wrapped around her little finger. And soon we’ll have more babies around when Sam and Sophie pop theirs out. And then a picture comes into my head of a cute coffee-coloured kid…

  My phone starts vibrating before Mouse can respond to my question. Taking it out I see it’s the prez.


  “Yeah? Ok. See you then.”

  Mouse has an eyebrow raised, so I satisfy his curiosity. “Prez is on his way back. Wants to have church when he gets here. They’re just starting off, should be here by early evening.”

  “Our bikes?” He frowns. Like me he’ll be feeling adrift without his sled.

  But I can put his mind at rest there, too. “Lost is coming with. He’s driving the truck with our bikes and his. Prospect can take it back.”

  “Or they forfeit it. That lot of fuckers should lose everything they’ve got. Includin’ their fuckin’ bikes.”

  I wait for Mouse to finish his rant, which I have absolutely no problem with, and then continue, “Drum’s put a call out to the other presidents. Red’s comin’ in from Vegas, Hellfire from Colorado, and Snatcher from Utah. They’re bringin’ Snake and Poke up.”

  “That’s gonna be one fuck of an easy vote.” Yeah. It definitely is. Can’t see anyone objecting to a final solution. Satan’s going to be having new recruits very soon.

  “I’ll get the girls to sort out the house at the top of the compound.” We’ve got a place we keep for visiting officers from other clubs. It’s conveniently situated next to where the sweet butts live. Yeah, us Tucson boys don’t mind sharing. Then I feel my face tightening. There’s one woman I’m definitely not going to be passing around.

  Mouse and I play a few games of pool before he disappears back into his cave when Alex emerges from the kitchen.

  “I think Sandy’s adopted Tyler,” she says with a smile. “He’s quite happy playing with Amy. She’s going to take them both to the pool.” She sits herself down on one of the new couches we had to get after the police raid when they destroyed everything they possibly could. As she looks around the clubroom, nodding her approval at the walls freshly painted and the matching tables and chairs as well as the handy sofas, I hide a grin. Place even looks upmarket now. Fuck knows how long it will last though.

  “You can trust her to keep an eye on them. Viper and Sandy couldn’t have kids, you know? It was one fuck of a surprise when Sam turned up fully grown saying Viper was her father. Now that Sandy’s going get a grandkid she’s over the moon. Happier than I’ve ever seen her.”

  “That’s sad.” Alex’s smile disappears. “Sandy’s a natural.”

  “That she is.” Sam’s appeared and must have overheard what I said. “Hey, you need us to do anything, Dart? Drum’s just called me and said he’s on his way back.”

  I keep forgetting with the others away I’m the only acting officer here. “Yeah, Sam. We got three presidents coming in tonight, probably accompanied a man or two. Can you make up the rooms up in the guest house? Get the sweet butts on it.”

  She laughs. “I’d rather do it myself. Their lazy asses wouldn’t get anything done, and they’ll need to rest up today if they’re going to be busy tonight.”

  That they will. The visiting officers will need some release after their long rides, and our boys will be all too ready to fuck too, after dealing with all the San Diego shit.

  “Can I help?”

  Sam puts her hand on Alex’s shoulder. “No, you just take it easy. We’ve got this.”

  She doesn’t need much persuasion. While I can see she wishes she was stronger, her body still healing is taking it out of her. She lost a lot of blood after all. But it’s not long before she gets restless, so I take her outside to the pool and seat her in a lounger where she can watch the kids having fun under the careful eye of Sandy. The two women seem to be getting along well. Although we’re light on men at the moment, and she’s not getting the full Satan’s Devils’ experience, I’m thrilled at how easily she’s fitting into the club. At least her ordeal with Fang and Gator doesn’t seem to have put her off bikers.

  After making sure she has a lazy afternoon, I keep a careful eye on her as she helps the old ladies cook dinner, which we then eat, saving a huge pot for the brothers who will be getting here any time now. And then it’s just a waiting game until they arrive. It’s impossible to miss the roaring as they all draw up, making the clubhouse windows rattle and shake, and then they’re all backing into their parking spots.

  Asking Sam to make sure Alex and Tyler get back to their suite later, knowing I’ll be tied up the rest of the night, I wander outside.

  “Dart! Can you make yourself useful and help Peg and Blade get our visitors up to the storage room?”

  “Sure thing, Prez.” Exchanging slaps on the back with my brothers as I pass, I go to the truck where Peg’s just getting Snake out. I’m surprised that he’s still able to stand on both legs, but notice a fair bit of damage has already been done. One eye’s swollen shut, and his nose is crooked and bleeding. There’s more blood on his clothes, suggesting Blade’s been working with his knife. Oh, yeah, and last time I saw him he had two ears.

  Behind him there’s Poke, brought along as he’s the other officer involved. I spare him a look of disgust before I help our sergeant-at-arms and enforcer drag them both up to the last room they’ll ever see, the soundproofed and isolated location we call our storage room kept for precisely times such as these. After tying their hands to chains hanging from the overhead beams, we leave them alone with their thoughts. They know what’s got to happen and it won’t do them any harm to think on it for a bit.


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