Ice Dragon Tales

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Ice Dragon Tales Page 2

by Hurri Cosmo

Five women comprised the kitchen staff at the moment. All of them had halted their work when the two men surprised them. The head woman came forward, smiling. "Yes, your highness, we will prepare a few care packages for her." She seemed elated.

  The prince smiled at her. "Thank you. Your generosity will be rewarded."

  "No need, your highness. It is the least we can do to help. Thank you."

  * * * *

  Joron stretched and yawned and turned a brilliant smile on the women, who in turn giggled. Kinnabe knew Joron had no idea why. The prince's radiant smile always affected him as well. The prince looked at Kinnabe with that question in his eyes and Kinnabe shrugged. Even if he explained it, the boy would never understand. He chuckled as he guided the prince out the door.

  Kinnabe knew he would have to stand in line to protect Joron, but he also knew this man had the strongest spirit of anyone he'd ever met. He marveled at his kindness and his bravery. Joron worked endlessly and tirelessly to right as many wrongs as he could and he did it anonymously. No one but the Blade Rain castle servants who were actually involved knew, and all were sworn to secrecy.

  As the prince headed back toward his rooms, Kinnabe made his way to the stables, intent on finding the departing Hawklin.

  Kinnabe's horse was already saddled when he arrived at the stables. He was once again amazed at the speed in which news traveled in and out of the castle walls. It had become routine for him to have things done in advance of his arrival, simply due to the fact they all clamored to do the prince's bidding. They all believed in him and would go to any and all lengths to be a part of his missions.

  Kinnabe mounted his horse quickly and caught up with Hawklin outside of the main gates, and Kinnabe counted himself lucky that he did. The gates were large and there were always people traveling in and out. The push and crush of the crowd that bottlenecked here would all but hide them.

  "Hawklin." Kinnabe came up beside Hawklin before he continued, since he did not want to draw any unnecessary attention. When Hawklin turned, Kinnabe noticed his eyes were red and swollen, tears still visible on his face. Lowering his voice he said, "Hawklin, listen closely. I can only say this once. Wait at the entrance to Ice Dragon Pass. You will receive the medicine you need. An unidentified man will meet you there and give it to you. Tell no one. Do you understand?"

  When Hawklin nodded, mouth hanging open, Kinnabe turned his horse and headed back inside the gates.

  Chapter 2

  The knock came as Joron climbed back under the covers, but it was not Kinnabe who entered. Joron quickly sat up, the covers falling away from his naked body just as Diagus stepped into the room. It took a moment for Joron to recognize him. It had been three years, after all. Diagus's hair had grown and now touched his shoulders in a cascade of shiny black. Joron had been told by many his brother was ruggedly handsome and Joron now had to agree as he looked at the man's face. The stubble that graced it gave him a very mature appearance. He had always been taller than Joron. Broad in his shoulders, his muscles rippled under a skintight blue shirt. But it was those eyes Joron noticed the most. Nestled under thick, dark lashes, they had always been a deep blue, but now they seemed piercing and hard as he stood looking at Joron, making Joron uncomfortable.

  Diagus ran an intense gaze down Joron's chest. A smirk appeared and Joron looked down to see what he could possibly be looking at. The covers had not only fallen away from his chest but had also exposed his hips and private area. Joron grabbed the edges of the quilt and pulled them over himself, suddenly aware of his vulnerability and his nakedness. He jerked his head back up at Diagus and was shocked by the look smoldering on his half brother's face as he raked him again with hard blue eyes. Diagus slowly licked his lips.

  "Good morning, brother." His voice was low and gruff. "Do you always sleep in the nude?"

  Joron saw no reason to answer that type of question. "What do you want?"

  "Is that any way to greet the brother you haven't seen in such a long time?"

  "I... Welcome back."

  Diagus chuckled as he strolled over and sat at Joron's knee. He took hold of the quilt and pulled at it, trying to uncover Joron again, all the while keeping eye contact with him. "Time to get up, don't you think?" He smiled wickedly. "Or get it up."

  Before he could stop Diagus's fast hands, Joron was exposed again and suddenly Diagus was on top of him. He quickly grabbed Joron's wrists and pinned him down to the bed. He rubbed his hips against Joron's and grunted as he dived in for Joron's lips, capturing them and forcing his tongue into Joron's mouth. Joron cried out and bucked his hips, trying to throw Diagus off, but that only made Diagus moan against his lips as he pushed down with his body. Finally Joron bit on Diagus's tongue, which made him jerk back, ending the kiss.

  "Bastard! Get off of me," Joron shouted, as he successfully shoved Diagus off.

  "Damn you." Diagus sat up, holding a hand to his mouth.

  Joron bolted upright and reached for his blanket.

  Diagus snatched his wrist and with his free hand, grabbed Joron's sleeping member. "I haven't had breakfast yet. Want to feed me?"

  Joron cried out "Bastard" again and slapped Diagus away from him one more time.

  Diagus released him, only to wrap a hand around the back of Joron's neck and pull him close. "Bastard, huh? Well, that doesn't describe me, now does it? But know this. You will be mine, Joron. Do you understand me? Mine."

  "Diagus!" The queen stood at the entrance to Joron's bedroom in a regal blue silk robe that was simply tied at her thin waist and fell heavily to pool around her feet. Her dark but graying hair was swept up in a messy upsweep, strands falling freely around her chiseled face. A simple strand of pearls shimmered on her thin neck. Gold bangles twinkled on her arms. A wave of exotic perfume filled the air, just as her presence filled the room, deep and menacing. Joron hated her, but more so, he feared her.

  "What do you think you are doing?" Her icy tone sent shivers up Joron's back.

  Diagus released Joron and stood. He bowed deeply to her. When he straightened, he turned to Joron, smiled again, winked, and walked out of the room, pushing past his mother without excusing himself.

  Joron quickly pulled the quilt around him and looked at the queen. An evil smile slashed across her mouth and in a very sweet voice she said, "Your father wants to see the both of you in his bedchambers immediately. He is not doing well. It would appear your brother will become king before the end of the day." She turned, gracefully picking up her dress to follow Diagus. With her back to Joron, she said, "When that happens, Prince Joron, I will see to it that you are removed from this castle." Her voice suddenly turned dark. "You can go and live with your peasants that you love so much." With that she swept out of the room.

  Joron sat for a moment, not knowing immediately what to do. Her last comment meant nothing, but for a second Joron thought she might actually know what he had been doing these past years. Of course, she didn't. If she did, Joron knew without a doubt she would stop him. Erora loved only three things--her status as Queen of Blade Rain, wealth, and Diagus. She had made that very clear every day of his life. If she ever found out Joron gave away anything at all to the "peasants," she would have Joron killed.

  He climbed back out of bed. So his father wanted to see them. There was never any doubt his brother would take the throne. Joron certainly didn't mind. He was hoping Diagus would be a better king to the people and Joron could finally relax and think about something else he could do with his life instead of running around cleaning up his father's messes. But it was strange for them both to be summoned like this, even if he was dying. Maybe Oxys wanted to say goodbye. As odd as that would be for his father--who never cared about anyone else but himself for as long as Joron had known him--he did think it was possible. Maybe the idea of judgment from whatever God he answered to was making him regret some of his life's choices. Whatever the reason, Joron needed to obey and go to his father's chambers. He again dressed quickly, wondering if Kinnabe had been able to ca
tch Kalen's father. If he had, and he had no reason to believe otherwise, he would have no more rest this day. He left his rooms and headed for the king's chamber.

  * * * *

  "What exactly do you think you were doing?" Erora's voice had always annoyed Diagus, especially when she thought she was being motherly.

  The two of them had arrived together at his father's bedside. Oxys was lying in the massive bed, arms to his side above the covers, his face drawn and pale, his lips in a permanent frown. Diagus was saddened by the fact he would die with that expression.

  "I don't know what you mean." Diagus was turned sideways to the queen, suddenly concerning himself with whether or not his father was covered properly and his pillow was fluffed under his head in a vain effort to calm his thoughts. It quickly became obvious any effort would be useless. Damn that brother of his for having become what he had become.

  "You know full well what I'm talking about. What was that little scene back there with your brother?" Erora took out her handkerchief and covered her mouth and nose, as if there were a smell in the room. Maybe there was. The smell of lurking death.

  "Yes, you did interrupt, didn't you?"

  "Diagus. He's your brother."

  "Half brother. And don't be so surprised to have found me in that position. If you had been even a few minutes later, you would have found me in a much more engaging situation. In future, I will remember to either put a guard on the door or lock it." He turned to her. "And you should knock." He grinned.

  "How can you not be over that stupid obsession you had when you were young? You're more like your father every day."

  "I would say I am actually more like you."

  She screamed.

  "Oh, Mother, get hold of yourself. It's not as if you don't know my preferences. That's what I should have told my precious brother this morning as well, because I fully intend to have my way on this. Get used to it."

  She came toward Diagus, fists clenched. "Diagus. You are to be king. How can you be so selfish? How can you be so depraved?"

  "Depraved? Me? Now there's calling the kettle black, isn't it? There were many reasons for my departure from this hellhole three years ago. Yes, one of them was to get over, as you put it, my obsession with Joron. But one of the others was to escape your indiscretions as well, my dear mother. It's one thing to have the peasants pay for their needs with their wives and daughters like my father consistently thinks he can demand. At least he doesn't try to hide his sickness from the people. You, on the other hand, simply jump from bed to bed to bed with nothing to show for it except a face that is finally beginning to show your age, that being one of the closest held secrets of all time." He ignored her gasp. He was sure she was going to scream again but she thankfully held back this time. "And so you know, I have no intentions of going through my life not having what I want, much less what I need. I need Joron, whether you like it or not."

  Erora turned several shades of purple and white, finally ending up a deep red. Diagus would have laughed except he was suddenly concerned for her health. Having one parent already on the edge of death was enough for one day. But backing down was not a strong trait for him.

  "I will not have my son going to bed with his brother!"

  "What say do you have in it? I am soon to be king and there is nothing you can do to stop it. I certainly don't intend to share my authority, even with you. I will declare my brother off limits to all but me and he will have to comply or suffer the consequences." Diagus stopped for a moment, imagining what those consequences could be. He wouldn't mind administering them. He chuckled. "Yes...yes..."

  And just like that, all the hard work he had done in calming himself had gone right out the window. He sat in the chair at his father's head. Joron and the others would be here soon and he needed to compose himself. He needed to conduct himself not only as a future king in front of the group of witnesses but also in front of his brother. He had truly gotten off on the wrong foot with him and if he intended to win his brother over, he would have to act more like a man who could do that very thing.

  * * * *

  When Joron arrived, he saw both the queen and Diagus were already in attendance. The queen sat on one side of the enormous bed, dabbing gently with a silk cloth at nonexistent tears. Diagus sat on the other side, the side his father was actually lying on, holding a thin hand. It was so strange to see his father like this when he had only heard his voice not an hour ago, suggesting blatantly taking on yet another sex partner. What kind of sickness came and went like this?

  He noticed other people in the room, six of them, all dressed in black and sitting off to the side. Neither the queen nor Diagus paid them any attention, so obviously they belonged here. One man, in particular--this one standing--watched Joron as he came into the room. The slow nod he gave Joron sent shivers down his spine. He swiftly turned back to his father and walked to the side of the bed his brother sat on. Reaching down, he took the hand Diagus was holding and looked at the fragile form lying on the bed. The king looked deathly pale and, though his eyes were closed, he seemed to be in pain.

  "Father, are you in pain?" Joron glanced up to the standing man as if he could do something. The man slowly moved his head back and forth, only staring back at Joron. Joron glanced then at Diagus, who only shrugged. What was wrong with these people? Didn't they care? Though Joron himself rarely saw the man, he was human and the king. It seemed prudent and only right to help him with the pain. But like so many other times with the illness his father had, maybe there was nothing they could do.

  He looked back to his father's face, suddenly feeling anger and desperation. It seemed such a waste. The man was dying and there was no time left to have any kind of relationship with him. There had been little to no real contact when he was growing up. Joron had been left in the care of the women of the castle, along with Diagus. But Joron remained an outcast from the queen because she was not his mother. She made clear her hatred and disgust of Joron, nearly every day.

  Joron couldn't remember when he was brought to the castle, but the kind women who raised him made sure he knew how it happened. Everyone knew the marriage of the king and queen was one of convenience, a combining of wealth and lands, and there was no true love between them. But there may have been love between Joron's mother and Oxys. The women said his feelings for Joron's mother is what gave the king his strength back then. The king supported them after Joron was born, making sure both Joron and his mother had enough. However, when Joron's mother became ill, the king went and got them, bringing them to Castle Blade Rain. He wanted them near so he could provide the best doctors and care.

  But shortly after arriving to live at the castle, Joron's mother died. The women told him his father had been kind to his mother and grieved passionately when she died. After the funeral, the king declared he was Joron's father. Witnesses were found to substantiate the claim and although the queen fought it, there was nothing she could do. Joron officially became a prince and second in line to the throne. Looking back, if the stories were true and the king had actually been in love with Joron's mother, it might have been her death that had changed him.

  Joron was told she was beautiful and that he resembled her, especially now that he was older. He was told his face, his laugh, his smile, the color of his hair, all reminded them of her. It might have been one of the reasons his father avoided him. But mostly his kind and giving heart was the most precious and ongoing gift she had given him as his mother. He wished often he had been able to know her.

  And now his father was dying. Somewhere in his heart, he hoped his mother would meet him when that happened, but he was certain she was in heaven and he had his doubts where his father would end up.

  Joron's heart skipped a beat when the king's eyes fluttered open and focused on Joron.

  "Pyweneth?" he whispered, his eyes suddenly wide.

  Joron was shocked. Pyweneth was his mother's name. "No, Father. I'm Joron."

  "Oh...of course. Forgive me, I thought
... Joron..." he croaked out. "Listen to my representative." He coughed and Joron could see there was blood on his teeth.

  Suddenly frightened, Joron wanted to let loose the hand he held, but his father gripped it with more strength than Joron thought he could possibly have.

  "All three...of you must...listen..." The king suddenly dropped his hand to the bed, letting go of Joron.

  Joron's heart seized, thinking the worst. He realized Diagus thought the same thing, as he stood to look down on his father. They saw the hitched but regular rise of the king's chest at the same time. It would not be long. Joron looked up at Diagus with wide eyes.

  To Diagus, Joron must have looked like a frightened child because he put an affectionate arm around him, pulling him close. Joron allowed it, knowing it was only for comfort. He, too, put an arm around his brother and leaned in, laying his head on his chest. They stood like that for a moment, watching their father sleep. Then the man who had stood in the corner walked out and addressed all three of them.

  "My name is Sherman Aki. I represent the king. Normally I would come forward after the king's death to read into law his will for when he passes. It is with the king's insistence I come to you now." He bowed his head first to the queen, then to Diagus, and then he turned slightly to bow his head to Joron. He turned slightly again and addressed the king. "With your leave..."

  But the king was not capable of answering at that moment. The man waited for a minute then continued.

  "First, it is customary, as well as written in the law, that the firstborn son will succeed to the throne. Being the king, Oxys Amar has decreed this as well. Diagus Amar, being the firstborn of the Amar blood, will be king upon the death of his father." He once again lowered his head toward Diagus.

  Joron looked at Diagus, pulling away from his embrace, to see a sad smile. He took a step back then, out of Diagus's immediate reach. Diagus glanced at him and sighed.

  "As is also customary, and written in the law, but now confirmed with the king's will, his queen, Erora Amar, shall remain in the castle proper as long as she wishes. She also has rights and access to the royal estate in Stone Mire for as long as she wishes. If, for whatever reason, she chooses to leave the kingdom, she will be given treasures and riches to sustain her. The amount will be determined by a board of regents at such time a need arises. Her titles will remain. At such time the future King Diagus Amar takes a wife, her title will change to Queen Mother Amar." He turned and bowed to the queen, who continued to feign tears. She nodded curtly toward him, never once looking at him. Joron did not miss her smirk.


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