Stone Of Matter

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Stone Of Matter Page 32

by B L Barkey

  As they passed through this gateway-void, both Dulkrye donned full crystal armor about their bodies. They opened their eyes, both hoping to be the first to strike. Instead, they clashed all at once. Both sliced at one another’s throats, clinking their crystal armor and launching each other backwards. They were parallel to the new ground before they spun into balance with their arms.

  Looks like we made it right where I meant to, Venetia thought. She had crafted the portal with a desire to travel several miles to the south of the Tortoise, just next to the chasm, and of course, on the same side as the tortoise. They did not visit the other side of the bottomless canyon. It was an ugly place, covered in light. Not entirely my land after all. Though it will be, soon enough. Just like this Stone.

  Just then, Venetia created a void further behind Conqueror, launching him again. She heard a sharp yell escape his lips as he vanished in a blur. She smirked. She looked over her armor, checking for cracks. Alas, the armor was flawless, for the previous owner of the Void Stone had mastered the art. The Stone was still bonded to this dead Litiguh, though Venetia had no idea how. But it would slip into her full grasp soon enough.

  She still had not accomplished the void armor trick around her own crystal armor. It was another mastery of the previous owner, though it was much more complex. So instead, she used her other strategy. She created smaller voids in front of herself, slightly above the ground. The void pulled her up and forward. It was smooth enough to keep her breath, though it gave her some whiplash. As she flew along the dusty path of Conqueror, she looked about the land.

  She pulled herself forward with another void, searching the dark purple sands for her lover. Tiny particles of dust clinked against her crystal armor. She saw a swirling cloud of dust on the surface. He’s in there, she thought, diving down. Yet as she picked up speed, she had a thought. A distraction…

  But it was too late. A blow struck her lower back, folding her in half as she ripped to the ground, plunging into the sand several hundred feet. She imagined the sand tasted like candy. Yet it remained a mystery to her, for the crystal armor kept it from her. Still, she felt bits of the rock scraping her skin. It was good to keep some feeling through the armor, otherwise fighting would be impossible. The armor took ninety-five percent of the impact, leaving the rest for the wielder to keep its bearings.

  She slowed, then stopped, compressed by sand all around. Damn him, she thought, gritting her teeth. Fine. We will play.

  Conqueror looked down at the crater as he descended, proud of his own cleverness and power. Clouds of purple still tumbled from the impact, sweeping around the surrounding land. He looked to his left, spotting the faint dark-lights of the Tortoise, dwarfed by the blinding glow just across the chasm, where the Tree looked down upon them all. Vain thing, he thought, throwing his spite at the Tree like a dagger.

  He struck the ground, landing in a tight crouch and rolling forward into a stroll. He felt the ground at his feet, along with a small flare of pain in his bones. His armor remained strong. He licked his lips and spat, shooting a small crystal ball from his shield before it vanished. That should coax her. Just enough to make her ruthless. Reckless.

  He then felt something. A shaking. He thinned his crystal shield at the soul of his feet. Immediately, vibrations rushed up his legs. What…

  Sand crumbled from the hole’s edge. It first fell, then rushed into the blackness. As the hole grew wider, it remained almost perfectly round. Here she comes, he thought.

  Her dark-glistening body rose from the center. She twirled, spotting him. She paused in the air, grinning all too brightly. It was moments like these when he wondered if she might kill him for good.

  The hole grew larger still. And then, he saw it. A massive, growing void hundreds of feet below ground, perfectly spherical and swelling. He felt a strong tug on his stomach, which then became a forceful yank. He stepped forward, bracing himself. The ground crumbled just several inches before him. Just a little more time.

  He jumped back, though the void drew him back to where he had pushed off. He scowled at her, summoning his energies. He called on the animal within himself, increasing his strength with adrenaline. He then crouched and leapt backwards without suppression, hurtling more parallel to the ground than upwards, spanning thirty feet before he landed on all fours. He looked up then to see her slicing the air as she often did. He then heard a slight tearing sound near his left ear. That’s too far away to…

  She slipped her hand into the slit, and as she did so, Conqueror’s vision went white. He blinked, seeing he had crumpled to the ground. He looked up, seeing her fist receding from a cut in the sky.

  “Do you still wonder who has the stronger Stone, Dominion-wielder?” she cried.

  Patience, he thought. Hold it together. Just another few moments.

  He heard another tear as he watched her drop and kick her foot into another gateway-void. The ripping came from his right. He ducked, then jumped back, just in time to see her leg stick through the space and then disappear again. It lasted all but a quarter-second.

  He hopped back once more, working his way around the crater and back towards the dust cloud. He rushed there, diving beneath rocks that hurtled towards him from behind. They are moving so fast… He looked back, and then stared in awe.

  She had created gateway-voids beneath large rocks, transporting them several hundred feet in the air right next to where they had first rested. Then, as the rocks fell and gained speed, they plunged into another void, which teleported them into the voids chasing behind him. In this way, she was using her power as a boulder catapult. And not for the first time in that hour, he knew he loved this woman. If one of my heart could even really love anyone…

  Another rock the size of his torso whipped within inches of his armored skull. He continued to weave, though several boulders struck his crystal limbs. A larger rock caught his leg, causing him to wince with pain. He shook it off, reinforcing his armor while continuing his call hidden in the dust cloud. So close… and… I’m there.

  He dropped into the cloud and vanished. More rocks flew in after him, tearing the space to shreds. The rocks kicked up more dust, spreading the cloud further. As she approached the cloud, Venetia peered in and caught glimpses of what seemed to be slithering. She tilted her head, puzzled. Was that… No, but there are none here. So how…

  “You are so cute when you’re beaten,” Conqueror called out, his voice echoing more than one would in a barren desert.

  Just then, a lump in the sand rushed towards her, as if a shark were swimming just beneath the surface. She took a new stance. As it drew closer, two more lumps appeared on either side of the first, followed by four more, and then sixteen. Soon, an army of unseen assailants rushed upon her.

  The first reached her. It torpedoed from the sand, appearing sharp and narrow. Before she could recognize it, she created a gateway-void between her and the object. Her void caught it, then closed in around it, holding it in place. She flipped backwards, repeating the gateway-void four times to catch the next four projectiles. She landed on the sand, catching her breath. And that’s when she saw it. They weren’t projectiles, for they were all attached to a larger body still buried underground. She blinked, unable to understand what she was seeing. Are those… roots?

  Ten more blasted towards her, all aiming at her eyes. She dodged them all, then broke three with smaller voids. She felt the larger creature screech as she severed what was most likely its limbs.

  Suddenly, she was surround as more than one hundred other roots breached the sands. Everything went still. She looked up at them, her mouth agape. As sands fell from the towering, silo-thick roots, the roots themselves also began to fall upon her. She smiled then, closing her eyes.

  The roots beat down upon her, one after the other, pummeling her into the sands. Every blow was absorbed by her armor, though she still felt as if taking blows from a large stick on her back. The roots then grabbed her and squeezed as if juicing her for Conqueror to co

  Then they heard it. The cracking of crystal armor. It was louder than the steps of the great tortoise. Louder than the whipping roots. The roots slowed then, though they did not stop completely. One more fell, and then another. She heard Conqueror in her mind. Cease this now, foul plant! Yet the beating continued. She tried to form another void to escape, but just as she started, another root crashed down upon her. It felt as if getting kicked in the spine, over and over again in the same shattered spot.

  Another root burst from the ground behind her. It held her, then encased her, placing her in the arms of one already inside of it.

  “Love!” she cried, falling into his arms.

  “Do it,” he commanded.

  And with that, she drew another gateway-void. They stepped through it, pulling in with them a piece of the encasing root. They landed on the floor of their chamber, missing the Throne by inches. They hit the stone ground with loud clanks, then rolled to their backs. They were both breathing heavy, staring up at the ceiling. Finally, they looked at each other, both sweating and cracked. And then, without warning, they both burst into laughter.

  As they laughed they rolled into each other, releasing their crystal armors. They then locked lips and limbs, taking in the sweet salt of one another.

  “Just love me,” she pleaded. “Tell me all I do is justice. That all I need is that love.”

  She was gasping now, almost panting. She wanted him more than anything.

  “It doesn’t hurt anyone to give me that love.”

  He pulled her in and breathed that love into her mouth, surrounding her heart with his desire. He checked her heart of Stone for cracks. It was flawless, just like his own. He grinned. We are alike.

  And with this thought, they became one, cracking the land to the south in shattering earthquakes, ripping open spaces with force and roots.


  They awoke to the sound of shearing rock as the chamber above them, the chamber of Morning, trembled. Rubble hailed down upon them as they scrambled for orientation. This all felt to Ammon as a blink, for he had not possessed them while they slept.

  “Stones, it’s him! I have to go, my Conqueror. I should have gone long ago. This was stupid. Stupid!” she screamed into the sheets.

  Despite the encasing on his heart, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He knew she was right, but he couldn’t let her go. He almost crept into her mind then, to take over the animal within her human nature. He saw carnal hunger flare up inside her. Then a small void appeared behind him, sucking him back with great force into the cobbled wall.

  “Until we meet again, love,” she exhaled. And with that, she slipped out of the dream realm and into the mortal one.

  Conqueror stared at the blank space where her void had been, then inhaled as he remembered who was stomping down to meet him.

  Here comes the Morning, he thought, trembling ever-so-slightly.

  “My, what a hell-hole this is. Far too bright in here,” Morning said, his voice muted from the quaking walls. In the distance, Conqueror heard the cry of the tortoise.

  Suddenly, everything dimmed. It was dark then, though not so far as to match the Gray in Outer Darkness. The trembling of the tortoise shell ceased. Then, his chamber door creaked open. Morning poked his head in, covering his eyes.

  “Everyone decent in there?” he called, sounding so innocent, one could almost throw up with terror.

  He opened the door then, wearing his brilliant, dark-energy smile.

  “Oh. It’s just you,” Morning said, his shoulders slumping. “I could have sworn I heard Venetia’s voice in here. Though that would be impossible, for I sent her after Drowning and Reverence ages ago. The excruciating torture she would've had to endure, if I were to catch her disobeying me. It gives me chills.” He shivered, holding his grin.

  The statement held hidden meaning. Did you enjoy your time with her? It may be the last you ever have. Conqueror shook his head, as if clearing it of rubble. No. I’ve hidden it in the Stone. He cannot know my thoughts. He’s bluffing.

  “I wouldn’t know, Lord Morning,” Conqueror answered, stepping towards his robe on the floor.

  “Ah. There, there. No need to conceal yourself from me, my boy. Do not be ashamed of your new form.”

  “Yes, Lord,” Conqueror muttered.

  “I suspect my visit is surprising. Don’t worry yourself. I’ll be brief. Even now, this light scratches at my form. And the heat is unbearable,” Morning said, wiping the non-existent sweat from his brow.

  “So. Right to business. I have sent Water, Energy, and Voids after this Stone of Matter. This is overkill, to be sure. Yet I can’t shake this feeling that I have. Like I should have some sort of back-up plan, lest the others fail me.”

  Morning turned towards him. “And that’s where you come in, dear boy.”

  He walked over to the Throne then, his footsteps thudding on the ground as if he weighed several thousand pounds. His true form is hidden behind there, Conqueror thought. It’s closer than usual. Does that mean…

  Morning sat upon the Throne and sank into the sheets. “Oh wow,” he exclaimed. “Is this lamb? Nice touch. You have learned well from your king of pleasures.” As he said this, he spread his arms out wide, then fell backwards.

  “We hold power over the balance,” Morning shouted to the cracked ceiling. “Yet we must not underestimate him. Torin often performs well when given the disadvantage. This is exactly his style. Therefore, you will carry out my back-up plan.

  “Should the assault go awry, you will do what you can to obtain the vessel, as well as the Stones that may be lost by our Dulkrye. Can you do this?”

  Of course, the question was rhetorical. Conqueror answered it all the same. “With pleasure, my Lord.”

  And he meant it.

  “Should this become reality,” Morning continued, “I would not want us to risk your Stone. You know how to proceed then, I take it?”


  Morning looked him up and down. “Good. That’s what I like to hear.” He stood, swinging his legs from the bed. He laughed like a child, though it made Conqueror feel colder. Morning appeared behind him then, seeming to be in two places at once.

  “You know, my boy. You were always my favorite.”

  Morning walked to the door, and as he did so, cobbles and mortar flew back into place, filling in the fissures of the chamber. He stepped through the archway then and disappeared.

  Conqueror realized he had been holding his breath. He gasped, taking in everything that had happened.

  Seconds later, Morning’s voice echoed down the hall.

  “By the way, Conqueror. I need your room for a new… project of mine. If you could move into the next one, I would… deeply appreciate it.”

  As the last word faded, the lights brightened, letting all know in the tortoise halls that Morning had come and gone.





  Chapter XXII

  Interlude - Light Suspicion

  Master Lyon sat in his dimly-lit study, smiling at the memory of his performance. Many had gaped at his levitation trick. As they should, for seeing a human fly through the air was certainly unnatural. Or at least, it was quite uncommon.

  He was in his usual robes, though in a cleaner, darker set. He was writing by the light of three candles surrounding him. The flickering lights created an orb of focus which helped him with his work. He had learned this trick many years ago, when he himself had been an apprentice in the Leviticum. Ammon’s father taught me that one, Lyon thought.

  Then he recalled the look on Ammon’s face during the address. He was the only one who seemed to understand, both the levitation and the spirit of his words.

  A light swelled in Lyon’s chest. Perhaps he is one who understands, after all.

  Another light appeared in the room. It grew rapidly, while casting the warmth of a thousand candles. The heat grew uncomfortab
le to Lyon for just a moment, before he felt himself translate to a higher realm.

  Torin was approaching.

  Lyon closed his journal, stood, stretched, then turned towards the light.

  There in the light stood a man. Torin. His shape was all-white at first, before Lyon’s eyes adjusted, sketching in lines of detail. The ancient beard. Young eyes. Wise lips and all-catching ears. It was him.

  Lyon bowed to Torin, who approached him with open arms.

  “My son. How are things?”

  This was always a funny question. Lyon knew that Torin was ever-watching. But again, he remembered one of the most exceptional qualities of this Being. Torin enjoyed placing limits on his power, if only for the nostalgia and challenge of it.


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