Truck Stop Trouble: A Muscles and Tattoos Bad Boy Romance

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Truck Stop Trouble: A Muscles and Tattoos Bad Boy Romance Page 6

by Peter Presley

  Worse off, I’ve been having dreams about Buck, too. Not every night, but every few nights I dream about him. When I wake up, I don’t even know what the dreams are about. I just know that he’s been in them. I mean, I’m so pathetic. I’m sure he’s not thinking about me. If he were, he would have fucking called by now.

  I know I am not going to see him again. Due to the nature of his job, who knows when he’ll be back in Vegas, if at all. He is a fucking long haul trucker, driving across the country hauling freight.

  They earn a lot. Or so I’ve heard, but I’m sure many of them remain single until their dying day. Sure there are those who tie the knot and build a family, but how often do they see their families? But, at least they have a home to come to whenever they’re not driving.

  I shake my head, trying to stop thinking of him. Goodbye, Mr. Hottie. I say to myself, but my mind doesn’t believe a word that comes out of my mouth. I’m so fucked up right now.

  I’m on my way home from work, once again. But the person I see approaching me makes me pause. He looks like Buck, but I’m not sure. A few feet away, I recognize him. It really is Buck. What the hell is it doing back in Vegas?



  As I watch Fiona walk toward me, I’m almost breathless. Yeah, I’m back in Vegas. I only lasted a couple of weeks on the road before I couldn’t take it anymore. Not seeing her in these last weeks has been torture. I had no idea how much I would miss her until I left. I found myself thinking about her, her smile, her laughter, the way we talked and most especially, our hot and frenzy sexual experiences. We hit it off in every way possible.

  I knew I had to get back here to her. I would have called, but I needed to work this stuff out. I’ve come to a decision, and I wanted to be sure that I’m ready to do what I’m about to do. I’ve made up my mind. All I can hope is that she’s down with it.

  “What are you doing here?” Fiona stands in front of me, her hands are on her hips. Her dark hair is pulled back in a bun, and she wears a sweater over her tight uniform. Gym shoes cover her feet. Her green eyes are blazing.

  “Can we talk?”

  “What do you mean, can we talk? I’ve had a long day, and I’m on my way home. If you wanted to talk, you should have fucking called me.”

  We just stare at each other. I know she’s shocked and mad that I’m back in Vegas, but I could also bet, based on the way she’s looking at me, that she’s not as mad as she wants me to think. But, I wish I had called her.

  “Please . . . “

  “I’m heading home, Buck.” Now tears are welling in her eyes.

  I move toward her.

  “No,” she says. “Leave me alone.”

  “Don’t cry, babe. I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I am. But, we need to talk. I need to talk to you.

  She throws up her hands. “What the hell for? You’re here for a piece of ass? Go get it from some other woman. I’m done.”

  “I’m not here for that, Fiona. I want to talk to you. Come on. Can we grab a bite someplace so I can talk to you?

  “Talk to me about what?” She’s screaming now.

  “Calm down.”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down.” She covers her face with her hands.

  She probably feels like killing me, but I would also bet that she’s contemplating whether she should go with me or refuse my offer. She drops her hands and sighs loudly.

  “Okay. Fuck it. I’m hungry. So take me to fucking dinner. All that’s waiting for me at home is some tired old frozen pizza anyway.”

  “Good, okay.”

  “So where are you gonna take me, Romeo?” She rolls her eyes. “There’s nothing but fast food crap around here.”

  There’s a cab coming our way. I don’t see anyone in it. “All right, just hold on, okay?”

  “Yeah.” She throws her hands up again. “Whatever.”

  I successfully hail the cab. It pulls up to us, and we get in.

  “I’m tired, and I just want to sleep,” she says as she climbs into the cab. “So this had better be good.”

  “I think it will be,” I say.

  She doesn’t say anything more. She just lays her head against the passenger door and closes her eyes.

  “Where to?” says the driver.

  “Just take us to The Strip,” I say. “I’ll tell you where to drop us off.”

  “All right.”

  I look at Fiona. She’s not asleep. I can tell. She just has a look of frustration on her face. She’s angry with me, but she’s here, and that’s the first step.

  We’re seated at a table in a restaurant at a mall on The Strip. When we were walking here, Fiona walked with me, but she walked a few steps behind me the entire time. Every time I would look back at her, she’d give me a dirty look. But like I said before, I know she doesn’t totally mean it. She wouldn’t have agreed to come with me if she did.

  The waitress takes our order and sets down a couple of beers. Fiona grabs her beer and drinks it without looking at me.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t call.”

  She shrugs and sets her beer down, gazing at it. “Not important.” Her face is expressionless.

  “I wanted to, but I had to decide on what I wanted to do about my feelings for you.”

  She looks at me. I can tell my words have knocked down her defenses a bit. “Your feelings for me,” she says. “What feelings are they, Buck? Tell me the truth.”

  “You want the truth?”

  “Yes, I just said that, didn’t I?”

  “Okay . . . I like you a lot, and I’m falling hard for you, girl. Really hard.”

  She stares at me and shifts in her seat. She wanted the truth, and I’m giving it to her.

  “And I want you to come with me.”

  Now her eyes get wide. “What? What are you saying?”

  “Take a road trip with me. If it doesn’t work out between us, you can always come back to Vegas.”

  The waitress brings our meals and sets them down. Fiona is still staring at me like I’m a crazy person, but that’s my plan, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s solid. I want her by my side, every single day of my life. I want to pursue a relationship with her and see where it goes.

  “I can’t just drop everything, Buck,” Fiona says after the waitress leaves.

  “Just hear me out.”

  She eats her food, eyeing me while she does it.

  “I’ll give you a thousand dollars. Keep it in the bank and come with me. If it doesn’t work out between us, you can use the money to start fresh.”

  Fiona shakes her head and now she’s laughing. “No. I can make a thousand dollars in two days at Sunrise, Buck. I’m not gonna give all that up to go driving across country with you.”

  “Don’t you want to be with me?” I’m getting right to the point.

  “I do,” she says quickly. But now tears come to her eyes again.

  “Baby don’t cry. Come with me. Just come with me.”

  She places her fork on her plate and looks at me. “I need to think about this for awhile.”

  “I’ll be leaving in three days.”

  “Oh, so you’re giving me an ultimatum? You go back to your life while you disrupt mine? I wish you had never come into Sunrise.” Her voice trails off as she looks back down at the table.

  “Fiona, you don’t mean that.”

  She just shakes her head and returns to eating her meal. I do the same. We eat in silence.

  “Just let me think about it, okay,” she says softly, breaking the silence.

  “Okay.” I reach over and put my hand on her arm. “Take all the time you need. I’ll give you the grand to hold, until you’re ready.”

  Her eyes brightened. “This is a big decision, Buck.”

  “I know it is, and it’s not fair for me to rush you. You take all the time you need, okay?”

  “Fine.” She taps my hand with hers. “It’s nice to have you back.”

  I smile. “I’m glad to be back.



  When Buck said he’d give me time to think about what he said, he meant it. He understood that something like what he suggested would take time for me to decide. He left Vegas a couple of days after his admission to me, but he’ll be back in a few weeks.

  So where am I at with all of this? Well, I have a plan, and I’m hoping that when he returns to Vegas, and I tell him my plan, he’ll be cool with it.

  Instead of leaving my job and traveling all over the country with him, I could stay back in Las Vegas, while he makes Vegas a permanent stop. Wherever he is in the United States, he will always come home to Vegas. That way, we’ll be able to have a home here and build a relationship. It also means that while he keeps his job, I can continue to work at Sunrise and also go back to school to better myself, because that’s not going to happen if I’m sitting beside him in a truck. I could take online classes, but then how am I supposed to make money while I’m doing it? He gave me a thousand dollars, but, believe it or not, that’s where I want it to end. This is the last time I’m taking money from a guy unless it’s just tips I get at work.

  I don’t want Buck taking care of me. I’m an independent woman, and I can take care of myself.



  I’m back in Vegas, got in town this afternoon. My truck is parked in the lot where I’ve parked it before. Now I’m just sitting around in my boxers waiting for Fiona to arrive. We’ll order dinner when she gets here, but dinner can wait. I’m so excited about seeing her again that I feel like whacking off, to be honest. But I’m gonna keep my hands off myself and just wait for my beautiful girl. I could tell when I talked to her on the phone that the first thing she’s gonna want to do is fuck. Fine by me. My bed is ready and I’ve got condoms on the shelf.

  Fiona said she had something important to tell me, and I hope it’s good news. She knows I want her to come with me on the road, but as I told her before, I won’t rush her. I’ll let her take the time she needs to decide.

  I hear a knock on the truck’s door. That must be Pretty Face. I haven’t seen her in almost four weeks. I jump off my bed, rush over to the door and open it. “Hey, baby!” She’s worked a full-shift, and she looks tired, but she’s beautiful at the same time.

  “Hi, Buck!”

  I help her into the truck, close the door and then kiss her as if my life depends on it.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she says to me when we come up for air, a loving expression is on her pretty face.

  “I miss you more.”

  We hold hands and move our bodies over to the bed. She throws her purse on the floor then places her hand on my cock and balls through the front of my boxers. Then she kisses me on the cheek. “You’re as hard as a rock, Buck!”

  I grin. “That I am.”

  She doesn’t say anything further. She just pushes me down on the bed and crawls on top of me, kicking her gym shoes off at the same time. My cock is hard, but it’s swelling up even more.

  She looks into my eyes and reaches up and pulls her dark hair out of its ponytail, letting it fall down her shoulders. I put my hands in her hair and pull her face toward mine. “I want to kiss you all night,” I whisper.

  She drops her lips on my mouth and we kiss deeply, while I pull her uniform off her body. My thigh is in between her legs. The crotch of her panties is wet against my skin.

  She removes her bra, and I run my hands down her smooth body and pull her panties off her legs and then my hands return to her firm, round ass. My boxers come off next.

  “Get on top of me, Buck.” That’s all Fiona has to say. I know what she wants, and I know she doesn’t want to wait any longer. She’s under me now, with her legs wide open. I grab a condom, pull it out of the wrapper and pull it over my cock. No sooner that it’s on that Fiona grabs my cock and shoves it inside her tight pussy, but she’s so wet it slides right in.

  Her arms and her legs are wrapped tightly around me. I grab her butt and thrust my hips against her as I plunge deep into her pussy. Fiona’s face is on my neck, her hot breath against my skin. I’m about to explode.

  “Fuck me, Buck! Don’t stop.”

  I ride her long and hard until I can’t go anymore. Her hot pussy overtakes me, and my load shoots into the condom. I fall back on the bed as we both catch our breaths.

  “Thank you,” she says, letting out a heavy sigh.

  “No, thank you,” I reply.

  Fiona and I are under the sheets, watching TV and eating the chicken we ordered. I stare back at her, grateful that I finally made up my mind to commit to her. “Have you thought about what I suggested?”


  I sigh in relief. I’ve been awaiting her response for far too long.

  “But, I have my own suggestions.”

  “Oh?” I’m not sure I like the sound of that. “Okay. Let’s hear it.”

  She wipes her face with a napkin and places the napkin on her plate. “It’s hard for me to leave Vegas just like that. And, like I told you before, I have plans to go back to school, and I’m saving for tuition.”

  “Yes, you told me that.”

  “So, I have a solution. Why don’t you make Vegas your permanent stop? Make this place a home you can come to every time you’re off duty. I’ll always be here waiting for you.”

  I just look at her. What sort of a plan is that? She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I can’t just make Vegas my permanent stop. I rarely come to Nevada as it is. “Fiona, this is not gonna work.”

  “Why not?” Her eyes turn sad.

  “I can’t come to Vegas often enough. You might not see me in months.”

  “I know. I know that might happen. But . . . I’ll take the risk.”

  I climb out of the bed and walk across the room. I’m just staring in space now. This is exactly why I avoid commitments. I have no home to offer any girl. My life is moving from one place to another delivering whatever kind of loads I’m required to carry. She says she’ll wait for me, but I don’t want some long distance relationship.

  I turn to face her. I don’t want to hurt her, but her plan is crazy. “No! My plan is much better. Come with me. Be with me.”

  Now Fiona climbs out of bed. She doesn’t look sad anymore. She looks angry. “You want me to give up everything and follow you to God knows where, but, you’re not willing to sacrifice and make Vegas your permanent stop, to try and make a home with me?” Her voice shakes. “You’re not fair.” Her green eyes are tearing up. I hate making her cry.

  “Fiona, I’m sorry.”

  The tears fall down her cheeks. “I can’t come with you.” She picks her purse off the floor, opens it and pulls out an envelope. “Here’s your money.” She lays the envelope on the bed.

  “No Fiona. Come on.”

  “Yes.” She grabs her clothes off the floor and starts putting them on.

  “Baby, don’t leave. We can work this out.”

  “No Buck. We can’t.” She sits on the bed and puts on her shoes. “I’ve made my decision, and you can’t handle it.” She stands up and grabs her purse. “I guess this is goodbye then.”

  I stand there looking at her, frozen in my steps, unwilling to fight for what I want.

  “Goodbye Buck,” she runs to the door, pushes it open and lets herself out.



  I’m in my apartment, staring out of the window, feeling sad, but also, resigned. It’s been a couple of months since Buck left Vegas. I doubt I will ever see him again now that it’s officially over between us.

  I don’t regret my decision, and I don’t feel as sad as I could feel. But, I am upset that despite the fact that he claimed to have feelings for me, he was unwilling to see things my way.

  It’s probably best that he’s gone, out of my life for good. If he were the man for me, things would have worked out differently.

  I did try going out with a guy Nina introduced me to, but it was too soon. I kept comparing him to Mr. Hottie

  I wish I hadn’t fallen so hard for him. We weren’t even together that long, but he had me almost immediately. No other guy has managed to do that to me.

  Anyway, even though I’m still a little sad, I’m just gonna chill for a while. There are lots of jobs in the medical field that require only a two-year degree. I’m still trying to figure out which one I want to go for.

  Shit, that’s my doorbell. Who the hell is it? I haven’t even showered yet today. It might be Nina. She lives close by, and she’s off today too. Sometimes she’ll just show up, and we’ll chill together.

  I look through the peephole. It’s not Nina. I open the door and I’m face to face with Buck. My heart is hammering against my chest and I’m weak in the knees. He looks as handsome as always, dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and blue jeans.

  “Can I come in?”

  I don’t answer. My throat is dry.

  “I’m so sorry,” he says.

  “I don’t need your sorry,” I manage to reply. All the hurt from the past months comes to the surface. I feel like hitting him.

  “Fiona, I’ll get right to the point. I want what you want, and I can make it work.”

  I just stare at him. I can’t do much more than that.

  “Can I come in?”

  I don’t answer.

  “Every second away from you made me realize one thing,” he says. “Wherever you are, that’s home for me.”

  Once again, he manages to melt my resolve. I step back into my apartment and allow him in. Now he’s standing in my living room.

  “I’m ready to make Vegas my permanent stop. I’m changing my routes, making them work with Nevada. I’ll be able to come home to you every three days and at most, every four weeks.”

  I can see the seriousness in his eyes and I believe him. I’m sure changing his schedule is a big deal. I can’t deny that I’m impressed.


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