Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1)

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Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1) Page 12

by Lori Wick

  While Kate organized, Rigg attacked the stove. He had it going in about 15 minutes, much to Kaitlin's delight. Rigg showed her a few tricks and then Kate noticed the box he'd brought in earlier.

  "What's this?"

  "Mr. Hodges said it was for Marcail. It's from his brother-in-law, who just happens to be the officer who was in front of the mercantile."

  Kate looked surprised and then very pleased. Rigg watched as she lifted the lid. "Oh, my," she breathed as she brought forth a lovely doll dressed in an adorable sailor suit. It stood about 18 inches tall and the white suit, including the hat, was completely trimmed in plaid. The shoes and socks were removable and when Kate lay the doll back and brought it forward, the eyes opened and closed.

  "Look at these." Rigg brought Kate's attention away from the doll to show her what he'd found in the top part of the box, wrapped in paper. He held up one of six tiny teacups and saucers. There was a matching teapot, sugar bowl and creamer. They were intricate in detail and all appeared to be hand painted.

  "She's going to love these."

  "I imagine she will. Are you ready to start back? Mom has probably started supper."

  "Sure. Let me repack this doll and I'll leave it here for Marcail. She likes surprises."

  They walked quietly for the first half of their journey. It was a comfortable silence, and Kate was newly impressed at how gentlemanly Rigg was. He had reached to take her arm several times when the path dipped and once, when a large dog came at them with teeth bared, Kate stepped instinctively close to Rigg, who slid his arm around her. He shooed the dog away with a shout and they were again on their way.

  "I've been meaning to tell you, Katie, that I'm sorry about the loss of your mother."

  "Thank you. I take it that Sean shared with you?"

  "He was in a mood to talk our first night. I imagine it must be hard to have your father leave so soon afterward."

  "In some ways his leaving is harder than Mother's death. I know where Mother is, but with Father I can only guess. On our trip over, both he and Sean were so seasick they could hardly stand up. Mother and I took turns tending them but this trip, with him being all alone-" she didn't finish and Rigg knew she was fighting tears.

  "If everything went according to plan, is he in Hawaii now?" Kate saw the question for what it was, a chance to collect herself.

  "Yes, he should be there. His plans when he left were to gather our belongings and return to San Francisco as soon as he could. If things really go smoothly, I'm not sure he'll get the letter. It could arrive after he's started back."

  "You really miss it don't you?"

  "Not Hawaii so much as the people."

  "Is there someone special waiting for you in Hawaii?" Rigg didn't know where the question came from and wished he could take it back. "I'm sorry, Katie, that's none of my business."

  "Don't be sorry, I don't mind." Kate hesitated and Rigg's heart sank. "There was a young man there, still is, who wanted to marry me, but I just never felt that strongly about him. He would make some girl a wonderful husband but I couldn't possibly marry because it was convenient. Could you? I mean, I'd have to be in love."

  "I couldn't agree more. Even though it hurts the person whose feelings are stronger, it would be even worse to pretend you felt something that you didn't." Kate looked askance at Rigg as they talked.

  "What did I say?"

  "Nothing, you're just different than I first thought."

  "I hope you mean it's an improvement."

  "Now that would be telling." Kaitlin grinned impishly and side-stepped when he reached for her. The farm was in sight and she took off at a run. Rigg caught her in 20 strides and they walked toward the house.

  "You didn't really think to outrun me did you?" he asked, with his hand on her arm. She laughed up at him and he desperately wanted to hold her, but must have kept his thoughts hidden because Kate was still smiling at him as if they were old friends.

  "You'd have never caught Marcail. She's like lightning."

  "I'll keep that in mind when she starts to follow in the sassy footsteps of her sister."

  "Sassy!" Kate was outraged and it was Rigg's turn to run. They charged in the back door to find May grinning at them and telling them to wash for supper.


  If Kate looked in the mirror once, she looked 15 times, to see if she'd picked the right outfit for the first day of school. She was downstairs an hour before it was time to leave, pacing and biting her nails. May watched her push her breakfast around and reached out and touched her arm.

  "Is there anything I can do to help you relax?"

  "Thank you, Mrs. Taylor. I guess I'm just excited. I've never taught without my mother. It feels strange."

  "You'll do fine. And I'm sure if your mother knew, she would be very proud." Kaitlin's eyes grew moist and May bent over the table to give her a hug.

  Nathan drove the wagon when they finally left the farm. Marcail sat in the back holding the lunch tin that May had packed for everyone. They stopped quickly at the post office to mail the letter to Aunt Maureen and then were, of course, the first to arrive at the schoolhouse. As soon as Kate saw the building her nervousness disappeared. Nate noticed the change in her and smiled. She was in her element now and everything was going to be fine.

  "Katie, where will I sit?"

  "I don't know. Maybe Nathan can help us with that." They were inside now, and Kaitlin opened the windows next to her desk for some fresh air. The morning was nippy but she didn't even consider lighting the potbellied stove; she had always loved crisp morning air.

  "Nathan, will you give me a quick rundown of where everyone sat when Mr. Wright was here?"

  "Sure. I sit back here with the older kids. The Middle Form kids are around in here and the little ones are in the front rows. Mr. Wright kept these two desks empty for any of the older kids who stepped out of line. He sometimes used the bench in front for the same thing." Nathan blushed suddenly as if he'd said too much, but Kate thanked him and gave him her warmest smile.

  "Nate, were there any empty desks?"

  Taking a moment to reflect, Nate thought he could remember three. He pointed them out. One was in the middle of the room.

  "Well, Marc, it looks as if you might be right here. Why don't you sit down and if no one claims that desk it's all yours."

  The little girl look thrilled and Nathan smiled at her. When he'd first heard that the schoolteacher and her sister were coming to live with them he nearly groaned. But Miss Donovan hadn't turned out to be anything like he thought she would be. She was really nice and sometimes even looked a little lost. He figured that was probably why Rigg was acting so funny. Rigg was a sucker for lost kittens and such.

  Nate looked over at Marcail and smiled again. She was nice, too. Not at all a brat like he'd expected. It was like suddenly getting a sweet little sister.

  A moment later Sean walked into the school. Kate asked him about his night and he said it was fine. She told him that she and Marcail were going to be moving back to the little house the next day. This was news to everyone, but she very logically explained that they had just about everything they needed, plus the money Mr. Taylor had given them for food, and that she felt it was time.

  Kaitlin was at the door when the children began to arrive. Asking all of them their names, she introduced herself and then instructed them to sit in the desks they'd previously occupied.

  No one was late and Kate noted with satisfaction that all but one of the children were smiling at her. Joey Parker was the exception. His hair was a mess and his clothes filthy. But for some reason, and Kate believed it was of the Lord, she was more drawn to him than any of the other children she'd just met.

  The front rows were filled with little girls, mostly ages 7 and 8. Kaitlin looked with compassion at Drew Barsness who was 8 and the only boy in the Primary Form.

  She'd checked her register that morning to find out Joey's age. He was 11 and was seated behind Marcail. Sean was a little f
urther forward than he should have been. The desk at the front of his row was empty so Kate had Sean stand while everyone shifted down. His new seat put him where he was supposed to be.

  "I've written my name on the blackboard for anyone who can't remember it. It's Miss Donovan. You have probably noticed that there are also two new students in school today. Their names are Sean and Marcail Donovan and I hope you'll make them feel welcome." There was no need to have them stand-it was obvious to all who they were.

  "How many of you know where Hawaii is?" Kate surprised most of them with the sudden question.

  Nate, Sean and Marcail's hand went up but Kate called on an older girl in the back row. She answered correctly and the class was given the chance to ask many questions concerning their teacher's background. It took most of the morning.

  Kaitlin told them they could go to lunch a little early and then had to bite her lip to keep from laughing when one very snippy ten-year-old informed her that it was too early.

  "Thank you for telling me, Leslie, but I'm hungry right now. If you're not, you could always eat your lunch during our afternoon break." She winked at the little girl and caught Sean grinning like a fool.

  It was very clear to Kate that most of the students had never considered that a teacher would experience hunger. So no one would see her smile, she turned to the board to write the time she expected them back in their seats.

  After lunch she again caught the students off guard when she called on them, one-by-one, to come forward and tell what they did during the four weeks without school. She had listened to six reports when Leslie raised her hand almost frantically.

  "Yes Leslie?"

  "You're writing something down. Are we being graded on this Miss Donovan?"

  A few of the children snickered over this question and the class was given its first taste of disapproval from Miss Donovan. She stood up and scanned the room with a very stern look. No words were necessary, but a few of the older children looked to Sean, who was giving Kaitlin his complete attention. His look told them she would brook no disobedience.

  "No, Leslie, you're not." She spoke when she was sure her point had been taken. "I'm just trying to get to know all of you a little bit better."

  The little girl looked so relieved that Kate knew she had an over-achiever on her hands. She smiled at her before calling the next name, which happened to be Joey Parker.

  Joey, Kaitlin noted, refused to look at the class. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and his head was bowed. When, after a full minute he didn't speak, she coaxed him in a quiet voice.

  "You don't need to give us a long speech, Joey, just share a few things that you did."

  "I went to the creek and I hung around town." The boy beat a hasty retreat back to his desk and Kate thanked him as if he'd just shared great pearls of wisdom.

  The remainder of the day flew by and Kate could hardly believe it when it was time to dismiss. Nathan and Sean went to get the wagon; Marcail tagged along. Katie was straightening her desk when Rigg walked in.

  "How did it go?"

  "Oh, it was wonderful. They're all so bright and respectful and fun. I mean we really had fun."

  Rigg had never heard her talk so fast and was sure she didn't know that she was switching back and forth between Hawaiian and English so fast that he could hardly keep up.

  "I take it you had a good day?" Rigg smiled and asked when she came to a breathless halt. He noticed her eyes were sparkling with joy and knew it was a waste of time to hope that the intensity of his feelings for her would abate.

  At that moment he found it hard to believe he'd only known her a few days. It just didn't seem possible that he wanted to marry this girl who was almost a stranger. But he did want to marry her and maybe, just maybe, Lord willing, someday he'd be able to tell her.

  "Oh, I wanted to tell you," Kate spoke, as though she'd just thought of it, "Marcail and I are going to move back to the little house tomorrow. I'm ready, and if we have to do without a few things, well, I don't think we'll notice."

  "You know there's no hurry. My folks meant it when they said you were welcome for as long as you like." Rigg said the words almost casually but he was feeling a little alarmed. Knowing that Kate was at his folks gave him tremendous security. Not that he expected something to happen, it was just nice to know.

  "Oh, I know we could stay and it's comforting to know that they're there for us, but my mind's made up. And to tell you the truth," she whispered, "I'm a little excited about it. It's such a cute little place, and we'll be much closer to the school and to Sean."

  Rigg's smile was very tender. She was flying high all right, and was probably going to be exhausted later. He didn't stay any longer but told her that he'd invited himself out to supper at the folks and that he'd see her then.


  Rigg's prediction had certainly been correct. Kaitlin fell sound asleep in the Taylors' living room after supper. Nathan and Marcail had already gone to bed and it was a few moments before anyone noticed that Kate was no longer with them.

  She was in the rocking chair by the fire and Rigg moved toward her when her body began to slide forward. Surprised that she didn't wake up when he touched her, Rigg looked to his mother for help.

  "Lift her gently Rigg, and I'll follow you upstairs."

  Rigg did as he was told and expected Kate to wake at any moment, disoriented and upset over being carried to bed. But it didn't happen.

  Marcail was already asleep and Rigg gently laid Kate on the bed. He exited quickly, and his mother shut the door behind him. He and Sean, who needed to get to bed himself, waited until May returned to the living room before getting ready to leave.

  "Did she ever wake up?" Rigg asked.

  "No." Sean supplied the answer before May could. "Once they're asleep, my sisters are like dead people. I've actually held Marcail upside down before and had her sleep through the whole thing." Everyone laughed at the idea. Sean and Rigg bid everyone good night and left a few minutes later.

  Kate woke in the morning, refreshed and ready for the day. She didn't remember falling asleep in the living room so she made no inquiries about how she got to bed or why she'd slept in her shift and not her nightgown.

  They left a little earlier for school that day so that Kate and Marcail could take their things back to the house. Nate helped them unload and then they were off to the schoolhouse.

  The day flew by in a flurry of lessons and recitations. Kate promised a special treat the next day if the weather was nice. Right after school, Kate, Marcail and Sean, who was scheduled to work at the mercantile, made their way in that direction to buy supplies for their house.

  Rigg was upstairs in his office which resembled a large indoor balcony at the back of the store. A railing allowed him to look out on the entire floor. When sitting at his desk, which was situated in such a way that he had a clear view of the front door, he could, if he were looking, see anyone who entered the mercantile.

  To his great delight he saw Kaitlin enter. He was able to watch her for a time without leaving his desk. When she stepped out of his view, he moved to the railing. He noticed that Marcail stayed right at her side. Kate appeared to be a careful shopper and it was a few minutes before Marcail looked up and noticed him. She waved and Rigg signaled to her to come up.

  He watched and listened as Marcail asked, and then as Kate looked up at him. She looked very surprised to see him standing above her, but she gave Marcail permission to go and Rigg watched her skip toward the stairs.

  He was back at his desk when she arrived, so she took a chair near him and they talked like old friends.

  "Did Kaitlin show you my doll?"

  "Yes, she did. She's very pretty."

  "I think so, too. Want to know what I named her?"



  "That's very pretty."

  "Aunt Maureen has dolls. Nice ones. She has a big house too, in San Francisco. We don't live with her anymore because cousin Percy t
ried to hug Katie." The nine-year-old's hand went to her mouth in surprise. "I'm not suppose to tell anyone that."

  "It's all right Marcail, I won't tell anyone." Rigg was thankful that he already knew the details.

  "What are you doing?" Marcail was looking at the books in front of Rigg now.

  "These are the accounts for the store. I have to keep records of all the things I sell." His voice told her he didn't enjoy it.

  "This line is wrong."

  "What!" Marcail had been looking at the figures as he spoke and now Rigg spun the book around to check. He was flabbergasted when he rechecked the column to see that she was right.

  "Katie's even better in math than me. You should ask her to do it."

  'Ask me to do what?" Kate had come quietly up the stairs behind Rigg, carrying her supplies.

  "Mr. Riggs doesn't like to do math and I told him you were good."

  "Thank you, Marcail. Did you also tell him how well you do in math?"

  "It's my best subject," Marcail told him. 'Are we going now, Katie?"

  "Yes. I have everything we need. We just need to pay."

  "Where are the rest of your things?" Rigg finally said.

  "This-is- everything."

  Rigg didn't say anything but Kate could see his mind working.

  "You don't think this will be enough?"

  "I think the supplies will last you a while, but you're going to get a little tired of biscuits, beans and rice." Rigg noted that all of the items were the most inexpensive he carried.

  He also noticed that Kate was looking very unsure of herself. He was torn between a desire to hold her and another to scold her for leaving the protective care of his parents. He opted for something in between.

  "Come here Katie, and sit down." She obeyed him without question. He watched her put her few selections on the edge of his desk. Reaching for paper and a pencil he asked Kate how much money she had. She drew her coin purse from her pocket and emptied it on the desk. Rigg did a quick count and then began to write.


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