Paper Dolls

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Paper Dolls Page 16

by Sienna Mynx

  Many exchanged glances. There were now close to twenty in her office. Sheila, her employee for six months, pushed past her coworkers and walked out. Two more followed. And then another three left. It broke Raven’s heart, but she didn’t let them see her crack. She waited. The stain to her reputation could stick to her agents as well. She knew those jumping ship were doing so out of self-preservation.

  “Anyone else?” she asked with a shaky voice.

  “All I can say to you that remain is that Max Steele is a lying piece of shit!” Michaela, a young black woman who had only been with the company a year, tossed out from the back of the room. “All of yawl know it. He barely worked or came in the office, he was high himself most of the time. And he runs his mouth like diarrhea. There is no way in hell we should stand by and let this asshole get away with this.”

  “I agree,” Corey chimed in. “I’m with you, Raven.”

  “Me too!” said another.

  “Me too!” came all of their replies.

  “We’re with you, Raven!” The rest all began to talk at once. Kevin smiled at Raven. She smiled back.

  “Okay everyone listen up!” Kevin said, quieting the room. “So if you are ready to fight back, then let’s give them a fucking fight. I want our press release to be issued immediately. Our clients on the phone and reassured. I need two people on Max Steele. Dig up everything we got on that slimy fucker. You know how we roll on an enemy. Hold nothing back. Oh and, Corey, make sure those employees that walked out are out of our office and off the premises within the next ten minutes. Somebody get me TMI on the phone. We’ll deal with those motherfuckers first. Go!”

  They all filed out. Raven watched them go. She chewed on her bottom lip. Then her eyes lifted to see her friends slip in the door. She went to the girls and threw her arms around their necks.

  “I heard that motherfucker on my satellite radio!” Valentina said.

  “Rae, are you okay, my lord, why would he go on the air and lie like that?” Zephyr asked. She looked over to the television where the interview continued on mute.

  “That’s what I want to know.” Alexander asked from the open door.

  Every eye in the room went to him. Raven was the most surprised. From nowhere he appeared. He stared directly at her. Her girls stepped back. Raven approached him slowly. Without thought or another moment’s hesitation she went into his arms.

  He hugged her.


  “Here you go, Rae,” Kevin put the paper cone of water in her hand. Alexander’s eyes dropped to the way in which Kevin held and stroked his wife’s hand. His eyes cut over to the sofa where both their suit jackets lay in a crumbled heap. He shook his head and looked away from them.

  “I can’t believe that weasel would do this after everything I’ve done for him,” Raven said. She took a sip of water and then drank down the rest. She crumbled the paper cone in her hand.

  “Well the attorneys are here. Everyone is on the phones. We got it. Trust me, I’m on top of things,” Kevin assured her. He cut his gaze back over to Alexander. Raven noticed the challenging glare Kevin gave Alex.

  “Uh, Kevin? Why don’t you, Valentina, and me go and see if they need us. Especially after this Richards interview,” Zephyr smiled.

  Kevin frowned at her. He looked back to Raven. “Do you need me to stay?”

  “No, go ahead. I’m good.”

  Kevin turned his gaze to Alexander, as if he actually expected him to leave. Alexander’s left brow rose to indicate she’d share her minute with him. He hesitated a moment before he understood his place and walked out.

  “I’m just outside of the door if you need me,” he said once more.

  Valentina and Zephyr frowned. They too noticed the way the comment was aimed at Alexander. They followed Kevin out and closed the door. She heaved a heavy sigh before she stood and walked around her desk.

  “I thought you were gone?” she asked. She refused to look at him. He showed no emotion. It was a change in his demeanor when he was being careful with his words. She found herself fixing her clothes. She knew her makeup was jacked, with her lipstick smeared and kissed away. The guilt she felt was so strong she kept avoiding his penetrating stare.

  “I thought you might need me. Evidently that’s not the case,” he said.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  “What does it mean? Junior all but pissed a circle around you marking his territory.”

  “Kevin? He works for me,” she said.

  “Works for you? I’m told you gave him a pretty sizeable amount of this company. I think the word you used was partner?”

  “Alex, please…”

  “Don’t do that, Raven. You don’t owe me anything, remember? Why waste a lie?”

  Raven glared at him. “How dare you come in here and accuse me of sleeping with him!”

  “I didn’t say that.” Alexander corrected her.

  “But you’re thinking it!” she shouted. “You think I ended our marriage and then just threw myself at him, don’t you?”

  “No, I’m thinking that he’s in love with you. And I can understand why if you are sleeping with him.”

  “I’m not arguing with you. And you’re not here to help me. So get out.”

  “Tell me he isn’t in love with you!” he demanded.

  “You don’t know anything about him!”

  “But I know you. And maybe I’m asking the wrong question.” Alexander walked toward her. “I don’t give a shit about his feelings, why don’t you tell me yours. Are you in love with him?”

  Raven shook her head. “My company is falling apart and you want to make this about you and me! We had this conversation remember?”

  “You won’t lose this company. I’ll see to that,” Alexander said with a wave of his wrist.

  “That’s not your place! I’m not your wife anymore!”

  “No one knows that more than me, Raven. But I own this company too. A scandal like this can affect my business. They’ve already connected Katz to you.”

  “Aaah? So that’s why you’re here. You just want to protect your investment. You don’t give a damn about me anymore!” She drew in her bottom lip to keep it from quivering.

  “Make up your mind, woman!” Alexander snapped.


  “Make up your damn mind! Either you want my love or you don’t. But I’m not going to keep jumping through hoops to prove to you that it exists. You know it does! You know it!”

  Raven rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “You haven’t answered my question!” Alexander said. His voice was coarse and strained. “Are you in love with this man?”

  Raven glared at him. “Think what you want. You’re the last person I owe an explanation to!”


  Zephyr pressed the tab. The machine rumbled before it dropped down her Pepsi. Fishing it out of the slot, she turned to see Kevin walk into the break room. She opened the pop and watched as he slammed several cabinet doors in search of something.

  “That was pretty intense earlier,” she said.

  “What was?” he asked, finding the coffee filter and going over to the machine to make a fresh pot.

  “You and Alexander.”

  Kevin glanced back. “What are you talking about?”

  “I saw how worried you were over Rae, and so did Alexander. You care for her a lot huh?” Zephyr asked.

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “Who isn’t when it’s love?” Zephyr shrugged.

  “Well I’m an idiot. Love isn’t something I do pretty well,” he said. He sat on the break room table.

  Zephyr walked over and sat down. “Join the club. I always pick the bad boys and tell myself that a good girl is all they need.”

  Kevin chuckled. “How does that work out for you?”

  “Eh, three years later.” She waved her fingers in his face. “No ring, no boyfriend, no nothing.”

  “That won’t be for long, Zephyr.” he smiled. Th
ey settled in a comfortable silence for several minutes before he spoke again. “Raven isn’t ready for anything. Is she?”

  “She loves Alexander.”

  “I disagree. That relationship is over.” Kevin started, but paused when he looked up into Zephyr’s eyes. “Well she says it’s over.”

  “They got history, and even if it is over, do you want to be the rebound guy?” she asked.

  Kevin smiled. “I’d settle for being any guy for her.”

  “Awe. That’s sweet. If you care about her give her some space. Let her work out her things with Alexander, and get over it before starting anything new with you. If not you’re dooming yourself from the start.”

  Kevin sipped his coffee. He stared down in the mug once done. “Raven talks about you a lot.”

  “What does that heifer say about me?” Zephyr chuckled.

  “That out of the three of you, you’re the most wise, you just don’t know it.” He winked at her and stood. “Thanks for the advice. I needed it.”

  Zephyr watched him go. The man was fine. “Why don’t I get the cute sweetheart guys?” she sighed. She then thought of the one that liked her cat. Reaching in her purse she got out her phone and called Clayton.


  “Damn it, Valentina, no!” she said to herself. On her way to the break room she was nearly knocked down by Raven who pushed in behind her. Raven locked the door.

  “What the hell? Rae, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Good I got you two together.”

  “Where’s Alexander?” Zephyr asked.

  “In the meeting with Kevin and the attorneys. I can’t take those two. I swear I can’t.” She sat down. “You guys are not going to believe this one.”

  Valentina sat down ready for someone else’s crap and not her own. “Go ahead, what is it?”

  “Well don’t get all excited about it.”

  Valentina laughed. “Just spill.”

  “Kevin and I––right before you came––well we were going to do it,” Raven whispered.

  “Do what?” Zephyr frowned.

  “You know what I mean!” Raven said.

  “Here?” Valentina pointed at the floor with her nose turned up.

  “In my office silly.”

  Zephyr shook her head. “No wonder the man is walking around here like he is about to lose the world. Girl you want Kevin now?” Zephyr asked.

  “No,” Raven shook her head.

  “Huh?” They both said.

  “I was thinking about Alexander when he was on top of me. The entire time.”

  “Oh Raven,” Valentina sighed. “I’m dizzy, girl. Pick a side.”

  “Alexander all but accused me of sleeping with Kevin. It’s making me uncomfortable. And he won’t leave!” Raven sighed.

  “Well you didn’t do it, so stop fidgeting so much. No wonder your hair looks like that.” Zephyr said. She tried to hide her smile.

  Raven touched her hair and her face. She jumped up and went to the microwave and checked herself. She looked liked she’d been up to no good. “Oh great. Why didn’t yawl tell me I was looking a hot mess?”

  “It’s understandable, Rae, you’re going through a lot,” Zephyr said.

  “Besides how were we supposed to know that while your life was falling apart you’d be playing let’s do the pokey in your office?” Valentina added. Valentina got up and went to the vending machine. Raven watched her drop coins in it and select a bag of Doritos. She was confused by her silence. Other than the barb about choosing a side, she expected a lot more opinions on the subject from her. She cut her eyes over to Zephyr who shrugged that she didn’t know.


  “Yeah,” she said opening the chips.

  “Aren’t you going to tell me how Alexander doesn’t deserve me, and that cheaters never win? Or should never be allowed to win. Something?”

  “All I can say is focus on what you can focus on. The company. The other stuff—well I don’t know, it’s your heart, Rae, only you can decide.” Valentina said.

  Zephyr frowned. “What’s up with you? You and Matt fighting again?”

  “Again?” Raven asked.

  “It’s nothing, and Matt is not my man! AK is! Shit I need to go to the bathroom.” She threw her chips on the table and turned and walked out.

  “What’s going on with her?” Raven asked.

  “I think she likes Matt more than she wants to admit. It’s making her crazy.”

  “Valentina won’t get out of her own way to make something happen with Matt. She’ll just torture herself.”

  Zephyr smiled at Raven. “I spoke to Kevin, Rae. He’s really a cool guy. But I have to agree with Valentina. Focus on the company. Getting it back on track. Then take some time away from them both to decide what you want. If you want either of them.”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore,” Raven sighed.

  Zephyr laughed. “Welcome to the club.”


  “What are you doing?” Raven asked. Kevin pulled her into the copy room. He closed the door. “Open the door.”

  “You’re avoiding me and I need to talk to you,” Kevin said.

  “We don’t have time for this.” She tried to reach around him. He stopped her.

  “Make time. It’s important.”

  “I can’t do this with you now. I should have never let things get this far out of hand. I’m sorry.”

  “Raven, I’m a big boy. I know I’m the underdog here. I know I got a big battle to win your heart. But that’s not what this is about.”

  “Then what is it about?” she asked.

  “Alexander Katz.”

  “Oh brother,” Raven sighed.

  “Hear me out. Remember the leak to TMI. The one that showed Liza-Rayne snorting coke?”

  “What about it.”

  “I’ve been on the phone with them all day. The same person who contacted them about the cell phone video is the same person who tipped the rehab center off about Max Steele having sex with Liza.”

  “I don’t understand what you’re getting at.”

  “I’m saying I think your husband did this. My contacts are sure there are some deals being made. And those lawyers he brought in here. They came too prepared. Fuck. It’s like they already knew what was going down!”

  “Are you out of your mind? Alex would not do that. Why would he do that?”

  “Why? Sweetheart, the man wants you back. He’s trying to control you. He brought this chaos into our business to be your hero.”

  “I’m done. This is stupid!” She started for the door.

  “Is it, Raven? Look at the timing. Think about it. A day after he returns and everything falls apart. Nothing I do can compete with what he’s already done. Go in there. Listen to the lawyers. Look him in the eye. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  She left the copy room and when she turned down the hall she was face to face with Alexander and the attorneys as they walked out of the conference room. The men laughed. Her husband’s gaze switched to her and he smirked. She knew all sides to her man. There was one side of him she saw only once in their marriage, a ruthless, calculating side to his personality that turned his opponent to dust. Alex didn’t appear worried. In fact the only focus he had since he arrived was her.

  “Rae, we’re leaving.” Valentina said. She approached her with Zephyr. She went to them both and hugged them. It was close to two in the morning. “Thanks, guys. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  “You will be okay. Looks like you got more than enough help,” Zephyr smiled. She glanced between Raven and Alexander. She then cast her gaze over to Kevin.

  Raven pinched her and she squealed. She laughed and caught up with Valentina. The staff and attorneys said their goodbyes and left. Kevin looked at her once more. He then got his suit jacket and left. Soon it was just her and Alexander.

  He turned and went back inside her office. She followed. “Looks like we have a huge fight to keep this from taking us down.”

sp; Alexander dropped on the sofa. The Miami night sky sparkled with stars beyond her office windows. “Scandals are good for business. Paper Dolls will come out of this trust me. Tomorrow morning the attorneys are filing injunctions to stop the smear campaign and then we squash that bug Max Steele. I’ll have it cleared up for you before the end of the week.”

  She stared at him. He stared at her. “My hero. You just came in to my rescue.”

  “I’ll never let anyone hurt you, love. Never. Whether you’re mine or not,” he said.

  She walked over to the door and made sure it was locked. She dimmed the lights in her office a bit. Alex watched her with a curious frown. She turned her attention back to him. Raven took off one shoe, then the other. “And that’s the point. Right. No matter how much we try to separate our lives. I belong to you. Don’t I?” she asked.

  She ran the zipper down on her skirt and then pushed it off her hips. Alexander sat forward. His elbows rested on his knees. “What are you doing, Raven?”

  “Paying you back, baby. The only way I know how.” She started to unbutton her silk blouse slowly. He dropped his head and shook it.

  “I didn’t come to help you for sex.”

  “Of course you did, Alex. You own my company, no matter how much you tell me it’s mine. You own my friends. They both say I should give in to you. And you own me. Nothing I can do or say to change that.”

  “Stop it, Rae.”

  Her eyes began to tear. She shed her blouse, and undid her bra. She removed her panties. She stood before him naked. “Tell me right now you had nothing to do with this. Look at me and tell me that you didn’t leak Liza-Rayne’s issues to the press, to the rehab facility. I want to trust you again, Alex. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe it.”

  He put his face in his hands. Raven crossed her arms over her breasts. She dropped her head and cried. “Answer me.”

  “I can explain. I was desperate. I was losing you and I couldn’t deal with it, Rae. By the time we talked I’d already set it into motion. I’m sorry, love. I can’t lie to you.”


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