Paper Dolls

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Paper Dolls Page 18

by Sienna Mynx

  Raven watched him open his wallet. He removed a faded picture and put it on the coffee table. It was her kindergarten picture. She grinned toothless for the photographer. Raven looked at the photo through a sheen of tears. “How could you treat the people you love so horribly?” she asked.

  “Your mama told me about your divorce. She told me that you think your husband and I are the same. I don’t know the man, but from what I hear from Margene he’s a good person. I can’t say that I ever was, Raven. You’re right about that. I grew up on my own since I was thirteen. I never had a mother or father to care for me. I just did things my way. Now I know how badly that hurt my children and I see my sons following in my steps. I just thought that you were untouched from it. I see now that’s not true. I’m sorry.”

  Walter stood. “Can I have a second chance to know you? To make up for it?”

  “No.” Raven answered.

  Walter let go a soft gust of laughter. “I am so proud of you. You’re so beautiful and talented. I want you to be happy. No matter what you do, don’t think about me, think about your happiness.”

  Raven watched him go. She sat on the sofa, reduced to tears. When her mother returned she joined her. “Sweetheart, you have to learn to forgive, it’s the only way you’re going to be happy.”


  “Kevin, hey,” she said as she sped along the interstate.

  “Hi, Rae, I was just about to call you.” Kevin said. His voice filled the car.


  “Are you on your way to the office?” he asked.

  “No, on my way to Miami,” she said.

  “From?” he asked.

  “I was in Jacksonville, went to see my mom,” she told him.

  “How’s your mother?” Kevin asked.

  “She’s good.” Raven said with a small smile. Margene held her and babied her through her pain. Then made her get up and return to her life. But not before making a final pitch for Alexander. She was going to force her mother to come to Miami more. She missed her.

  “I wanted to tell you, that you were right. Alex did leak Liza-Rayne’s addiction to the press,” she said.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know you must be devastated.”

  Raven shrugged. “I’ll handle Alex. I’m fine.”

  “How far are you?” Kevin asked.

  “Two hours, why?”

  “Melissa Rayne is willing to have dinner with us tonight,” Kevin told her.

  “With us or with you?” Raven smiled.

  “Doesn’t matter. Oh and she regrets using the N-word. Wants to apologize to you in person.”

  “How gracious of her,” Raven said.

  “I think it would be good to rein her in. Especially since we have to answer to Max’s charges against us in court next week. Besides, your ex-husband has called in an army of lawyers. They’ve taken over the office. He’s pretty much running things like it’s a military operation.”

  “Not for long,” Raven assured him. “Thank you for being a good friend. For always having my back.”

  “Rae? You okay?” Kevin asked. “You sound a little… uh, too calm. Not like you when we are in a crisis.”

  “I’m fine, and we both know it’s not a real crisis if my husband instigated it. Let him fix the mess he started. Focus on Melissa Rayne.”

  “You called him your husband?” Kevin asked in a curious tone.

  “I’ll see you tonight, Kevin.”

  “Bye,” he said.

  Raven dialed Alexander next without hesitation. The phone went to voicemail. She sighed, but didn’t give up. She dialed again, and again.

  “Hello.” Alexander answered. Immediately her heart relaxed.

  “Are you busy?” She frowned when she heard bickering in the background.

  “Hold on,” he said.

  She waited. As she did, she couldn’t help but hear her father’s words in the back of her mind.

  “Raven?” he asked.

  “Are you busy?”

  “No. I just had to get through some meetings about the Australia deal. You still pissed with me?”

  “A little. I’m moving up your clock. I want this mess cleared up in forty-eight hours. Okay?”

  “I’ll see to it.”

  “Also I want your team to respect Kevin—”

  “Kevin isn’t potty trained on the ways of business. I know what I’m doing,” Alex told her.

  “Alexander, it’s not up for debate.”

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “Heading back from Jacksonville.”

  “You went home?” he asked.

  “To see Margene, ended up seeing Walter instead.”


  “Margene called him, she thinks I have daddy issues.” Raven joked but Alexander didn’t laugh. “She said the therapy idea was a bad one. Said the therapist always blamed the mother and she wasn’t having that. Nobody is coming between her and her baby,” Raven chuckled.

  “How was it? Seeing him again?” Alexander asked.

  “He came over with some sob story about wanting to start again. Who knows if it was genuine? But it got me to thinking. If I put as much energy into fixing my issues as I have in focusing on the past, I might be able to get past all of this. So I’m going to therapy. For me.”

  “You sound different, Raven. I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me after… after the last time we spoke.”

  “You were right. I got problems that I need to focus on. I’m trying really hard, Alex.”

  “I know you are, sweetheart. I’m proud of you, love. I like your fire, in fact I want some more of it. Why don’t you let me take you to dinner or have a nightcap with me? Since you’re in such a forgiving mood,” he said.

  Raven laughed. “Nice try.”

  “I had to ask,” he said.

  “I kind of want to fight again. In person.”

  “Okay, then come to my suite and I’ll fight with you all night.”

  “You would wouldn’t you?” Raven asked.

  “What do you think?” he answered.

  “I think you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. And even if we aren’t together, I am so glad for what we had, Alexander. After talking to Margene and Walter I know that our marriage was nothing like theirs.”

  “Maybe I should go to therapy with you. I want to be part of your healing.”

  “You can’t, I have to do it alone. I can’t promise you that after it’s all said and done that I’ll want to start over,” Raven said.

  “That’s fair. I understand,” he replied.

  “Do you? I’m just trying to work on me.”

  “That’s all I ever wanted, Raven. I love you, sweetheart.”

  “Bye, Alexander, I’ll see you tomorrow.”



  Raven stirred the martini. She looked up as Melissa Rayne received her fifth, and then leaned in to give Kevin a full view of her fake breasts.

  “I just don’t understand why you weren’t handling Liza-Rayne, why you would even allow that man near her.”

  Kevin smiled. “I was handling her career. But Melissa you know the rehab stint was hurting her endorsements, and Raven and I were buried in meetings with Disney, trying to keep her on the show.”

  Melissa’s eyes cut over to Raven. “You’re the real talent at Paper Dolls, Ace. No offense, Raven.”

  Raven smiled. “Oh none taken. I’m still stuck on you calling me a nigger.”

  Kevin choked. Raven smiled. Melissa looked uncomfortable for a moment and then smiled. “About that. I was wrong. It was crass. A nasty thing to say. I apologize.”

  “Thank you, Melissa,” Raven said.

  “Kevin, you could manage Liza-Rayne exclusively.” Melissa said. “Disney has dropped her. We need to restart her career. Very focused management is what I need. Her career alone could make you a very wealthy man. I’d even give you a generous percentage.”

  “Melissa, are you suggesting that
Kevin leave my agency?” Raven asked.

  Melissa sighed. “I’m just trying to suggest that he has options.”

  Kevin cleared his throat. “The only option I want is for us three to work toward helping your daughter.”

  Raven tuned the rest of the conversation out. Her eyes began to wander across the tables of the other diners. Stopping at the entrance. She sat up straight to see Asia escorted in. There was an older gentleman at her side. He looked wealthy. Raven’s heart dropped as she watched the woman smile and toss her black hair around her shoulders. She was seated as if she were royalty. She sparkled from her neck, ears, and wrists. A woman like her shouldn’t be allowed to prosper.

  “Rae, you okay? You look pale,” Kevin put his hand on her knee under the table.

  “Excuse me,” Raven said. She pushed up from the table. She needed air desperately. Once in the bathroom she barely made it to the stall before heaving her dinner up. She sweated. She felt weak. She flushed the toilet and exited the stall happy to find that she was alone. Raven went to the sink. She wet a napkin and placed it to her neck to cool herself. She rinsed and washed her hands. When the door opened behind her she barely looked up. That was until she heard her name.

  “Raven? Is that you?” A woman asked.

  Raven turned off the tap and her eyes lifted to the reflection in the mirror. Asia smiled at her. “It is you, I thought that was you running to the bathroom.”

  “I wasn’t running,” Raven replied.

  “How are you?”

  Raven dried her hands and ignored her.

  “Ah, still the mean bitch you always were,” she said.

  Raven turned. “What did you call me?”

  “Huh? Oh, a mean bitch? Surely it’s not the first time you’ve heard someone call you that?”

  “I saw you come in. Whose grandpa are you with? Your next mark? Still the same gold digging whore masquerading as an assistant,” Raven said. She tossed the napkin in the trash.

  Asia waved her hand in Raven’s face to show the large diamond on her finger. “Not quite, sweetie. He’s my husband. We’re married.”

  Raven gave her a slow clap. “Married? Since when did being married mean anything to you?”

  “It wasn’t me that it meant nothing to. It was you. You were the one that tossed Alexander aside when he needed you. You never deserved him, he was just someone to take your crap and dump all over.”

  “How the hell do you know what Alexander deserved, you were too busy digging for his wallet to notice the wedding ring on his hand.”

  “I saw his ring, but I saw something else. He was handsome, kind, a good listener, and completely bored with an uptight witch like you!”

  Raven took a step toward Asia just as another woman entered the bathroom. Asia smirked at Raven and walked around her, going to a stall. Raven’s rage had her seeing red, Asia’s blood. She turned on her heel to leave but stopped. Instead she waited. When the first lady came out and washed her hands she noticed the way Raven paced. She quickly left the bathroom. Raven locked the bathroom door and returned to find Asia at the sink.

  “You know, women like you think that pussy is the only reward a man needs. My husband didn’t want you then, and apparently didn’t want you after. So whatever was wrong in my marriage you were just a speed bump along the way. But make no mistake, I am a bitch, and if I ever see you even breathe near him again I’ll finish what we started in that suite a year ago.”

  Asia rolled her eyes. She shook her head. “I’m sick of your sanctimonious crap. Blah, blah, blah. It’s time you know what being so fucking superior cost you!”

  Raven smiled. “Really? This ought to be good.”

  “That night all Alexander wanted was to talk about his dead baby.”

  “Try again, Asia, I’ve heard his version, and I have no desire to hear your spin.” Raven turned to leave.

  “WE DIDN’T SLEEP TOGETHER!” Asia shouted at her.

  Raven paused. She looked back at Asia and narrowed her eyes. It was as if she was struck when her nemesis delivered the truth.

  “Like I said, the man just wanted someone to talk to. Hell he cried in so much booze I could barely get him to lift to go to the bed, let alone get his dick hard for me. Would I have fucked him? Yes, as many times as I could. But that’s not who Alexander is. If you weren’t so busy judging him you would have seen through it. You never once appreciated his devotion to you, hell you should have seen your face when I managed to get into his shirt and meet you at the door. You weren’t destroyed, you were happy.”

  Raven shook her head in shock. “No I wasn’t,” her voice trembled.

  “Yes you were. I saw relief in your eyes. The ole great I KNEW IT was all over your face. You just loved crushing him, torturing him. That’s how you get off, that’s what makes a mean bitch like you tick! Hell all the women in the office saw how he worshiped you, and how you thought you were better than us. You tossed him to the side without a second thought just as we predicted you would. I won the office bet,” Asia smiled.

  “What—” Raven’s voice cracked, then she recovered, “Whatever I was or wasn’t you’re still a nasty whore. Only a skank like you would use a man’s dead baby to get him to screw her!”

  “Are you deaf? I said we didn’t sleep together. But yes I played the whore and did him a favor by finally getting rid of you!”

  Raven struck her. And Asia retreated in shock. She as all mouth but no fight. “You cunt!” Raven advanced on her through her tears. “You ruined my marriage for what? For fun? Who the fuck are you to judge me?”

  Asia held her face. When Raven put her hand to her eyes, the woman bolted for the door. She ran out of the bathroom fast. Raven stumbled to the sink and grabbed ahold of the basin to keep from falling to the floor. She held on and her world imploded. How many times did Alexander swear to her he couldn’t remember a thing? Plead with her to understand him. How cruel and unforgiving was she then? Did she really enjoy breaking down her husband? Was she really that kind of person?


  Raven walked straight through the restaurant. Kevin looked up, confused. Raven was headed for the door. “Melissa, excuse me.” He was to his feet and hurrying after her.

  “Kevin?” Melissa said. “Wait we aren’t done!” she shouted after him.

  He rushed through the restaurant and brushed past a server in his haste. He nearly knocked the man over.

  “Sorry!” he shouted back to the stunned man. He went out the door. He found her giving the valet her ticket.

  “Rae, what are you doing? You’re leaving?” Kevin asked. She looked back and he could see her eyes were teary.

  “Raven, what is it?” Kevin asked.

  “I have to see my husband,” she said in a weak voice.

  “Husband? You’re divorced. What’s going on?”

  Raven shook her head no. “Not anymore, I have to see Alexander. I messed up, Kevin. I’m sorry. I messed up.”

  Her Maserati drove up with the top down. Raven didn’t hesitate. She went to the driver’s side with Kevin on her heels. “You said it was over, Raven.”

  “I want my husband back, Kevin. That’s the truth. I know you thought we could be something, but we can’t. I’m sorry.” The car sped off and he stepped back to keep from being run over.

  She was gone


  Thankfully the drive was a short one. She was out of the car before the valet reached the door. She barely waited for the valet ticket as she rushed through the lobby to the elevators. Raven stared at her reflection in the mirrored glass. She couldn’t swallow her smile. She was going to tell Alexander it was all a big mistake and she loved him. Then she was going to fuck his brains out of his ears. They would be together. Finally! No therapy needed. Her life was going to be perfect. And she would never take him for granted again.

  And then she remembered. She needed the key to his penthouse. She hurried over to the receptionist desk, but was forced to wait in line. She checked her watch. She
thought to call him, but then smiled at the prospect of surprising him. He won’t believe it when she told him the truth.

  Raven tapped her foot impatiently. She tried to come up with a plausible excuse to get his key. She thought of something. But the wait was excruciating. Her gaze swept the lobby of people strolling through.

  “Alexander, you are so funny!” A woman giggled.

  Raven’s head turned. Alexander walked through the lobby. There was a blond woman in a black cocktail dress at his side. She had her arm hooked around his as she sashayed at his side toward the restaurant. If Alexander looked up he would’ve seen Raven watching them. To Raven’s dismay he smiled and talked to the woman with warmth. Raven noticed everything. Including the way his hand traveled to the small of the woman’s back as he escorted her into the restaurant. Jealousy, and hurt ruled over all of her emotions, and she charged over. She stopped at the entrance of the restaurant. She could see them both select a table.

  “Good evening, ma’am, do you have a reservation?”

  Raven snapped out of her fugue state. “No!” She turned and left.


  “Oh good grief who is it?” Zephyr said. She opened the door barely awake. Raven rushed inside. She threw her arms around her neck. It scared Zephyr to the point of her stumbling back inside. Zephyr nearly stepped on Mr. Stripes, who hissed and ran off.

  “Rae? What is it? Calm down.”

  Zephyr could barely get the door closed. She walked Raven into the living room. Zephyr made sure she was clam and seated before she left her side. She raced into her kitchen to get a lukewarm bottle of water. Just the way Raven preferred it. She returned to a friend who was shivering and crying. Her makeup was streaked all over her cheeks. “Here drink this.”

  Raven accepted the drink with her hands trembling.

  “Okay, now talk to me. What is it?” Zephyr asked.



  “I saw her. And get this, she didn’t sleep with Alexander. She didn’t do it, Zephyr. I threw away my marriage for nothing. He’s gone. And it’s all my fault,” Raven confessed.


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