Paper Dolls

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Paper Dolls Page 42

by Sienna Mynx

  “See, babe. I know how to take care of you, girl,” he smiled. She dropped her head back and let the rinse comb through her hair until it was slick with waves. Then he started with the conditioner.

  “Maybe you need to come work for me,” she teased.

  “Turn around, babe,” he instructed.

  She did as he asked. He massaged in the conditioner. “The girls would love to have José Batista give them a wash and shampoo,” she said.

  He worked the conditioner to the root as she tilted it back with her eyes closed. He kissed her upturned chin. “Not a chance, babe. This is only for my special lady.”

  Zephyr tried to stop smiling. She couldn’t stop. Once he was done, he washed her body, and ate her cho-cha while she sat spread legged on the sink. It was the best way to start a new day.

  Zephyr’s head shot up under the water. The phantom image of José and his sweet promises faded. She stepped back from the spray covering herself. She looked around.

  She covered her eyes and willed herself to be stronger. She rushed through the shower, desperate to escape her memories. She told herself she would survive this. And each time she said it, she felt weak for not believing. Zephyr wrapped herself in a towel. She walked over to the mirror covered in condensation, and wiped a streak across with her hand. She faced herself. José reappeared behind her. His smile then faded and it didn’t hurt as much to see him go. At this pace, she would be a hundred before he was completely gone. Then she remembered the very first time, she caught him cheating. The first time she refused to believe him.

  Zephyr hurried into her room in search of her purse. Raven and Valentina were already waiting on her. She would be late. With her hands to her hips she tried to recall where she last put it. It was then José’s partially unzipped bag caught her eye. He’d just returned from an away game and she needed to unpack his things. A bright red garment drew her attention. It looked larger than life. Instinctively she knew. A woman always knows. Unzipping his bag she threw his clothes aside and pulled out the tacky little bra.

  “Babe, where’s my aftershave?”

  José froze at the sight of the bra in Zephyr’s hands. The look of horror and pain on Zephyr’s face must have clued him in to the fact that it wasn’t hers.

  “You’re cheating on me?” she asked.

  “I can explain, Zee.”

  “EXPLAIN? You’re cheating on me?” she said as if it weren’t possible. For her it wasn’t. She really believed that this time, this guy, this time with this guy, it was for real. “You dirty bastard!” She threw the bra at him. She turned to leave but he stopped her. He grabbed her arm.

  “It’s not what you think. It’s a prank,” he said.

  “You liar!” She walked out of the bedroom and he followed.

  “Babe! Shit! Wait a sec. Babe.” He caught up with her. “We were partying. Fans and everyone were in the suite after we won the game. They had strippers and one of the boys stuck the bra in my bag. I’m sure of it. We’re constantly pranking each other. C’mon, Zee, I spoke to you that night. I wasn’t with anyone else.”

  “That’s a lie!”

  “It’s the truth! Do you think I would come home with another woman’s underwear in my bag? I bet it was Jake. Hold on.”

  Zephyr watched him go to his phone. He called his friend and put him on speakerphone. “Jake, what the fuck man? Did you put that bra in my bag?”

  “Huh?” Jake answered.

  “The red bra, did you put it in my bag? Zephyr is here and she’s pissed.”

  “Oh, yeah, the red bra. It was a joke, Zee, sorry,” Jake said.

  “Man, quit with the games. Damn.” José hung up. “See? I told you!”

  Zephyr shook her head. “You’re pathetic. That was pathetic.” She began the search for her purse and keys again. She needed to get the hell away from him and fast, before she went back in the bedroom and located his .38 and killed him.

  “Zee, baby c’mon. I’m not cheating. I swear it. I swear on my life!” He took her hand and pulled her to him. “Please, Zee, I swear it. You know me. I wouldn’t fuck around on you.”

  “I was so stupid,” Zephyr said to her reflection now clear in the mirror. “So very stupid.” She heard a thud followed by loud banging on the bathroom door. Zephyr nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Girl, come out here! Now! You got to see this!” Manuel hollered.

  Zephyr dried her hair and then put on her bathrobe before leaving the bathroom. When she walked out she stopped. Manuel had managed to pack several bags of José’s shirts and pants. He worked fast. There was also a neat stack of clothes in the middle of the floor. Manuel stood over them with a large pair of sheers.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  Manny pointed to the bags. “That’s the loser’s stuff.”

  “And that?” Zephyr pointed to the pile of clothes.

  “Girl, I checked the labels. That’s the best of the crop. His designer gear, his let me pick up a skank and cheat on Zephyr gear. You want to do the honors or should I?” Manuel picked up a shirt and prepared to cut it.

  “No, don’t be silly, of course not. I don’t want to cut up his clothes, Manny! This is not funny!” She walked over and took the sheers from his hand and went to her knees. “Just leave it I’ll do it myself.”

  “Zee, I’m sorry. I’m just. I’m trying to cheer you up.” Manuel smiled.

  Zephyr grabbed José’s clothes and shoved them into the bags. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t cover how her hands shook. He dropped down to his knees feeling like an ass. “Come here, sweetie,” he said. He took her hands in his. “Like I said, I can be such a fag at times. I know it. I’m proud of you. I’ve been dying to get you back on the dating scene. Do you know how many men ask about you?”

  “They’re gay, Manny.”

  “Gay men know a good thing when they see it just like the straight ones do,” Manuel laughed.

  Zephyr laughed. She reached over and hugged his neck. He kissed her face. “Tell you what. You get dressed and I’ll make us something to eat. Then we can wait on my cousin Dolomite together.”


  Manuel stood. “Remind me to get you hipped to some of your culture. I’m Dominican and I know who Dolomite is.” He turned and walked out. Zephyr picked up the last of José’s things. She held a black silk shirt, which she folded neatly. It reeked of his cologne. After a deep sigh she put it in the bag. She then drew the zipper shut on José for good.

  Afterwards she went to her closet and chose a pale green sundress to slip on. She worked on her hair. She blow dried her hair and straightened it to a shiny sheen, before she added clear lip-gloss and mascara on her lashes. She had no intention of José seeing the havoc he wrecked on her heart. She still had some pride left. When the phone rang her heart sank. Mr. Stripes looked up at her as if he feared the same. But she wasn’t going to run from pain anymore. She picked up the phone and answered it.


  “Hey girl, how you feeling?” Raven asked.

  “I’m exhausted,” Zephyr said. “Where are you?”

  “On the palmetto.”

  “Huh? Why?” Zephyr sat on the bed and her cat immediately went to her lap.

  “I’m heading to the Ritz Carlton. I’m meeting Alexander.”

  “Oh, Valentina was here earlier today and said you two were finally meeting.”

  “I know, but after the day I had with those Disney folks, I don’t know if I have the energy to deal with my husband.”

  Zephyr heard Raven refer to Alexander as her husband once again, but didn’t respond. She noticed Raven did it more frequently than not since Alexander returned. It was funny how Raven never acknowledged it.

  “So you’re feeling okay? Valentina called me earlier and said you were depressed,” Raven said.

  “I’m okay. I had to get up and get over it. You know?” Zephyr said.

  “Been there done that. It hurts less and less every day,” Raven

  “Says the woman on her way to meet her ex-husband a year later.”

  Raven laughed. “True, you got a point.”

  “Are you nervous? Alexander has that hold over you. I know how powerful that can be.”

  “Yes, I am. If I was really honest I’d admit that the man is in my heart again. I keep dreaming about what could’ve been. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes it does.” Zephyr sighed. “Rae, I finally understand why you won’t take him back. I keep thinking about the first time José cheated, and I forgave him. How he felt he could do it whenever he wanted after that. Loving them isn’t enough huh? Especially when the man you love abuses your trust.”

  Raven was quiet. She sighed in the phone. “Yeah, loving them isn’t enough.”

  “Are we meeting tomorrow for lunch? It’s that time again.”

  “Yep, I got it on my calendar. I’m sure we’ll have plenty to talk about.”

  Zephyr smiled. “True, love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetie. Bye.”


  “Well it’s about time. Hold it right there, playboy I’ll get your bags,” Manuel said. He prevented José from coming in. He even tried to close the door on him, but José knocked it back open. Zephyr stepped out of her room. She saw José. He didn’t look good. His skin was pale and the sunglasses he wore surely covered red-rimmed eyes. The white shirt he wore was out of his pants, wrinkled. José never wore wrinkled clothes in public.

  He saw her and stepped inside.

  “Excuse me where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Manuel said. He stepped in his way. They argued in Spanish. Whatever José said enraged Manuel.

  “Stop it! The both of you!” she shouted.

  “Zee?” José said to Zephyr.

  She stared at him.

  “The exit is behind you. Why don’t you use it?” Manuel snapped.

  “Zee, sweetheart, can we talk?”

  “That would be a no!” Manuel answered.

  “Manny, it’s okay. I can handle this,” she said.

  Manuel’s gaze volleyed between her and José. “Fine, come here, Mr. Stripes. We don’t want Mr. Tough Guy to step on you next.” He picked up the cat and went inside her room. “I’ll be right in here if you need me,” he called out.

  José closed the door. “So you keep reinforcements around now, huh? My cousin hates me because I don’t agree with his lifestyle. Don’t listen to him. It’s personal, Zee.”

  “I need reinforcements. Can you blame me? I don’t know what you’re capable of. You scared me the other night.” She went to her sofa and sat.

  José removed his sunglasses. She was right. His eyes were red and puffy. “I know. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”

  “Fine. It’s done. It’s over,” Zephyr said.

  When he sat in front of her on the coffee table she cut her gaze away. She could hear the excuses before he opened his mouth.

  “Look at me, babe,” he pleaded.

  She did. She could smell the liquor escaping his pores through his sweat. “I’ve been miserable without you. I have to admit that when I left I thought I’d get over it. That I’d be able to cause I got so much shit I’m dealing with. But I can’t, Zee. I can’t eat or sleep. I can’t even sit through these meetings with the league. I’m sick, and it’s all because I need you. I want to come home, babe.”

  “It’s over, José,” she said.

  “Zee, I’m sick. I mean physically, I—”

  “Welcome to the club. I’m sick to death of your lies. I’m sick to death of thinking something is wrong with me. I’m sick to death of hating myself for letting you use me.”

  “It wasn’t like that. I swear it. When I was with you I was with you,” he said.

  “What does that mean? I don’t understand that logic. Do you have amnesia when you walk out the door? Is that it? Never mind. I can’t have this conversation over and over. I want you to go.”

  “Zee, please. Tell me what it would take. Tell me.”

  She didn’t hide her disgust when she looked at him. “It would take an act of God to get me to believe in you again. I never want to be the woman that loved you again. I won’t be her anymore.”

  “I’d like to get to know the new Zephyr.” He sat forward. “The one that’s not going to put up with my crap. Is it possible I can meet her instead?”

  “That Zephyr wouldn’t want to get to know you. I’m sorry, José, I really don’t want anything to do with you. It’s too late,” she said.

  “Can I ask that you not close the door on us completely? I know I have no right, but I have to ask. Just keep a small part of you open to my changing. Something that will give me an opportunity to prove I can be different. Be the man you need.”

  “I could never agree to that. You don’t deserve that.” She looked him in the eyes.

  He picked up her hand and held it in his. She allowed it. “I’m sorry, Zephyr. I’ve been cheating on you from the beginning. You were right to kick me out of your life. I don’t know how you put up with me. You deserve someone better. I want you to know I always used protection with those women.”

  She pulled her hand away.

  “I did, and I never brought them to our bed.”

  Zephyr felt as if he was twisting the knife in her heart. “Stop it.”

  “I miss my girl. I can’t give up on you, not after all the years we had. You’re supposed to be the mother of my kids. I should have married you years ago. I just can’t let go of us. Not without a fight.”

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” She stood. “Can you please get out?”

  Mr. Stripes walked out of the room. He stopped and stared at him. She looked at her cat and smiled. José followed Zephyr’s stare. He paused and smiled at Mr. Stripes. “I owe you an apology too, Stripes,” he said. The cat turned and went back inside the room.

  He stood and she made sure to step around him as she walked over to the door. Manuel pulled his bags out and for at least ten minutes she watched as José packed his car with his things. When he came back for the final haul he paused.

  “You look beautiful today,” he said. “You know I love it when you don’t wear much make-up. It’s how I see you.” He leaned forward to kiss her cheek but she stepped back. “You don’t have to believe in us anymore, Zee. I still do. Enough to prove it to you.”

  She closed the door on him. Manuel stared at her with Mr. Stripes. Both braced for what they thought would be her ultimate meltdown.

  Zephyr smiled. “Who’s hungry? How about I cook us something to eat?”

  “Hmm, I’d love to, honey, but I really do need to get back to the salon and close it up. You know them heifers won’t.”

  She was disappointed, but she smiled. “I understand. Call me later.”

  “Will do.” Manuel gave her two air cheek kisses and then picked up his purse and left.

  “Well looks like we have our new beginning. What should we do with it first, Mr. Stripes?”

  The cat licked his paw. Zephyr smiled. “Forget cooking. I think I want some ice cream.” Before she entered the kitchen she noticed that Manuel had left her patio door open. The last thing she needed was for Stripes to get out. Zephyr walked over and pulled it shut, but when she did she heard the soft strumming of a guitar. Curious she pulled it open.

  Clayton sat on his deck and played his guitar with Milo resting at his feet. He didn’t see her at first. Surprised at the talent she witnessed she couldn’t help but step outside.

  “Everyone in this town is a musician,” she said.

  He glanced up. He removed the guitar pick from his mouth. “Miami is a city not a town,” he winked.

  She laughed.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi, yourself. So you play?” she asked.

  “I dabble.”

  She went over to the edge of her balcony. Leaning over she rested her chin on her hand, propped up by her elbow. “Play me a song.”

  “Not that good,” he said.r />
  “Sounds good to me,” she teased.

  He put down the guitar. “Haven’t seen you around.”

  Zephyr stood upright and looked out toward the lake. A man with his little girl was out near the bank. They tossed chunks of bread to the ducks. “Yes, well I wasn’t feeling well.”

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “Why thank you. Something smells good.” Zephyr sniffed the air. “You cooking?”

  “Have to eat.” Clayton smiled. “In fact Milo and I were about to. Care to join us?”

  “If we keep this up I’ll have to buy you groceries,” she joked.

  Clayton again relished her smile. It was the sweetest part of her personality. She was one of those people that you constantly wanted to see smile. He tilted his head and studied her. “Come over. We’d love to have you.”

  “Sure, me and Mr. Stripes will be right over.”


  Zephyr knocked with a bottle of wine behind her back. Lucky for her the one thing José left behind was his vintage stock. The door opened and Clayton dashed back to the kitchen calling for her to come in. Milo barked a greeting. She put Mr. Stripes down and let him greet his friend. The two walked off. They headed to the back room.

  “You know I will never get used to those two. We should video it and send it to Animal Planet.” She closed the door.

  Clayton walked back out and frowned at the wine. “I thought you didn’t drink.”

  “It’s not for me. It’s for you. My mom taught me to never arrive at someone’s home empty handed. Besides the dinners are becoming a habit so I should contribute.” She passed it to him.

  He accepted the bottle and smiled. “Your mom sounds like good peeps.”

  “Oh she’s the best. No other like her.”

  The table was set. It was complete with candles. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She liked the freedom and distraction Clayton brought, but romance? She felt like grabbing a fire extinguisher and blowing out any traces of it. She didn’t know when she’d want another romance again.


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