The Escape

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The Escape Page 51

by Alice Ward

  When he slipped the ring on her finger, I thought my heart would explode from my body. Jasmine opened her arms and they hugged. “It’s pink. My favorite color.”

  “I knew that.”

  Nash pushed away from the wall. “What about me?” He waggled his hand. “Aren’t you going to put a ring on this too?”

  Leave it to Nash.

  Grant grinned. “You’re the best friend, past, present, future. That’s all you get.”

  They shook, chest bumped, hugged.

  Scarlett emerged from the corner, wiping at the tears in her eyes. “Well, I’m going to ugly cry later.” She held up the tests. “Ready everyone?”

  Jasmine pick the baby up from the little crib and passed him to Nash, who passed him to Grant, who passed him to me. I kissed his little forehead, breathing him in.

  My son.

  The child I would protect and love with every cell in my body.

  Then it was done. Three cheeks swabbed. We’d know the results tomorrow.

  But as Wayne came into the room with enough food for us all, I already knew the results.

  We were family.

  These people were my choice.

  That was enough.

  And that was everything.



  I was about to break down like a bawling baby right here in front of all of these people. It was going to happen, and I wasn’t going to be able to stop it.

  The moment Journey appeared in that doorway, looking like the most exquisite angel Earth could ever know, I hadn’t been able to contain the emotion trying to swallow me whole.

  And with Kayden beside her, walking his mommy down the aisle, nothing had ever been so perfect. So right.

  He waved when he saw me, grinning so big that his entire little face squished up.

  He’d grown so fast, and I couldn’t believe we’d celebrated his first birthday already. Hell, we were close to celebrating his birthday and a half.

  It took me that long to convince Journey to finally marry me. I thought she just enjoyed making me beg.

  And beg I did.

  I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

  Because when you found someone who looked at you the way she was looking at me right now, you begged. Pleaded. Rearranged the planets and the moon.

  As she grew closer to me, that familiar music playing in the background, the emotions began to settle. This was right. Nothing had been more right.

  When Kayden broke away and came toddler-running to me, crying, “Dad-dy. Dad-dy,” I scooped him up, planting a big kiss on his chubby cheek, holding him close.

  The woman I loved completed the rest of the journey alone. But she would never be alone again.

  Kayden swung around in my arms and pointed at her. “Mom-my!”

  “Yes, that’s Mommy.”

  He swung around to look on my right. “Jaz-zy!”

  Jasmine, looking so pretty in her maid of honor dress, waved back at my son.

  As full of energy as ever, he swung to my left. “Nash!”

  Nash held out a fist, and Kayden bumped it. Best damn godfather in the world.

  When we got those DNA tests back, we opened them, read the results. And that was pretty much it. The only thing it really did was make his birth certificate official. Kayden Walker Sommerfield. I would have loved that baby no matter what the last name was.

  Kayden twisted again and pointed. “Lu-na!”

  The country music legend beamed, stood up, and held out her arms. Kayden squirmed to be put down, then ran into his surrogate grandmother’s arms. I wasn’t sure who was more delighted. Him or her.

  I blew out a breath and turned all of my attention to Journey, the beautiful woman with the light blue eyes in front of me.


  Tears filled her eyes. “Hey.”

  And with our fingers linked together, the pastor made us man and wife.

  When I kissed my bride, the last little crack in my heart finally healed.


  I stared at the pregnancy test in my hand.

  What the hell?

  I was on the pill! And I hadn’t missed a single one!


  Either I shot out eggs like a hen, or Grant had swimmers the size of a shark.

  But here it was. Positive.

  We’d only been married two months, and we were going to have a baby… again.

  I looked in the mirror and smiled.

  A baby.

  And this time, I’d get to watch him look at the pregnancy test too. I’d get to see him feel my belly when the baby kicked. He’d rub my swollen feet. Buy me pickles in the middle of the night.

  I hugged the test to my chest. Not very sanitary, but who cared.

  Leaving the bathroom with my prize, I went in search of a box. I’d wrap it up, put a bow on it, and surprise Grant tonight.

  I stopped in my tracks the second I entered the living room and found Jasmine kissing her new boyfriend on the sofa. And he had his hand on her breasts! I clapped my hand over my eyes and whirled around.


  If she hadn’t singsonged the words, I might have actually believed her.

  But I was grinning when I turned back around.

  Jaz and Alex had been dating for several months now, and she thought that he might be the one. He made her laugh, which was wonderful to see. They also had long talks that lasted late into the night. I didn’t want to know what happened after those talks. I didn’t ask, and I’d decided to trust her with the condoms.

  After all, I wasn’t exactly the responsible sister who could criticize anything. I gripped the pregnancy test tighter in my fist.

  “I’ll leave you alone.”

  “It’s okay, Alex was just leaving. He’s got to get back to the gallery.”

  Grant had been so impressed with Jasmine’s art, that he opened a gallery for those with disabilities to show their art. Called Jazzy’s Place, it had already launched the careers of several talented artists. Alex was the manager and Jaz called herself the creative director.

  “Bye, Alex.”

  He waved back, and I could hear them kissing again before I was even down the hall.

  Still on a mission to find a box for my test, I headed to the kitchen. Something smelled wonderful in there, but I didn’t see Anne or Ray anywhere. Opening the pantry, I examined the contents because I was suddenly hungry.


  Pulling out a jar, I snagged one out and begin to munch, then opened up the fridge to stash them away. When I saw a carton of eggs, I got an idea. When I found that there was only one egg left, the idea was sealed.

  Placing the lone egg in a bowl, I took the carton with me.

  Ten minutes later, I was back in our bedroom, making a mental note to stock up on boxes, wrapping paper, and ribbon the next time I went out… because we clearly had none of those supplies anywhere.

  “Hey?” I whipped around, hiding my scarf wrapped egg carton behind my back. Grant raised his eyebrows. “Whatcha got there?”

  I gave him a coy look. “Nothin’.”

  He pulled a long box out of his pocket. I stared at it. Seriously, where did he get that? “Is it a little nothin’ like this?”

  I was confused, but I tried not to show it. “Maybe.”

  He laughed, throwing his head back with the sound. “You forgot!”

  Oh my god. What did I forget? I wracked my brain, but nothing would spit out. “Forgot what?”

  He held the box out farther. “Our two-month anniversary.”

  I sank onto the bed. “We celebrate two-month anniversaries?”

  “In this household, we do.”

  I fingered my egg carton. “Well, if I got you something special and just happened to give it to you on our two-month anniversary, does that count?”

  His eyes darkened, and he leaned down, planting his hands on either side of my hips. When the tip of his nose touched the tip of my nose, he said, “Don�
��t you know by now that absolutely anything you do counts?”

  Leaving the egg carton behind me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled until we’d closed the distance between us. Even now, his kisses still made my toes curl.

  “I love you, Grant.”

  “I love you too.”

  With a low growl, he lowered to his knees and placed the long box on my lap. “Now, in order for me to score extra points, I need to tell you that I commissioned this one of a piece design from Alpha and Omega.”

  Miss Alpha’s sweet face sprang to my mind. “Really?”

  “Open and see.” I took off the lid and smiled down at a triple heart bracelet. “See, the big heart is the daddy heart. The middle heart is the mommy heart. And the little heart… well, you can figure that out.”

  I swallowed, blinking tears at the same time. We’re going to need more hearts.

  “I love it so much. Thank you.”

  He kissed me and placed it around my wrist. “You’re very welcome.”

  When it was fastened, I reached behind me for my egg box, feeling foolish that I hadn’t gone to the store and chosen better. But…

  I pulled it from behind my back and watched Grant’s face.

  His lips quirked. “It’s very original.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Just open it.”

  As he began to untie the scarf and open the lid, my heart picked up speed again.

  He stared. He looked up at me, then back down into the box. Very slowly, he picked it up.

  “You’re pregnant.”

  I couldn’t tell if he was happy or mad.

  “Yeah. And I’m giving you a little more notice this time. Is that okay?”

  He stared at the stick, and when he looked up at me, a single tear slid down his cheek and gathered at the corner of his mouth where his scar lived.

  “Y…” He cleared his throat and tried again. “Yeah. It’s more than okay. It’s…”

  He kissed me, crawling up my body and pressing me down on the bed. His hands were in my hair, pulling my head back, his teeth gliding down my throat.


  We froze.


  We smiled at each other and sat up to open our arms to the nap rumbled little boy standing in the door. He ran to us, and we all snuggled on the bed.

  Over his head, Grant winked at me.

  I winked back.

  We’d make time to be together later.

  Right now, we were content with our little family.


  The sun was warm on my skin as I kicked up speed to get around a couple of women pushing strollers on this pretty day.

  Ahead of me, a glimpse of electric blue caught my eye. It took me back to spring two years ago. The craziest, wildest, best spring in my life.

  I kicked up speed again, wanting another glimpse of that blue.

  There it was.

  And it covered a very fine ass, but the hair swinging above it was dark blonde.

  Suddenly, a small child shot out in front of her. The blonde’s reactions were fast, and she managed to miss the little girl by doing a sideways jump. She almost landed it, but then her ankle turned. I winced, hearing it snap.

  She went down hard, but instead of grabbing her ankle, she reached for the now crying child, making sure that the little one was all right.

  I reached her just as the mother of the kid jerked her up, scowling at the blonde as if she’d been the one to do something to her little angel before stomping away.

  “Here, let me help you to a bench.”

  She looked up, and I found myself staring into eyes so blue, they could have competed with the tights covering her legs. She smiled. A big, beaming smile that only lasted a moment because the pain of her injury proved too much to keep it there. “Thank you.” She was breathing hard, sweat trickling down her temples. “I was about to start crawling.”

  When she held out her hand, I bent and scooped her up instead. “It’s broken. I heard the snap.”

  Her arms came around me, those blue eyes shining at me so close it was tempting to close the distance and press my lips to hers.

  “Do you think it will be healed by August?”

  Her breath smelled like mint, and some vanilla and floral scent came from her hair. I didn’t want to let her go as I sat her on an empty bench and pulled her foot up on my leg.

  “Probably. Got big plans?”

  If she tells me she’s getting married, I’m going home and getting drunk.

  “I’ve always wanted to backpack across Europe, and I’m scheduled to go those last two weeks.”

  A dreamy look came over her expression… and that might possibly be the moment I fell in love with her.

  Or it could have been as I carried her to a cab and rode with her to the hospital.

  Or it could have been when I helped her home, and she insisted on ordering in dinner as a thank you for all my help.

  Or it could have been the way her fingers gripped my shirt when I kissed her good night hours later.

  It was even possible that I fell the next week when I sank into her body for the first time.

  Or any of the times we hung out at Grant and Journey’s place.

  How about when Mama and Dad gave me two thumbs-up when they met her, and she didn’t fan girl all over the place?

  I could have fallen hard on the night we celebrated her cast being cut off by dancing until dawn.

  Or now, as I followed that sweet ass across Europe, loving each time she looked back just to make sure I was okay.

  Or the look in her eyes when she turned back to find me down on one knee.

  It didn’t matter when I fell in love. It only mattered that she fell in love too.

  And said yes.


  Continue on to read the next special bonus included in this copy.

  A Bonus Novel


  Alice Ward



  Tick. Tick. Tick.

  The clock on the wall wasn’t able to keep up with my racing heart as I checked the time… again. I blew out a breath. It was almost time to go out on stage, and my hands were sweaty, my stomach threatening to expel the carb-free low-cal dinner I’d barely eaten.

  Behind me, the door to my dressing room opened, but I ignored it and took a quick look in the mirror to assure myself I looked the part I was about to play.

  Dark hair reflected red highlights in an elaborate twist on top of my head, check.

  Sparkly purple eyeliner brought out the violet in my dark hazel eyes that could never decide if they were blue or green, check.

  Hideous scar, check.

  “What are you doing, Adara? You’re on in fifteen minutes and you’re not even dressed.” Brandy’s words were laced with a hint of panic, and I turned to find her surveying my dressing room like she owned the place… which she practically did as the manager of Jewel.

  She’d always been like that — bossy as hell — even when we’d shared a room in high school. I met her the first day I was moved into foster care. And while she had a tendency to plow over people, she’d always had my back.

  “Ady, I’m wearing your mint-green sweater to the concert,” she’d say, stretching my favorite article of clothing over her boobs, which were two sizes too large for her small frame. And much bigger than my average ones.

  It didn’t matter that I’d complain as she put the finishing touches on her perfect makeup application. She’d be out the door before I could convince her to leave my wardrobe alone.

  Later, she’d bring my sweater home smelling of smoke and men’s cologne. I’d be pissed, but she was usually too drunk to care, and she’d just pass out on her bed, my sweater beyond hope by morning.

  Brandy took what she wanted, but only because she never had anything unless she did. That was why I let her get away with so much. After all, she’d always been there for me when it mattered.

  Like when Na

  I sighed and turned away from the thought, then took a deep breath.

  Today, Brandy wore an expensive black suit, the skirt cut too short for decency, the neckline plunging deep into those enormous breasts. Her perfect salon-styled platinum blonde hair swept upward in dramatic waves, highlighting her expertly made-up face.

  She was a walking doll, twenty-four years old, just a year older than me. The expression on her face was a strange mix of anxiety and Xanax-level calm.

  “Sorry, Bran, I’m just…” Not sure I can go out on that stage.

  “Act lively, Ady. You’re at the most exclusive men’s only club in the world and it’s Friday. Money night.”

  “Shush, Brandy, don’t call me that. What if someone hears?” I didn’t care if it was the most popular night, the evening most of the men let loose from work and spent more money than other nights. I didn’t care about most things. I didn’t recognize myself anymore or the life I was left with.

  “God, okay, okay.” She rolled her eyes and threw up her hands, nearly exposing her panties. “Sorry, Mona. It’s not like this place isn’t full of secrets.”

  The men’s club clients were a who’s who of the most powerful men in business, entertainment, and government. Everything that happened within these gilded walls was held in the strictest of confidence. With the Jewels it was different. More cutthroat.

  I’d only been here for two months, but already, I wanted to scratch my way out. Too bad I didn’t have anything to go back to now. Brandy had snatched me up out of my darkest days, rescued me from destitution. I’d had a long way to fall from the top, and while I appreciated her for all she’d done, sometimes I felt like gravity had crushed me on the way down.

  I met her gaze. “I know what you’re thinking. Why would it matter if my secret got out? After all, I’ve already lost everything.”

  Well, not absolutely everything. I’d somehow managed to hold on to a miniscule piece of my pride.

  I wasn’t a prostitute, but most of the other women inside Jewel were. Not surprising. Prostitution was one of the oldest professions in the world. Even Jesus chilled with prostitutes. The Jewels, as the working women of the club were called, sometimes made as much as thirty thousand dollars a night. The lowest bid for an evening was ten grand, and the girls received a small percentage of their price, which was still a hunk of money.


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