Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 9

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Are there any additional expenses?”

  “No. And I was able to negotiate a discount with one of our other vendors we’ve been working with for a while so the net increase will be about twenty percent.”

  “Okay, write up the purchase orders. I will come to the shop later today and sign them before I leave town tomorrow.”

  “Yes sir.” She mutters.

  I can tell from his demeanor that Enzo is annoyed with our friendly little Anna. We start to walk away when he suddenly stops.

  “Oh and Anna?” She turns sullenly to face us.

  “It would serve you well to be polite to Miss Bradshaw.”

  Surprise spreads across my face while Anna’s registers dismay. She rushes back towards us, stumbling over her words.

  “Sir, I was just caught up in my work. I meant no disrespect.” Her eyes beg me not to make it worse. Enzo is glaring at her now. Wow, he’s really mad. I realize I have a lot of power I could wield. But I soften. I can’t do it to the poor insecure girl. I say nothing.

  “Miss Bradshaw, forgive me.” She says through gritted teeth.

  I smile and rub Enzo’s arm. “I’m sure Anna didn’t mean anything by it Enzo.”

  Laying it on pretty thick Ava.

  Anna looks shocked. Enzo looks at me and for a moment, I think he knows my game. But he simply nods and walks away. I turn back looking at Anna, who watches us as we walk. I give her my best ‘watch yourself’ look and turn around.

  “Ava, I’m sorry. I’m very disappointed in how Anna treats you.”

  “I can handle her Enzo. But, have you ever noticed Stephanie? She’s been really helpful. She selected the dress I wore last night and did a nice job upselling me on several additional pieces.”

  “I’ve been hearing a lot of positive things about Stephanie in the last few weeks. I wonder if she’d be up for some more responsibility.”

  “I don’t know but I was impressed with her.”

  We turn into my apartment complex, and I see the Mercedes parked in front. Grayson hops out as soon as the black sports car pulls up.

  “Sir. Miss Bradshaw.” Grayson is always so serious. I wonder if he ever cracks a smile.

  I walk to the door and open it. Grayson and Enzo follow behind me with my luggage. I look around and start thinking about where everything will go when the movers arrive.

  “Where should we put your luggage?” Enzo asks.

  I lead them down the hall to my bedroom and motion towards the closet. So far, I’m pleased with the place. It’s spacious and clean and looks fairly new. Grayson informs us that the movers have arrived.

  “Oh good. They’re here.” Two men approach the door and one asks me to sign some paperwork so they can get started. They make quick work of my things, and I realize it’s because I don’t have much.

  I’m directing the movers when Francesca’s car pulls up. Walking into the living room, she walks first to Enzo and then me, kissing us on both cheeks.

  “Ciao Checca.” Enzo smiles. Checca? A nickname I assume.

  She turns and surveys the room and the cheap furniture sitting in it. The movers have left, and Grayson is stacking some boxes in the corner of the living room. After being surrounded by lux for the past several days, I have to admit even I think it looks paltry.

  “Yes. This is a nice place Ava. We’ll be able to do something great here.” Oh an optimist! I look at Enzo, who is also looking around, a firm frown planted on his face. He looks at Francesca, and they start a lively conversation in Italian. Hands fly and voices rise as they talk, and I can’t tell if they are arguing or not. I stand intently watching the show while Grayson completely ignores them. Suddenly, they both stop and turn towards me.

  “Yes, Ava,” Francesca’s words sound like the purr of a kitten.

  “Let’s have the boys arrange some things so we get an idea where things will go. Then we can fill in the blanks, no?”

  “Okay sure.”

  Enzo is still frowning but follows his little sister’s plan. Grayson and Enzo position the sofa against a wall and place a small coffee table in front. They find my TV stand and put it next to the sofa. Three bookshelves line the back wall. My tiny Target special dining table fits in a small rounded area off the living room next to the kitchen. We move to the bedroom and Francesca and I watch them quickly put my bed together and move my dresser. Finally, they find my small nightstand and place it next to the bed. This would have been another unforeseen challenge without the help of these men. Francesca is walking around with a clipboard writing things down.

  “Yes, Ava. What sort of decor do you have?”

  Embarrassed I reply, “Probably not much actually. I bought some vases a few days ago. There are mostly books in my boxes.”

  “Yes okay, an opportunity for shopping, no?” I realize this makes her happy because she won’t have to work with items I’m sure would not meet her standards.

  “Yes, that will be fun.”

  She turns to Enzo and asks something again in Italian.

  “Perfetto Checca, Perfect.” He turns to me. “You will be in good hands with Checca. She’ll be back tomorrow. Grayson you can go now as well. In fact, why don’t you take the afternoon off? I really appreciate your help here.” Grayson looks downright shocked at Enzo’s offer.

  “Yes sir. Thank you.” He brightens like a kid in a candy store. He looks like a regular young guy, the intense seriousness fading.

  “So Grayson doesn’t get a lot of time off, I assume?”

  “No. He doesn’t. It’s hard being an assistant to a guy like me who travels so much. He started out five years ago as my driver, but he’s become very important to me. He handles all of my travel and even comes with me most of the time. It’s just another thing I don’t have to worry about. He deserves a few hours to himself. He probably hasn’t had any time off since Christmas.”

  “Oh so your employees at least get Christmas day off?” I’m teasing a bit.

  “I give most of them a week off at least, sometimes two. With pay. I usually go back to Italy for the holidays.” He pauses. “Maybe you’ll come with me this year.” It’s more of a statement than a question.

  He surveys the room. “This furniture is not acceptable for you.”

  I bristle a bit but know it’s true.

  “I know Enzo. I had new furniture but I left it all with my ex. It was just easier that way. Eventually, I’ll upgrade but I just wanted to get here.”

  He strokes my cheek. “There is so much I don’t know about you Ava.” He seems sad.

  “And I about you Enzo.” We stand for a moment, searching each other’s eyes. He leans down and kisses my lips, then my nose and finally, my forehead.

  “But I will learn everything.” He kisses my nose once more. “So let’s start digging into these boxes.” We spend a few hours unpacking boxes. Enzo loads my three bookcases with my book collection while I set up my bathroom and get my clothes hung.

  “I’m starving Enzo.”

  “Me too. Let’s go and eat.”

  I stop and look at the both of us and laugh. We look awful- sweaty and tired.

  “Maybe we should shower first?” I suggest.

  “Together? I’d love to.”

  I meant separately but like his idea better. “Sure Enzo. Let me put your clothes in the dryer to freshen them.”

  I walk toward the bathroom, lay out two towels, and turn the shower on. I’ve been thinking about a good time to bring up the safe sex talk, and this could be it considering I’m about to be fully naked with him, and I have no idea where it will lead. He sounds like he’s slept around a lot. Like A LOT. I know I’m clean and have the birth control piece covered but how do I ask him? I’ve never had a talk like this before, it feels awkward. In the past, the guy just handled it but Enzo hasn’t said one word. I can only hope that control freaks don’t like venereal diseases or unplanned babies.

  “Um, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Enzo is standing behind
me in the tiny bathroom peeling off his shirt. Oh shit, he’s going to be naked in a minute. I shake my head, collecting my thoughts.

  “What is it bella?” He lets his shorts drop to the floor.

  “Could you stop undressing for a sec please?” I turn away slightly so I can focus on something other than his intense hotness.

  He stops and cocks his head a bit.

  “About um… well sex. I mean protection I guess. No, actually you know about safety.” Oh, that was eloquent.

  I look up, and Enzo is staring at me with a grin on his face.

  “You’re worried about my past and rightfully so.” He walks towards me and pulls me close. “I assure you that protection has always been at the top of my list, and I have a clean bill of health. I can prove it to you if it would make you feel better.” His voice comforts me.

  “I can too Enzo, if you want.” I feel ridiculous right now.

  “Look at me.”

  I shift my eyes up to meet his.

  “I’m glad you brought it up. It’s important to clear the air so that when we are ready there are no obstacles to our pleasure.” He kisses me and any fear or doubt I had melts away.

  He steps away from me, slips his finger under the waistband of his boxers, and pulls them down. I can’t help but shift my eyes downward to soak in his body in its entirety. Oh, he’s a sight. His stomach ripples with muscles, and he has those crazy hot muscle thingies on either side of his hips. Good Lord. I gather his clothes and put them in the dryer.

  Back in the bathroom, Enzo leans his naked body against the vanity, watching me undress. I pull my shirt over my head and let my skirt drop. I unhook my bra, freeing my breasts. He’s still staring at me, his chest revealing his rapid breathing. I mimic his actions to remove my panties. I’m standing butt naked in front of him. His eyes burn with lust. For me.

  I run my eyes up and down his body, the beginning of an erection juts out from his hips. Oh how I wish I could take advantage of that. I’d like nothing more than to drop to my knees in front of him and swallow him whole. The thought makes me hot. And I’m getting wet before we even get in the water. He extends his hand and guides me into the shower, stepping in behind me. My eyes burn with lust as I watch him begin to lather the sponge with body wash.

  “I’m going to wash you again Ava. Everywhere.” His voice is deep and husky, his accent thicker. I feel the sponge gliding down my back, over my ass, and down the back of my legs. His hands twist me around. He crouches below me as he starts on the front of my legs. He glides up and stops briefly.

  “Open your legs.” He commands. I do as I’m told and feel the sponge press up against my hungry sex. I let out a low moan. “I like this Ava, no hair.”

  I look down as he moves the sponge against my freshly shaved skin. He quickly moves the sponge up and circles over my breasts, across my shoulders and down my arms.

  “Show me how you pleasure yourself.”

  My eyes shoot open, shocked at his request. I’ve never done this in front of a man before. I’m not sure how to start.

  “Come on Ava, just close your eyes.” He places his hand over mine and runs it down against my belly, slick with body wash. Taking a deep breath, I move my own hand lower, keeping his hand on top of mine. I don’t know if I can make myself climax without my trusty vibe, but I’ll try. I run my fingers down across my mound and dip them into my swollen labia, the hot water intensifying my reaction. I find my clitoris and begin to rub slowly at first, then firmer in a circular motion. I have no idea what Enzo is doing right now, too afraid to open my eyes and meet his intense gaze. I throw my head back and relish in the feeling as it continues to intensify. My other hand glides across my breasts, gently pulling on each nipple.

  “Ava, you’re so beautiful right now.”

  I want to come to please him, to please myself. Thoughts fly through my mind as I try to relax and enjoy the sensation. The intensity builds, surprising me that I am about to orgasm.

  “Open your eyes Ava.” His voice is deep and raspy.

  My eyes meet his and then shift downward. My breath catches when I see him stroking his own massive erection. This is awesome! Steam and soap caress our bodies as we both move desperately to release the built-up tension between us. The lustful expression burning in his eyes pushes me over the edge, and I’m hit with wave after wave of pleasure. I cry out, steadying myself on Enzo’s shoulders. Tears of release run down my face, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I came so deeply. He moves swiftly to my mouth and kisses me deeply, passionately, his naked body pressed up against mine. I feel his hardness pushing against my stomach and reach down to touch him.

  “No, not yet.” He pushes my hand away gently. He pulls back and looks at me, steamy water washing over us, cock in hand. I can’t pull my eyes away from the sight of him stroking himself in front of me. I watch his hands move deftly up and down his length, twisting briefly over the tip, recording his movements for future reference.

  “Do you like watching me Ava?” His eyes burn through me.

  I can only nod, my voice lost. I watch as he throws his head back, one arm bracing himself behind me on the shower wall, the other pumping through his orgasm. Hot liquid shoots out of him onto my skin, causing me to gasp. He slumps against me, pushing me against the wall, breathing hard, his face buried in my wet hair. I wrap my arms around his neck, soaking in this moment.

  “You are so fucking amazing Ava.” His voice is gruff. He kisses me again. We stand this way until the water turns shockingly cold, jarring us from our interlude.

  “Let’s get out of here.” He pulls me from the shower. I turn the water off, and he hands me a towel. We walk into my bedroom and lay next to each other on my bed.

  “That was incredible Ava.”

  “Yes it was.”

  “I’ve never done that with anyone before.” It’s almost a whisper.

  “Neither have I.”

  We are both silent while the words linger in the air.

  He breaks the silence. “We need to eat. Let’s get dressed.”

  “I’ll get your clothes.”

  “I’ll get them. What do you want to eat bella?”

  You. That little afternoon delight only whet my appetite for more. But I’ll settle for food.

  “I don’t care honestly. You know the area, you decide.”

  We dress quickly and get in the car. I realize I live really close to the Kierland shopping center I went to. That could be dangerous. I know my new workplace is close too. I planned it that way. At least something in my planning went right.

  “Ava, you know I’m leaving tomorrow for Boston. I’ll be gone a week. I want you to come with me for the weekend.”

  His statement surprises me and for a moment, I consider it. But then I remember all I have to do before Monday and decide it would be better if I stayed here. I don’t want to stress myself out more than necessary.

  “I think I should stay here Enzo. I have a lot to do between now and Monday, as much as I would like to go.”

  His face tenses into a hard frown. He glances at me and nods.

  “You’re right Ava. I just wanted to keep you with me a little longer.” He sighs. “I need you to promise me there won’t be any other men while I’m gone.”

  My eyes shoot up at him. Is he serious?

  “Enzo, of course not. How could you even think there would be?”

  “I need you to promise. You are just for me Ava.” His voice is sad, pleading, and demanding all at once.

  “I’ll be here when you get back. You have nothing to worry about. I promise.” I rub his arm.

  His shoulders relax. He reaches over and squeezes my hand. “So we should enjoy today then.”

  His mood shifts back again, the dark sadness dissipating. There must be something behind these mood changes of his.

  “I like your little place. It’s in a good location. After Francesca is done with it, it will really feel like home.”

  I smile. I can only
imagine what she will do.

  “Yes, we’re going out tomorrow to shop. I think it will be fun.”

  “Checca is one of the best in her field. I didn’t employ her solely because she is my sister. She really knows what she is doing. And she knows what I like so I can trust her.”

  “It’s wonderful that you work with your family.”

  “Most of them, yes. My brother Franco is my accountant but everyone else does their own thing. Marco is traveling the world trying to be a writer. And Massimo is a manager at an office in California. My sister Sophia lives in Italy with her husband. In Florence. And you met Paolo. I have talented siblings, and each in our own way creates masterpieces.” Passion for his work and his family fills his voice again.

  “I really love to hear you talk about your work.”

  “And I love that you listen.” He smiles. We pull into the parking lot of a small restaurant.

  “Please wait here Ava.” Enzo steps out and opens my door for me. I smile. Chivalry is not dead after all. He holds my hand as we walk in. There is no hostess, so we sit at a corner table. A jovial man approaches us with menus.

  “Ciao buon giorno.” He addresses us. I’ve figured out so far that buon giorno means good morning or good day. Enzo shakes the man’s hand, and they have a brief discussion in Italian. The man smiles warmly at me.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” His accent is so thick I barely realize he is speaking English.


  He addresses Enzo in Italian once more, glancing and smiling at me the entire time. Enzo nods. The man hurries away.

  “He doesn’t speak very good English. He didn’t mean to leave you out. He’s going to make us something special.”

  “That’s sweet. How do you know him?”

  “I came here the first time I was in Phoenix years ago. I just happened upon it driving through town. I’ve tried to convince him to move to a bigger place or upgrade his space, but he wants it just like this, homey and quaint. So I let him be.”

  “What’s his name?”


  He returns moments later with a platter of assorted meats and cheese, smiling warmly.

  “Mangia. Eat.”


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