Alexis: In love with a rockstar (The Hamptons Series Book 2)

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Alexis: In love with a rockstar (The Hamptons Series Book 2) Page 5

by Drucie Anne Taylor

  Alexis stands up, takes off his jacket, and walks over. “Put this on.” Then he drapes it over my shoulders.

  I feel small in the big jacket. “Thank you.” I wrap it around myself and shoot him an inquiring look. “Don’t you want to go back inside? Then we wouldn’t have to freeze our asses off.”

  “I kind of want to stay out here a little longer.” He reaches out and puts his hand into the outer pocket of his jacket, grabbing a pack of cigarettes. “Would you like one?”

  I take the offered cigarette and he lights it for me. Then I sit down on the steps where he was sitting only two minutes ago. “Maybe we’ll both fit into your jacket.”

  He laughs. “I doubt it.”

  “It’s worth a shot. Or you just put it on again and I’ll lean up against you. Men’s bodies are hotter than a furnace, or at least that’s my experience.”

  “By all means, let’s try it.”

  I take off his jacket and return it, though it smells really good, and then he wraps his arms around me. I lean my head against his shoulder. He smells effing awesome as well, distinct yet clean. Of course, now I’m feeling the chill of the night again, but I don’t want to miss the opportunity to be held by this man. It feels amazing.

  “Getting warmer yet?”

  “Yes,” I lie, because I want to continue savoring the sensation. Yes, I’m selfish and pretty shallow, because I revel in the fact that a pop star is holding me in his arms, but so what? A lot of teenagers would probably kill for a moment like this, while all I had to do was return his jacket.

  “Great.” Alexis takes a drag from the cigarette and then exhales, the bluish smoke drifting off into the dimly lit alley. “Why haven’t you called me for a piano lesson?”

  I take a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

  “I’m sure you do know, but you don’t want to tell me.”

  I clear my throat. “I think I just wanted to keep my distance from you and your friends. We’re going to be working together, after all, and I don’t want to complicate that if I can help it.”

  He acknowledges my answer with a grunt. Then he lightly caresses my shoulder and smokes his cigarette in silence.

  “But I think I’d like to take you up on the offer of teaching me how to play piano, if I do join you in the Hamptons.”

  His hand pauses, which causes me to sit up straighter and turn my head to look at him. “Which is it going to be? Propriety or piano lessons?”

  “Lessons,” I smile. “But right now, I’d like to go back to dancing.”

  “You want to go back inside?”

  “I would dance out here, too, if I could hear the music, but it’s a lot warmer inside. So yes, I want to go back inside,” I explain with a grin.

  He lets out an amused snort and opens his arms so I can get up. Then he stands and steps down, offering me his hand. “Milady.”

  “Too kind of you,” I giggle as I take his hand.

  We go back inside, but he doesn’t take me back to the dance floor. Instead, he starts to lead me upstairs to the lounge. “I wanted to dance.”

  “Yes, me too, but I’m going to leave my jacket in there, and let everyone know where I am. Otherwise they’re going to sick Jefferson on me.”

  I give him a look of incomprehension. “Who’s Jefferson?”

  “The guy who looks like a tank over there. He’s our current watchdog.”

  “Since when do you have a bodyguard?”

  “We used to have someone with us from time to time, depending on where we went, but now we have a watchdog all the time, because we’re constantly followed and stalked by fans.”

  “That sounds like a nightmare.”

  “Yeah, sometimes it is,” he admits.

  “Okay. Phew.”

  “Hey, Honor. Nice to see you here,” Linden greets me as we step into the lounge.

  I withdraw my hand from Alexis’s warm grip. “Hi.”

  “Come and sit with us.” He points to a chair.

  “Thanks, but I came with a friend, and Alexis only wanted to drop off his jacket,” I decline.

  “Your friend can join us, too.”

  “She already ran into another friend, who also came with friends … uh … so no, thank you.” I look at Alexis. “I’ll be downstairs with Krys. If you’re looking for me, I’m the flouncy-thing on the dance floor.”

  He smiles at me. “I’ll find you.”

  “See you guys.” I wave at the rest of them and leave the VIP lounge, looking for Krys and Micah.

  It takes me a while to spot them, since they’re no longer sitting at the table Micah had indicated. I yell for them to notice me.

  “There you are. Where did the guy go?” Micah inquires.

  “He’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Alright, how ‘bout we dance in the meantime.” He grabs my hand and pulls me with him to the dance floor.

  “You know I can’t dance like that.”

  “All I know is that you keep saying that, even though you’re not half bad at it.” Micah spins me around, pulls me close and starts to dance with his arms around me.

  I try to focus on the way he moves, try to adapt to his rhythm and follow his steps, but I’m still kind of lost. Then Krys and one of his buddies start dancing next to us, and I feel a little more confident.

  “Mind if I cut in?” Alexis asks Micah in his distinct voice.

  My best buddy looks at me. “Destiny’s calling.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe you should dance then.” I pull away from him and join Krys.

  “You’ve got a fan,” she laughs.

  “Most of all, I’ve got a new employer,” I reply.

  Her eyes widen. “No way!”


  “Oh my god, I’m so happy for you!” she squeals and hugs me enthusiastically.

  Then someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn my head. “Yes?”

  “You owe me a dance,” Alexis reminds me with a smile. I suppress a smirk, pull away from Krys, and take his hand. He pulls me closer, until there’s no space left between us. “I can’t shake the feeling that you keep avoiding me.”

  I give him a perplexed look. “Why?”

  “Because you left the lounge as quickly as you could, then you turned away when I asked for a dance, and now you’re completely tense.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Why are you dancing so stiffly?”

  “I’m not a good dancer,” I say as I feel myself blushing.

  Alexis grins. “Come on, we’re doing just fine right now. And just between you and me: I’m a total spazz.”

  I look down at the non-existent space between us. “And you make up for it by holding me tight?”

  “Nope. I make up for it by looking handsome,” he counters with a cheeky smile.

  I laugh. “Yeah, that’s definitely your forte.”

  “And yours.”

  “You’re a lot prettier than me.”

  His eyebrow shoots up. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me just fine.”

  His other eyebrow follows suit. “If you think I’m prettier than you, your self-image is totally screwed.”

  I shake my head. “No, no, I’ve got it straight.”

  “I’m ready to argue that.”

  “But I’m not,” I laugh and turn around in his arms, so my back is against his chest.

  Alexis puts his hands on my hips and sets the pace, guides my moves. “Maybe I can convince you eventually,” he murmurs into my ear.

  I shouldn’t be able to make out his words in the din of the music, but his voice cuts through it all, effortless.

  “Easy, tiger. Slow down there, man,” Micah calls out when he sees Alexis’s hands slide around my stomach.

  He pauses. “We’re dancing! Don’t worry, I’m not trying to feel her up, man.”

  “You better keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Micah!” Krys and I both flare at him in outrage.

  “What?” he feigns innocence
. “Just don’t want some random douche to cop a feel, honey.”

  He’s never called me that in front of another man, and now I’m not the only one who gives him an incredulous look.

  “You should have told me that you’re seeing someone,” Alexis says into my ear, pulls away and retreats.

  I turn and watch him leave, dumbfounded for a moment. Then I glare at Micah. “Thank you very much.”

  “What for?”

  “Oh, you know that damn well, you moron!”

  “Don’t get so upset, girl.”

  I can only snort and shake my head. I turn away and walk towards the table in the back, but then reconsider and weave my way through the crowd to reach the bar.

  “What can I get for you, gorgeous?” the barman asks.

  “One Seventh Heaven, please.”

  He pours me a vodka with sprite and hands it to me.

  I pay for the drink and gulp it down quickly.


  “Yeah. Can I have another one?” I hand him my glass. Then I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the screen. A text message from Alexis.

  Tomorrow one p.m. at the Plaza, Linden’s suite. He and Joel will be waiting for you.

  I look around, and when I can’t spot him, I raise my eyes to the lounge windows. I see him with his back to the ledge. I type an answer. Thanks. By the way, Micah only wanted to annoy me. We’re not a couple, just friends. Dunno why I’m telling you this It’s not like I owe you an explanation!

  “Your Seventh Heaven.”

  I look at the barkeeper, give him a smile and mouth a silent ‘thank you.’ I’m determined to savor this second drink, and then dance away my irritation. Both Micah’s and Alexis’s behavior is way too shitty.

  “Hey there, beautiful,” a guy accosts me.

  I look him up and down, and decide to ignore him. So, he’s not ugly, but he looks sleazy, and I don’t want anything to do with guys like that.

  “What, too much of a bitch to talk to me?” he insists.

  I pick up my glass and walk away, back to Micah and Krys, since I don’t want to deal with this inebriated jerk.

  “Hey! I’m talking to you!” he flares and grabs my wrist.

  “But I’m not talking to you!” I reply with grim finality, jerk myself free, and disappear into the crowd. Jesus, men! I should be a lesbian.

  “Everything okay?” Krys asks when she sees me.

  “Nope. I’ve had enough for one night. I’m going to take off after this drink.”

  “What happened?”

  “First Micah, then Alexis, and now some asshole playing the big guy.”

  “Everyone’s giving you a hard time tonight.”

  I nod in agreement, take a sip from my drink, and then decide that she can have it. “Screw it, I’m leaving now.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No, you stay and enjoy your evening. I’ll drop by Jo’s and try to talk to her. I need to tell her that I have the job, because I’m supposed to go to the Hamptons tomorrow. They’ve got a recording studio there. That’s more important than dancing the night away.”

  “Okay. But I’m coming outside with you. I’ll wait until you find a cab. We don’t want anybody stealing you away.” She grins at me.

  “Okay.” I say goodbye to Micah and his pals.

  “Why are you leaving?” he wants to know.

  “I’ve had enough. Plus, I need to talk to Jo, so that’s where I’m headed now.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you want us to come?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’ll be fine on my own. You wanted to dance, so dance.”

  He laughs. “All that’s missing is an added ‘you hick’ or something.”

  I join in. “Good night, you hick. See you soon.” I stand on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.


  Krys grabs my hand and walks with me to the coat check where I pick up my jacket, and then we leave the club. “You’re leaving because you’re pissed off at Micah and Alexis.”

  “Maybe that’s the case, but I wasn’t lying when I said I needed to talk to Jo. Alexis said we might be leaving for the Hamptons tomorrow.”

  “The Hamptons?” she marvels. “Nothing like going out in style, I guess”

  I giggle. “I don’t expect a mansion and chandeliers. After all, these guys are in their twenties.”

  “Probably horny, capable, and irresistibly hot, all of them. They’re musicians, girl,” she points out the obvious.

  “I’m not that shallow; you know me. Though I will admit that it felt wonderful when Alexis held me in his arms earlier,” I confess with a smile.

  Krys gives me a skeptical look. “You into him now?”

  “He’s totally hot, but he’s also sort of my boss, so I don’t want to risk anything.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “I bet you’re going to let it happen once you get to know him a little better.”

  “I bet you I won’t.”

  We shake hands. “What are the stakes?” she wants to know.

  “If I lose, I’m going to buy you the handbag you’ve been yapping on about.”

  “Ooh, good one. If I lose, I’m going to buy you those cute shoes you were mooning over.”

  “Deal!” I laugh. “And now I’m leaving.” I wave my hand and a cab pulls up immediately. “You keep an eye on Micah. Don’t let him run back to Zelda, okay?”

  Krys suppresses a giggle. “Let me know when you’ve made it home, okay?”

  “Could take a while.”

  “Doesn’t matter, I’ll be here a while. And if you want to do me a favor, ask Jo if I could maybe have your job.” She opens the rear passenger door for me. “Love you.”

  I kiss her on the cheek. “Love you, too. I’ll ask her. Bye.”

  “Bye, hon.”

  “Hey, Honor. I thought you were out dancing,” Jo greets me when I enter her bar.

  I walk over and hug her. “We were, but I’ve got a job offer and need to talk to you about it,” I explain and then proceed to sit on one of the bar stools.

  “Who’s trying to woo you away?” she asks with a frown. “You know I’m not going to let you work in another bar. I’d rather raise your salary again.” She grins at me, showing off the crow’s feet around her eyes.

  I laugh out loud. “No, not a bar. I ran into Alexis Kingston again tonight, and they’re offering me the background singing job. I can start tomorrow!”

  “You got the job?” she blurts.


  Jo comes around the bar and hugs me again, very tightly this time. “I’m very happy for you, honey, even though that means you can’t work for me anymore.”

  “I feel bad about quitting,” I admit. “I don’t know yet if their contract is only for a limited time. And I could still work here from time to time, like when this album is recorded, or between shows.”

  “Then how about I’ll give you a leave of absence? You’re not getting rid of me that easily either,” she says jokingly as she pulls away. “I won’t let you.”

  I smile at her. “Thanks, Jo.”

  “You’re welcome. But now I need to find someone to fill in for you.”

  “I know someone who wants the job.”

  She looks at me in surprise. “Who?”

  “Krystle asked me to suggest her for the job. You know she used to help me out a bunch of times when the place was packed, just like Micah did. She knows what’s what, she knows the prices, and she’s good with people.”

  “Could you give me her number? I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  “Cool. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled. Hell, I’m thrilled,” I giggle.

  “We need to celebrate!” Jo says loudly. “A round of drinks on the house!” Then she winks at me. “And now you need to help me get them all a drink. It’s your last day.”

  I shake my head at her and start to ask people what I can get them.

  After serving a bunch of beers and other drinks, I sit
down at the bar again. Jo hands me a glass of sparkling wine. “Here’s to you. May you out-sing all those popstars.”

  “Cheers, Jo. Thanks for everything.” We clink glasses, and when I drink, I feel the butterflies bouncing around in my stomach, because I’m extremely excited to embark on this new adventure.

  Chapter 5

  I just signed the contract. Alexis left me alone with Mr. Young, who intimidates me a little.

  “I take it Alexis is dragging you to the mansion tonight?” he inquires.

  “Alexis invited me to go with him, but I’m not sure what to do.”

  He nods and sits down across from me. His gaze feels as if he’s trying to pin me to the wall. Freaking uncomfortable. “Alexis shouldn’t be alone, but the only people out there are the housekeeper and security personnel. He needs real company. The others have a few more press obligations, but he won’t be part of those, since he shouldn’t be put under any extra pressure right now.”

  I give him a questioning look. “Are you trying to tell me I should go with him today?”

  “Yes, Miss Prescott, that’s what I’m trying to say.”

  “I thought we were supposed to call each other by our first names,” I remind him in a small voice. The man is weirdly imposing.

  “Of course. My apologies,” he smiles. “I’d be extremely grateful if you went with him tonight. These guys aren’t exactly biddable once they’re left out of sight. You probably noticed that before. Whenever Azer is out by himself, he does something stupid and ends up on page six.”

  “So you’re saying that Alexis needs a babysitter?”

  He shakes his head. “All he needs is someone to talk to. But you shouldn’t hook up with him; he’s not the type for a steady girlfriend.”

  I look at him blankly, utterly confused. “Mr. Young, I see Alexis as one of my bosses, so I’m not inclined to get involved with him.”

  He nods curtly. “Fine, then we’re clear about that.” He hands me a copy of the contract. “Ms. Cunnings, the cook and housekeeper in the Hamptons, is going to keep an eye on him, too. But I’d be glad if you could join him when he wants to go out or go running, stuff like that.”

  “What does he need a watchdog for anyway?”


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