Alexis: In love with a rockstar (The Hamptons Series Book 2)

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Alexis: In love with a rockstar (The Hamptons Series Book 2) Page 26

by Drucie Anne Taylor

  Alexis comes and asks me again, “Ready to go?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  After I have said goodbye to the rest of them with a wave, I take his hand.

  Outside, the air is cool and bracing. I inhale deeply.

  “Would you like to take a stroll on the beach before we go home?”

  “Isn’t that too far away from here?”

  “It’s only a five-minute walk, and it’s really romantic at night.”

  “You aren’t even romantic,” I tease him, even though he proved the opposite over the last seven days. We had dinner every night surrounded by candlelight. He gave me roses, which he went out to buy early in the morning. He wrote another song for me, and performed it in the backyard beneath the balcony once again, and most importantly, he proved that he really loves me. Sometimes I was almost scared that he could choke me with his affection, but then I listened to the veto of my heart, and pushed away the uneasy feeling.

  “Crap, I’m a total romantic. Hopeless even.”

  I give him a look of mock confusion. “No, you are Batman.”

  “Shh … the Joker might be somewhere in the vicinity, and he mustn’t find out about my true identity,” he whispers conspiratorially, putting a finger to his lips.

  I laugh and put my head on his shoulder.

  “So, do you want to go to the beach?”

  “Let’s do that tomorrow evening, because all I really want right now is sleep,” I reply with a yawn.


  More than half an hour later, we finally reach his house. Alexis was stopped by a cop, because he was speeding. He was able to get away without a ticket, playing his charm card, and writing autographs for the cop’s kids.

  I’m so tired that I stumble towards the door without waiting for him.

  “Hey, watch out or you’ll fall,” he says as he catches up with me. Alexis presses the button that closes the garage door again, and then he lifts me up and carries me inside. “I’m going to put you to bed now.”

  I rest my head against his shoulder and close my eyes. “My hero.”

  “That’s what you would expect from me, considering my secret identity, wouldn’t you?” he smirks.

  “If you are Batman though, who am I?”

  “That’s easy. You’re Catwoman, because she’s damned sexy, and I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that black latex suit of hers,” he replies with a leer.

  “God, why did I fall in love with you again?”

  “Because superheroes are sexy.”

  “Not those wearing tights,” I counter.

  “I bet you Batman prefers leggings.”

  “They’re just as unsexy, come on!”

  “Alright, then I bet you he prefers very tight regular pants,” he says with a sigh as he carries me up the stairs.

  “You could dress up like Frank N. Furter, and I’d still think you’re hot, Lex,” I reassure him with a smile. He sets me down at the foot of the bed.

  “Really? You’d think me hot in garters and a corset?”

  “You’re just a sweet transvestite, from transsexual … Transylvania … hahaha,” I croon, giggling as I take off my clothes.

  “Oh, wait, I’ll get you for that!” he calls when I step out of my skirt. He rushes me, and I fall backwards onto the bed.

  I laugh and giggle and beg for mercy, but he continues to tickle me. “Stop it … stop … I can’t breathe.”

  The tickling stops. “Take back the sweet transvestite.”

  “Never.” He starts again and I squeal loudly. “Alright, alright, I take it back!” I plead.

  “There you go,” he murmurs and kisses my lips.

  I return the kiss half-heartedly, and then I push him away a little. “I hate to brush you off, but I’m too tired for anything else.”

  He kisses the tip of my nose. “Don’t worry, I feel the exact same way. I just wanted to steal a goodnight kiss from you.” He gets up and pulls me with him into a sitting position.

  I take off my stockings and bra. “I’ll go and brush my teeth.”

  Ten minutes later, we’re in bed, spooning again, but this time I’m snuggled up against his back, not the other way around. We both sleep on our side, me facing the window, but since we switched sides of the bed, I’m now behind him. I kiss the spot between his shoulder blades. “Sleep well, Hero.”

  “Oh, is it time for a new pet name?” he asks softly, sounding very tired.

  “Batman doesn’t really suit you after all, considering that you just told me you’re not even into tights and garters.”

  “Come on, can you picture this body dressed up in nylons?”

  “Uh, yes, actually I can, but I don’t expect to ever be treated to that sight in real life.”

  “Damn straight, you won’t,” he smirks and turns around to face me.

  I kiss his chin before he pulls me towards him. “Ready to get some sleep now?”

  “Absolutely.” Alexis’s arms form this incredibly warm, protective wall around me again, a space where I feel as secure as I have never felt before.

  Now we’re sitting in his car, which he fondly calls his baby. I’m holding his hand in mine, and keep glancing at his profile.

  “There’s something on your mind, I can tell by the way you keep looking at me,” he says and gives me a smile. His handsome face is hidden behind dark shades, and his hair is covered by a beanie.

  “I just have to get used to the fact that my boyfriend goes into stealth mode when we leave the house.”

  He shakes his head. “I can walk around like this and we’ll be left in peace, or I can take off the shades and the hat, and we’ll be chased around by fans asking for an autograph at every turn.”

  “I would take the chance,” I challenge him.

  “But I wouldn’t.” Alexis grins at me when he stops at a red light. “I want to spend a stress-free day with you.”

  “But don’t you like to interact with your fans?”

  “I do, but not today. I’m on vacation, Twinkie, and I want to enjoy that, not spend it running away from squealing girls. Some of them are so crazed and cheeky that even our bodyguards are at a loss how to react, so I don’t want to take any chances today.”

  “That’s understandable then. I was just saying that I would, but if you need a break from all that, I totally accept and support that.” I squeeze his hand and offer him an encouraging smile. The light turns green again.

  Fifteen minutes later he parks the car and gets out. I do the same, walk around the car, and take his hand. “Alright, where are we going now?”

  “I thought I would show you Venetian Pool, De Soto Fountain, and a few other nice spots.”

  “Okay, I can’t wait to see those.”

  “And then after that, we can go to Seaquarium.” He lets go of my hand and puts his arm around me instead.

  “Do they have dolphins?”

  “I think so.”

  “Oh, cool!” I squeal, and then lean my head against him. “And where do we start?”

  “Let’s start with Venetian Pool. I’m hot and I want to dip my feet into the water.”

  “Are we going to the beach tonight as well?”

  “If you want to go, sure.”

  “Thank you, Lex.” I smile up at him, which causes him to seize the moment and steal another kiss.

  “No need to thank me, Twinkie.”

  I snort in amusement. His nickname for me is cute, but also a little cheesy.

  We stroll through a lovely park. I didn’t think Coral Gables had such beautiful areas. I mean, the town is pretty enough, but the vista before me is really amazing. It really is like a piece of Venice, smack dab in the middle of an all-American town. Lagoons and wide basins, the water a bright turquoise.

  “I feel as if you’ve whisked me away to Italy on a flying carpet,” I state enthusiastically when I look at the maze of lagoons.

  “I used to come here a lot when we still lived here. The place was my personal nirvana, a place whe
re I could find peace and rest, despite the screaming kids and everything.” Alexis caresses my arm.

  “I think I’d come here all the time if I lived in Miami.”

  He lets go of me and sits down on the ground. Then he shucks his flip flops and puts his feet into the water.

  I sit down next to him, take off my sandals, and dip my feet in as well. “Oh my god, that is cold!”

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  I lean against him. “Too bad New York City doesn’t have a place like this.”

  “Well, Central Park has some very nice spots as well.”

  “I know, but you really cannot compare the two.”

  Alexis nods. “True, but I could show you a few beautiful places in the Hamptons if you want me to.”


  He smiles at me and presses a kiss to my temple. “And we’re going to do some sightseeing in every city when we go to Europe next year.”

  I look at him in surprise. “Haven’t you seen all those places before?”

  “A few, yes, but I want to roam the streets of Paris with my beloved, show her the Cologne cathedral or the Brandenburg Gate. Or maybe I’ll turn you in at the Tower of London, if you’re being obstinate,” he smirks.

  I laugh softly. “Don’t be so cocky.”

  “But you love me for things like that,” he says with conviction before winking at me.

  “Maybe I’m going to have to reconsider that.”

  “I don’t think so.” He sounds very sure of himself, and the look he gives me over the rim of his sunglasses isn’t the least bit insecure either.

  “Why not?” I ask with one eyebrow raised.

  “Because you’re completely under my spell.”

  My jaw drops. “Oh. Is that so?”

  He wraps his arm around me again. “I hope you realize that I’m just teasing you.”

  “No, you don’t!” I feign outrage, since so far, he’s had a hard time telling when I was serious and when I was joking.

  Alexis stiffens. “I’m sorry, Twinkie.”

  I struggle to suppress my laughter, but my shaking gives me away. “I forgive you.”

  He snorts. “I should shove you into the water for fooling me again.”

  “Batman would never do such a thing.”

  “I know, but I’d rescue you and pull you out afterwards, so everyone would think I was a hero.”

  “In tights.”

  “Actually, in jeans, as you can see.”

  I smile as I lean against him. “I’m glad we can be silly together, but also have a serious conversation.”

  “Me too, Twinkie, me too.” He kisses the top of my head, before leaning his head against mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 16

  Two weeks later

  We’re back in New York, or at least I am, but I’m going to visit Alexis in the Hamptons soon, because I miss him. We came back a week ago, and I’m about to finally meet Krys, Micah and Jo in her bar. Krys scored a job as an understudy in a Broadway production, and Micah was cast for a daily soap. Today is their day off, except for Jo, who works the bar. I’ve only seen her once since I came back, but just briefly, because she was busy and I was tired. Did I mention that I don’t like flying? I don’t know why, but every mode of transport besides riding in a car makes me tired too quickly.

  I look at myself in the mirror. I’m wearing a fawn-colored dress that I bought in Japan when I went shopping with Mike. My make-up is perfect, the dress hugs my body, and the new shoes are amazingly comfortable. I smile at my image before turning away and grabbing my handbag and jacket.

  “There she is!” Micah calls out and comes running.

  I let him hug me and lift me up to spin me around until I start getting dizzy and stop him. “Hey, guys. Oh my god, I’ve missed both of you like crazy.”

  “And we have missed you. It was so boring without you around,” Jo says with a grin as she hugs me.

  I link arms with them, and we walk over to the bar together. “Was it really that bad?”

  “Honey!” Krys squeals, rushes out from behind the bar, and throws her arms around me. “You have to tell us everything about the tour! Did you get my text message? I saw the video on YouTube; that was awesome! How in heaven’s name did they get you to do that? They held you at gunpoint, I bet!”

  I give her a wide-eyed look when she lets go of me again. “They pretty much took me by surprise same way you just did.” Then I burst out giggling.

  We sit down at the same table we sat at when we were celebrating graduation. Tequila and orange slices on ice are already waiting for us, plus the obligatory cinnamon shaker.

  “So, how was the tour? How was the land of the rising sun?” Micah wants to know.

  “The tour was exhausting, but great. I saw so many things and felt so many things, I don’t even know where to start. And Asia is really damn beautiful.”

  “How about starting at the beginning?” Jo suggests with a smile.

  I grin at her. Then I launch into an epic retelling of all the things that happened during the tour. The only thing I sweep under the rug is my breakdown, since I don’t want them to start worrying about something that’s way in the past. But I tell them that Alexis and I have gotten back together again, or rather, have finally really gotten together. They all give me skeptical looks when I start telling them that part, but I keep embellishing his efforts at reparation. Or maybe not, because I really felt all those intense, overwhelming emotions that I keep gushing about. This man really brings out the best in me, and he tells me that it’s the same for him. I know that I fell too fast and too hard for him, but I wasn’t disappointed, because he loves me back.

  “Wow, I didn’t think that would happen, not after he played you for a sucker and fucked that other girl, Charlotte,” Krys comments, sounding irritated.

  “We were not together at the time. And I think I might have overreacted, distancing myself so totally from him after that,” I point out pensively.

  “Bullshit! He screwed you over, and you were hurt, but if he treats you like a queen now, as you say he does, and if he doesn’t plan on hurting you again, well … then you guys have my blessing,” she says in an exaggeratedly hoarse voice.

  “Thank you very much, Mrs. Godfather.” I nod at her with a mock scowl. We’re not good at impersonating DeNiro. “And what did I miss on your end? I mean, apart from your new jobs and all. Give me an update, please.”

  “I’m single again,” Micah says, and I give him a commiserative look. “It just didn’t work out, her and I, so I thought I’m better off single and I should enjoy my bachelorhood again.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “You mean you should go back to screwing everything that can’t run away fast enough?”

  He lifts his chin and stares into space for a moment, as if deep in thought, and then he nods. “Exactly.”

  “You’re irredeemable.”

  Micah nods again, this time with a wide grin on his face. “I know. Cheers to that.” He pours me a shot of tequila.

  “Oh bother … I know we’ll be drunk in a matter of minutes,” I giggle before sprinkling cinnamon on the back of my hand.

  “To us, and to a successful future,” Krys toasts cheerfully.

  “To us,” Micah and I echo, and then we drink our first shot of the night.

  A good while later, when the tequila has flown freely and we all feel its effects, we’ve cleared the table for Kitt and his gang, and moved to another one. This is where I served drinks for Alexis and the others when they came in for karaoke that time. Micah and Krys are sitting at the table while I’m getting another round of shots from the bar. When I turn around and squint at them, Alexis is sitting there, too. My eyes widen, because I didn’t expect him to show up here, and then my lips curve into a happy grin. I don’t register the guy who stumbles past me, until he accidentally shoves me. The tequila bottle topples over, spilling the amber liquid across my chest. “Jesus, can’
t you watch where you’re going?” I bark at the man, but he doesn’t even turn around to apologize. I set the bottle upright again and shudder. My arm is wet, my dress is wet, and my mood is going downhill fast. I hate people who can’t even be bothered! Fuming, I return to our table and set down the little tray with our shots.

  Alexis stands up from the bench and grins at me. “You look as if you might need a towel.” He kisses my cheek.

  “Yeah, or maybe a tall man to rub myself dry on,” I counter.

  He looks down at my wet dress, and his grin turns into an inviting smile. “What a coincidence that there’s a tall man right here, at your service.”

  “Splendid.” I grab his arm and rub myself against him.

  Krys and Micah burst out laughing. “Get your phone out, get it out, Micah,” Krys cries, but I’ve already pulled away from Alexis, whose eyes are now filled with incredulous surprise.

  “You didn’t just really do that, did you?” he asks.

  “I did,” I laugh and put my arm around his neck. “Will you kiss me anyway, even if I smell like a boozehound?”

  The corner of his mouth twitches, and then he leans down and kisses me breathless. I say, if life gives you lemons – or slices of orange, as the case may be – just ask for cinnamon, tequila, and a rock star.

  “I wish I had grabbed my phone quickly enough, to capture your … tequila affair,” Krys gripes.

  Alexis pulls away from me and we both laugh. “I’m sure Honor will do that again.”

  “But then it won’t be as funny as this time,” she says.

  “Well, I was fast enough not to leave any incriminating evidence,” I tease her and stick out my tongue.

  “You’re mean.”

  I nod. “I am.”

  “And you’re mine,” Alexis whispers into my ear and pulls me with him to sit on the bench.

  I lean against him. “What brought you here?”

  “I missed you, so I just got in the car and drove here. When you weren’t home, I guessed I might find you here. And hooray, I found you.” He kisses my temple.


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