The Energy Room (The Elementum Trilogy)

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The Energy Room (The Elementum Trilogy) Page 12

by Styna Lane

  ‘Careful,’ Al’s voice rang inside my head.

  “Happy birthday to you, as well, Mr. Waldreck,” I said, squinting my eyes with silent accusation.

  At first, I had been overwhelmingly excited to know that I was so close to someone of my own kind. My head had instantly filled with questions that made my body feel as if it would cave in on itself if I didn’t get the answers. How many others were there? Why were there only six of us in my Energy Room if there were more of us? What exactly were we? However, my excitement had quickly turned to anger mixed with worry. If Al was telepathic, why didn’t he just tell me when he arrived at The Facility that he was like me? More importantly… why was he even there?

  “Happy Birthday, Angie!” I heard Paula shout from somewhere in the crowd, forcing me to plummet back into the world outside of my head.

  It took me a moment to pry my eyes away from Al, and to plaster a cheesy grin across my face.

  “Thanks!” I exclaimed, nearly toppling over as the woman tackled me with a hug.

  “You too, Al,” Paula added quickly, before taking hold of my hand to drag me down the street, where I received many random ‘happy birthdays’.

  I clumsily glanced behind me, making sure that Al was following us. I didn’t want him to leave my sight ever again.

  “Happy birthday, sweetie!” Emmy cried joyfully, giving me a kind hug as Paula and I reached our destination of the largest table at the very back of the tent.

  “Thanks, Emmy,” I said, gratefully accepting her gentle hug. “Where’s Eddie?”

  My question brought a tinge of sadness to Emmy’s eyes, but only long enough for her to try to hide it with a smile.

  “Oh, I’m sorry dear. He’s been under the weather lately. He just wasn’t feeling up to coming out today, I’m afraid,” Emmy lied.

  “Maybe I should go see him. Is he at the house?” I asked worriedly.

  “No! No… he… doesn’t want to see anyone. He just wants to rest,” Emmy said. Another lie.

  “Okay, well… tell him later that I hope he gets better soon,” I said tentatively.

  “Oy! Everyone gather round! Our birthday girl is here!” Paula bellowed at a volume that would make even a police-siren cringe.

  “You too, Al. Get up here,” Emmy encouraged, waving Al behind the table.

  Al and I shared a look of utter embarrassment, as the sea of bodies turned toward us, beginning to sing a very shaky and out of tune version of ‘Happy Birthday’. We both gawked in amazement as Paula’s co-chefs wheeled out a giant cake. It was the most incredible edible thing I had ever seen. Using her mystical culinary powers, Paula had managed to design a cake to very closely resemble the icy towers I had created on Al’s first day at The Facility. Weaving through the frosty stronghold were unmoving flames, which looked as if they could actually burn down the tent. Across one of the flames, in shimmering silver glitter, were the words ‘Happy Birthday, Angela,’ with ‘And Al’ scribbled in some sort of edible marker just below them.

  The tears welling up in my eyes took me by surprise. The smiling faces of the crowd singing to me, the love emanating from Paula and Emmy… I certainly didn’t have a normal life by any means, but at that point in time, I considered myself lucky. I wrapped my arm around Al’s, feeling the need to stable myself. He did not object, only continued staring at the magnificent cake before us.

  We applauded, smiled, and laughed as everyone finished their song in unison, ending on a much better note than it had begun. I protested against the idea of cutting into the cake; it seemed like it should have been against the law to destroy something so beautiful, but Paula insisted.

  Together, Al and I took to the cake with a large knife, slicing through the center of one of the flames. The crowd cheered, and a thought brought even more tears to my eyes; I imagined reliving a similar moment someday with Lakin, at our wedding. I covered my tears with a smile, even though I realized that day would probably never come. Al must have read my mind, because he gave me a very strong and comforting hug, while Paula took over cutting the cake, claiming that we were ‘doing it wrong.’

  “There will be a day when everyone is happy,” Al promised with a whisper in my ear, “but that day is not today.”

  Over Al’s shoulder, through blurred watery eyes, I saw a face full of even more sorrow than my own. Eric stood alone, in the middle of the street, staring at the sight of myself in Al’s embrace. I considered running to meet him, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. The boy turned, dropping a small wrapped box as he walked away from the tent; away from our friendship forever.

  “Hold your bloody horses, there’s enough for everyone!” Paula shouted from behind me, motivating me to pull myself out of Al’s arms after drying my face on his shoulder.

  “Everyone get your cake and find a seat. We’ll do presents in a little bit,” Emmy said in an unexpectedly demanding tone.

  Al and I took our seats at the main table, nodding and smiling as people wished us both happy birthday before grabbing their plates of cake. I poked at my little edible ice tower with a fork, revealing a deep royal blue color on the inside.

  “Blue velvet,” Paula said with a wink.

  The cake was as delicious as it was beautiful, smooth and creamy with chocolaty undertones; I could almost feel my arteries hardening as I ate it. I wished that Lakin and the others could have shared the party with me. I wondered how they were celebrating their birthdays. Lakin was probably working. Lyla was most likely giving herself a five-finger discount on some new clothes. Joseph’s dads probably organized a big hoopla, not too different from my own. Bryant was probably sleeping so he could spend the time with Nadia.

  “Hi, Angie! Happy birfday!” A small squeaky voice announced, coming from the direction of a pair of big brown eyes, which barely reached above the table.

  “Thanks, Jenny,” I chuckled through a mouthful of cake.

  Jenny was a young girl who lived in The Village. She couldn’t have been more than six years old. A year or so earlier, a couple of kids had been teasing her one day, when I was walking to Eric’s house. I basically scared the crap out of them by saying I was going to turn them all into bearded dragons. Ever since then, Jenny had looked up to me. I wasn’t really fond of kids, but she was an exception. On more than one occasion, she had mentioned that she wanted to grow up to be ‘just like me’, and was certain she would be able to manipulate elements. I couldn’t help but adore her.

  “I made you dis!” Jenny said excitedly, long, blonde hair waving as she shoved a piece of paper across the table.

  I picked up the drawing with admiration. It was of, what I was assuming was, Jenny and me with blue and red streams projecting from our hands, and giant smiles on our faces.

  “Aww, thank you! This is the best present ever,” I said, hugging the portrait against my chest.

  Jenny’s eyes lit up as she giggled, before thanking Paula for her cake and running off.

  “That… was adorable,” Al said, a soft smile spreading across his face.

  “She’s a sweet kid,” I choked, forcing back more tears as I realized the young girl with her entire life ahead of her, would spend it within the walls of The Facility.

  The remainder of the day was spent as festively as it could have been. Al and I thanked people as convincingly as we could for the socks, and the random knick-knacks that were available in the store. He did receive a new coffee pot, which was pretty convenient. Emmy had ordered in a bunch of new clothes for me, probably derived from William’s suggestion. Some of the girls from The City, who were a few years younger than me, gave me makeup; I wondered if that was a hint that they thought I needed it.

  I was appreciative for everything I was receiving, but none of the gifts even came close to the drawing Jenny had given me. It was from the heart, and that’s where I would keep it.



  “There isn’t the slightest possibility that Al having the same birthday is just a coincidenc
e?” Bryant asked, after he had viewed my birthday experience, along with Nadia and Lakin.

  “I have no doubts that he is one of us. None at all,” I stated firmly.

  I stared questioningly at Lakin, trying to convince myself that I wanted his insight, when really, I just wanted to hear his voice.

  “How many more do you think there are like us?” Nadia asked excitedly.

  “I don’t know. He’s obviously able to communicate to me through telepathy, but there must be some reason he hasn’t flat out explained everything to me,” I said interestedly.

  “Now hold on, we still don’t know for sure that he is one of us,” Bryant said, shaking his head in frustration.

  “I think he is,” Lakin piped up, taking us all by surprise.

  “This might not have even been his birthday. It could all just be part of some scheme,” Bryant defended.

  “That is true, but I’m with Angela. I was doubtful before, but I believe it now,” Lakin admitted.

  “Why?!” Bryant exclaimed.

  “I don’t know,” Lakin confessed, glancing at me. “I just do.”

  A smile crept across my face. I was relieved that Lakin supported my opinion, having thought he would continue to fight the idea. I hoped that it meant we were on the path to recovering our damaged relationship.

  “If he is like us, why can’t we read minds?” Bryant asked in a triumphant tone, obviously thinking he had defeated us.

  “Maybe others like us have different abilities,” I countered with the same triumphant tone.

  “I still think you should be careful,” Bryant said with finality, leaning back in his chair.

  “When do you see him again?” Nadia asked, eyes ablaze with a hopeful fire.

  “Tomorrow, I have a lab-run,” I replied.

  “Are you going to try to communicate with him again?” she questioned.

  “Yeah, I’ll try,” I smiled empathetically, knowing Nadia was optimistic that Al would be her escape from her coma.

  We all sat in thoughtful silence for what seemed like an eternity. I mainly wondered why it had taken so long to discover that Al was one of us. Why hadn’t he just told me telepathically when we first met? Why was he even at The Facility? Maybe it was a plan to help me escape. I chuckled, shaking the ridiculous thought from my mind.

  I awoke the next morning with an overwhelming sense of eagerness. Coffee wasn’t necessary as I dressed myself with enthusiasm, excited to see Al again. Besides that, it would be my first lab-run since I had almost burnt Al’s face off, which added to the perk in my step. I pranced happily to the front door, responding to the knocking.

  “Good morning, Alvin!” I shouted with cheesy delight.

  “Uh… good morning, Angela,” Al said with a hesitant chuckle. “Are you ready?”

  “Yep!” I beamed, slamming the door behind me as I frolicked into the hallway.

  “You seem excessively cheerful today,” Al noted.

  “I have a feeling it’s going to be a good day,” I winked, punching the down button of the elevator vivaciously.

  Al watched me curiously, as I fidgeted the entire ride down to the thirtieth floor; the very bottom level of The Facility. The elevator doors exposed a lab room just as the others, except behind the dividing glass panel was a floor covered in pure white sand. I eyed the employees, searching for Eddie’s kind face. I frowned in disappointment to find a very cross looking face in its place.

  “Good morning, Miss Dawson,” a raspy voice called from the middle of the room.

  Mr. Gray had been working at The Facility for nearly as long as Eddie, and was prime candidate for Eddie’s replacement as ‘Head Scientist’. He had always taken over for Eddie on sick days, and had a mechanical sense about him. He ran everything by the book, and rarely participated in small talk.

  “Is Eddie still sick?” I interrogated, making my way toward the glass door.

  “Afraid so,” Mr. Gray answered, observing Al suspiciously. “Mr. Waldreck, it is not routine for therapists to be present at lab-runs. I would think, after your last experience, that you would want to steer clear of the tests.”

  “I think I’ll stay, if that’s quite alright with you.” Al spoke firmly, refusing to leave.

  Mr. Gray issued a dull nod, jamming his card key into a slot at the glass door to let us in. The room was dry and warm, mimicking perfectly what I expected the desert felt like. I kicked my slippers off to the wall, wiggling my toes in the hot sand. I furrowed my eyebrows, watching Al lean down to pick up a handful of the gritty stuff.

  “Where is this from?” Al asked curiously, letting the sand leak off of his palm before grabbing another handful.

  “That’s not my department. You would have to ask Mr. Slate. As per the new rules Mr. Slate has implemented, I’m going to have to ask that you stay on the safe side of the glass, Mr. Waldreck. We don’t want a repeat of the fire-run incident,” Mr. Gray said snobbishly.

  Al obliged, shoving his hands into his pockets as he exited the contained desert. I stood firmly in the middle of the room, awaiting instructions through the speaker system as I always did when Mr. Gray was in charge.

  “Miss Dawson, today you will be simulating a sandstorm. We’ve enabled the heating system as your wind-source.” Mr. Gray’s voice was amplified through the speaker, clicking off momentarily as he gave various orders to the workers. “When you are ready.”

  I smirked at the little red light on my Electro-Cuffs, feeling a sense of liberty rush over me. I raised my face toward the ceiling, allowing the slight wind to warm my body as it moved throughout the room. Air, for whatever reason, was the easiest for me to manipulate, and gave me an inspiring feeling of freedom.

  I sighed, imagining my breath intertwining with the heated breeze. My hair blew as the breeze turned into a gust, brushing small bits of sand across my cheek. I pictured myself as a bird, soaring freely across the sky, wind flowing through my feathered wings. I smiled, lifting my arms from my sides as streams of sand glided through my widespread fingers. My eyes opened to witness the steady spiral of sand, swirling around me like a mild tornado.

  The lab-run was going perfectly, until my eyes locked with Al’s on the other side of the glass pane. The same sensation which had possessed me during the ice lab, and the fire lab, overtook me; the familiar piercing between my eyes. All the control I had just moments before was lost, as I felt the energy build up inside me. A shout of pain burst from my throat, as the current rushed out my hands. It all seemed to happen so quickly.

  Sand collided against my skin with hostility, cutting small scratches into my cheeks and hands like tiny knives. The ground beneath my feet rumbled and quaked, causing small cracks to spread throughout the dividing glass panel.

  “Miss Dawson, I must ask you to cease immediately!” Mr. Gray’s shouts were drowned out by the gusts of wind.

  ‘You can control this,’ Al’s voice pushed itself into my thoughts. ‘Focus on stopping.’

  I attempted to contain the energy that was emanating outward from my entire body, closing my eyes through the pain to imagine the room calming down. The only change I felt was the quakes below my feet worsening, causing scientists to stumble and machinery to spark.

  Suddenly, the sand fell around me like rain, as the most excruciating charge of electricity pulsed through me, dropping me to my knees. I screamed in blinding agony, as my body violently convulsed. My vision went white as the current stopped, but I was not surrounded by the whiteness that protected me in my dreams; I was stuck in a limbo of pain where I could hear people talking and shuffling around me, but could only see blurry outlines and hues. ‘This must be what death feels like,’ I thought.

  I felt myself being lifted, my head bobbing aggressively against something that felt not unlike an arm. I wondered if I was being carried up the stairs to heaven, which seemed unending.

  “You’re going to be alright,” said a voice, which I thought sounded familiar; soft and calm.

  “Are you my ange
l?” I mumbled. The harder I tried to push my eyelids open, the heavier they felt.

  “Not quite,” the voice chuckled, continuing its trek up the everlasting staircase.

  Finally, our journey upwards leveled with the sound of a swinging door. I heard more shuffling and voices, as I was placed on something soft and cool. I felt my eyelids being pulled back, one after the other, the blurry whiteness temporarily growing brighter.

  “Angela, can you hear me?” a new voice asked frantically.

  “You’re a man?” I murmured, having always imagined that God was a woman… or a unicorn.

  “It’s Nurse Davis. Can you tell me how many fingers I’m holding up?” the voice asked, as a pressure started building on my upper arm.

  “Nurse Davis? Are you in heaven too?” I questioned uncomprehendingly.

  “Angela, you’re in the infirmary,” Nurse Davis stated, as the pressure relieved from my arm.

  Slowly, the shapes surrounding me came into better focus. I squinted against the harsh light behind the outlines of, what I could finally see were, bodies. It felt as if I had been run over by a semi-truck, put through a clothes dryer, then severely electrocuted in the middle of an earthquake combined with a sandstorm. Every part of my body ached, my head throbbed, and my muscles spasmed as if they had developed a mind of their own. I blinked rapidly, trying to recognize the faces around me.

  “Don’t try to get up,” Nurse Davis said quickly, as I attempted to push myself to my elbows.

  I was finally able to distinguish a pair of icy blue eyes, which appeared to be saturated with worry. Al moved closer to me, gently gripping my hand. I stared in confusion, taking in my surroundings.

  The earthquake hadn’t just damaged the glass pane on the thirtieth floor of The Facility. All the way up in the infirmary, debris littered the floor, and light fixtures drooped dangerously from the ceiling.


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