Sharing Spaces

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Sharing Spaces Page 26

by Nadia Nichols

  Dear Senna,

  If you are reading this letter, then you’ve seen the lodge and lake house and met your business partner, John Hanson. He’s hard-working and trustworthy. I hope you like him, I hope you like Labrador, and I also hope you’ll forgive this surly old man for meddling in his granddaughter’s affairs.

  Best of luck,

  Stuart Anderson McCallum

  Senna folded the letter and replaced it in the envelope. She sat back in her seat and gazed out at the wild expanse unrolling beneath the plane’s wings, dazed both by the letter’s succinct brevity and the dawning realization that her grandfather had planned this whole business partnership just to get her together with John Hanson after he died. Her surly old grandfather had been playing matchmaker!

  She shook her head, torn between laughing and crying. She looked across at Jack, studying the handsome profile of her future husband and life mate as he piloted the old plane back toward the Wolf River Lodge. “I love the man you chose to be my business partner, I like Labrador more by the moment, and I forgive you for meddling in my life. I do, I do and I do,” she said softly beneath the roar of the plane’s engine, knowing in her heart that her grandfather heard…and approved.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-2162-8


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