Home for the Holiday

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Home for the Holiday Page 3

by Wendy Stone

  "Do I look like I'm going to regret this in the morning?"

  "But will you respect me?” he asked, trying to lighten the mood.

  "Why should I? I don't now."

  "Hey,” he groaned, feeling the head of his cock pushing into my wet, hot flesh. “I guess I can live with that.” He pushed further, stretching me, giving me all the time I needed to grow used to his possession.

  It was a possession, one that I couldn't fight even if I had wanted. Nick had been my constant companion, my best friend, my confidante. He'd helped me with everything after the disaster of a wedding. No job had been too small for him. He even helped address the thank you cards I still insisted on sending out, along with the gifts I had to return.

  Nicky had been there with me, making me smile, bringing me little gifts to make my day easier, acting his goofy self. Now here was this man, this almost-stranger with Nicky's face bringing me so much pleasure. It was stunning.

  He groaned, letting his head rest next to me. “What are you thinking?” he asked softly.

  "That I really don't know the true Nick Evans,” I moaned. My hands grasped at his back, my hips bumping into his as he refused to move.

  "What do you mean by that?” Nicky asked, holding me down easily, his hands rubbing down my arms to grab my wrists and tuck them above my head in his grasp.

  "You've always been slightly goofy Nicky. The one who listens to me cry and then gives me a hug. You bring me flowers and chicken and stars soup when I'm sick, you hand deliver your Christmas cards. Where did that guy go?"

  "I'm right here, Kenna. I haven't gone anywhere.” To prove his point, he kissed me, and all hesitant thoughts flew out of my head. His hips began a slow dance against mine, his cock filling me like none before. He used his free hand to caress me, slowly, taking his sweet time. He moved over my body until I felt as if he'd touched every part of me.

  He pushed me over the first crest with an ease I'd never had. I gasped, twisting against his hold because I wanted to touch him, to make him feel as good as he was making me feel. “Let me go, Nicky. I want to touch you,” I whispered against his ear.

  His moan was almost one of pain. “I can't. If you touch me, this'll be all over but the snuggling, Kenna. I want you too badly.” The almost lazy speed of his thrusts changed tempo, coming harder and faster until I heard the old bed beneath us begin to squeak.

  "Stop, Nick!” I cried, but he'd already stopped, rolling so that I was on top of him.

  "Grind for me,” he said softly, his hands on my hips. “Grind that sweet little pussy against me baby."

  My head was thrown back. My hands were on his chest, giving me balance. He ground my hips against his. “Oh God, oh God,” I whispered, fighting to hold back, not wanting to scream out my pleasure. It was there, pressing into my throat, begging to be released.

  My clit was mashed against his pubic hair, the abrasive feeling almost too much to bear. I kept up the sweet movements, feeling Nick's hands move from my hips, over my stomach and ribs to my breasts. I couldn't help but arch my back, thrusting my nipples into his hands.

  Shivering over him, I whimpered as another climax flashed through me. I knew he could feel them, I knew every one of mine sent him closer to his. Bending over him, I found his mouth, giving him a kiss for the first time in my life. My nipples brushed against his chest and I heard him growl into my mouth. His hands were on my back, drawing me closer, rubbing against my sensitive skin.

  "One more time,” I heard him whisper. “Come for me one more time."

  Outside the bedroom door there was a noise, then I heard my father's voice. “What are you doing up and about, Mara?"

  "I could ask the same of you?” Mara replied. She was always one to stand up to my father.

  I froze, my eyes glued to Nicky's as I waited to hear more.

  "I thought I heard some noises. I was coming to check that our guest is all right."

  "Oh shit,” I squeaked, trying to get off Nicky, but he held me still.

  "Shhh, you'll make the bed squeak again.” He continued to hold me to him, still moving under me.

  "Nick, you have to stop,” I breathed against his ear, feeling him shiver under me.

  "Nick is fine, Daddy. They went downstairs for a bit of warm milk to help him sleep."


  "Kenna and him. Come on, Dad, they're adults. They live in the same building in Lapeer. They even work in the same place. I don't think Nick's going to hurt Kenna by fixing warm milk with him.” Mara paused for a moment and I could almost imagine her grabbing hold of Dad's arm, tugging on him. “Come on, Pop, you've got that job in the morning and then the long haul out to Pine's to get the tree Mom wants. Go on back to bed and I'll go down and hurry them up."

  "You're right. I don't know when you got such a good head on your shoulders, Mara me love.” I heard my father move away, heading back down to his room.

  "Remind me to buy that girl a fantastic Christmas present,” Nicky whispered. His lips sought out mine, but I tried to get away instead.

  "What are you doing, Kenna? Mara's got our backs,” Nicky said, groaning when I pulled off him.

  "I can't believe I snuck in here under my parents’ noses and was f-fucking you with my dad and my sister on the other side of the door.” I got up, searching for my pajamas and my thong. I couldn't find the small scrap of green lace and silk. So I pulled my clothes on without it. “I'm sorry, Nicky, I'm just not the type to sneak around."

  "You can't leave yet,” he said softly. “Your dad is still awake."

  I sank down on the side of the bed, feeling his hand come out and touch my arm.

  "Come lay back down. Let me just hold you for a while. I promise to have you back in your room, safe and sound, before your father gets up. Just for a while,” he wheedled when I continued to sit there and stare at him.

  "No hinkey stuff?"

  "No hinkey stuff,” he promised, crossing his fingers over his chest. “Though I'm not sure what hinkey is?"

  I surprised both of us by reaching out and patting the covers over his cock. “You promise to keep this under control?” I said, glad for the darkness of the room as I felt my face blaze red.

  "As much as I am physically able,” he said. He laid back on the bed, holding his arms out to me. I went, pulling the covers up over us. The cold that hadn't bothered me before was pretty evident now, reminding me of what Mom always said. I had the coldest room in the house.

  His heat felt good and I snuggled closer. I'd always wondered what sleeping with Nicky would be like, though I never imagined the first time I had the chance would be in my mom and dad's house.

  "You're thinking,” he said quietly, his hand pushing the hair away from my face.

  "I'm sorry,” I said. “I'll try to quit that."

  "No, goofball. I just wondered what you were thinking."

  "I was actually making a wish on that star,” I said, pointing my finger at the brightest star in the night sky, easily seen outside my window.

  "Then you can't tell or it won't come true,” Nicky said, pressing his lips to my forehead.

  "I think the only way this will come true is if I tell,” I whispered, picking my head up off of his shoulder and looking up into his eyes.

  "So this wish deals with me?"

  I nodded, biting my lip in indecision.

  "Might it have something to do with what we were just doing?"

  I nodded again, averting my eyes from his face.

  "Were you hoping that we could do it again sometime when we weren't sneaking around in your parent's home?"

  "Yes,” I said, finally finding my voice. Where was the strong, controlled woman I'd always thought I'd become? I was acting like a school girl with a huge crush. But that was how I felt, like a school girl with her first crush. “When we get home,” I said finally, “I want you to stay with me so that I can fuck your brains out."

  He stared at me for a moment and I felt a bit of alarm. Maybe he didn't feel like I did. Maybe
I was just a convenient body. Nicky hadn't had a girlfriend in a while, not that he didn't have women throwing themselves at him. Maybe I was just a way to slake his lust. “Oh God, Nick, if you don't want..."

  His fingers came up and pressed against my lips. “Shhh, I was savoring what you said. I'd love to stay with you and let you try to fuck my brains out. When can we leave?"

  I giggled. “Well, I'd say tomorrow, but you promised to help my mother bake cookies and we have to go up and get the tree and Steven and Bekka will be here."

  "We definitely wouldn't want them to get the idea that they chased you out.” His hand tangled in my hair and he drew me down again, finding my lips with his. “Mmm,” he moaned when he let me loose. “I think I like this boyfriend gig."

  The words, “Want to make it permanent?” were on my lips but I managed, just, to hold them back. I could see him getting up and leaving tonight if I tried to make this anymore than what it looked to be. We were friends and we lusted after each other. I'd live with that for now. His hand was in my hair, stroking it softly. I allowed myself to relax and close my eyes.

  It seemed I'd only just closed my eyes when soft lips touched mine. “Wake up, sleepy head. You've got to go get back in your own bed."

  "No I don't,” I muttered, half asleep. I rolled against him, my hands stroking over hard male flesh that was warm and naked and right there in my bed. “Mmm, you feel so good."

  Nicky groaned. I was kissing his neck, finding every sensitive spot, making him wriggle under me.

  "No,” he said, shaking me off. “Kenna Brinna McEwen, get your butt out of this bed and back in your own, now,” he ordered in a strangely strangled tone.

  "I don't wanna,” I said, pouting. He dropped his lips on mine, kissing me to muffle the screech I let out when his hand slapped down on my backside.

  "Oww,” I whined.

  "You get up now and I'll kiss it and make it better later,” he offered.

  A low knock sounded on the door, Mara's voice coming through the wood in a loud whisper. “Kenna?"

  "You're being called,” he said, laying back on the bed and crossing his arms behind his head. I glared at him and slipped out from under the covers, shivering in the early morning dark. “I'll get even, you know that don't you?"

  "Yeah, and I'll probably let you get even,” he teased. “Now get out of here."

  I got to the door and was just starting to open it when I heard his voice calling my name. “Kenna?"


  "You snore,” he whispered back, chuckling at my small scream of outrage.

  Mara grabbed my hand the instant I closed her door. “How was it?” she whispered. “Wait, I don't mean how was it per se, but ... yes I do, how was it?"

  I sank down on my bed. I was still feeling pretty damn euphoric, despite his last uncalled-for comment. “Nicky is wonderful,” I cooed, almost making myself sick at the tone in my voice.

  "Oh my God, Kenna, you've got it bad! I don't think I ever saw you like this when you were engaged to Steven. Of course, that could be because Steven's a fucking putz."

  "Mara!” I couldn't believe that kind of language had come out of my sweet little sister's mouth. “Do you kiss Mom with that mouth?"

  "I'll kiss you with this mouth,” she said, dashing across the space between the two beds and diving on me. She dragged long, slimy kisses across my face despite my squeals and fighting until I finally managed to knock her to the floor. She was up in a second, making kissy sounds at me.

  "You two knock it off in there!” Dad's voice came through the door. “If you've got so much energy, get your butts up and you can come out and help me bring in wood.

  "Yes, Dad,” we chorused obediently.

  I stuck my tongue out at Mara, grabbed my clothes, and made it to the bathroom first. A hot shower in my family home was something to be treasured and I knew if Mara got there before me, she'd hog the hot water and leave me with little more than barely warm.

  "Leave me some hot water,” she called through the door. “I'll make your bed for you if you do."

  I was showered and dressed and dragging a brush through my hair when I heard a tentative knock on the door. Opening it, I came face to face with Nicky. He looked so adorable in the morning, with a cowlick above his right eye that wouldn't go down and his face covered with whiskers.

  "Just what I like, a wet girl in the morning,” he teased, dropping his head down to kiss me. I turned my face away.

  "Nope,” I said. “I snore."

  "That you do,” he said, grinning. “But it's a cute little snore."

  I narrowed his eyes at him. “Hey, you two,” my Mom said as she passed the open bathroom door. “I'm heading down to fix breakfast. Kenna, your dad is waiting on you to bring in the wood. Mara's already down there."

  "I'm going, Mom,” I said quickly. Walking past Nicky, I slapped his sweat-encased butt. “Hurry it up, Nicky. You've got to work if you want to be fed."

  "I'll be right down.” He closed the door behind me and I threw my brush on top of my bag in Mara's room.

  It was as if I'd never left. Stock had to be fed, the cows milked and the milk brought in to Mom. The chickens were fed and the eggs gathered. Dad chopped a huge pile of wood and Mara, Nicky and I carted it all up to the back door of the house, piling it neatly.

  "I never thought of you as a farm girl.” Nicky brushed wood chips off of my jacket, dropping a kiss to my up-turned lips. “Somehow I'd always thought of you as city born and bred."

  "I know, it took me a long time when I got to Lapeer to realize that people actually bought their milk and eggs in stores. It never tastes the same, though. Wait until you get a hold of a stack of my momma's homemade buttermilk pancakes."

  "Sounds heavenly,” Nicky said. Mara came up behind him with the last of the wood and a serious expression on her face.

  "What's up, brat?” I said affectionately, tugging on her hat.

  "Steven's car just turned in at the gate."

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  Chapter Three

  Nicky's hand was resting on my shoulder and he gave me a squeeze. “Come on,” he said. “Let's show them how little what happened means to you and meet them at the front door."

  I rested my hand on his, staring into his sparkling blue eyes with gratitude. “Thanks, Nicky. I couldn't do this without you."

  He gave me a huge grin, bending and sliding his lips over mine. I heard Mara sigh as I reached around his back and under his coat, hanging on to him. “For luck,” he whispered when he lifted his head. I saw him wink at Mara and could have kissed him again when he held out his hand to her, taking mine in the other. “You don't want to miss the fireworks, do you?” he said to Mara.

  "Are you crazy? I've been looking forward to Kenna giving perfect Miss Bekka hell since I found out they were both coming for Christmas."


  "Don't use that Mom tone of voice on me, Kenna. You and I both know that Bekka's been given everything she's wanted since she was born. If she can't get it given to her, she schemes and plots until she gets it. She wanted Steven because you had him. She was pissed because you were getting married before her. So she went and seduced him because she knew you wanted him."

  "Wait, she seduced him? How do you know this?"

  "I read her diary, how the hell else do you think I find out things around here."

  "Mara, you ... you never read mine, did you?"

  Mara grinned at me and I felt suddenly very exposed. “Oh, yeah. Page 117 was very ... uh ... interesting."

  Nicky grinned. “What was on page 117?” he asked my sneaky little sibling.

  "I'd never betray my sister,” Mara said, though I saw her wink at him and suddenly knew that all my inner secrets were going to be Nicky's before this trip were through.

  "You'd better not, squirt,” I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

  We rounded the corner of the wraparound porch and saw Riley with his paws braced up against Steven's side of the car
, growling menacingly.

  "Oh, did I forget to tell you? Your dog took a bite out of Steven the last time he and Bekka came for dinner."

  "I always heard that dogs have a wonderful people sense,” Nicky murmured close to my ear.

  "Ha ha, funny.” I let out a piercing whistle and Riley got down, bouncing toward me with deviltry in his doggie eyes. “Behave yourself,” I told him and then ruined it by ruffling up his sides. “Why didn't Bekka call him off?"

  "She can't get out of the car by herself,” Mara said with a laugh. “Skinny Bekka is now a beached whale."

  I saw Steven get out and waited for the usual feelings of hurt and betrayal to slam into my stomach like a brick fist. It took me a second to realize they weren't there. As I looked at him, I suddenly wondered what had made him seem so wonderful in the first place.. It wasn't as if he was ugly, but now when I looked at him his dark hair seemed a bit fake, as if he dyed it. His mustache was starting to turn gray and his eyes were really close together and a beady brown. He glanced at me and I couldn't help but wonder what he was seeing.

  Then I took the first step, walking off the porch and down the driveway. I could hear Mara and Nicky behind me and knew by their silence that they were relishing what they thought was coming up.

  Steven had opened Bekka's door and was reaching in. I saw him brace himself and then heard Bekka's high pitched yelp. “Dammit, Steven, can't you do anything right?"

  It was as if a ray of sunshine had broken through a cloud. Suddenly, I was very happy for the two of them. They deserved each other. Sneaky, cheating Steven would never be truly faithful to any woman, which Bekka should have realized when he was so easily seduced into her bed.

  Bekka? Well, she was no prize when she wasn't pregnant. With jumping hormones and Bekka's profound fear of getting fat, she had to be an absolute joy to live with now. That thought brought a smile to my lips and I was able to greet them both with no animosity what-so-ever, much to Mara's dismay.

  "Merry Christmas, Steven. Do you need some help? I think I can get Dad's John Deere out of the barn and put the hoist strap on it.” Okay, so maybe there was just a little bit of animosity.


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