EMP Causality

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EMP Causality Page 12

by Michael Kravitz

  “Oh no! That is going to be a problem,” Camille said with alarm.

  “Huh? What are you talking about Camille?” Ben asked.

  It’s a well-known fact that all road trips require a driver and one security guard or shooter,” Camille replied anxiously.

  “What are you getting at, Camille?” Ben asked in a perturbed tone.

  “When is Officer Ryan going on his next assignment?” Camille asked.

  “Late tomorrow morning, he will be gone for two days,” Ben said tepidly.

  “Will his wife Ann be at home?” Camille asked.

  “Probably, so what?” Ben said with a touch of anger.

  “What do you mean so what? You know Ann is a female and I am a female. They need a guard shooter to accompany them, right?” Camille said boldly.

  “Your point?” Ben asked.

  “Please, Ben! If Fred and William go, the air base will ask that a male guard shooter go with them. They know nothing about me. I know Ann can handle herself as much as any man. They respect and trust Ann. I need to talk with her. I have lived my whole life protecting my daughter. I carry a gun and I am not afraid to use it,” Camille said with authority.

  “Aye gads! I never thought of it that way. You have a valid point,” Ben stated. “Look, you just sleep on my sofa tonight. We can take you by ca—” Ben was interrupted by Camille.

  “No, she (Ann) needs to see me either bike or walk to her house. I have to show that I am my own person, then I can gain a little respect. I will have a talk with her, woman to woman. It is the only way,” Camille said.

  “I hear you. We have an extra bike. I will see to it that you can use it,” Ben said with a touch of humility. At this point, Ben put his hand out. He did not want to hug Camille. He knew both Jessica and Alice were watching.

  He is in enough dodo. Camille graciously shook hands with Ben. Being street-smart, Camille knew exactly why he put his hand out.

  Both physically and emotionally drained, Camille said good night to Ben. As Camille was heading for the front door, Ben said, “Wait a minute.” He wanted to light a few candles. Everyone needs to use the bathroom. Ben went into the kitchen and opened up a drawer. He was looking for the Bic lighter. After several minutes, Ben said to himself, “This is strange. The lighter was here last night.” He then struggled to find a few candles in the dark. Camille was puzzled. Finally Ben found the candles and went to the fire pit. He lit several candles and bought them back into the house. At this point, Camille smiled.

  How considerate Ben is. He carefully put the lit candles in the living room and hallway.

  While this was going on, Jessica slapped her forehead. She felt the lighter in her front pocket. She forgot to put it back. Using it for a flashlight? Ingenious.

  Not returning it? Really not cool. Jessica turned around and looked at the drunk while raising her empty glass. Both of them smiled. The drunk poured some more alcohol until Jessica waved her hands. It was a signal that that was her limit.

  Soon like dropping flies, everyone reached their limit for the night. It was an eventful night. The governor has issued a reprieve. Everyone (including all collaborative members) lightened up for this night. The family drama/feud has taken a toll. Tonight there was less tension. Perhaps all can sleep well; the Jumanji board has definitely made a series of moves.

  On the following morning, Randy woke first. Remaining neutral in this ongoing war has its perks. Not only can he smile at everyone; his shoulders are not burdened down. Cheerfully, he used the bathroom and extinguished the candles. As Randy was exiting the house, he noticed Camille sleeping on the sofa. Randy was going to say morning to her. She looked at him and put the cover back over her head. It was her way of saying, “Just go and let me sleep.”

  Closing the front door, Randy had to smile. All the family drama is locked up inside the house. Outside, he is free at last. A glorious morning. At times being alone with Mother Nature can be therapeutic. Last night, sitting next to Sarah and her mother was special. With a glowing fire, food, drink, and the company of two beautiful women, life doesn’t get any better.

  Funny how everyone tells Randy, “Just step away from your car, just do it.” It’s a slow withdrawal. He will always have a bond with his car, but maybe—just maybe—he now understand it’s time to cut the umbilical cord.

  Looking around, Randy saw the same fires and heard an occasional crack of a 9mm. Burnt embers were still pretty hot, throwing some small pieces of wood got the fire pit going. Time for coffee and breakfast. With the aroma of brewed coffee, the masses started to stir. Some of the combatants inside his house started to come out. First it was Ben, next Alice. The union man and his family came with some food to cook. It has become a morning ritual. For a better term, we can just call it “the Gathering.”

  Ben, unshaven this morning, needed some eggs and coffee. Randy cheerfully obliged his father. It was a strange truce. Both Ben and Alice said, “Good morning” to each other. Sad that it could not be “Good morning, dear.” “Good Morning, Alice.” No, it is just “Good morning.” Like being at a summit with two archrivals.

  “Randy, did you see where the lighter went?” Ben asked in bewilderment.

  “It is in the top drawer in the kitchen,” Randy replied.

  “I didn’t find it last night when I wanted to light the candles,” Ben stated.

  “It’s there, Dad. I even saw it this morning,” Randy said with conviction.

  “Hmmm, I must be losing it. Okay, thanks,” Ben said in a soft tone.

  Jessica returned it before she went to sleep. She did not want to get up yet. She wanted Camille to exit the house first. She knew that Camille’s presence would make her feel a little uncomfortable. She noticed Camille with Ben last night. There is enough tensions without adding anymore. She did not know Camille was discussing a personal problem and not the family feud.

  Finally, Camille decided it’s time. After using the bathroom, she exited the house. Jessica knows soon Joshua will drop off another letter any day now. Totally obsessed, it is the only thing that keeps Jessica from losing it. Electricity will be coming in several months, but it does not matter; life is not worth living without Joshua. Without family or a professional therapist to talk with, it becomes a minefield. Finally Mr. Henderson showed up for the Gathering. Camille smiled.

  After he sat down with his coffee, Camille approached him.

  “Morning, Mr. Henderson,” Camille said with a big-ass smile.

  “Morning,” Mr. Henderson said cautiously. He knew something is up.

  “After breakfast, would you mind heating me up some hot water for a bath?” Camille asked with a nice feminine charm.

  Mr. Henderson just smiled. He raised his coffee to her.

  “Anything for a charming lady like you,” Mr. Henderson said with cheer.

  Camille really wanted to impress Ann. If she could be tidy and clean in these conditions, perhaps Ann would be impressed.

  It is a typical morning at the Randals’ collaborative. Mr. Henderson is heating water for Camille. A few of the other women have also indicated they would like the same treatment. This morning business is good for Mr. Henderson. Ah! Off in the distance, talking to someone else, is Mrs. Henderson. She has her arms crossed, and she is looking at her husband. Mr. Henderson picked up a bucket of water and just shook his head. They have a good marriage. With two strapping sons and a good business, she wants to make sure it stays that way. Truth be told, most men like looking at a beautiful women. Mr. Henderson also enjoys it, but he is very happy with his business, sons, and a caring wife. “Look! But don’t touch” is what he lives by. Besides, in the construction business, it’s mostly men and beers anyway.

  In the meantime, his two sons were lugging around the generator to various houses. Keeping food from spoiling is important to everyone. Camille, finishing her bath, is now trying the best she can to dry her hair. Like a multitude of females, Camille is obsessed with her hair. She even owns a few wigs. Many of our early
colonist had wigs. There was even a wig party. I wonder if they all had to wear wigs. There are men who make a big fuss about their hair. Yet most just want a quick haircut when the hair starts to itch the back of their necks.

  Officer Ryan just has his hair buzzed off at the prison. They have a generator and many who are willing to be barbers.

  It was a very productive morning. Randy and Ben started to chop wood. Finally, Jessica came out of the house. Instinctively, Alice has decided not to come up to her. She did not want Ben to feel overwhelmed in this ongoing feud. Alice feels and hopes a resolution is forthcoming.

  Right after the sun dial showed twelve noon, Camille sought out Ben. It was time for Camille to have a meeting with Ann (Officer Ryan’s wife). Ben was really building up a sweat chopping wood. He saw Camille approaching him. He paused and wiped his forehead. With a quick mind, Ben called out for Randy.

  “What’s up, Dad?” Randy said to Ben.

  “Would you mind getting the spare bike for Camille?” Ben asked politely.

  “I don’t mind, but I don’t mind driving her either,” Randy replied.

  “No! It is better that she just uses the bike this morning. Camille is only going to Officer Ryan’s house. She wants to do it by herself,” Ben stated in a clear tone.

  “All right, Dad! No problem,” Randy said as he exited the barn.

  Soon Randy bought the bike over to Camille. She thanked Randy and walked with the bike. As she neared Ben, Camille thanked him for his support.

  Time for a good ride. It really is very safe, and the exercise will be good for her. Riding by William’s house, Fred was up and about. Seems Fred never sleeps. Food is important to everyone, but in Fred’s mind the birds must be fed. This morning Camille did not wish to talk to Fred. She said hello and kept on trucking.

  When Camille reached Officer Ryan’s house, Ann was outside with a push lawn mower. Officer Ryan now has access to a push lawn mower, courtesy of the prison. After he uses it, he always returns it to the prison.

  A little out of shape, Camille is huffing and puffing. Ann saw her and stopped the lawn mower. Camille took in one deep breath and let it out. She did not want Ann to think she is out of shape. With Camille standing by the bike, Ann walked up to her.

  “Morning. Strange to see you this morning. Are you exercising?” Ann asked.

  “No, actually, I came by to have a talk with you,” Camille stated.

  “Ham, okay! What’s up?” Ann said.

  “I had a talk with your husband at Ben’s place last night,” Camille said.

  “And . . .” Ann said in a curious voice. She did not know what to expect.

  “My nephew was shot and killed,” Camille said.

  “I heard,” Ann stated

  “I need to tell my sister. Problem is, she lives out west. It is her only son. She has to hear it from me,” Camille said with a little emotion.

  “I am sorry. What has that got to do with me?” Ann said with a confusing tone.

  “Everything. You are going on the road trip to a tent city out west,” Camille mentioned.

  “Yes, but we are just trying to secure a Humvee now. The Canadians have delivered a few old Humvees left over from the Iraq War. They flew them in last week to the air base. My husband is trying to authorize a trip as we speak,” Ann said slowly but deliberately. Still, not knowing what is in Camille’s mind, Ann was waiting with puzzlement.

  “Look, Ann! I have respect for you and your husband. You have a good marriage. You’re both police officers and you both respect each other,” Camille spurted out.

  “Thanks for the compliment, but I still do not understand,” Ann stated.

  “Very simple. We both know the air base will require a shooter guard to accompany you. They think only a man is qualified. I know they respect you.

  If William and Fred accompany, you they will think only a man can keep you safe,” Camille said very trustfully.

  At this point, Ann started to stroke her chin. Her whole life had been geared to survive in a man’s world. She lived with brothers who tormented her and had to keep up with the other officers.

  “Do you want to come in the house for a few minutes?” Ann asked as she noticed that Camille was also armed. It gave Ann a reason to smile.

  Camille put the stick stand out. She then followed Ann into the house. For over an hour, they talked and bonded. Ann had to get a feel for what kind of a person Camille is. They both exchanged stories about their youth and growing up. In the end, Ann understood where Camille was coming from. Ann also got the feeling Camille understood the mindset of some of these thugs. Not only did she think that, but also that Camille can handle herself well in a crisis.

  Ann and Camille walked outside. Camille got her bike as Ann looked on.

  “I will talk to both my husband and the air base. They are extremely understaffed. I will get back to you, Camille. Nice talking to you,” Ann said.

  At this point, they both just shook hands. Neither one wanted to hug since it was really their first meeting. Camille, being satisfied, started to bike back.

  Relieved by her efforts, she felt a burden has left her. This time Camille saw Fred was still outside. She pulled her bike up to William’s house. She did not want to neglect Fred this time. After talking for ten minutes, she continued on to the Randal residence.

  Once she reached there, she met up with Ben and went over the conversation she had with Ann. Ben was happy for her. He also recommended that she stay there for a few days. Officer Ryan should be back in two days.

  Everything was set in motion.

  The next few days were a diplomatic nightmare. Alice would talk to her daughter, but not for long talks. She did not want to piss her husband off.

  Camille tried to be an equal visitor. Now she understand why the drunk is the go-to guy during this troubling period. Randy found a win-win situation for himself. He spent most of his time around Sarah. This way he truly can say, “I know nothing.”

  A few days went by and the Jumanji board kept moving. It was time for Jessica to check under the rock. She gave it one more day. She knew Joshua must have left her a letter under the rock. For Joshua, it was a different challenge. As long as he did not use the jeep, his father did not care what he did. He knew Ben would not allow his daughter out of his sight.

  What clever means can Jessica use to go to William’s house? She cannot use Sarah anymore. What about the drunk? Nah, he will not even be up until noon. Even if he did, he would stumble the whole way. After pondering for several agonizing minutes, a light went off. Voila! A few loaves of bread were becoming moldy. She got the moldy loaves and went to her mom.

  “Ma, I am going to visit Fred for a while. He will be happy to use this for his birds,” Jessica announced with confidence.

  “Ham, I don’t know—”Alice was interrupted.

  “I will be back soon. Don’t worry,” Jessica commented.

  In Alice’s mind, she was worried. She was worried a lot. There is no way she would let Jessica out of her sight. As Jessica walked to William’s house, Alice followed but outside of Jessica’s sight. Alice went as far as the union man’s house. From there she can easily see William’s house. It really became a cat-and-mouse game.

  For close to forty minutes, Jessica spent time with Fred. She nudged him to go for a short walk. There, with a slight of hand, she was able to secure Joshua’s letter. With her heart pounding fast, she slowly and carefully put the letter in her front pocket. After walking Fred back, she became excited and anxious. Inside was the letter, the answers to her existence. Inquisitive minds want to know.

  Alice now felt embarrassed. She had to scurry back without Jessica noticing.

  This “trust but verify” thing is getting old. Ben, in the meantime, was concerned about what was going on. Even when Alice was walking back fast, he was in bewilderment. He looked at Randy, but Randy was preoccupied with Sarah. Ben just let it play out.

  As soon as Jessica came back, she quickly went into t
he house and entered her Room. She did not run; she knew if she did that, her mom would follow her. Locking her bedroom door with sweaty hands, she took out the plastic bag with the letter in it. First, she just put it next to her heart. After a short pause, she opened the plastic bag. Jessica pulled the letter out and began to read it:

  Dear Jessica, I have read your last letter. This whole adventure seems so unreal. I am an adult, you are almost an adult, yet we are being controlled by others. Somehow life is not always fair. My father and I still do not communicate very well. Strange how my mom is still talking about you. I don’t think she is getting the sensitivity from dad. The bike trip is long and dangerous. I have been tormented for the last several days. When I sleep at night, I see your smile and can feel your tenderness. During these times, I really miss not being with you. Jessica, something has to happen—time for me to be a man. Like you, I have no one to talk to or confide with. I must confront your father. If nothing else, I will feel good about it; not just for me but also for you. It’s not fair that your father is punishing you. He did not even let us explain.

  This way we can both show honor to him and ourselves. I think of you all the time. There will be a path. Just be strong . . .

  —Love Joshua

  Love Joshua. That is all Jessica saw. Perceptive reading. Yes, she read the whole letter. But Love Joshua is what she is fixated on. She was on a cloud, being overjoyed, yet she had no one to share her joy with. She wanted to leave her room to express her happiness. Express to whom? Holy crap! Is it her and Joshua against the world? In Jessica’s eye, this is the way she sees it.

  In Joshua’s eye, it is a different world. Once he confronts Jessica’s dad, it’s over. He knows he has his mom’s blessing. His dad? Well, Joshua was on his own before the EMP. After electricity has been installed, he will go on his own again. His dad knew it.

  Jessica just laid on her back. She has meaning, direction, and hope. It will take a while for her to come off her high. After a good half hour, she decided to come outside. Trying not to smile too much, she decided to ask Mr. Henderson to set her up for a bath. Might as well feel and smell like a woman. From this point on, confidence was building up inside of Jessica. What Jessica did not know is that both Alice and Ben also wanted closure.


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