A Gentleman's Luck

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A Gentleman's Luck Page 2

by Nicole Hill

  “You’re not going to punish me?” She asked hesitation evident in her voice. He stared down at her controlling the sudden raging flame of anger that shot through him at the thought of anyone punishing her, let alone him.

  “I have not yet learned all of your customs in my time here but I assure you where I come from a gentleman does not hurt innocent women just because they have a smart mouth.” He answered. She jerked back as if she’d been slapped.

  “I am sorry.” She stammered. “I had no right to speak to you that way just because I was scared.” William had a thought but did not know how to ask.

  “You’re uh Highness”. He started.

  “No please.” She interrupted. “It’s just Na-Lisa.”

  “Na-Lisa.” He said liking how beautiful her name was. “Have you ever been with a man?” God he felt stupid. She looked down but not before he caught the most appealing flush of a pink on her cheeks and slowly shook her head. He was dumbfounded. He remembered Alex saying that she had just recently become reproducing age but it never occurred to him that she would be a maiden. He could tell she was embarrassed. He laid her head back on his chest and rubbed his fingers through her hair. What was he supposed to do? There was no way he was going to do this with her so frightened. He leaned his head back on the back of the sofa and within minutes was fast asleep with the princess also asleep on his lap.


  Na-Lisa woke up surrounded by warmth. She smiled dreamily. She couldn’t remember the last time she rested so well. It took her a moment to wake up and realize that she was not alone. She cracked her eyes open and found that she still lay on the Guards lap. Her right hand was laying in front of her face with his hand clasped over it. He was very large and manly. Not to mention comfortable. She suddenly remembered the events of the night before and stiffened on his lap. She tried to scoot off but was held in place effectively when his other arm came up and wrapped around her midsection. She could feel the unmistakable proof of his maleness under her bottom. And she unthinkingly squirmed a little to get comfortable. His intake of breath was unmistakable. “Princess, if you do that again, we will both be in a heap of trouble.”


  William had been awake for an hour before Na-Lisa woke up. He was reveling his good fortune to just be able to watch her as she slept. He knew the minute she awoke. She moaned low in her throat and stretched at the same time. At that very moment he was harder than he ever remembered being in his life. He estimated that she did not know where she was at first. It took her about thirty seconds before she got some clarity and tried to scoot off his lap.

  His arm moved of its own accord and pinned her in place. She moved around a bit uncomfortably. Pressing down on his already throbbing member. “I wouldn’t do that.” He said. He could see it took her a second to get his meaning and her face flushed in that all too appealing way. He groaned. “I have to go train.” He told her. Her head snapped up.

  “You are leaving?” She asked.

  “Yes.” He stated. “I have to.” She looked upset. He had no idea why.

  “But. We didn’t.” She started. “Don’t worry about it.” He told her in an attempt to ease her worry.

  “No.” She stared sounding very upset. “You don’t understand. If uncle knows he will have me punished.”

  William was suddenly very angry. “What do you mean?” He asked her.

  She covered her face with her hands. “When uncle told my sisters and I what he expected of us, I fought and told him that I would never do it. I have fought with him for months now.” She ended on a sigh. William had no idea what to think. What did they expect of her a maiden no less. To just go to a man she had never laid eyes on.

  “What can I do?” He asked her.

  “Nothing.” She stated. “Just go train.” And then she scooted off his lap and headed for the other room. She paused and walked back to him. “What is your name?” She asked He looked up at her from the couch on which he still sat.

  “William Belmont.” He answered. She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek completely taking him by surprise.

  “Thank you William. Thank you ever so much.” She said and turned to leave.

  “For what?” He asked confused. “I did nothing.” She looked at him over her shoulder and smiled.

  “Exactly.” She said before she went into the other room and closed the door.


  William left the princess's rooms and headed down to the Guards quarters. He bathed and then went to see about some food. He spent the whole day training as hard as he could. He did everything he could to get the princess out of his mind. But he was worried. What if she was punished? What if he didn’t go back? What if she didn’t request to have him come back? Why that thought had his stomach doing somersaults, he had no idea. It would be best if she did not call him back. Wouldn't it?

  He told no one that they did not have relations. He hoped that she wouldn’t tell anyone either. He was aching with the thought that she would be harmed. When the training day was over he headed to the wash room. Alex caught him before he got there.

  “Can I speak to you in my office?” He asked. “Oh boy” William thought. “Here it comes.” He followed Alex into his office. “So how did last night go?” He asked William casually.

  “It didn’t” William answered.

  “I know that.” Alex stated sarcastically. “Why?” He asked.

  “You did not tell me she was a maiden.” William answered.

  “I told you she was a bit difficult.” Alex answered. “She has been refusing to cooperate. You are the third Guard to be sent to her. One stormed out and stated that we could kill him that he would not go near her again and the other had to be jailed because he lost his temper and struck her.” Alex finished. White hot anger shot through William and it took everything he had not to scream that he be told immediately who did this. Why did he care? He barely knew the girl but knew all about fear and princess Na-Lisa was not being difficult, she was afraid.

  “I did not see a spoiled difficult princess last night.” William started. “I saw a scared little girl who has no idea what to expect. I doubt if a man has ever so much as kissed her before. She is young and not ready.” He finished.

  “You may be right but the king has given his orders.” Alex said. “Besides, you must have done something right.” He continued. “When asked princess Na-Lisa said that it was OK to send you back.” William had no idea why but his insides did a funny little flip flop at the other man’s statement. “But.” Alex added . “The king has made a change to the arrangement.” William held his breath.

  “What would that be?” He asked. Not sure if he wanted an answer. “You will stay there all day and night for the next month.” Alex stated.

  “What!!!” William nearly shouted. “Are you crazy? I will go mad. It will be like solitary confinement.”

  Chapter Three

  William was seething the entire time he showered and changed. A month! He had to stay locked up in the rooms of the princess for an entire month. He would go mad. He knew that this was the king’s way of making sure that the deed was done. What hot blooded man could be around a woman and not take what he wanted sooner or later. The king did not know who he was dealing with. He was a gentleman! By god he would never take the innocents of a woman unless asked by said woman. Even then he would have to think about it depending on the situation.

  He stalked up the castle stairs to the third floor where the princess’ chambers were located. There were two guards on the outside of the door each opened one of the huge wooded doors. He stepped inside and the doors closed behind him. He saw the table set with food. But no princess. He walked further into the room and saw her in the other room sitting on the window seat across from her bed with a book in her hand. Her face turned away from him but he could see her profile and knew that she was asleep. He approached her and looked at the book in her lap. He wrinkled his brow. She fell asleep reading the bible. Not the Indian bible bu
t the American bible. The one he was raised reading. He looked up into her face. It was dark but he could see something on the side of her face that was shielded in the shadows from him.

  He reached out and took her chin between his pointer and thumb and genitally turned her to face him. He let go of her chin and gasped out loud. Her face was nearly black with bruising and her perfect full bottom lip was nearly split in two and swollen something awful. Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped when she saw him and then hurried to cover her face. He reached out and stilled her hand as she was going to put the head cover back on. “Na-Lisa.” He whispered quietly. “Who did this to you?”


  Na-Lisa woke with a start. The last thing she remembered, she was reading her bible. She started to stretch but winced as she felt the sting in her back. She opened her eyes and looked straight into the clear blue sky. She was confused. Was it daylight? Even the sky wasn’t that blue. Was she dead? Was this how bright heaven was? She then realized she had seen that color blue before. Williams eyes. William was here. She suddenly remembered her face and reached to cover her head. He stilled her hand and looked right into her eyes and asked. “Na-Lisa. Who did this?” At his words she burst out crying. She could not stop the tears though she tried. She did not want to cry in front of him. “Damnation.” She heard him swear before he reached to gather her into his arms. She cried out as his hand put pressure on her back.


  Na-Lisa looked up into his eyes for a moment and then her face crumbled. She burst into tears. He couldn’t get over her face a how severely she had been beaten. He wanted to scream and kill whoever had done this to her. He cursed under his breath and reached over to gather her into his arms. As soon as his hands touched her back he felt her flinch and right before she cried out in pain. “Na-Lisa.” He said as he pulled away from her to look at her. “What is it? Where else are you hurt?” He asked worried because of the glimpse of pain he saw in her eyes before she hid them from him again.

  “ Nothing. It’s nothing.” She said “You just startled me.” He did not believe her.

  “ Na-Lisa” He said as he took her chin in his hand and made her look at him. “Tell me what’s wrong. Let me see your back” She shook her head. “Na-Lisa you know I would not hurt you. I need to see what’s wrong.” He told her soothingly. “Please.” He asked “I will worry if I don’t see.” She looked into his eyes for moments as if she was trying to tell whether he was being truthful or not. She nodded silently and stood up. He noticed that she carried the sheet from her bed up with her and had it wrapped around her. She turned with her back to him and he saw why when she let the sheet fall away. She had on a white completely shear robe.

  He could see very inch of the back of her. Especially the large numerous bruises spreading the entire length of her back. He had to slow his breath. She must be in so much pain. He walked over to her and reached on the floor to retrieve the sheet. The whole time she stood ram rod straight and looked at the floor. He picked the sheet up and held his arms over her shoulders so that he could cover the front of her without having to walk around the front of her. He leaned in and spoke softly in her ear over her right shoulder. “I need you to take off the robe Darling.” Before she could protest he continued. “I just want to see your back better Na-Lisa. I promise not to harm you or be inappropriate in any way.” He finished. She looked at him over her shoulder. “I promise. Darlin. You can trust me.” He told her.

  She nodded her head just slightly and then turned back around to stare at the floor before she reached around to undo the one button that held the non-existent article of clothing closed. As she opened the front of the gown to slip it from her shoulders William got a glimpse of the top of one of her small pert breasts. He had to close his eyes for a moment in order to gather his thoughts. He opened his eyes and wrapped the sheet around the front of her as the robe was coming off the back of her. He told her to lift her arm and he wrapped the sheet under her arms and around the back of her. She was now covered from above her breasts to the floor and he could think more clearly. He still needed to look at the bruises on her back and make sure nothing was broken. He walked around to the front of her. “Can you walk?” He asked her. She nodded. He walked over to the bed and pulled down the comforter.

  He walked back over to her and took one of her hands to lead her to the bed. She hesitated at first. He looked in her eyes. “I won’t hurt you. I just need to get a better look and want you to be comfortable.” He said. She went with him. At the edge of the bed he told her to lie down on the pillows but on her stomach. She did. He unwrapped the sheet and exposed her back to him. The bruises were terrible. “I am going to push a little darlin.” He told her. “Just to see if anything is broken. It may hurt a little but I will try to be gentle. OK .” She nodded her head to let him know that was OK. He pushed in some of the places where the bruises looked worse. She winced a little but held it rather well he thought.


  Na-Lisa lay on her bed on her stomach. William was pushing on the tender spots of her back. They hurt but she knew they needed to be tended. She could feel his weight as he sat on the edge of her bed. She had a man in her bed. She thought. Well, not really but he was there and he was being so gentle with her. She was mortified that he saw the pathetic excuse of clothing she was wearing. Her uncle had taken all of her other clothes. Stating that no man could bear to look at her and not have her. That had frightened her.

  William had been kind to her last night but she was nearly covered from head to foot. He has seen her now and was still being kind and as far as she could tell had no thought of forcing her into anything. But how long would that last? He was locked in here for a month. She knew that was her uncle’s plan. Lock him in until he could control himself no longer. She felt the bed sink as William leaned over her. She stiffened waiting to see what he would do. “Have you eaten?” He asked quietly in her ear.

  “No.” She responded. ”I am not hungry.” He stayed quiet for a moment and then re wrapped the sheet around her back.

  ”Can you sit and prop up against the pillows or will it hurt too badly?” He asked finally. She gingerly rolled over and sat up. He was there helping her carefully. She only winced once as he tried to prop the pillows behind her back. “I am sorry.” He said.

  “Not your fault.” She answered. He left her for a moment and came back carrying her tray. He sat on the edge of the bed. “I am not very hungry.” She told him again.

  “You have been through a lot.” He told her. “You will need food to heal.” She sat patiently as he helped her eat. She felt like an idiot.

  “I can feed myself.” She told him. He chuckled a little and handed her the tray.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you.” He said.

  “Oh. You didn’t.” she answered quickly. “I just felt a little stupid being fed like a baby.” He chuckled. “Aren’t you hungry?” She asked him. “Why don’t you go get your tray?” He left for another moment and then came back with his tray and took his previous spot on the edge of her bed.


  William sat on the edge of Na-Lisa's gigantic bed and ate his food as he watched her eat. She was tough. That he could tell. Many other women would have rolled over and died. When he saw that she was through he took their plates back to the table in the eating area and then went to use the facilities. This girl had everything he thought, although at the moment he was sure she didn’t care.

  He surveyed the huge room with a commode a large wash basin for bathing and a small basin on a counter top for washing hands. He finished his business and saw as he was leaving that there was water in the wash tub. He found upon sticking a finger in the water was still warm. He walked back to the bedroom to find Na-Lisa was sitting on the bed where he left her. “Did you bathe?” He asked her gently bracing one knee on the edge of her bed as he leaned in to speak to her.

  “No.” She answered. ”I fell asleep.” She tried to get up as if she would go to bathe but
winced. He was at her side in a second helping her to stand.

  “I will help you.” He told her. She shot him a look of fear and embarrassment. “No need to worry darlin.” He soothed her. “I will only help. I promise.” She looked at him for a minute and then nodded her head. He helped her walk into the wash room. She winced only a little at what he assumed must indeed be a great deal of pain and his respect for this tough small slip of a woman grew a little more. At the edge of the tub she looked at him. “OK.” He said. “What I’m going to do is stand behind you and help you get in and sit down. I'll try not to look. I promise.” He ended. She allowed him to step up behind her and reach around to unwrap the sheet. He could hear that she was holding her breath to see what he was going to do. He helped her step into and sit down in the tub. “Are you OK? Can you wash by yourself?” He asked anxiously. She gave him a little smile and nodded her head.

  “I am OK. Thank you.” She told him.

  “OK. I will leave you then but please call if you need assistance.” He said. She nodded and he left the wash room. William looked around the expansive rooms. This is to be his home for the next month. Well... With the exception of four hours a day that he is to be training. Other than that, breakfast he will have here and then he will have lunch with the rest of the Guards on the training fields.

  After lunch he is to come back here and remain until the next morning. What in the name of Christ was he supposed to do in those hours? Play games? His mind converted to flashes of all of the “Games“ he would love to play with Na-Lisa. Even though he had been seriously worried and really checking her body for broken bones or bruising, it didn't stop him from noticing every wonderfully beautiful curve of her newly grown up body. He closed his eyes remembering the slight side view he had gotten of her left breast as he helped her into the tub. A smile slowly spread across his face. His gentlemanly side insisted that he should be ashamed of himself. But in the end he still smiled. He did say he would "try" not to look after all.


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