The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

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The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) Page 4

by Hudson, Stephanie

  “Unless, that is, you’re a Vampire! ‘Cause trust me, I have seen enough blood for one day and that didn’t go so well for me…oh God, now I am babbling! What I mean is…if you fancy a beer or soda or something but NOT blood! No blood for you…Ok well… I guess bye then and thanks.” I said hurrying back to the safety of my house after freaking myself out.

  He wouldn’t really be a Vamp would he? I mean, being behind my neck like that he would have had a taster, wouldn’t he? No, he wasn’t a vamp but that still raised the important question…

  Who was this guy?

  Chapter 4

  Draven’s Legal Mind

  The next week came and went in a baby blur. It was filled with sterilizing bottles, changing nappies, feeding, bathing, changing the tiniest baby clothes and playing host to a stream of people, all desperate to see the new baby. It was a heart-warming time, the second Libby and Frank came home with the new family addition.

  And the very first thing they did was ask me to name her. I was so touched I just sat there dumbstruck for the entire time it took for Frank to make me a cuppa.

  “So, what do you think?” Libby said finally, bringing me from my shock.

  “I…Lib’s, you can’t…I mean…really?” Not my brightest literary moment, but what do you say to something like that?

  “Absolutely!” Frank joined in, handing me a steaming LFC mug.

  “Guys, I am touched but come on, you really want me to name your child?” I just couldn’t get my head round it. I mean, it was a massive responsibility even for a parent but for an Aunt, this could literally be a make or break situation…what if she hated it while growing up?!

  “I know what you’re doing Kaz, but please don’t. There is no need to try and talk us out of this, we have talked about it and we couldn’t think of anything more fitting that having the very person who brought her into the world to name her.” Libby said wiping a stray tear from her eye and Frank was nodding like a little dog on a dash board with a massive grin, next to her.

  Of course, I soon realised that Carrick had left them both with a void in their mind as to his role in her birth, which had left me looking both crazy when asking them about it and also looking like the heroine of this baby miracle. Next time I saw Carrick, if ever, I would be giving him an earful for the lack of a heads up, that was for sure.

  “Yeah and can you imagine if a doctor named Donald had delivered her, I mean how do you change that into a girl’s name?! Poor kid would get crucified in school, that’s for sure.” Frank said making light of the situation and we all laughed.

  “Are you guys really sure about this?”

  “Yes!” They both said at the same time so I gave in, getting up to hug them both.

  Later that day I had thought about the baby and must have run through every name I had ever heard but nothing seemed right. It was only when stirring a big pot of chilli that night, that I thought about something that was significant to the whole situation we all went through when bringing my niece into this world. So at dinner I explained myself.

  “I’ve thought of a name,” I said causing both Libby and Frank to drop their forks at the same time. They looked up at me and Libby took Frank’s hand in hers as they waited for the sound of their baby girl’s name to be said for the first time.

  “I umm, well ok, I guess I’d better just come out and say it. I was thinking about Carrie Ella but like me, using her second name Ella for most of the time…what do you think?” I asked, biting my lip waiting for the name to sink in. They just turned to each other and my sister tested the name, saying out loud,

  “Carrie Ella…Ella, Umm…baby Ella, I like it…no, no…in fact I love it! Oh Keira, its perfect!” She said and jumped up and threw her arms around Frank who laughed heartily with his wife. He looked to me over Libby’s shoulder and winked at me.

  I went to bed that night smiling.

  The naming of baby Carrie Ella was a big hit with everyone and soon everyone took Libby’s lead and started calling her just Ella. She asked me that night where I had got it from and I shrugged and told her ‘it just came to me’. I mean it wasn’t like I could tell her that it was the only female version of my buddy Death Carrick or the fact that Ella came from the ‘Helluva’ time we had delivering her into this world, of course I just knocked off the H U and the V to make Ella.

  That was over a week ago and I was now sat in the house alone, trying to catch up on end of the college year course work that I had missed due to the depression I’d had thrust upon me. I can’t say that life was ever going to be what it was for me, but Ella’s arrival had at least given me an even greater purpose to life. I found every time things got too much for me all I needed to do was look at my perfect niece lay sleeping, to feel better.

  I still went about my life and instead of finding the time to cry, I would use it helping Libby with the baby or cramming in last minute studies. This was enough to put off the inevitable questions about Draven, where my friends were concerned but I knew it wouldn’t be long.

  The only other question that was never answered, was that of the mystery man in my life, who hadn’t shown himself again since that day. I had, however, found a Homer mug waiting for me one morning and I smiled down at it for a few minutes before picking it off the porch. I examined it to find it had been cleaned and I even sniffed at it to find it smelled like it had been washed in the stream not far from the house, one I often passed on my walks.

  He may not have shown himself, but I still felt myself being watched sometimes. And in a strange way, I was comforted by the fact, however annoying it was that I still didn’t know who he was.

  I was just getting up after a three hour round with one of Reed’s history assignments, when my need for tea dragged me downstairs. I had just clicked on the kettle when I heard the knock at the door. I was alone, which was unusual these days and I didn’t like being without Ella in the house. Libby and Frank had gone to Frank’s parents to stay the night, so that the rest of his family got a look in with the babe. Of course, they had invited me, but having the amount of work I had to finish, I knew I couldn’t say yes.

  So now I was answering the door to a suit who drove a silver Mercedes.

  “Can I help you?” I asked cautiously knowing, one, I had never seen this dude before and two, I was in the house alone.

  “Miss Williams?” This instantly put me on guard considering very few people actually knew my real last name. I knew, now that Morgan had died, that there was little point still keeping up the charade, but it just never came up to the point of changing it. And besides, most people still thought that Morgan was still out there somewhere, so it was just easier letting them carry on believing the crazy bastard had probably killed himself and at some point the authorities would be discovering a body. Well, even if they did start searching the bottom of a ravine that was extremely difficult to get to, by that time I doubted there would be much left to discover or so Draven had told me, I thought with a shiver.

  “Yes.” I finally answered, coming back from darker pasts.

  “I have much to discuss, may I come in?” I arched my eyebrow in question before I asked,

  “And you are?” His answer blew me away.

  “I am Mr Jenkins, Mr Draven’s attorney.”

  I soon found myself sat opposite a softly spoken English man, dressed in an impeccable crisp navy suit, white shirt and startling red tie. He was handsome in an unconventional way, with sharp features and soft blue eyes. He must have been in his late forties and took his tea with lemon instead of milk. I decided, when he told me this, to give him the posh stuff we had gathering dust at the back of the cupboard.

  “So Mr Jenkins, is it too soon to ask what you are doing here?” I said after he had just taken the tea and smiled at me.

  “Ah, direct and to the point… A much preferred personality trait in my line of business.” He said nodding after he took a sip of the tea. I gathered I was on to a winner with the posh stuff.

h is?” I prompted.

  “Well, unfortunately right now, dealing with Mr Draven’s Estate.” He said placing the cup down and lifting his briefcase. The word ‘Estate’ had me slopping my own tea on my jeans. I closed my eyes for a few painful seconds to try and barricade the torrent of emotions that singular word brought me.

  “And why does that include me?” I forced the words out, still keeping my eyes shut.

  “And why wouldn’t it? After all, the information I had from the man himself suggests you weren’t far from being his bride. Of course, as you no doubt know, he was a man who liked to take care of his business in all aspects.” I shook my head at hearing this and rubbed a spot on my forehead as I processed his words.

  “I am…was… his girlfriend, not a business deal. I think I know why you are here and I don’t mean to be rude, but I think you will find it has been a wasted trip.”

  “How so, Miss Williams?” He asked me, being genuinely shocked.

  “Well knowing Draven as I do…did…” I swallowed hard at the slip ups I kept making and carried on,

  “….you are no doubt here to give me some ridiculous amount of money he left me, or something even crazier like a car, house… Christ, I don’t know, maybe even a horse, but I am telling you now, I don’t want any of it!” I said getting up making him do the same. However, he didn’t take the hint and instead of following me to the door, he just stayed where he was and started laughing. The look I sent him was deadly.

  “Sorry, I umm…I guess I can see now why Mr Draven did things in this manner.” I frowned at him and held up a hand.

  “Stop right there and rewind…what do you mean, ‘in this manner’?” This got a little smirk from him which kept me frowning.

  “I am afraid that if you wish for me to say anything else on the matter you will have to sign this paperwork.” He said getting a cream folder out of his case.

  “Oh no, I have seen this movie, this is where I get screwed over for something and find I’m legally bound to running some bloody hillbilly ranch in the wilderness! I am not signing anything without first reading it!” I said folding my arms across my chest.

  “Certainly, but I must inform you, I doubt you will be able to make much sense out of it.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

  “I may not be a hot shot lawyer, but I can read.” I responded coldly.

  “Persian?” He said handing me the paperwork, which was indeed written in a language Draven knew that in no way would I be able to make sense of.

  “Ok, so Draven expected me to sign something I can’t read so that I am forced to receive some of his money that he knew I wouldn’t want. Nice try Love…” I said looking up to the Heavens and then handing the paperwork back to him saying,

  “…but no dice. I thank you for coming but I will not, nor will I ever be signing that.”

  “He thought that would be the case, so he added something that would interest you. If you sign the paperwork, at any point, you will then receive this letter from the man himself, which is only addressed to you, but only to be yours with this little condition of course.” He added smugly when he saw my eyes light up at the sight of more words from Draven.

  He held it up for me to see like bait to a fish but the question was, would I survive the hook? It took me all of nano second to decide as I snatched the paperwork back off him and took the pen he had offered me. I signed on the line at the bottom and an emotional shiver rippled along my body when I saw it was next to Draven’s own signature. I had to sign three more times but got to keep one copy. I asked what the point was, but he just shrugged and said he’d had his orders.

  He placed the other copies back in the folder and into the safety of his briefcase. He held out a hand to me and I shook it, doing close to anything he wanted just to get my hands on that letter. He gave a little laugh at my eagerness when I took the letter from him and held it to my chest. I at least had the mental ability to walk him to the door, remembering my upbringing well, even under the circumstances.

  “It was an experience doing business with you Miss Williams,” he said kindly and I smiled.

  “Likewise Mr Jenkins…oh and please call me Keira.” I said thinking this was a bit late, but saying so anyway. He nodded and then shook my hand once again.

  “Only if you call me Daniel, as I am sure to be meeting you again, in the future of course.” He said giving me a wink before getting into the back of the expensive car thanks to the driver who held open the door for him. I was left wondering what on earth that had meant and why would he need to be seeing me again? But none of these were the reasons I was running to the car window, tapping on the side.

  The blacked out glass slid down and I could see he wasn’t alone but being hidden with a full black hood, I couldn’t tell who the other passenger was.

  “Yes Miss Will…Keira?” He said correcting himself.

  “You never explained to me what I actually signed…what did I get myself into?” I asked feeling slightly embarrassed asking this in front of someone else, someone I was trying desperately to make out.

  “I left you the paperwork, Keira. I think you will find by the time I have gone you might be able to make more sense of it.” He said with a smile.

  “But how…I…” He nodded at me, stopping me mid question.

  “Have trust in my Master.” He said before sliding the window back up and I followed the motion of it trying to see who else was in there with him.

  “But…?” I said weakly as the car drove off. Something told me the other person in the car, I not only knew who they were, but they also watched me until I went out of sight.

  I did the same.

  So now I was once again sat on my bed with another letter in my lap with the added legal paperwork I couldn’t yet read.

  “Just what are you playing at, Draven?” I asked out loud and then unable to resist any longer, I pulled up the seal.

  Dear Keira,

  I wrote you this letter directly after the first, but I knew you needed time to process all that has happened. I know it must not have been easy adjusting back to ‘normality’ and I know my decision no doubt made you angry and upset, for this I am sorry but I still believe it was the right thing to do on my part. By now I wonder if a new being has made it into the world and if so, I do hope she is healthy and can imagine her to have her mother’s beauty, it is after all, in the family.

  I did know it was a girl and never told you as I knew the surprise would light up your face the way I always loved to see. That was the face only the baby deserved to see first-hand of her beautiful Aunt. I think now what I wouldn’t give to see a baby in your arms and I can’t tell you of the utter bliss it would have given me to see such a sight.

  But, back to the reason at hand for this particular letter and also the part that, if I know you, will be making you angry very soon, as by the time you finish reading this letter the paperwork you signed will be understandable to you. I knew this was the only way to get my stubborn girl to sign the terms of my Will. However, I do find myself smiling at the thought of being able to get one over on you and not being there for you to battle it out with me, which must be most frustrating to my Little Vixen, but please know you make me most happy in doing so, therefore it is not in vain My Love.

  I will now say my last Goodbye to you My Keira, but it is out of necessity rather than wanting, please be sure of that.

  My Everlasting Love


  Draven X

  It was no surprise that I had tears streaking my cheeks by the time I had read it and re-read it, but I didn’t feel the utter emptiness I had with the first letter. However, it did make me miss him just as much, if not more as I did that day and every day since. It was getting harder to ignore the fact that he wasn’t coming back, but now I understood that feeling sorry for myself wouldn’t ever be bringing him back….planning would.

  I don’t know when exactly it had happened, but I firmly believed that somehow, someone should be out there
to help guide me on how to do this. I mean, if there was one man in the supernatural world that could come back from Heaven or Hell, then that man would surely be Draven. Wasn’t it? I mean… he just had to…right?

  I always ignore the internal battle at this point, the one trying to tell me that if he could, then why wasn’t he already here. But then I would argue that he just needed my help to do it and that he just didn’t want to put me in danger…well screw that! I didn’t care whether or not I had to go to Hell and back again to drag him out myself, as long as there was a chance I would be doing it! And if I died in the process, then I would just meet him on the other side, but I wasn’t giving up without a fight that I was certain about.

  I folded the letter back up carefully and put it under my pillow to join the other one. Corny place to keep a love letter, but in the middle of the night, when I would wake in a blind panic and it would take me heart wrenching seconds to come to terms with the cruel reality, then I would reach out for his written words. As my fingers touched the smooth paper, which always seemed to stay cool to the touch, I would find my tears would dry and my shaking would stop. I would instantly calm and find then that my sleep would take me to a more peaceful place.

  Once I did this, I then remembered the reason I had possession of this letter in the first place and the reason Draven knew I would be angry.

  “Well, better get it over with, but if you left me your Ferrari collection I will freak out mister!” I said looking up like he could somehow hear me. I unfolded the thick bound paperwork and looked down at it with new eyes. The whole document was now in English and it didn’t take me long before I came to the part that turned my roots red.

  “Oh Hell, No!” I shouted thinking the Ferrari idea didn’t look so bad compared to the words that spelled out the truth I was facing…


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