The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

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The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) Page 12

by Hudson, Stephanie

  “That’s because it is, Keira.” Jack said in a quiet voice that was full of meaning.

  “Why are you doing this to yourself?” His question took me off guard. I knew he only asked because he cared, so I turned to him fully, shifting in my seat.

  “Because if I didn’t try then I would always have regret and I couldn’t live like that. Just like you tried everything in your power to find Celina, I have to do the same, before I reach that point where I know I have done everything and still I walk away with the same answers I started with. Only then, I know it won’t have been in vain…do you understand?” I asked softly.

  “I think I do. But Keira, can I give you some advice?” I nodded for him to continue.

  “Don’t lose who you are in the answers. Sometimes, no matter the outcome and how much we tell ourselves it will just be better once we know, sometimes it doesn’t work out like that. Sometimes…things are better left without an ending, that way it is easier to make a new one, one that makes us smile…sometimes…” He looked like he was about to get choked up so he turned to stare out of the window, not looking at me but his next words cut deep, without him even knowing it,

  “…things are better left…dead.”

  After I said my goodbyes to Jack, his words kept repeating round in my head as I walked up to the front entrance of Afterlife. I had told Jack that I would call Frank for a lift back as I hadn’t told him that they had left already. I didn’t need another person worrying about me and I had told him too much already. But I knew someone in the world needed to know the truth in case something happened to me. I wanted my family to at least have closure and I knew that Jack was the key.

  I asked him, if the occasion ever arose, to back up the lies I had told my family. I needed them to believe I was travelling with them to Europe, when in actual fact they were taking a road trip to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and then on to California. I told him what to say in case anyone ever called him and we made up our different excuses together. I said I would call him and keep checking in with him at least twice a week.

  By doing this I was trying to cover all bases. I had even found out the address for ‘Transfusion’ in Germany, being surprised they actually had a website. I had written down all the addresses, email, website and town, telling him if he didn’t hear from me in over a week to get in contact with someone called Judas and tell him that Toots was in trouble, to then tell him everything he knew and that would help. Jack had been dying to ask questions about it, but when I started shaking my head, he got the hint. The one thing I did tell him was,

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, but if something ever does go wrong, then know that is the one guy who will definitely be able to help.” After telling him this, he didn’t looked relieved but more worried. It was at that point that I hugged him goodbye and told him not to worry about me, I had all bases covered. I just hoped I was right.

  I walked up to the front door, but it was all locked up tight as it was last time. But the one thing I noticed that was missing was the note that I had hit with my fist, smearing my blood on it. It had me wondering who took it down?

  I decided to play at detective once again and take a look around. I decided my best bet was trying the access door on the side of the building close to the bins. This was one door that led straight through the back and then into the bar area. I walked up the few metal steps and entered the code I knew from memory. When the thing beeped at me I tried again.

  “Oh come on!” I shouted as I realised someone had changed the code. Well, what was I going to do now, that was my only idea at getting inside? I stood back and looked up to the balcony higher up, which I knew was the one attached to the VIP area. Now, if I could just get up there somehow. I went through the most obvious options that came to mind at a time like this and the first being the quickest to cross off the list. Even if I had a ladder at home, I didn’t have the truck to get it here. Big blue was still with Eddie and because I chickened out talking to him, I had Frank ring up and ask about it.

  He was told that there were a few more things to fix than he first thought and it would take a little longer, as he’d had to order a part. As it turned out I wasn’t going to need my truck for a while anyway. Now a ladder was another thing, I thought as I moved back a few more steps.

  I looked around and then a crazy idea formed in my head. Could it really be done? I stood to the side of the bins and saw that the thicker part of the ivy was within reach if I stood on them. I knew this was more than a little risky, but it wasn’t like I could just call someone to let me in. I knew from bumping into Mike one day while out with the rest of the guys that everyone, including Jerry and Gary the twins that managed Afterlife, had been given the summer off and been paid well for the time. He told me how he couldn’t complain about having a paid holiday, but what was weird was that Jerry had to hand over his keys, something he had never been asked to do before.

  Of course, I knew why, but I faked my confusion to Mike the best way I could. So knowing this, it left me little option than the crazy one I was considering right now. So I did the unthinkable as a person scared of heights. I put my bag over my head across my body, climbed onto the massive bin, using the metal on the sides as a foothold. Once I was up, I heard it groan in protest.

  “Oh shut up, I’m not that heavy!” I said as I reached up and grabbed one of the thicker bits of ivy. I pulled at it to test my weight but it was so thick and old that it was almost as though it was welded to the building. I looked down and saw there was a perfect part for my first foot and I took three deep breaths, told myself I was crazy, and heaved myself up.

  I had closed my eyes as if waiting to fall backwards with the ivy coming with me, but when it didn’t I let out a breath. I opened my eyes, saw a wall of green, lush leaves and took in the scent of earth into my lungs before reaching up for the next piece. If anything, it was easier than I thought it would be, as it was just like climbing a netted rope wall. I just had to keep my eye on that balcony ledge and I knew I would be fine, just fine. It was only when I reached out for the next bit that the pain I sometimes got in my hand had me slipping. I gripped on tighter with my other hand so I wouldn’t fall but it took me a minute of panicking to get over the pain and near drop to my death, to carry on.

  By the time I could reach out and touch the stone balustrades my hand was causing me a lot of pain, enough for tears to spring up. I just kept telling myself, not far now, just a little bit further, which was the only thought moving me forward. Finally, I was high enough to haul my leg over the side and I kind of collapsed onto the balcony in a heap. I pulled my sore hand to my chest and when I moved my fingers I cried out. I knew the first thing I would be doing when I got home was downing some pain killers and raiding the freezer for a bag of peas.

  I got up and looked over the edge to see how far I had come. I couldn’t believe I’d managed it but then, given my situation, there was nothing more motivating than a vision of Draven in Hell. I looked down at my hands that were scratched and grazed from the rough treatment I had just put them through, but I didn’t care, I just rubbed them down my black jeans.

  Now came the tricky part, I didn’t know what I was going to do if this door wouldn’t open because I didn’t know if I could manage to climb back down. Looking up to your goal and the skies was one thing but looking down to the earth and possible death was quite another.

  I walked over to the double glass doors that prevented any view of the room beyond thanks to the ice like frosting and I held my breath as my hand raised. Well this was it, no going back now. I closed my eyes and reached out until I felt the cool glass beneath my palm. When I heard the whoosh and felt the air of them opening hit my face, I smiled. When opening my eyes I was welcomed with a lightning bolt of emotions.

  “I’m home.” I said as I walked through the open doorway. The sight and smell of the place filled every pore in my body and I felt my body start to hum inside. It was the same feeling I had when touching Leivic.
It was as if my body was craving all things supernatural and being here now was the most comforted I had felt in a long time. I even felt the pain fade in my hand and I tested my fingers but there was nothing. I didn’t know how it was possible but the building itself was healing me and I thought that if I hadn’t had a job to do, I would have moved in here and never left.

  I walked further into the room and heard the door close behind me. It looked so strange knowing no-one had been here and as I walked round I looked right at the bar without it’s bar man. I could never get used to the fact that Karmun wasn’t here anymore. One of the other waitresses had taken over the duty until a replacement could be found, but I would feel a little pinch in my chest whenever I saw it. But as I moved past it, that was nothing compared to the feeling that stabbed me at seeing the Top table.

  I felt like I was walking in thick mud with every difficult step I took towards my past. I came to stand opposite to where Draven sat and I was hit with the memory of last Halloween when I stood here challenging Draven with my bravery. That was the night I met Malphas and then only a few months later he tried to kill me. How my life had changed since that night and the thought brought tears to my eyes.

  The room was mostly hidden in the empty shadows and it felt like the ghosts of those who once used to spend their nights here were all that were left. Seats lay waiting for their usual customers to come back. Metal works of art that were once considered beautiful were left to hang like forgotten cars at a scrap yard. It had left the mysterious lure behind and had been replaced by something sad and depressing. The room was once a haven of supernatural energy that seeped from every stone in the building, now all that was left was an empty shell where life once blossomed. It felt like this room was a mirror image of myself and the empathy I felt was enough to have me shaking.

  I walked round running my hand along the back of the seats as I went, until I came to the only one that mattered. I pulled the heavy weight back and I looked down at the space where the man himself used to sit. There, with my eyes adjusting to the light, I caught sight of something and just as I was about to pick it up and take a seat, a voice from behind me made me stop.

  “What do you think you are doing?!” I jumped at the sound and whipped round to face the trouble I was in. After all, I had just broken in to a locked building. I was just getting ready to explain myself when the figure stepped from these forgotten shadows.

  My mouth dropped open but no words came out. I mean what could I say…was I dreaming? Did I have to climb that damn ivy again!? This could not be happening… could it?

  “Keira?” He said my name and it pulled me from the dream and dipped me straight back to this reality and what I found there was both unbelievable and beautiful. That perfect voice, that strong frame and that Angelic face. I said the only thing I could manage through the fog of emotions,


  Chapter 12

  The Key is in the Missing Kiss

  “Keira!” Vincent said my name and that’s when I let all emotion take over. I ran over to him and flung myself into his arms. He caught me and for the first time since that dreadful day, all was taken from me, I could truly breathe.

  “Oh, Keira.” He said as he held me to him and I soaked up the contact like a starved woman. He cradled my head to his chest using the full length of his forearm. His elbow was by my shoulder blade and his palm secured me, as his other arm held my back, as though he never wanted to let go. It was only when he started making soothing sounds as he looked down at me and making small comforting circles with his hand at my back, that I realised I was sobbing.

  I had wrapped my arms around his waist like I would never let go and I don’t know how long we stood locked together, but he only eased his hold of me when my tears ceased. He allowed me to pull back and look up at him. His eyes held too many deep thoughts to catch just one, but when he smiled down at me, it was nearly my undoing. He gently used both his thumbs to wipe the remains of my tears away and I stuttered for breath.

  “Do you feel better?” He asked me and I blushed at how I had behaved.

  “Well, this is a better colour on you, that’s for sure.” He said brushing a single fingertip down the length of my rose tinted cheeks.


  “Hush now, I know you have questions Keira, but let us first sit, you look exhausted…come.” He said as he took my hand in his and strong pale fingers tapped against my hand for me to look up at him. Once I did, I saw a flash of pain in his crystal blue eyes that turned them darker for a second. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but he just smiled at me before he pulled me along. It surprised me when we didn’t sit up in the VIP and it hurt me when we didn’t go to the back through the doors to what was still his home. It was like I wasn’t welcome in that part of his life anymore.

  Instead he led me down the main staircase into the lower part of the club, where I had only seen him twice before. The first was all that time ago when the Dravens first entered my life that night. The next was when he came to pry me from scratching my cousin’s eyes out, but I never thought it was to be again in this situation. It was as if he was almost getting ready to escort me out of Afterlife for good.

  I let myself be led down the stairs and closer to the entrance. When I saw those heavy carved doors I pulled back on his hand and gave him my plea,

  “Please don’t…don’t make me go…please.” I said as he turned to me and I saw that same pain flicker through his pale blue eyes like a navy coloured lightning bolt. I had never seen Vincent’s eyes do this before and worst of all I didn’t know what it meant. He didn’t reply but just held his arm out to a small seating area. There were four red velvet chairs against black lacquered painted wood, with a heavy iron round table in the centre. He positioned me at one of the chairs and pushed gently at my shoulders until I complied and sat. He towered over me as he took every inch of me in, before he turned to take the seat opposite me.

  “I know I should be walking you out of that door Keira, but I will be condemning myself to a world of hurt if I do, so be damned the consequences.” He said spitting out the words like they tasted foul.

  “Oh no, not you too.” I said knowing all too well what those words meant. When he raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me I elaborated.

  “Before he died, he ordered you not to speak to me…didn’t he?” I said in a voice close to cracking at the idea. That same pain sliced through him and I realised just how much his brother’s death affected him. Just the words had him grinding his teeth and the colour in eyes swirling like the storm was coming in.

  “Dominic’s death was not anything you were ever supposed to go through Keira, but it has been decided by those more powerful than I. If I could have changed things then I would have given my own soul to do so. I want you to know I never wanted this, not for you or for my brother, but the…” He looked as though he couldn’t continue, like he was first trying to swallow the lead before his next words could emerge, so I finished it off for him.

  “The fates had other ideas.” I said softly and Vincent’s response surprised me. He stood quickly and threw the iron table out of the way. It flipped too many times for my eyes to catch but it travelled the width of the room before crashing into the stage area. I jumped at the sound and looked at Vincent as he lost his temper for the very first time in my company.

  “Damn the fates, Keira! Damn them for involving you and damn them for taking my brother to the place he is! He is dead alright and in a place I cannot reach him, even as I have tried to swim though the madness of his cell, even he himself has thrown away the key and given up on ever being with the one he loves. So I say Fuck the fates and their very reason for this death! They took him from me just as they have taken him from you and even if I could deny my brother’s wishes, how can I deny my King’s?!” He shouted and his voice boomed around the room in the echoed anger I felt. It was the first time Vincent really scared me and I watched as his bare arms started to glow with the
power he was keeping locked down. Thick corded muscles tensed and I saw the blue glow race through his veins as the Angel in him screamed out at the injustice.

  At that point I knew how he felt, the pain that lanced through him and what was left of my heart, it broke for him. I sucked in a staggered breath that seemed to break through his anger. I watched as his chest rose and fell through his tight faded Harley Davidson T-shirt as he tried to calm himself further. He sighed as he looked down at me and closed his eyes before taking a few deep breaths. He then ran a frustrated hand through his tight curls that were cut short and then stormed back over to me to once again taking his seat opposite me.

  “I apologise.” He said in a voice that had not completely turned back to the softly spoken Vincent that I was used to.

  “Keira, look at me.”

  “I am so sorry, Vincent…so…sorry…” I said not being able to give him what he asked for as I knew as soon as I looked into those eyes of his, I would crumble at the pain I found there, one that was so foreign to see.

  Then I saw his hand snatch out to grip the centre of my chair in between my legs and I watched as the muscles on his forearm twitched as he pulled me to him. The sound of the chair’s legs scraping along the slate floor bounced around the room like a charged current. I couldn’t look up but saw his legs spread wide as I came closer to him and he only stopped pulling me once I was seated in between his legs. He must have been able to hear my heavy swallow.

  “Look. At. Me. Keira.” His voice was now nothing short of commanding and this was a completely different Vincent who now faced me, one that had me close to whimpering at his feet. I felt him grip my chin, first lightly and then more firmly as he lifted my face to his. There I met icy blue eyes ringed with navy and almost glowing with their intensity. He looked for a moment like he wanted to devour me whole and I couldn’t have been sure that I would have been able to say no.


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