The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

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The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) Page 21

by Hudson, Stephanie

  I looked down at my wrist, now kind of liking the feeling it created just under my skin and it was something similar to the necklace Draven had given me. In fact the more time I gave it, the stronger the pull they had to each other and I had the strangest feeling that they were some communicating in some way to each other, using my veins as a motorway in between.

  “Each stone will help you on this journey Keira, in ways you wouldn’t have thought possible.” Pythia said to me and I dragged my eyes away from the four beautiful stones that were still humming against my skin.

  “What do you mean, will help me?” I asked.

  “The four stones all represent a stage of your journey, four Quarter Moons will pass until you reach your goal and each stone holds the power to help the emotional strength you will need for each cycle.” I tried not to gulp at the sound of even a glimpse of what was to come. But four Quarter moons….how much time was that?

  “The first Quarter Moon is tonight and therefore the beginning.” This time it was Armi who spoke and Pythia just nodded once before leaning across to touch my knee.

  “Never let fear of the unknown cloud over the truth you know lies deep within your heart…remember that and you will rise above all obstacles.” I took in her treacle eyes that swam in the depths of knowledge and lowered my head before saying,

  “I understand and….and I am ready. Where do I begin?”

  “Right, well…” She said after clapping her hands, making me jump at the load noise such tiny hands could deliver.

  “First, back to the rules. As you already know, I cannot outright tell you where to go or what to do once you get there, but you’re a smart girl, you will figure it out…and your next gift will help with that part also.” I looked down at my last ‘gift’ and my eyes grew large as I ran my fingertips around the symbol that was embossed in leather. It took me a moment to realise where I had seen that symbol before and when it finally hit me, I stood quickly and the book fell from my lap.

  “AHH!” I screamed as I shot away from the book, as though the snake on its front would lash out and attack me.

  “Now, now Keira, does the symbol of someone who has saved your life really scare you so?” Pythia asked tilting her head to one side in that adorable way children do when they don’t understand something.

  “You know!?” I screeched.

  “Well…durr! Oracle remember?” She said this time a little less…umm…Oracley.

  “There is truly nothing to fear.” She added but I just shook my head. They hadn’t seen the power behind those symbols as I had and considering the last time I had seen that massive, tattooed biker, he hadn’t been alone when watching me, well…let’s just say it didn’t scream knight in shining armour!

  Pythia once again was tapping the side of her head, like I was always missing something, which in this instance I guess I was. Of course she had seen that day at Afterlife. She had seen as I had, the way the tattooed serpents had swirled round his muscles in a never-ending attempt at trying to consume themselves.

  “They are called Ouroboros and your lovely Knight just so happens to be the Master of them.”

  “What! This…he…I…Ok let me start over….what!?” I said looking down at the rich red leather that was tied together with a simple knotted thong in darker leather.

  “Look Electus…”

  “Please don’t call me that anymore.” I said cutting her off with the strained sound of pain that name now caused me. She frowned at me and looked as though she wanted to comment about it, but instead I was happy when she just shrugged her little shoulders before continuing on.

  “Fair enough Keira, I see that time needs to heal some wounds and that is to be expected, it really is, but right now the only thing that you need to focus on is simple…”

  “Which is?”

  “Suck it up! This is some serious shit and not that you need the added pressure here, but if you don’t keep that pretty little mind on the job at hand and fight for it, then it really won’t matter what we call you.” This was said with the tutu she still wore cocked to one side thanks to cocking her hip out and now she looked like a small antsy teenager. But it was when what she said started to play back in my head that something snapped into place.

  “You messed up...! Didn’t you? That’s why I am here in the first place and why you’re even getting involved…But of course, man, I am such a smuck!” I smacked myself on the side of the head before carrying on with my rant,

  “I mean, Draven was the one who told me that you don’t get involved and only…you only meet on the…” I trailed off as even more puzzle pieces fitted together.

  “…7th day. Yes I do and yes I did. I messed this up and now it is not only me that needs your help in fixing this…”


  “Did I mess up? Keira, you know that I can’t tell you that and even if I did, it would not change things. No…now we must use what we have in getting the fates back on track, where they belong.” She said standing up to face me…or more to like face my stomach.

  “And these fates, they include Draven and me…right?” I asked the first part to the most important information of my life and I nearly crumbled to the floor in relief when she simply nodded.

  “Oh thank God! Thank you!”

  “Keira, there’s more…” I closed my eyes momentarily, blocking the rest of the world from my mind. I knew there was more…I mean Christ there was always more but right now, right this very second, the only thing that mattered was that the fates needed me and Draven to be in it together. For the first time in a cold age my heart soared. That was until Pythia finished her ‘more’.

  “I am sorry Keira, but you don’t understand the reasons.”

  “And those are?” I asked not even bothering to open my eyes as I knew as soon as she spoke the words, that they would just slam shut anyway.

  “The Prophecy Keira, the one story that remains untold until…” She paused finally making me look down at her and I was surprised to find tears swimming so close to the surface, but with her last breath taken she released them with one sentence…

  “…Judgement Day.”

  Chapter 20

  Pulling on Invisible Strings

  “Whoa…now back up! What did you say?” I even stumbled back when she spoke about both the Prophecy and Judgement day in the same sentence. Now my eyes were open, like wide friggin’ open!

  “Keira, please try and understand….” She started but my hand flew up to put a stop to her patronising tone. I mean, it wasn’t even the fact that it was coming from a child, it really wasn’t, but more the fact that after everything I had been through, all that I had seen, well I think that gave me an equal footing, alright!

  “Oh I think I understand alright, I think I have been royally screwed over is what! That Prophecy, that Judgement Day you’re speaking of, well that day came and went Pythia, remember…some crazy dude named Malphas… ‘cause trust me, I do! Of course a memory like that would stick, considering when getting stabbed to death by the guy!” I shouted stomping round the suite and throwing my hands around to emphasise my point.

  “That wasn’t the Prophecy, Keira.” She said softly but this just sent me over the edge.

  “Bullshit! That was my Judgement Day Oracle and the only one I will ever live through again! I died that day for what I believed in and now you people want me to, what, do it again?! What am I now, a damn cat?” I felt like tearing my hair out listening to all this.

  “Calm down, Keira.”

  “What the Hell is wrong with you people? Calm down…calm down…really?! You just told me that all that shit I went through wasn’t even the bloody Prophecy that you have all been harping on about since the day I came along!”

  “Keira, CALM DOWN!” Suddenly there was a huge flash of light that blinded out any other colour in the room, like a sun bomb had just gone off with her screaming words. It knocked me for six and I stumbled backwards until my ass fell into a convenient chair. Then mag
ically the light got sucked back into Pythia’s chest like a vacuum and left us both staring at each other panting.

  “Shit!” Was all I could say.

  “Are we good now?” She asked once she had rained in her outburst, that made mine look like a RJ’s VW playing chicken with a tank!

  “I would say so, yes.” I squeaked out.

  “Good, now let me explain, as much as I can anyway.” She took a deep breath and sat back down, placing her elbows on her tutu covered knees.

  “What happened with Malphas was not the Prophecy, Keira it was more like someone trying to create their own. See the Prophecy speaks of a day of judgement that the Gods have no part in. In other words, they are useless in this coming fight. They are allowed no part in it and as you know that day you had help, thanks to someone’s mother.” I nodded remembering it well. Not exactly how I would have expected to have met one of the in-laws.

  “This time, you will have none and it is through your choices alone that will determine all our fates, but first we need to get the fates back in play before that day arrives, which brings us to now and the now is what needs fixing.” She placed her hands on her knees and pushed herself up like she was a grown adult.

  “So now comes the most important question there is Keira, the question that hangs all the world’s fate in your hands, the one that only you can choose as the Gods decided it should be.” She walked over to me and held out her hand to me.

  “Ask me.” I said looking up slowly.

  “Are you ready to walk the steps of your destiny?” And that was it. That was what every single thing I did came down to. So, after a deep breath and a couple of squeezes of my fists, I answered her with the only answer there ever would be.

  “Yes, I am Pythia.” I slapped my hand into hers and wasn’t surprised at the strength such a tiny frame possessed as she pulled me up.

  “Good…now let’s eat cake.”

  I had to smile.

  After everything I had learned this day, I thought my mind would have been on some sort of supernatural overload and gone into lock down mode, which was what usually happened. So I was somewhat surprised to find that instead of spending the rest of the day in my pyjamas, curled up in bed making good use out of the 24hour room service, I was now leaving the hotel taking my first steps in this journey.

  See I had learnt everything from Pythia that I could and the most important part was the book she had left me. At first I hadn’t believed her, that was until she and Armi had left the suite and I found my proof. Pythia had told me that the book was the best way to communicate from now on and I snorted when she referred to it as better than a mobile phone or email. A baby could have detected the doubt on my face at hearing that one. Of course, then she opened the middle of the book, slashed her palm open with her tiny teeth and slapped a bloody hand print on the two pages…suffice it to say I stopped laughing pretty quickly.

  I was left to watch, with my mouth agape as the blood soaked deep within the pages and travelled like blood ink into the centre of the book. I didn’t really understand what was happening, but if I could have guessed, it looked like Pythia was marking the book with her essence. It was only when she spoke next that I snapped out of my amazement.

  “Your turn.”

  “Uhh…I think I will pass, but you can have a pinky promise if that helps.” I said holding up my little finger in hopes this would be a doable option. I knew when she laughed it was doubtful, but it really became a no brainer when she produced a small dagger. Then quicker than my eyes could follow she slashed out at my little finger I was still holding up.

  “Ok…Oww!” I said making her roll her eyes before she slapped my hand down on the same page. There she held on to my little finger and milked the blood from it making me feel like some freaky ass cow!

  This whole process she explained, was so the connection between us both could be formed and the Ouroboros on the front of the book could protect the messages within. I couldn’t help myself when I pointed out that all the pages were in fact blank, but once again she rolled her eyes. At that moment I thought that for an Oracle, she wasn’t a very patient one and when I received the cutest little death stare, I knew she had heard me.

  Another very important thing she explained was the reasons behind all the cryptic letters and this was simply because nothing she told me could ever end up in the wrong hands or read by the wrong eyes. I gathered because she had already messed up once, she was a little paranoid now and for good reason. If I had the power to tell people their future, not only would I hate keeping something like that to myself, but also on the other end of the scale, I would hate being the one that could tip those scales the wrong way by telling them that future.

  The one last part of the puzzle I really didn’t understand was about the warehouse. Why had she sent me to my near death to retrieve a coin, one that still remained firmly in my pocket. Her answer however was surprisingly basic. It was simply because the Pishachas Demon is sort of a treasurer of Hell and the only one that can bring with it the coins of the underworld, a coin that in the not so distant future I would be needing, apparently.

  After all bases were covered, she gracefully rose from where she was sat crossed legged on the floor and took Armi by the hand. She passed me, patted me on the shoulder where I was sat and wished me luck. Her last glance wasn’t on me to see if I was listening to that wished luck, but strangely it was on the bracelet I now wore.

  After they left I took the Oracle’s place and sat by the coffee table to take a closer look at the book. I shook my head as I flicked through its empty pages and when I got to the middle I saw that no trace of our blood remained. Getting frustrated I dropped my head to the table, resting my forehead on the thick pages beneath me, before banging it gently.

  “So, what now genius?” I said out loud in a frustrated hiss after spending the last twenty seven minutes examining it and staring at it hopelessly. It was only when I felt the little vibrations underneath me did I react. I lifted my head and saw the little china plate my cake slice had been on started clinking on the glass top. I watched the leftover crumbs jump and dance as the whole table moved.

  “What the…?” I said and then I touched the book realising that was where it was coming from. I flipped the book closed and yelped when I saw why. The snake on the front was spinning round and round, never making any headway in eating itself further but all the while trying faster and faster until finally…it just… stopped.

  I tentatively reached out to touch it and I soon snatched my hand back to my chest as it flipped out suddenly, shocking me. The first page started to produce words written in fancy script and I felt like gagging slightly when I saw it wasn’t in black ink, oh no, not this book, this book was soaking up the words written in blood. I really tried not to think about it too much but my mind was already disobeying me by coming up with the possibility it could be our blood combined.

  Soon my senses went wild, first with the mixed smell of brushed leather, the unique musk smell of old paper and the coppery scent of blood. My ears blocked out all surrounding sound and just seemed to home in on the soft blow of the wind that couldn’t possibly have been there. Finally my eyes drank in every word like they could be my last.

  Here be the rules of the Ouroboros blood bound book:

  Once a blood bond has been accepted then the only way to break this bond is to kill the serpent by starving the source of its power.

  Anyone not blood bound may not view its contents and if an attempt is made then the accused will feel the venom of the serpent’s sting.

  The blood bound carrier is now responsible for all secrets enclosed within its pages and entrusted with the power of all words read.

  Each page will fade in time as will the words, indicating that time passes, so if your eyes still see, then time will still play a part in your future.

  If there is something you wish to know then grow a patient mind for it will take you seven skips to skip a seventh step and find your min
d stepping forward seven to the seventh time, then your question will be answered.

  A hand raised in anger and a deed corrupted by hateful actions cannot take effect, for ashes still remain and so do the blood bound of the same.

  Communication of the bound cannot converse in a parallel time but speaking what needs to be said will find a time unparalleled.

  Heed all rules and your blood will remain in safe hands.

  I let all that sink in and understood most of it, apart from the skipping seven thing, that was just way too confusing. As I read each word the red lettering turned to a normal and safer looking black ink before soaking away only to re-appear on the leather flap of the cover. But the closer I looked the more it seemed as though each sentence had been burned into the skin than stained by a quill’s point. This was obviously something that never went away and I guess for good reason. I, for one, would be the last person ever wanting to break its rules, as even reading them sent cold shivers up and down my spine.

  After that I spent almost every minute for a full hour plus, asking it questions, just in the hopes of cracking the skipping seven code and it was only when looking at the clock and seeing ink for the first time on the seventy seventh minute at 6:53 did the writing start to appear once again. So that was the key to asking my questions, to wait exactly 77 minutes before seven minutes to seven and I would then get my answer. So after using my not so mathematical brain, I figured at 5:36 every day was my only chance at asking the book anything. Man my head hurt!

  I wondered later on what was with the number seven anyway, what part did it play in all this, was it only connected to the Oracle or was it connected with me as well? Of course this question was going to have to wait for another day, as finally after waiting what seemed like ages, I finally had my first answer.


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