The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

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The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) Page 27

by Hudson, Stephanie

  But this wasn’t the only reason I grabbed the little jacket that zipped up to a high neck that passed my chin. It was also because I didn’t think it a good idea to draw any unwanted attention to myself and having the puppies on display the way the low neckline promised, wasn’t a good idea in my book.

  The little jacket had cute puffy little capped sleeves that cut off at the top of my arm. The material was black canvas cut into sharp lines and a pointed bottom half. The top part was soft velvet that met the stiff canvas in a V shape in between my breasts. And the side zip was reinforced with three large leather buckles that were fiddly to get through the copper squares. The last one was the easiest to deal with as it was across my covered neck and once secure, the weight made the neck flop to show my painted black lips.

  By the time I had finished with smoky eyes, thick mascara, and lots of black liner, I looked like a different person altogether. I had towel dried my hair and layered on the hairspray to give it more volume in a messy style at the back.

  And little Goth girl was ready to play in the big leagues.

  It did occur to me that this wasn’t going to be like a night at Afterlife. That was if I even got in there in the first place. Which reminded me, just how much I really wanted to see Sigurd still waiting in the sitting room when I finally plucked up the courage to walk back in there. After what I said to him, I wouldn’t have blamed him if he had walked away without looking back, but it was an unfortunate test he needed to pass. I just knew I couldn’t continue this quest with him holding me back at every turn.

  So, with this in mind, I took a deep breath, as much as the tight clothes would allow, grabbed my knee high boots, courtesy of Libby and walked back into the sitting room, head held high. I was so sure I was going to be embarrassed facing Sigurd again, especially dressed like this, which is why when I walked into the sitting room I almost stumbled to a stop.

  He wasn’t there.

  He had left me.

  “Crap, crap, crappy, crap, crap and double crapola!” I shouted storming into the centre of the room.

  “That’s a lot of shit, even for a troublesome lille øjesten like yourself.” The deep gravelly voice from behind me had me dropping my boots. I spun round to see Sigurd leaning against the door frame like some biker version of Robin Hood.

  “You’re back!”

  “I never left, sweetheart.” He pushed off the frame and came closer to where I stood until I had to look up at him.

  “Besides, without that book I would have been forced to take a vacation and I don’t fancy Florida this time of year…” He leaned down closer to my ear and whispered,

  “It’s the damn humidity…its pisses off my darkness.”

  “And here I was thinking you were going to tell me you hate having frizzy hair.” I said causing him to throw his head back where a deep laugh erupted. I thought this might have been my chance to see him but that damn hood stayed in place all the same. I did notice he had a thick corded neck though, which wasn’t a shocker considering how gigantic and muscular my dark guardian was.

  “Well I think I can safely say that this job won’t be boring, not with you around.” He said taking a slow and predatory intake of my body. The way that lip raised higher on one side told me he didn’t mind what he saw. That thought made me blush, which I tried to hide with humour.

  “That’s the spirit.” I said patting him on the chest and bending to pick up my discarded boots. I turned to walk over to the yellow couch to put them on when a hand circled the top of my arm.

  “Why are you dressed like that?” he asked, all traces of good humour worn away. I looked down at myself and then shrugged my shoulders like it was nothing, feeling the heat in my cheeks start to betray my actions.

  “Why do you think?”

  “Well, unless you tell me you are off to a Goth style Pyjama party, you are not stepping one foot out of that door dressed like that.” His stern voice sent shivers down my spine and prickled my skin.

  “Is that a fact?” I said looking him up and down, outrage clear as day twisting my tone.

  “Oh sweetheart, that is a FACT. ‘Cause if I find you as delicious as I do, then trust me, others will see you as just as sweet, and I don’t mean to look at.” He whispered seductively causing a deep shiver to scurry along my spine. I knew he was just saying this to try and scare me, but I couldn’t let fear prevent me from going through with this, no matter how crazy it sounded.

  “You know, that last time I checked, you weren’t the name on my birth certificate on the line under Daddy!” I snapped making him growl.

  “And would you stop that, I am not a damn cat!” I yanked my arm from his grip after my little jab. My God, what was wrong with us, it was like our friendship would take one step forward and then a car journey backwards.

  “Look øjesten…”

  “No, you look big guy, if you think for one minute I am just going to sit here and wait for stuff to happen, you are mistaken. I am walking out that door and I AM going to find this place, with or without you… like I said, your choice.” I said after huffing down on the sofa and jamming my foot into the boot with enough force to hurt my toes.

  “Are you always this stubborn?” He snarled crossing his arms across his chest in what I was coming to recognise as his macho ‘me man, you weak woman’ stance.

  “Yes, so either get used to it or cut me loose, your ch…”

  “My choice, yes, yes, you said that. Fine! But I am telling you now, you’d better listen to me once we are inside or this little crusade of yours won’t end with a slap on the wrist, but more like a good mauling of the flesh and the last I heard, humans die from shit like that!”

  “Fine!” I snapped.

  “Fine!” He growled.

  And that was pretty much the ground rules laid out for me ready to break.

  The rest of the daylight hours were spent with me and Sigurd sharing yet another room service selection while talking shop. I first had to explain from the beginning how this plan came to unfold and brought me to this point. Most of the way through this conversation I could tell he wanted to express his feelings and it was clear which direction those feelings were headed. I was thankful that he had it in him to refrain from commenting, as this was a good sign for things to come. Especially when he started to explain exactly what it was I was getting myself into.

  The Devil’s Ring was a fight club where the supernatural could come and bet on just about anything. Humans were forbidden unless they were ‘owned’ which was highly illegal in its own right. But according to Sigurd bringing an owned one to fight night was like bring a snack to eat between rounds. I didn’t take this piece of news well.

  This then, of course, brought on a heated discussion as to why anyone, let alone the Oracle, would think it a good idea to send me to the wolf’s lair.

  “Exactly my thoughts, lille øjesten, which is why I think it’s safer to just forget this kamikaze mission. It’s time to go home.” He said which had me shaking my head even before he had finished. I slammed my plate down on the coffee table and then gripped the arm rests in frustration.

  “No! That is not an option so get that out of your head now. There must be a reason the Oracle wants to send me there.” I said tilting my head to one side and scratching my eyebrow.

  “Well, I can’t think of a reason, other than getting you killed and unless you broke all ten commandments in your spare time that you’re not telling me about, then I would say there is no reason, as you don’t exactly have a one way ticket to Hell.” He stated and that’s when I saw it.

  “Wait…say that again.”

  “You don’t have a one way ticket to Hell.” He repeated cautiously.

  “No, no, not that, the first bit.” I demanded and this time I watched him more closely.

  “Well, I can’t think of a reason?” The way he said it was definitely questioning my sanity but none of that mattered as I now had my proof.

  “You lied!” I shouted getting up. />

  “Don’t try and deny it, you’re a shitty liar and I may not be a poker player but trust me when I say I know when I see a ‘tell’ like that one! My father can’t lie for toffee, which is probably who I get it from.” I muttered this last bit turning round to face the window to gather my thoughts. He just lied about not knowing why the Oracle would send me there, which meant he knew a lot more about this place than he was willing to tell me.

  “How did you know?” He asked me quietly and I was at least happy he wasn’t trying to deny it.

  “Whenever my father had to lie to my mother about stuff, he would rub his chin like he was relaxed but his body would be as stiff as a board, you know, shoulders tense like yours were and the way your free hand had the side of the couch in a death grip…you hate lying don’t you?” His growl was all the answer I needed and I knew it wasn’t helpful, but I couldn’t keep in the knowing smile.

  “So what if I do, Human?” He barked and again I couldn’t suppress the grin.

  “My father was the same, that’s why he hated buying my mother gifts on her birthday, he can’t keep a secret to save his life and yours won’t save mine.” At this he grunted.

  “Can’t blame me for trying, it would, after all, make my job a lot easier.”

  “You don’t strike me as the type to take the easy way out of things, so ‘fess up matey, why does the Oracle want me to go there?” And we were once again back to me crossing my arms over my chest being about as intimidating as a snail is to a booted foot. I waited and waited and then…I waited some more.

  “Oh for Christ sake Sigurd, just tell me!”

  “Fine! She…well the only reason she would send you there is to meet Jared Cerberus.” It was made quite apparent that this was information he didn’t want to tell me and the way the name was uttered at the end made my skin bump after a shudder.

  “Yeah, that’s the right reaction you got there, lille øjesten.” He remarked darkly.

  “So…so who is he?” I was almost scared to ask. Sigurd shook his head down as though thinking a silent plea for me to just drop it.

  “He not only owns the Devil’s Ring…if only it were that easy…no, he lille øjesten, was the guardian into Hell itself and the very thing where your myths about werewolves come from.”

  “What?” I shouted. NO way! Could this life of mine get any weirder?

  “Wait, Demons, Angels, Vampires, even Warlocks but now you’re expecting me to believe in Werewolves too…please tell me you’re kidding, right…this is just a ploy to scare the shit out of me…right?” He started laughing, although there was obviously no real humour behind it.

  “Hell, if I thought I could get you to give up this insane plan of yours by scaring you shitless, then I would be happy to tie you down until you have heard everything there is to know about what’s truly frightening in this world.” He said then his lips got tight before he carried on,

  “But I doubt even then that would stop you. So here it is øjesten, Jared Cerberus is not merely a wolf in his other form, as none are. No, the myth started with a beast and fairytales took that horror and twisted it into something cute and fluffy but trust me sweetheart, there is nothing cute and fluffy about Jared Cerberus.” I bit my lip as I waited for him to continue, suddenly not feeling quite as brave about going to this place.

  “This guy…I mean Jesus… this guy even gives me nightmares and I deal with guys like this for a living, you get me?” I nodded bringing my knees up under my chin in a defensive manoeuvre.

  “He is still known for being Master of the Gates and that is why she is sending you to him. You say you want into Hell to bring back lover boy, then this is the only flawed way.”


  “Oh yeah øjesten, most definitely flawed as its damned near impossible.” I took a deep breath and then let it out in a hiss as something from my love of mythology hit me. Hell, it didn’t just hit, it near knocked my bloody teeth out!

  “Wait! No, it can’t be…it can’t be possible but…his last name, that’s not anything to do with…?” It couldn’t be, could it?

  “He’s the one and the same. Cerberus is the Alpha Hellhound and before the bastard was forced to retire on earth, he used to guard the gates of the Underworld to prevent those who are stupid enough to cross the River Styx trying to escape.” Well yeah, that just confirmed it!

  “Oh shit!”

  “Oh shit is right.” He confirmed.

  “So what, he looks like a man but is in fact a three headed vicious dog?!” This was not good…so not good!

  “Oh no sweetheart, he doesn’t have three heads.”

  “Oh well that’s something.” I said sarcastically.

  “No, when the beast takes hold and transforms his body, the Hounds of Hell will play and they play pretty damn fast. His head can move so quickly that it seems as though he has as many heads as your eyes can see but dog he is not.” All the air left me.

  “And this is someone that the Oracle thinks can help me...? She really is crazy isn’t she?”

  “Yep, ‘fraid so.” I lifted my arms up in a defeated motion.

  “Well then, I have no choice, do I?” I said getting up and smoothing my skirt down.

  “About bloody time, lille øjesten, you’re making the right decision.” Oh yeah, he was jumping the gun.

  “I’m glad you think so. Let’s go.” I swear if I could have seen his eyes they would be framed by slashed eyebrows frowning.

  “But you just said…” he trailed off and then exhaled a big sigh when he realised what this meant.

  “Right, of course… but what was I thinking? I tell you how we have to ask Hell’s Alpha for an escort into the Underworld and you are what...? Ready to go? I swear only you sweetheart.” His deep voice took on that masterful tone as he rose to his full height, adding to the intimidation that still affected me.

  “So, you in?” I asked and added in secret the ‘Oh please say yes, oh please, oh please.’

  “Ah shit! Yeah I’m in, but if you get me killed I swear to you then I will be coming back to drag your ass to Hell myself!” He walked over to me and before he passed I stopped him with a hand on his jacket.

  “Umm, wouldn’t it just be easier to…you know…” I made a slitting throat action with my hand and tried not to laugh as his lips made a tense line.

  “Don’t even say it little girl, as you wouldn’t want to see what I look like in Hell!” He growled and I released my hold on him.

  “Kidding! Just kidding big guy! Hey, you need to chill out a bit, maybe when this is all over that vacation to Florida might not be such a bad idea.” I joked as he walked to the door.

  “Shut it, Shorty!” He said trying to keep the smirk from his covered face.

  “No I’m serious, you could hang with Mickey and his missus, go watch killer whales jump over crazy people, a rollercoaster or two, then dinner and a show.” I said trying to keep a straight face.

  “I think I would rather death.” He commented dryly making me laugh.

  “Well that should be relaxing, although definitely not as much fun.”

  “Oh, I think any death you bring sweetheart, would definitely not be of the boring kind.”

  “Ha ha, well this is your last chance tough guy. Florida or demonic fight clubs run by Hell’s beasts?”

  “And there’s a difference? Get your bag, øjesten.”

  “Yes Sir!” I said, happy he had chosen to stick with me in this. I got my bag and wrapped the long strap across my torso.

  “You know I think you should call me that from now on.” He said closing the door behind me.

  “Not a chance, sugar plum.” I smiled when I heard him groan behind me. Well this was a good start, I thought as I took in the night through a passing window. London was lit up in all its beauty reflecting an orange glow across the river and I just had one thing in mind... I hoped that the same city would be holding more for us than just pretty lights.

  So here I w
as once again, back staring at the same door I did the night before. The only difference this time was the comforting muscle I had at my back. Getting out of the hotel had been an experience in itself, so this was going to be a blast I thought sarcastically.

  When walking down into the lobby I quickly realised no one could see Sigurd walking by my side. Which was a very good thing considering he kind of looked like death, minus a trusty scythe tapping next to him. Of course, the fact that Death actually wore a beige suit and carried a briefcase didn’t exactly scream ‘Horror’ which made me wonder where that misconception actually came from.

  The reason that no-one was able to see Sigurd was down to his talent with shadows, which had me hoping it didn’t look like I was walking with a black cloud next to me. Thankfully though, my fears were unwarranted as no one batted an eyelid as us, that was until the concierge stopped us. He just wanted to ask if I needed anything but the growling sound that came from thin air had him nearly tripping up over his own feet to get away from me. The last look he gave me before backing away told me he not only thought of me as strange looking but now he could add to that, growling crazily.

  “Yeah, thanks for that Sigurd.” I commented through gritted teeth, one he ignored.

  So now here we were, stood outside the Cheshire Cheese pub and once again it was closed up tight for the night. Only at least this time I had reinforcements, I thought with a little mental ‘Boo yeah’ on the end. I knocked on the door and waited but nothing.

  “Allow me.” Sigurd’s deep voice rumbled behind me. One long arm came forward over me and pounding on the door until the old wood rattled on its hinges.

  “Do this often by any chance?” I remarked mockingly just before we heard a familiar,

  “Piss off, we’re closed!” from behind the dark door.

  “Obviously not often enough, as I think I am losing my touch.” He replied light heartedly. Then he let rip.

  “Open the fucking door, NOW!” His tone broke no messing with as the locks on the other side could be heard turning. I looked up and slightly behind me to find the big guy grinning close to my shoulder.


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