by Jeremy Dwyer
Come into his kingdom and live forever in bliss.
This is your song.
Leave silence behind you.
Partake of the music of a new symphony.
This is the place,
Where a great concert awaits you.
Come into his kingdom and live forever in harmony.
This is your heart.
Leave hate and war behind you.
Partake of the peace of a new king from above.
This is the place,
Where a great tranquility awaits you.
Come into his kingdom and live forever in love.
The people were enchanted by the song and wanted to believe the words that Aura had earlier said. They became open to her messages, and doubt left their minds and hearts.
The Chronicler Gisella recorded this song, but it had no effect on her, as she was protected by Ondothel, the Guardian Angel of Chroniclers of the Oath.
At the same time that the song was being performed, Rivka – along with a number of other heralds of the king who had accompanied them on previous voyages – all drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from their respective vials and each of them was energized. They called out to the spirit world and invited in a great legion of restless spirits to come forth, and these spirits then entered the bodies of the people in the crowd, subduing the spirits of the people.
King Xander then stepped forward, and was lifted up onto the same stone on which Aura stood.
“All Hail King Xander the Unfailing!” Aura then said in her sing-song voice.
“All Hail King Xander the Unfailing!” the crowd cheered.
“Go forth, and sing my praises, that more may enter my kingdom,” King Xander said.
“Those who drink of the song waters, sing this song again, that all may hear,” Aura said in her sing-song voice.
King Xander then gestured to one (1) of his other servants, who drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial and was energized. That servant bent the light and projected an image before their very eyes – that of a shining tower of gold, over fifty (50) feet high.
“See the king’s splendor! The riches he brings! His kingdom is true, and it is here with you, even now,” Aura said in her sing-song voice.
King Xander then gestured toward another of his servants, who drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized. That servant projected telepathic messages of love and belief, and the people were further subdued.
“Those who drink the waters of passion, share your love of the king with others. Those who drink the waters of light shall display the splendor of the king to others,” Aura said in her sing-song voice.
“Aura: give to them the greatest of all my commands, to seek the highest of all goals,” King Xander said.
“And those who drink the waters of diamond, bend the stone within the ground beneath you and the mountains above you to seek out the greatest ocean water – a single, unified water which gives all powers,” Aura said in her sing-song voice.
The crowd dispersed and began traveling to nearby villages. Some of them did sing the enchanting Come Into His Kingdom song they had just heard, though not as well as Aura performed it. Others, who had powers of emotion, used them to the best of their abilities – not always very well, but well enough – and spread their thoughts and feelings about the king. Those who drank the waters of light used them to create more great monuments of light to honor the king.
King Xander, Aura, Rivka and the other heralds, as well as General Povaximus – along with the Chronicler Gisella – then traveled about the continent of Waderav using a smaller airship that was kept on board the Eminence of the Oceans. In this way, they continued to spread the message, subjugating even more people.
In two (2) months’ time, the message of King Xander had spread across nearly the entire continent of Waderav. However, a few strongholds of robber barons did not admit the message and were able to repudiate it to some of their serfs. This resistance was due to their own drinking of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean, which enabled them to deflect the attacks by the restless spirits, or to their drinking of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean, which made them resistant to tricks of the mind in the form of emotional manipulation. These powers were such that they could shield even their servants, albeit with difficulty. Moreover, a few individuals in various places were able to stave off the attacks by using their own powers, including music that could countermand the songs that were enchanting much of the rest of the population. Across the continent, these resistors numbered fewer than twenty-five thousand (25000), however.
In all, because those who heard the message of the king repeated it far and wide, and it took root in most, four billion five hundred thirty three million (4533000000) people were subdued – in the east, the west, the north and the south – and their spirits gave way to the legion of restless spirits entering them.
The Chronicler Gisella recorded all that she saw and heard, and was affected by none of it. She believed she knew what was happening, because she could see the markings on the vials of water, and realized that the powers of spirits were being used, so she suspected that evil spirits were being called to take over the people. This did not prove that they were demons, so she was not free to act against the events by invoking the Tenth Tenet of the Chronicler’s Oath.
“We met no resistance, did we, Rivka?” King Xander asked while watching from aboard the smaller airship.
“Not in military might – not that I could see, Your Majesty,” Rivka said.
“Most have heard the message, and few will doubt it, if any,” King Xander said.
News of the conquest of Waderav traveled as quickly as it could be carried by sailing under the dark skies. The message first arrived in the Bazavadoran Isthmus, because King Hamza Bazavador kept spies in every continent and land bridge. The spy heard rumors of even the song – how beautiful that it was, and how they believed this king was good and gracious – but he was not affected, because he had only heard a retelling of the story, and did not hear the actual musical performance. Nor did the spy learn of the commands of the king regarding the unified waters, because that came later, and the spy returned promptly to give an early report of the conquest, before all details were known.
The spy entered the castle and relayed the report to Captain Duvall, who then entered the throne room of King Hamza Bazavador.
“Your Majesty,” Captain Duvall said.
“Have you awakened me according to my decree, Captain Duvall? I told to inform me when this King Xander has departed,” King Hamza Bazavador asked.
“I apologize, Your Majesty, but I bring ill news. King Xander has taken Waderav,” Captain Duvall said.
“Then it has not ended, and you awakened me too soon, Captain,” King Hamza Bazavador said.
“I have a duty to inform you, Your Majesty, and I strive to fulfill that duty,” Captain Duvall said.
“I am only interested when it ends, not in the middle of it all,” King Hamza Bazavador said.
“There is a danger. King Xander is surrounding us – Ihalik to the west, Meridianus to the southwest and Waderav to the southeast. I have also learned that he has an exalta named Aura, and she uses her songs to praise this king. People are being enchanted by the music,” Captain Duvall said.
“Do not worry, captain. I know this king’s ways. He wants vast lands, and his ambitions will only grow, along with his lies. Yet, he is a false king. Trouble me no more about this minor matter,” King Hamza Bazavador said.
After Captain Duvall left, King Hamza Bazavador closed his eyes and rested. He recalled his studies of the most ancient records kept by the rulers of his dynasty. He was confident that the reign of this King Xander – originally known as King Mazlaran, a master of illusions and trickery – would soon end with no ill effects on his kingdom, much like it had ended the eight (8) times prior.
The Chronicler Ovid was also in the continent of Waderav, and he saw the illusions of magnificent structures – and he even heard the performance of the song Come Into His Kingdom, including the original by Aura and imitations by various other singers that were placed under the enchantment. However, he was not affected, because of the protection given by Ondothel, the Guardian Angel of the Chronicler’s Oath. Still, Ovid saw that other people were affected by the illusions and by the song, and recorded all of this into his book. Ovid saw the sudden creation of the monuments and structures that were giving tribute to the king, and he saw that they were not solid to the touch when he closely inspected them, which is how he knew for sure that illusions were being used. Thus, he wrote these observable facts without having to make an inference, which would have been disallowed by the Chronicler’s Oath.
Ovid also heard King Xander’s command to seek out a unified water – a water which gave all powers – though he personally doubted that such a thing existed, and wondered if it would be a good thing or a dangerous discovery if it ever proved to be real. For a tyrant such as this king to have it would be a tragedy, no doubt. However, Ovid refrained from judgmental thoughts, as such were outside of the authority of the Chroniclers. He soon left Waderav and booked passage on a ship heading northwest across the Ursegan Ocean toward Emeth. Once he arrived, he gave his report about the arrival of King Xander in Waderav and the spread of his message, using a succession of singers, and of the illusory structures. Ovid’s book also described how people were deceived by these enchantments and commanded to serve. After giving his report, he returned to Waderav to resume his assignment.
CHAPTER 33: Guided by the Watchers of the Seas
The message of King Xander’ arrival in Waderav spread from Emeth to other continents, land bridges and islands by spies and couriers. One (1) of these couriers made their way to Loravixian Island in the Ikkith Tar Ocean, only twenty-five (25) days after the beginning of the conquest.
Neva’Raka was a forty-eight (48) year old woman who drank of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean and was thus able to generate light easily to find her way in the darkness. She had previously worked to provide private transportation to and from Emeth, but the Redfire Sentinels had hired her to work as a courier, bringing news from there.
She traveled using her own ship – the sixty-four (64) foot long Amber Lantern with two (2) sets of pivot-enabled double-masted sails, each thirty-four (34) feet high – and the voyage from Emeth to Loravixian Island took her nine (9) days due to the darkness, because she could only truly see by her own light, rather than the light of the suns.
After arriving on the island, Neva’Raka approached Va’Qileren, who had been watching the ships traveling the oceans and saw her ship when it was over one hundred fifty (150) miles away.
“Neva’Raka, what news brings you from Emeth?” Va’Qileren asked.
Nearby, Father Isaac was waiting to hear the report, as were Farovaxen and other members of the Order of Redfire Sentinels.
“King Xander has entered Waderav and begun his conquest, by song, illusions and tricks of the mind,” Neva’Raka said.
“The time to move is now. As much of the world as possible must be protected, until Xander can be sent away,” Father Isaac said.
“How are we going to accomplish this?” Va’Qileren asked.
“You will travel across this ocean, and signal to each of the travelers, with the message to go into the northeast. Other members of the Order of Redfire Sentinels will travel from here, and go throughout the world, to signal to them. Give them the direction, and guide those who are willing, to the walled city of Baradaxa. Make sure that the others know – many billions live on islands and land bridges across every ocean. If they choose to stay where they are, then they should know that King Xander has no mercy: he will enslave them to aid him in his quest; and, if he should succeed in finding what he wants, he will murder the world to claim absolute power,” Father Isaac said.
“I will dispatch other members of our order to travel to the various islands and land bridges. I will send couriers to visit our other outposts, and carry the message further from there, and for them to also guide by their light,” Va’Qileren said.
“And song, which can carry far, in all directions,” Father Isaac said.
“We have few singers among us; yet, those we do have, I will direct them to give guidance, as well,” Va’Qileren said.
“I will meet with the builders of that city, to be sure that they are ready to receive many visitors and to protect them,” Father Isaac said.
“What if they are not ready? Should we be so quick to direct anyone there?” Va’Qileren asked.
“I will stay to help them prepare. We are in no position to wage war against this king,” Father Isaac said.
“Though I cannot hear the stars at this time, I wish to be of some assistance,” Farovaxen said.
“You will wait for the darkness to end. When it does, you will give guidance, as before. Until then, you need only maintain readiness,” Father Isaac said.
“Yet, based on your knowledge of prior times, if this period of darkness is like those that came before, it will end in loss, so that there will likely be fewer stars in the sky by which to guide,” Farovaxen said.
“What will happen is not clear to me, but we must be prepared to make the most of what stars are available. I am ready to leave now. Let everyone who is here know what they must do,” Father Isaac said.
Father Isaac then left for the port and boarded a ship, along with another member of the Redfire Sentinels, who drank of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean to give guidance by light. They sailed southeast across the Ikkith Tar Ocean and arrived in northeastern Baradaxa after five (5) days.
Upon arrival, Father Isaac stepped onto the shores and was met by the enormous, luminescent walls that surrounded the continent. A crystal doorway – that was sealed but transparent in only one (1) direction – did not allow him to see the vast land inside of the wall, but allowed those inside to see who was outside, standing on the shores. Some of these people saw the tall older man, with the gray beard and mustache and dressed in the rich clothing of a banker, and a few reported their sighting, not knowing who it was.
Sebastian stood outside of his mansion on the grounds of his estate, with Cassius and Fantine nearby, and Persephone was seated on a wooden chair with cushions as she held the baby. Hundreds of people gathered around them, and they were listening as he spoke.
“We will have to work together – each of us doing that which we do best, by whatever waters we drink – so that all needs are met. Every skill will be needed, and we can’t allow the dark skies to overtake the light within us,” Sebastian said.
He drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean and was energized even more. He scanned the thoughts of many people around him, and sensed fear at the growing darkness.
“I had this wall built so that you would not have to live in fear. That is what had to be done. No storm can strike at us, no darkness can take away our light, and no king can conquer this land that is our home, and will always be. Just as before, when the hate and the tempest raged, my compassion protected you. Now, you can see that compassion made physical in the form of the wall around you at every shore, and it is strong enough that even fear itself should end, because the danger cannot overcome it,” Sebastian said, holding his hands out and gesturing toward the enormous glowing crystal wall to the north, which was more than big enough to be seen from three (3) miles away.
Several people approached and Sebastian read their thoughts from a short distance away, so that he instantly knew why they were coming to him.
“We have a visitor – a rich, older man. We should welcome him, and share our gifts, and our opportunities,” Sebastian said.
The people continued approaching, and Sebastian said to them: “We will allow this man to come in. I will speak with him directly, that I shou
ld know what he has to say, and what his true intentions are,” Sebastian said.
Sebastian then gestured to Fantine and Cassius and they boarded a small airship, docked on the dry ground nearby, whose sailwings were already extended. The airship then carried them quickly toward the northern section of the wall.
On the way, Cassius said: “I would have expected more visitors by now. The skies are darker, still, and there is great fear outside these walls – fear of dangers past and present. There can be little doubt of that. I cannot telepathically sense the fear, but I can infer its existence.”
“I can sense it – fear is the most powerful emotion for some. And the people of the world want safety, and security, from every danger. As if the tempest wasn’t enough, now there is the darkness, and this king,” Sebastian said.
“Fear is born where ignorance meets a lack of preparation. When they learn of the strength of our defenses, many will come. The challenge may be to keep out those who have ill intentions,” Fantine said.
“Leave that to me. I know their intentions, and can separate hate from love,” Sebastian said.
“Even if they drink the same Elanatin water that you drink, and can hide their emotions and thoughts?” Fantine asked.
“My water is pure, and my potential is high. Their true purpose will be clear to me,” Sebastian said.
The small airship landed in front of the section of the wall with the clear crystal doorway. It stood twenty (20) feet wide and ten (10) feet high, but was every bit as strong as the rest of the wall. Sebastian, Fantine and Cassius stepped off of the airship and onto the ground.
Sebastian’s telepathic powers were not impeded by the crystal, however. Instead, they were enhanced, because the crystals of water droplets from the Elanatin Ocean were among its constituent materials, and they resonated with his powers.
Sebastian immediately knew who this visitor was. “Let this man in. He has an important message, and all of us should hear it,” Sebastian said.
Cassius held a small rod and twisted parts of it so that a small beam of light shone from a crystal atop the rod. The clear crystal doorway seemed to melt away in a spiral manner, almost like the iris of the eye opens.