Haunt & Havoc

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Haunt & Havoc Page 64

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “That’s because you never truly believed in their importance, and you hardly believed in their power,” Taesa said.

  “I know what they can help you do, because I’ve heard you sing, and saw the power. I also knew that there was no right choice of water for me,” Caroline said.

  Judith considered – and recorded into her book – all that was said. She realized that she would eventually have to leave to refill her own supply of Ursegan Ocean waters, if she wanted to continue to slow time and extend her life. Additionally, she was under the Chronicler’s Oath, and would have to give her report in Emeth.

  “We’ll worry about his choice of water another day, when he’s ready,” Emerond said.

  “Just rest for now. There’s nothing to do at the moment but get your strength back after the delivery. You’re still worn out,” Caroline said.

  Everyone – Zoe, Brant, Caroline, Taesa, Emerond and even Judith – rested in the room in the inn at the port town. The baby, however, had his own schedule.

  Taesa was roused from sleep as often as the baby cried, feeding him and comforting him. She accepted the momentary needs of the child as being limited to their small surroundings. Survival was the order of the day, and they had enough food available from what they purchased and vendors who came to the inn.


  While on the deck of the Eminence of the Oceans – which still sailed upon the Kazofen Ocean along the southern coast of the continent of Revod – King Xander turned to both Rivka and Aura and said: “Next, we will take Nataloridivu, the land of the sun worshippers. Once we have that, we will move against Javanda. Aura: you will need to prepare songs. Rivka: you will need to have our reinforcements be ready, or they will not receive payment, as agreed.”

  The Chronicler Gisella wrote down all that the king had said into her book, still wondering who these reinforcements were.

  Gisella followed Rivka as she went into her private quarters, closed the door and drank anew of the Zovvin Ocean waters from her vial. She was energized and reached into the spirit world, looking to make contact with Gadamalto.

  Rivka spoke in a voice that could not be heard in the material world, but only in the spiritual world, calling out: “Master of Spirits in the Maelstrom of Vengeance, I seek again reinforcements for the mission of King Xander, so that he may take the land of the sun worshippers from them.”

  Gadamalto heard this message and spoke back to Rivka in her spirit, such that only she could hear, saying: “I have given much of the world to your king. Now, he must pay if he wishes for more. Bring one third (1/3) of all children to me, corrupting their minds to worship me and then killing their bodies, that I may have them in the Maelstrom. Go even into the land of shadows, between the light and dark oceans, so that they know they cannot hide.”

  Rivka was terrified – not for sympathy towards the children but because the demon was growing impatient for early payment, even though the agreement was for payment to begin only after all the world had been subjugated by King Xander. She stood up, acutely aware that Gisella was next to her, so she had to be careful about what information she spoke. Rivka then left her quarters with Gisella following her. She approached King Xander and said: “We must pay in advance for future help.”

  “That was not the agreement,” King Xander said.

  “The agreement has been changed, as they grow impatient,” Rivka said.

  “What is the price they demand?” King Xander asked.

  “One third (1/3) of all the children must be given to them, to be devoted in mind and body,” Rivka said.

  “We will pay, then, and they will deliver, or the bargain will be void,” King Xander said.

  Gisella recorded all of this into her book and began to become convinced of something terribly evil about the so-called reinforcements. Rivka was a drinker of the Zovvin Ocean waters, according to the classical markings engraved on the vial from which she drank the waters. That meant she was contacting spirits. For a spirit to want children in any way was a sign of evil, yet Rivka did not say that it was for a sacrificial ritual, so that did not prove she was in contact with a demonic being. However, Gisella suspected that she might just be.


  In the City of Emeth, Lady Onora had been working for days and weeks along with Desmond to research matters related to the king and the location of the ancient tomb. Whenever it came time to rest – she could study fourteen (14) hours of each thirty (30) hour day and no more – she would return to her room in the Scholar’s Hall and pray before she fell asleep. Her prayers were for the numerous troubles of the world; however, her thoughts occasionally turned to her former student, Taesa, who had gone into hiding.

  She prayed out loud, saying: “I pray to Thee, One True God, for past, present and future. I pray to thank Thee for rescue from our many sorrows of the past. I pray to beseech Thee for rescue from our sorrows of the present. I pray to implore Thee for rescue from the dangers around us that may lead to sorrows in the future. I pray to Thee for mercy above all else: for myself, and for those whom I have taught, as I am an imperfect teacher, and fear that I have led them to grave error, or failed to lead them away from it.”

  During this time of study, Lady Onora had a horrid dream, however, of a woman wearing a medallion having ten (10) coins surrounding a key. The woman led a company of soldiers from home to home, where they took children from their parents by the tens of thousands. She spoke with a sing-sing voice, saying to them: “All children belong to King Xander the Unfailing, who will teach and lead them.”

  Lady Onora became fearful that this king had only the most demonic of intentions – to use those children for a ritual sacrifice to a demonic being. This would have to be stopped at all costs, and she would have to get involved directly.


  After the child was two (2) months old, Taesa had grown accustomed to motherhood, and began to forget her longings for travel and excitement. Emerond had accepted the more serene way of life almost immediately, and thought little of their meager surroundings. Caroline could only think of the baby, and how Taesa had once been a baby.

  Zoe and Brant merely accepted their position as protectors of this little family, and Judith took pleasure in the simplicity – however limiting – of life.

  Just as they were getting used to this new life, it came to a bitter end, however. A traveling band of sword fighters burst through the door to their room, led by a woman who wore a medallion with a symbol of ten (10) coins around a key. She ordered the soldiers to take the child, who was then whisked away from Taesa’s arms, never to be seen again. The woman said, in a sing-song voice: “All children belong to King Xander the Unfailing, who will teach and lead them.”

  Then, Taesa screamed from a searing pain that she never knew could possibly exist.

  Taesa awoke with a loud yell, and she was sweating with a racing heart, when she saw that the baby boy was sleeping safely in a small basket beside the bed.

  Emerond had also been awakened, and was sweating and also had a panicked look on his face. He looked over and saw the baby, relieved.

  Caroline sat on a chair next to the bed and said: “What is it? Did you have a nightmare?”

  Zoe and Brant both looked at Taesa and Emerond, having been startled from their own naps.

  Judith was half-awake now because of Taesa’s yelling and she listened, paying close attention and preparing to write in her book. She quickly became fully awake.

  “Soldiers came in and took him! They took the baby to the king!” Taesa said.

  “That’s what I dreamed!” Emerond said.

  “She scared herself and you with all that talk of hers – that’s why you’re both having nightmares. You have to stop this, now, before you both die of fear,” Caroline said.

  “It was so real. And not just soldiers with swords. There was a woman with them. Her voice was musical and she said that all children belong to King Xander the Unfailing, who will lead them and teach them,” Taesa said.

nbsp; “Teach them what?” Caroline asked.

  “I don’t know! But I do know what the woman looked like – she was wearing a medallion that had ten (10) coins on it,” Taesa said.

  “And there was a key in the middle of the coins, right?” Emerond asked.

  “Yes! That’s right!” Taesa said.

  “What does that even mean?” Emerond asked.

  “It means somebody’s really coming to take your kid,” Zoe said.

  “You actually believe in dreams?” Caroline asked.

  “Yeah. They’re warnings of something that’s about to happen – and saved our lives more than a few times in Waderav, getting us out of places before everything came crashing down,” Zoe said.

  “We just knew stuff was going to happen before it did – I don’t get it, but dreams are real,” Brant said.

  “Somehow – don’t ask me how – dreams can show the future, and help you to survive it,” Zoe said.

  “This belief in dreams sounds like superstition – it’s all too farfetched to believe. And I’ve come to believe in a lot of things, after what I’ve seen,” Caroline said.

  “Believe it. That medallion – with the ten (10) coins and the key – that’s too unusual and specific. No way is that a coincidence,” Zoe said.

  “It sounds like we’re going to have a fight after all,” Brant said.

  Judith was startled at the matching of the details which had no other meaning that was obvious to her. Coincidences were possible, but it seemed too far-fetched to believe these dreams were a coincidence. She thought – and was horrified by the thought – that it was all too real. She wrote the record of this conversation into her book.

  “We need to leave here,” Caroline said, suddenly afraid and doubtful of their safety in this place. The matching details of the dreams were even suspicious to her after hearing Zoe’s opinion.

  “We need a ship, and a crew, if this king hasn’t taken it all for himself,” Zoe said.

  “Pack up and move out now,” Brant said.

  Caroline put Trent into his basket which they had purchased when they bought more fruit from a recently visiting food vendor. It was the perfect size for the baby at the moment, and she wrapped him comfortably with cotton clothing that had been purchased from a tailor who worked in the port town.

  Zoe drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of light.

  Brant drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial and was energized with the powers of strength and speed.

  Emerond drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial and was energized with the powers to manipulate crystal, although he did not have a particular idea in mind, and only wanted to be ready in case an opportunity presented itself.

  Judith drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers to slow time. She was keenly aware of all that was going on around her, no matter how quickly, and her own aging was again slowed.

  The entire group moved out of the rented room and headed to the docks to look for a ship.


  After their voyage in the Amber Lantern, Neva’Raka took Tosko’Lajin back to Nivi Peta Island in the Atrejan Ocean. Father Isaac met up with them in Baradaxa and returned with them, as he was their benefactor, and intended to give them further guidance.

  “You’ve guided those whom you could to safety by your song. In time, if needed, please do so again,” Father Isaac said as Tosko’Lajin stood at the top of the boarding ramp, preparing to walk down onto the shores of Nivi Peta Island.

  “We certainly haven’t guided everyone. Is there really a question of whether it is needed?” Tosko’Lajin asked.

  “Retreating from danger is only necessary and proper for a time, until the danger has been overcome. The world has grown darker, and the king rules yet more land. However, we cannot have people run forever. Otherwise, in time, there will be nowhere to run,” Father Isaac said.

  “How can we overcome these dangers? By our sworn purpose, we Redfire Sentinels are not warriors, so we are unprepared to challenge the reign of a king – we only serve as guides to those who travel the oceans,” Tosko’Lajin said.

  “So long as there is darkness, we can bring light, and provide transport on our few ships, but that is our best,” Neva’Raka said.

  “All of that is true. Yet, we are prepared to guide warriors into battle, that they might end the darkness and the tyranny,” Father Isaac said.

  “Do you have warriors in mind? If King Xander has taken control of so much of the world, then who is actually left to put an end to him?” Tosko’Lajin asked.

  “Throughout the hundreds of millennia I’ve lived, and all the conflicts I have witnessed, there was always someone determined enough to stand strong against tyranny. We need only light the way,” Father Isaac said.

  “I’ll take you to them, if you can find them,” Neva’Raka said.

  “We will be observant, and let the determined people make themselves known to us,” Father Isaac said.

  “So, what do we do at the moment?” Tosko’Lajin asked.

  “You will remain here, as it is your assigned outpost. Neva’Raka and I will return to Loravixian Island and gather what information we can, and return for more of your assistance, as needed,” Father Isaac said.

  “I’m ready,” Neva’Raka said.

  Tosko’Lajin walked down the boarding ramp onto the shores of Nivi Peta Island, returning to his post. He rejoined with fellow Redfire Sentinels Meriniala and Inlanokus and said: “My song guided them to a safer place. It is safer for now, and I can only hope it remains that way.”


  Neva’Raka drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial and was energized. She used the light powers she received to generate a beam of light for their travels across the sea under a twilight sky. She then set the course of the Amber Lantern and headed southeast over the Atrejan Ocean.

  After a day of travel, they reached the northwestern coast of the Wandering of Shadows land bridge. Neva’Raka pulled the levers that lowered the double-masted pivoting sails to the sides of the ship, turning them into sailwings. She then elevated the ship to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude to cross the land.


  Emerond, Taesa and Caroline stood near the docks in the small port town located along the southwestern coast of the Wandering of Shadows land bridge where they had been staying. They huddled around the baby to keep him warm under the twilight sky and the cold air.

  As Judith watched them, she also watched Brant, who held the chest containing the coins given as payment to him and Zoe for their protection services. She also watched as Zoe walked the docks back and forth looking for an available ship, but the few ships Zoe found were already occupied and leaving.

  After several hours, Zoe saw a ship approaching the land bridge – at a point over two hundred fifty (250) miles away toward the north – and then she saw it take to the air.

  She used her powers of light to shine a beacon to that ship, signaling a need for help.


  On board the Amber Lantern, Neva’Raka saw an unexplained bright light, so she looked down and southward toward its source. She then realized that the light was more than illumination but contained a signal.

  “Father Isaac, someone is signaling for assistance, from the south,” Neva’Raka said.

  “Then that is exactly what is needed to be given – as it is the sworn purpose of the Redfire Sentinels,” Father Isaac said.

  Neva’Raka steered the Amber Lantern southward, accelerating toward the light source in the distance. After three (3) hours of travel, she lowered the vessel to sea level in the Lujladia Ocean, which bordered the southwestern coast of the Wandering of Shadows land bridge. She then turned the levers to convert the sails back to the upright position. Neva’Raka then moved the ship to the docks and lowered the boarding ramp, walking down onto the pier.

signaled the others – Brant, Emerond, Taesa and Caroline, who was carrying the baby – and they came over to her, followed by Judith. They approached the docks and walked along the pier out to the ship that had just landed.

  “You signaled for assistance,” Neva’Raka said.

  “Yes, that was us. We need to get out of here, fast,” Zoe said.

  “What is the matter? And where do you need to go?” Neva’Raka asked.

  “We have to protect her kid – he’s only a couple months old,” Zoe said.

  “We’re going somewhere safe,” Caroline said.

  “No, we’re going to make somewhere safe,” Taesa said.

  “What?” Caroline asked.

  “She’s right. We can’t run forever,” Zoe said.

  “But you just said we’re trying to get out of here!” Caroline said.

  “Not to run away, but to do what we have to do. We’re not safe anywhere if all we do is run,” Zoe said.

  Judith was recording all of this – the arrival of the ship and the conversation – into her book.

  Father Isaac stood at the edge of the deck of the Amber Lantern and heard all of this, and believed that he may have found the people he was expecting.

  “Come aboard,” Neva’Raka said.

  Zoe and Brant climbed the boarding ramp, followed by Taesa, Emerond and Caroline, who still carried the baby in his basket. Judith followed right behind her.

  “Welcome aboard the Amber Lantern. I am Neva’Raka, your captain,” Neva’Raka said.

  “I am Isaac,” Father Isaac said.

  Judith looked at the man and was convinced it was the man she knew from centuries ago.

  “I believe we have met before,” Father Isaac said.

  “I am Judith, Chronicler of twelve hundred forty-three (1243) years,” Judith said, giving her full age, as was the customary way, even though she had only taken the Chronicler’s Oath twelve hundred nine (1209) years ago.

  “Yes, I remember you, trustworthy Chronicler,” Isaac said.

  “I’m Zoe. This is Brant. These are the people we’ve been protecting, but we can’t do it anymore. Her kid’s in danger – from soldiers and some woman wearing a medallion with ten (10) coins and a key on it,” Zoe said.


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