Bleeding Hearts

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Bleeding Hearts Page 9

by Girl, Breukelen

  Dillon smirked back at him. Luke knew Dillon would be able to tell wether Doll had slept in his room or with him; his scent was not all over her. Which he was likely to take to mean, the female werewolf was open to other encounters.

  “What’s up?” Luke asked casually with a jerk of his chin, watching as a smile started to spread across the face in front of him.

  “Father’s called a meeting and wants’ you over at his house.” Dillon replied back at him. “Do you lack manners completely?” He went on as he looked from Luke to Doll and back again. It was only when both males turned to her and her eyes darted from one to the other that she started to see the resemblance between the two males. The taller male had similar features to Luke. Brothers. Both alpha werewolves and brothers. She could tell. The thought that she was again surrounded in close proximity to alpha werewolves made Doll start to shake nervously.

  “Doll, meet my brother Dillon Charleston.” Luke said by way of introduction.

  “Big brother.” Dillon dug at him holding out his hand.

  Doll reached for it and shook it back firmly. Trying to make her hand steady. His self assurance and presence, made her immediately assume he was an alpha. Alpha werewolves always showed their dominance to other wolves.

  “Doll and her friend Jeremy are staying with me for a while, till they get themselves sorted out in Seattle.” Luke said, knowing his brother would ask if he did not provide extra details. Dillon always pushed his buttons, merely because it was brotherly love and he could, that and he was nosey. Dillon nodded his brown haired head and started to move towards the front door.

  “I’ll see you out front.” Dillon addressed Luke. “It was nice meeting you.” Dillon stated with a half smile at her as he walked back outside, but not before giving his brother a cheeky grin. Luke sighed and watched his brother leave. He would never hear the end of the teasing that was to come for not making Doll’s presence known to him.

  Luke looked at Doll, he could feel her trembling against him, like she was cold. Only he didn’t think her trembling was due to the lack of clothing she was wearing. She was scared, of Dillon. Of being around two alpha males.

  “Is your whole family made up of alpha’s?” Doll asked nervously when Dillon was out of sight.

  “No, why?”

  “It’s just, you’re an alpha, your brother’s an alpha, your father’s an alpha pack leader…” Luke opened his mouth and then closed it, the question he wanted to ask staying silent. Doll was rattled, he could see that and he didn’t want to make her anxiety any worse. “Sonny, Aiden and Bastian are all beta’s.” He finished with instead. “Bastian’s a lycan we adopted.”

  “Oh.” He heard the surprise in her voice and he put his hands on her arms, rubbing them lightly.

  “I’ll introduce you to them sometime.” He said softly moving in on her and leaning forward. “I’m sorry about my behaviour last night, I just wanted to help you.” He said softly and before she could think about it, his mouth slanted across hers in a kiss. Searing them together in a warmth that promised of only good things to come. Doll’s body ignited in a wave of heat and moisture as she felt something tight pool in her gut.

  It had been a long time since she’d been kissed like this. Kissed in a way that was designed to make her feel good all over. Luke made her feel very good. She wanted this werewolf male. She wanted him completely. Good, bad and all in between. The surprise that she still had a sex drive and Luke’s touch was fuelling a building desire in her, made her take him in further. Encouraging his tongue to probe her mouth. She wanted to consume the air with him and her teeth nipped at his bottom lip, causing Luke to groan wantonly back at her. He pressed his body into hers, allowing her to feel the affect she was having on him. Her lips craved the connection of Luke as she felt his erection tight against her stomach.

  “You muddle my head.” She muttered between breaths at him. “Do you know how frustrating it is to be me? To not want sex and then meet you and feel like I’m only far too aware of how attracted to you I am and how much you make me want you, despite how much I hate myself, my body?”

  Luke stopped kissing Doll and looked at her closely.

  “Luke we gotta go.” Came Dillon’s warm, thick voice interrupting the haze they had created around one another. Doll leant back into his mouth and kept kissing Luke. She couldn’t get enough of the passion he’d just seeped into her. She liked feeling this good. She wanted to feel this good, again and again and again. “Bro.” Dillon tried again and Doll pulled back slightly, her eyes glazed over as she meet Luke’s eyes. Luke broke away breathing heavily, his eyes sharper.

  She felt a warmth go through her at his touch. Doll’s werewolf started thrumming. Wagging it’s tail, unconsciously, happy. Doll hoped Luke would just come back to her mouth again and kiss it again, like he couldn’t get enough of it. The timing of pack work sucked. Luke gulped down air and put a bit of space between them, to help him keep his head clear.

  “When you’re ready.” Luke said and moved away again and dropped his arms away. Doll’s inner werewolf stopped wagging it’s tail. She wondered if he meant about the family introduction, or them. Luke walked out with Dillon.

  “So, tell me,” Dillon started in on him immediately. “All about the stray you have been hiding from us.”

  “I haven’t been hiding her.” Luke replied defensively. Too defensively. Which of course was like waving a red flag at a bull. Giving Dillon all the ammunition to tease him he needed.

  “Sure, you haven’t.” Dillon laughed.

  “And she’s not a stray.”

  “Whatever you say brother. I get it, you like her, you want to have some time with her before she get’s thrown into the family. I get it. So where’s she from? How’d you meet? Details.”

  Luke wondered how much he should tell Dillon about Doll and Jeremy. Dillon had a tendency to be suspicious of that which he did not know. “She tried to hustle me in a game of pool.” Dillon looked across at his brother and threw back his head and laughed. “Oh I would have loved to have seen that sweet thing do that.”

  Luke growled at his brother’s description of Doll. “Don’t even think about her, Dillon. I mean it.” Luke’s eyes narrowed on his brother’s profile. Charleston brotherly love did not include going after one’s intended mate.

  “She just looks so innocent, like she doesn’t have a mean bone in that very slim body.” Dillon teased him further. Luke punched him in the shoulder quickly. Earning himself a glare from his older brother that would make lesser werewolves cower and look away. “By the way she is way too skinny from what I could see.”

  “Back off.” Luke growled out at him. “Doll is with me.”

  Dillon was the one that got all the good looks in the family. Not that Luke considered himself particularly ugly. But Dillon and he could always pick and choose mates from the masses with ease. More than once, a werewolf had lost a crush to the charms of Dillon Charleston.

  “And you let her answer the door in just a t-shirt? What is a werewolf supposed to think when greeted by a sweet thing like that first thing in the morning?”

  “I mean it Dillon. Back. Off.” Luke growled.

  “Doll? What kind of name is...forget about it.” He said sensing rising anger and frustration in his kid brother beside him. Then he did what Dillon always did. He kept on him. “So what happened between you two last night? Sounds serious, I mean that looked like it was leading to make up sex of some kind.” Dillon laughed as he felt the tension in his brother grow.

  They had enough to worry about and fight for without the two alpha’s turning a play fight into a serious fight amongst themselves. And Luke’s buttons were far too easy to push. “I’m just riding you.” Dillon liked to tease his kid brother, but even he could see, Luke had a heavy crush on Doll the stray. And from what he’d noticed, it looked like it was complicated knowing Doll the stray wolf.

  “So you know what this about?” Dillon asked rhetorically. His mood changing instantly to
business mode. Of course, Luke knew what being summed to his father’s was about. His brothers messages to him had been rather specific since they’d practically screamed down the line at him.

  It was about their sister, Sonny and her kidnapping the night before.


  It was past midnight when Luke returned. The house was dark, and the sound of the shower running could be heard. Luke wandered into the second bedroom, the lights were out and there was a body silhouetted in the covers of the bed, breathing lightly. He switched to his werewolf eyes and sniffed, and could tell it was Jeremy asleep in the bed. Which meant Doll was in the shower.

  Doll was in the bathroom testing the water temperature when Luke walked in. Fully aware that she was in there. She looked at him as he walked in. Luke’s eyes looked her over in the unlit bathroom that streamed in a small amount of moonlight. She was half encased in shadows and looked beautiful in the moonlight. He was already aroused, by just the sight of her naked. And yet, Doll didn’t feel scared by what she saw. Excited maybe. Nervous definitely. Her stomach was doing all kinds of weird flip-flops with flames heating her from the inside out.

  “Can I join you?” He asked as she stepped into the shower. There was no mistaking his intention. But Luke hadn’t wanted to be mistaken. He’d practically been a saint when it came to handling Doll. And being in close vicinity to a female werewolf during lunar week and not fulfilling his werewolf desires with her, was scratching away at him. He was still surprised when she replied.


  Luke kicked off his shoes and stripped of his clothes quickly, the stress of the pack gathering he’d been to, forgotten as he stepped in close to her. He wanted the reassurances of her body against his again, wanted to feel that reaction to their connection. And he did, when he felt her skin against his and saw the look in her eyes that greeted him before looking down as his chest brushed against her nipples. His body was against her, lightly pressing, so she could feel the hardness of his masculinity, against her skin.

  “Past few mornings,” Luke said “I’ve checked on you two in the morning, I was afraid you’d split on me without saying anything. And I see Jeremy curled up beside you sucking your breasts, like a cub taking a feeding.”

  Doll dragged her eyes up his pectorals to his face. His voice didn’t say he was angry, or disgusted by what he’d seen. He was curious. “That’s private.” She responded. Just because she’d given him a brief overview of what had happened to her and Jeremy, didn’t mean she was going to start sharing everything about them with Luke.

  Luke’s jaw tightened and a muscle flinched in it. “I find I’m jealous. Not a common feeling for me.”

  That made Doll’s lips part. “Jealous of Jeremy?”

  “Yes. He’s with you in a way I can only hope to be.” Doll looked away. They barely knew each other and yet she was drawn back to him, like he was to her. But she didn’t want to disappoint him. She wasn’t like other werewolves. She was a lone wolf. She was a damaged werewolf. Barely a werewolf. She wasn’t worthy of someone like Luke. He should be with a proper werewolf mate. Not the remains of what was Sarah Dollton McKenzie. She had nothing to offer him but herself and that was barely worth anything at all. The Alpha Pack had made sure of that. They’d not only violated her body, they’d drilled that thought into her head.

  “I’m sorry.” She muttered in a soft voice. “Jeremy means a lot to me, without him, I wouldn’t be here.” Doll said looking back up at him suddenly. “He’s my only pack.”

  Luke’s heart ached at her words. But he understood what she was saying. Of course Jeremy would be her only pack. They had gone through everything together. “He stayed with me, when he could have gone. They released him, they were just going to keep me and he wouldn’t leave me. He stayed with me through everything. Whatever comfort I can bring Jeremy….is more than earned.”

  Luke nodded his head. “Perhaps now you’re in Seattle you could look to join the Seattle Alki pack.”

  Doll dropped her eyes away. She wasn’t sure how long Jeremy and her were going to stay in Seattle, it was probably best they not stay longer than a month or two in any one place. But they had to acquire some basic things to survive; money would help them get that. That was her main focus next to Jeremy.

  And the idea of being part of a werewolf pack again, was almost as terrifying as being around alpha werewolves. She couldn’t figure out if it would be better for her and Jeremy to be on their own, to have to answer to no one but themselves. Not have to worry about anyone but themselves. Or if being in a werewolf pack would mean more protection from all the cruelties that life seemed to want to throw at them.

  Luke wanted to quell the awkwardness he’d suddenly brought back into their conversation with her. They’d been doing so well, slowly with her opening up to him, trusting him. “Here,” He said reaching for the shampoo resting on top the shower cubicle wall. He squirted a small amount into his hand and rubbed them together before running his hands through her scalp. Slicking her hair back off her face and proceeding to lightly rub the foaming liquid into her hair.

  Doll let out a pent up breath, closing her eyes, her face turned up to Luke’s, her hands automatically resting on his hips. She started moaning lightly. What a magical touch. Again, Luke managed to make her feel good. To enjoy a small thing in life that she wouldn’t have otherwise thought twice about.

  Luke chuckled at her. “Oh baby, if you like this wait till you see what else I can do with my fingers.” That made her open her eyes quickly and stare up at him. But it wasn’t panic he saw in her eyes. It was heat. “Patience, Doll, patience.” He murmured giving her the signal for her to turn around, so he could scoop up the back of her hair. There was a brief hesitation before she slowly turned her back to him.

  His eyes took in the criss-cross, whip marks scaring her back. He started to count them as he rubbed the shampoo into her hair. He’d counted eighteen when she sighed softly and his mouth quirked into a smile, making him loose count and focus. He liked that he could make her sound like that. Sound like she was enjoying herself and him. Luke washed it clear with the shower water. Only when he bent down and placed a chaste kiss against her neck did she draw out a breath and her shoulders visibly relax.

  Luke kissed her wet shoulder and slipped his arms around her waist, holding her to him, as he kissed her shoulder and neck. “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want Doll.” He said into her ear, running his tongue behind it. “You can trust me. You’re werewolf does.” He said, feeling his own werewolf stirrings wanting to respond to the female before him. His erection pressed against her bottom and yet he held himself to her.

  Doll wanted to tell him, that he shouldn’t bother with her. That he deserved a real woman and a proper werewolf. But she held back. “I hate that I’m so jumpy around you.” She wanted to feel good about sex again. She wanted sex with Luke. Her body kept wanting to be near his, to touch him, to feel him with her.

  “Don’t over think it so much baby. Just enjoy things as they happen. Tell me to back off when I’m too pushy, promise me that and we’re all good.” Doll turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. She wanted to do things with Luke. Enjoyable things with his body and hers. She didn’t want him backing off from her at all.

  “Deal.” She muttered softly as her hand rested atop of his and she unclasped it from his other one, slowly guiding it down her front. Once again, catching Luke by surprise at her boldness.

  “Tell me what you want.” Luke said heatedly as she guided his hand to the hair patch between her legs. Luke’s pulse raced.

  “I want to find out what else those big fingers of yours can do.” Doll replied her voice barely a whisper above the pounding water that ran over them continuously. “Show me how it’s meant to be.”

  Luke’s hand slipped from hers and his fingers parted her, slipping ever so slightly against her folds. Doll gasped and Luke wondered how sensitive she was to touch, he wasn’t even inside her yet. He was just
rubbing against her slickness. Lightly rubbing her he nipped at her neck. He hadn’t even touched the sweet spot yet and Doll was pushing back, rubbing herself against him. Working herself up.

  “Slow baby, slow,” Luke replied his breath brushing against as he tried to help her pace out the pleasure. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”

  “I think maybe you’re just teasing me.” Doll replied between gasps as he kept rubbing her and she kept trying to make him slip inside her. Luke chuckled against her shoulder and they’re playful struggle for control and pleasure.

  “I’m just used to calling the shots.” He replied flicking her clit with his thumb suddenly and watching as her hand shot out to steady herself against the shower wall and she cried out loudly. “Beautiful.” Luke muttered watching her. “Careful now, don’t want to wake Jeremy.”

  He pressed the sensitive nub again and worked it in a fast circulation motion. Doll’s eyes widened and her breath caught as her body became aflame. She didn’t think she could ever tire of the feelings that Luke stirred in her. She squirmed against Luke’s touch, and couldn’t figure out if she wanted to fight it or let it take her over. It was when Luke nipped at her shoulder, slightly harder than before that she could no longer hold back the wave of pleasure he’d created in her.

  Crying out loudly she came against his fingers as he wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her steady and upright as her orgasm spent her. Doll gasped wildly afterwards, as the slow ebb of her orgasm subsided and Luke removed his talented fingers from her. Luke chuckled and turned the shower taps off so they weren’t dosed in cold water.


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