Bleeding Hearts

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Bleeding Hearts Page 12

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Higher ground?” Doll asked curiously.

  Luke sighed and looked around the street outside of the truck. “The truck, it’s our higher ground, it means we got the advantage, more advantage than if we’re on foot and he springs out on us.” They sat there, the truck in the middle of the street for another ten minutes. “I don’t feel good about leaving without knowing where that bastard is. He might have been our only lead to getting my sister back.”

  “So we get out on foot. Do a quick sweep of the area, see if we can pick up a scent.” Doll suggested. “I’m not a great tracker though.”

  “No but you can identify an alpha almost on sight alone, can’t you?”

  Doll unlocked the passenger side door. “Had some practice at it. “She replied slipping out of the truck and closing the door as Luke did the same.

  “It doesn’t make sense. Why he would come all the way down here to kidnap her for the club house? I mean, when it happened to me, I was in the vicinity. Those alpha werewolves, they were all together, like they were having, a boys weekend away or something and they just happened to stumble across my town and see an opportunity to good to pass up. One of them coming all the way down here to Seattle to replace me with a new girl, it doesn’t make sense. I always thought, the way it went down with Jeremy in me, was it was just a crime of opportunity. And being alpha’s and feeling entitled, they just took what they wanted. Did what they wanted to do.” She shivered even as she said the words outloud.

  Luke turned to look at her as they walked hand in hand down the street, checking out the houses that were parked around them. “Unless you were followed and this is just a ploy of some kind, to bait me because you’re with me.”

  “I’m with you.” She said softly holding his look.

  “Yes, you are with me. Both of you. And I won’t let another werewolf hurt either of you again. You’re with me and I intend to make it safe for you both. Which means getting to Graham.”

  “But he didn’t know that until this afternoon, right?”

  Luke shrugged his shoulders. “Graham might have been watching us, this whole time. Waiting for an opportune moment.”

  Doll sighed. “I don’t think that makes much sense.”

  “So you’re saying what? Graham being here in Seattle and my sister being kidnapped are two separate things entirely?”

  “Yes. Let’s just get to Jeremy.”

  “Dillon will have that under control. He was going to round up Jeremy, one way or another and bring him back to the house, so we should just meet them there.”

  Doll stilled. “What do you mean, one way or another?” Doll asked as fear seeped into her voice and body language again. “I told you not to let Dillon hurt Jeremy.”

  “I know and I emphasized that to Dillon also. Made him promise not to hurt Jeremy.” They walked back to the truck quickly having found nothing that would help them.

  “But?” Doll asked as they hopped into the truck again.

  “Dillon suggested he might, force Jeremy to shape shift if the human Jeremy wouldn’t listen to him.” Doll looked across at him unsure of what he wasn’t saying. “Basically if he makes him shift, he can than influence the werewolf, easier than he can the human. He’s likely to be easier to control to an alpha like Dillon.”

  Doll looked away from him and let her hand slip out of his. “So that’s how the Seattle Alki’s do things.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I know it seems like we’re forcing him to do something he doesn’t want, but it will help him Doll. It will help him get past the rage and panic and it’ll stop him from going rabid on us. When he’d be a bigger danger to all of us and himself.” Luke sighed heavily and started the truck up.

  “How about I call Dillon and check up on them?” Doll looked at him expectantly. Dillon answered on the first ring.

  “Dillon, I need an update on Jer,”

  “He’s fine.” Dillon snapped sounding a little breathless. “We’re under control here.”

  “You don’t sound under control.” Luke muttered looking away from Doll.

  “He’s making me work for my control and testing my patience.” Dillon replied back at him as the sound of movement came through the phone, making their connection tenuous. “It’s been awhile since anyone’s tried that on me. I’m going to have to go, we’re fine here, we’re safe and I might not be able to answer the phone for awhile after this. But Jeremy’s with me he’s fine and we’ll come back to the house, eventually.” Dillon replied before the phone disconnected.

  Luke turned back to Doll. “Jeremy’s giving Dillon a lesson in patience and control.” Doll rolled her eyes. In other words, Jeremy was freaking out and fighting Dillon, just like she’d taught him to.

  “I hope you’re brother is good on his word. Because Jeremy might not be strong like an alpha but we’ve got persistence on our side and us beta werewolves can wear down patience levels. We should get to them, he’ll calm down if I’m around.” Doll said. “And hopefully Dillon won’t mess him up.”

  “I don’t think leading you to where the favourite chew toy of a sadistic alpha is, is a smart move.” Luke replied. He was right.

  “Good point. What we do now?”

  “We wait.” Luke replied turning the truck around. “For Graham to make his move.”

  “How do you know he will?”

  “Because the type of alpha you’ve described Graham as to me, he doesn’t give up anything he doesn’t want to give up. And judging by his behaviour this afternoon, I’d say he’s very much interested in reclaiming both of you.” Luke said driving them home. Doll shivered at the thought of being enslaved by Graham again.

  “So he has come for us.”

  “He might not have come to Seattle looking for you, but now that you’re in his sight, you can bet he’s not letting you out of it. Werewolves don’t back down from challenges, especially alpha’s. And alpha’s aren’t exactly known for not getting their way.”

  Doll shivered running her hands along her arms. “I’ll die before I let him take me again.” Luke looked across at her. He didn’t like her words or that thought at all.

  “I won’t let him take you. Either of you and I won’t let you die, either.”

  She half smiled at him. “Like you can just do that.” She muttered at him meekly.

  “Watch me.” Luke replied seriously.

  “Egotistical alpha.” Doll teased him looking out ahead of them. Luke smiled back at her.



  They arrived home in silence and Doll turned on her heel the once they were through the front door. She’d gotten fidgety in the car ride back home, started squirming a lot, Luke had noted. “I have to go to Jeremy.” She blurted out suddenly. “I can’t be here, not with him out there, vulnerable and exposed to Graham Roberts.”

  Luke closed the door behind him and latched it, with one hand while he looked at Doll. “You have to keep calm and trust that Dillon is looking after Jeremy for us.” Luke replied softly, he had faith in his brother. Doll walked up to him, into his personal space.

  “I don’t know Dillon, I know you. And I know that Jeremy will be scared, and alone and scrambling to stay in fight mode instead of fear mode. I know that neither you or I are with him.” Luke saw the determination in her eyes. Knew she would fight him on this because of her connection to Jeremy. “I can’t let him down, I can’t let him go through this without me by his side. I’m all he has!”

  Luke straightened up so he was his full height. He had expected this fight from her when he’d denied her the right to find Jeremy and ensure he was okay. “And I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He replied firmly.

  “Fine, come with me.” She pleaded at him, putting her hands on his chest. Luke reached up and held her hands.

  “I can’t let you go to him and put yourself, both of you at a higher risk than you already are at.” Doll’s face sharpened and she pulled her hands back.

  “You can’t kee
p me here! I’m not a god damn prisoner.” She growled at him angrily. “Get out of my way.”

  “No.” Luke replied seriously. He wouldn’t fight her, but he wouldn’t let her sacrifice herself for Jeremy either. “I won’t let you be put in danger.”

  Doll’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. “You want a god damn fight huh? I’ll give you a god damn fight!” She lunged at him and Luke moved quicker than Doll could have imagined, grabbing her raised arms and shoving her aside against a side wall, pinning her arms as with his own, as he gripped her wrists softly.

  “Don’t be stupid Doll. I’ve seen how smart you are. You know this is a dumb move.” Luke said pinning his body to hers also. Doll felt her arousal for him flare to life, at the touch of his clothed body against hers. How god damn inappropriate of her body!

  “Stop using your influence on me.” She growled back at him, annoyed at her attraction for him to be so easily ignited by his physical contact and her weak will.

  “I’m not using it Doll. I have no idea what you’re feeling other than anger at me at the moment.” Doll’s face flushed and she looked away from him, her strength leaving her. Damn her body for betraying her mind again. Anger wasn’t the only thing she was feeling for him. Luke lessened his hold on her but didn’t let go of her completely.

  “What is it?” He asked her softly, when she kept looking down, not meeting his eyes. “Doll?” Luke prodded.

  She lifted her head and slowly looked up at him, allowing him to see the desire riding her body as she warmed at his contact against her. She whined softly. The effects of the lunar cycle were really bouncing her around, or maybe it was him. Maybe she was falling for him more than she cared to admit out loud. Because that would mean she did trust him and he was right about their situation. And she didn’t want him to be any more danger than her and Jeremy already were.

  Luke let out a breath and his hands dropped away from her wrists, going instead to cup her face as he leaned in to her. Their mouth’s meeting in a moulding heat of need. Doll responded to him urgently. Fighting his tongue with her own before gasping for air as he nipped at her neck. Her own hands slipping between them to unbutton her shirt as he kissed a trail to her breasts. Doll groaned with pleasure when he drew a pebbled nipple into his mouth. Luke pulled her shirt apart for her and sucked on her breast as her hands went to his jeans waist and unbuttoned his jeans desperately fast.

  It was his turn to moan as her hand slipped in to his jeans, he worse no underwear, and the lightest touch of her on him, made him instantly hard and ready. She cupped his balls, as he switched to her other breast, ensuring it too was looked after. Leaving one nipple rock hard and tingly with need for more teasing.

  Doll breathed heavily as her hands pushed at the jeans at his hips, pushing them down, to free his cock for her. Luke pulled back and hissed when her hand ran along his cock lightly. They looked at each other, panting heavily, with darkening eyes that spoke of needful desire. Luke pulled back slightly, his hands cupping her breasts, he squeezed them lightly.

  “Tell me what you want.” He ground out at her, hungrily. He knew very much what he wanted, he was looking at her, lusting after her.

  Doll gulped down a vat of saliva. “I want to be yours, no other alpha’s.” She said her hand squeezing his cock lightly in return. Luke sighed and ran a hand through his hair. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to hear her words. He just didn’t want to hear them the way she meant them.

  “Maybe we should do this, when it’s not lunar week and you can think more clearly.” Luke said softly. Doll’s face looked downfallen.

  “No.” She whispered.

  “Doll, I just want you to be happy and not to think you have to do this. We don’t have to have sex.” And there were words Luke never thought he’d say coming out his mouth. He enjoyed sex. He always had sex during lunar weeks. More than usual, that was part of lunar week, part of him.

  “Luke.” Doll said softly.

  “There are other things we can do and when and if you’re ready..”

  “I want to do this with you. I want to know what it’s like Luke. Before the alpha pack, I’d only been with one guy and well,” Doll sighed. “It was flattering, he wasn’t particularly memorable and it was all over in about two minutes. You’re the first male I’ve met that has made me feel like this. Ever.” Doll said dropping her gaze again.

  Luke put a finger under her chin, lifting her face up. “What do you feel for me?” He asked curiously. But he saw her eyes darken and the desire in them shine through. Luke swallowed hard. He wanted her as much as she wanted him and that was all there was to it. Luke nodded his head, and pulled back from her, reaching into his jeans back pocket he produced his a condom. He wanted to make her his too. He wanted to be the only werewolf she had sex with, the only werewolf she looked at so passionately. As Doll set about scrambling to get her jeans off herself as quickly as possible. Luke slid the condom down his cock and looked at Doll, who was eyeing it.

  “Are you sure?”

  She pulled him over to her, made him loose all conscious thought with a hungry kiss. The hunger and need fuelling them both as she slid her arms around his neck and she lifted her leg, Luke grabbed her ass and lifted her up against the wall. Allowing her to wrap her legs around his hips, as he slowly, pushed, thickly into her.

  Luke held her against the wall and watched himself sink into her as Doll moaned loudly at the feeling of their complete joining. “Oh yes,” she said softly as Luke looked back at her, amazed at the sensation that ran through him.

  “Doll,” he growled with desire and then started moving, slowly, finding a rhythm as he held her to the wall. He didn’t want to hurt her, or have her feel any pain from their love making. So he restrained from going faster than a few regular, slowly timed thrusts. “We should be on a bed, I should be making love to you with moon light and wine.” Doll let out a low growl at him, mixed with a whine. She wiggled back against the wall. She didn’t want his restraint and control; she wanted Luke, all of him, right then and there.

  “Just make love to me Luke. Just love me. Please. Make me yours.” She muttered. “I don’t want to be anybody else’s.”

  He loved hearing her words, it was selfish of him he knew, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want Doll to have to be around any other werewolf like this. “If I go any faster than this baby, it’s going to be a very short ride.” He muttered, concentrating on keeping his pace. Now that he was inside her, he’d never let another werewolf touch her, as intimately. Hurt her so violently as she had been in her past. Because she was his, because she gave herself to him and wanted to be his pack mate. Doll smiled at him, a hand going to the side of his face. “I kind of wanted to make a good impression, first time, you know?” He smiled back at her as Doll moaned loudly.

  “There’s always the bedroom.” Doll commented lifting her hips to meet him. Luke groaned deeply in his throat.

  “You’re not playing fair.” He ground out as she started to move along him. “Pushing me,” He muttered.

  “Blame my greedy werewolf.” Doll muttered breathing heavily as she worked herself along his cock. “She knows what she wants.” They started to move together, with Luke increasing his pace.

  “What does she want?”

  “You. Werewolf and all.” Doll replied as he started thrusting faster and harder, causing her to bump against the wall suddenly. Not that Doll seemed to notice, as the sensation of him, swept through her body. “Yes,” She sighed moving with him, gripping herself to him as he kept thrusting sharply into her and she felt her body’s pleasure rise and rise.

  They both clung to one another as the pace became frantic and their body heat burned up. “Touch yourself.” Luke’s voice sounded guttural to Doll, like he was on the verge of shifting to his werewolf self, it was becoming more gravely with each sound that came out of his mouth. She slipped a hand between them as he moved in her and she rubbed herself, her eyes watching him as he slid in and out of her.
/>   “Oh, I’m coming.” Doll said between clenched teeth as her orgasm ripped through her and Luke felt her squeeze him as he too lost what little control he’d managed to display. Throwing back his head and releasing a loud werewolf’s howl. Pushing her into the wall with his own body, pinning her to his hips as they came together for the first time.


  Doll was lying in Luke’s arms when they heard the front door open and Dillon’s voice call out to them. He looked over at her and smiled. “Maybe we should make them come to us. I don’t want to particularly move right now.” He said brushing her hair back casually. He’d carried her back to his bedroom and followed through on her suggestion and made love to her again in his bed. It had been slow, leisurely and his mouth, his fingers, his hands had gotten to know the feel of her body, fully. He’d lavished her with sweet sensations, because he could and he wanted to. Doll was a responsive lover.

  Doll smiled at him warmly and patted his stomach quickly. “You mean to tell me, you’re going to let all the good work you’re brother has done on calming Jeremy down, go to waste when he sees us here in bed together and smelling like each other? You have so much to learn.” She said pulling herself out from his arms.

  Luke sighed heavily and pushed out of the bed, and searched the floor for his jeans. “You don’t think he’s still going to hate me when I walk out there, clothed and smelling like you huh?” He said not seeing them anywhere, then realising they’d shed their clothes in the hallway.

  Doll pushed up onto her elbows and watched him walk over to a set of drawers and pull out a new pair of jeans and hurriedly pull them up his legs. “Oh no, he’ll hate you. He just might be more civilized about it then if he’d walked in here.”

  “Terrific.” Luke replied with a tight smile before coming over to the bed and bending down to kiss her. “So it’s up to me to do all the heavy lifting huh?” He said waving a hand at her sheet covered body as she settled back into the pillows behind her head. Looking content for once.


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