B9 Hometown Lover

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B9 Hometown Lover Page 3

by Love, Annabelle

  I nodded. "Go ahead and get home. Your wife's going to lose it if she has to be stuck with those kids for days without you around."

  Dan grinned. "I'd literally never hear the end of it. Sorry I couldn't fix it for you tonight."

  Joanne shook her head. "It's alright. Thanks for delivering it. Here are the keys. How much do I owe you?"

  Dan waved a hand. "Not a dime. Peter helps me out all of the time and gets me work. You two better get settled in for the night."

  I watched Dan jog off before I looked at the house. The wind started picking up shortly after he left and I watched the lights as they dimmed and ebbed. I frowned and glanced at Joanne.

  "I don't think you should stay here tonight. It looks like the power might go out and you don't even have any food here."

  Joanne frowned. "I don't really have a choice. I guess I could go into town and get a hotel room for the night, but I doubt it's going to be a much better situation there. I probably won't even have time to go and pick up any supplies."

  "You could come back to my place. My dog, Rory, will be happy for the extra company."

  She grinned. "You finally got a dog huh?"

  "A few years ago," I laughed. "He's the best. I've had him since he was a puppy. Found him in the barn all curled up and by himself. Now he doesn't leave my side."

  Joanne glanced around us with her hands on her hips. "I guess we have done a lot of work for the day. And I love dogs."

  "I remember," I said as I gathered up her things. "Anything else you need?"

  "No. My main suitcase is still in your truck from earlier so that should be fine. Let's get out of here before the roads get too bad."

  I carried her things out to the car while she shrugged on her jacket and locked the house up. We settled into the car and she turned on the radio as I flooded the truck with heat. The wind whipped against the side of it hard and I felt it rattle and shake. I was glad we'd gotten out while we could. I had a feeling if we'd lingered we'd be stuck.

  The storm crowded in around us and by the time we pulled up to my place the snow came down in thick, heavy blankets. I grabbed Joanne's stuff and passed it to her before I started unloading the groceries. When they were safely inside Joanne and I tumbled in and shivered at the freezing cold that had settled into our bones.

  "My fingers are freezing," Joanne said as she yanked off her damp gloves and blew on her fingertips and hands. "I don't see how you can do these winters anymore. I haven't seen snow in ages."

  "Part of life Jo Jo," I said as I grinned and yanked off my boots. "I don't mind it much at all. Then again you probably have that thin blood now to keep you cool. You don't know how to handle it anymore."

  Joanne shivered. "You've got that right. And I don't want to handle it."

  "Such a baby."

  She grabbed some snow that had fallen from our clothes onto the table, and flung it at me. I grinned. My jacket went up on the hook before I walked into my room and let Rory out. He'd managed to close himself in. Again. I loved him, but he was not the brightest crayon in the pack.

  "Did you get locked in there again?"

  I crouched down and scratched his head and ears until I thought his tail would wag right off. He raced from my hands and I heard Joanne squeak before she groaned. I ran back into the kitchen and found Rory on top of her as he licked her face happily.

  "Some guard dog you are," I laughed.

  Joanne pushed a hand against his face. "How do you turn this thing off?"

  "You don't. You just let it happen."

  "Ew," she groaned. "I'm going to be covered in slobber. Make it stop."

  "Rory," I whistled. "Come on, let her up."

  I grinned as Rory backed away from her and climbed up my leg. I rubbed his head and pulled a treat off the top of the fridge before I tossed it at him. Rory snatched it out of the air and ate it in two seconds while Joanne stood herself up.

  "There's a bathroom down the hall," I said with a grin on my face.

  Joanne narrowed her eyes. "Not funny."

  "Then why are you trying so hard not to smile?"

  I watched her flip me off as she walked away and I chuckled under my breath. My eyes stayed glued to her frame as she strolled down the hallway.

  Once she was out of sight, I sucked in a deep breath.

  Friends don't stare at friend’s asses.

  I quickly headed into the kitchen. Rory had his nose in the grocery bags and I knew that if I didn't move fast he'd steal something and be gone with it in an instant. I washed my hands after and started making dinner for us.

  Joanne came back out and looked refreshed. Water droplets clung to her skin and rolled down the middle of her chest and into her shirt. My eyes watched each drop as they disappeared until I coughed and made myself look anywhere but at her breasts.

  "Your place is amazing," Joanne said as she sat down and broke the quiet spell.

  "Thanks. I've been working on it bit by bit but it's still a work in progress."

  "Work in progress? This is breathtaking."

  I glanced around my house. I guess it wasn't so bad. The house was simple on the outside, made of brick and the hunter green trim surrounding the windows and doors. It was only one storey, but I hadn't wanted a big house. I wanted something small that I could enjoy for myself. Nothing to show off to other people. I didn't care about having a huge home, just something warm, comfortable and cozy.

  The inside had been done nicely with wood floors and warm colors. Even my kitchen was pretty big with a breakfast nook that looked out over my land. I loved my house. It was perfect for me.

  "How's your place back in Vegas?" I asked as I unwrapped a package of steak and laid it on a cutting board.

  "Tiny," she laughed. "Expensive too. I got it because I wanted to be as close to work as possible, but sometimes it's a little too much. I don't mind it though. I mean it's my sanctuary."

  I started seasoning the steaks and she walked over and leaned on the counter. I watched the way her red hair clung to her neck and I wanted to brush it off. Instead, I focused my hands on the food that I needed to prepare and tried not to stare at her.

  It's hard not to.

  We'd always had so much in common and I had a crush on her since we were just wild kids.

  How come we never got together?

  I couldn't understand that. We would have made a good couple. We probably still would.

  I laughed to myself and watched as she peered at me curiously. I only shrugged and continued to work. Why am I thinking about a relationship? I hadn't been with anyone in ages, it wasn't my style. Mostly my nights included meeting someone, hanging out and watching them disappear by the time the morning rolled around. That was about as much of a relationship as I wanted to have.

  "What are you making?" Joanne asked.

  "Steak, potatoes, and veggies. You didn't go vegan or anything did you?"

  Joanne laughed. "Me? Please. My favorite thing in the world is still a good burger and steak." She touched her stomach. "I can't wait to eat. Oh, do you have a phone charger?"

  I nodded my head toward the living room. "There should be a couple in there plugged up. Go ahead and snag one."

  She patted my back and I came to life under her touch. Heat spread over my skin and I locked eyes with her. I watched her chest as she drew in air, but her lips parted and they begged to be kissed. Before either of us could act on our instincts she quickly smiled, took her hand away from my body and walked into the living room.

  My breathing started back up and I sighed.

  She's going to be the death of me.

  I shook my head and focused on the food. Joanne wasn't someone that I could have, even if I wanted her. She was going to be leaving to go back home as soon as she cleaned up her mom's place. Besides, it's not like I'm ready to settle down. And I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way about me.

  We were friends. That meant there are certain lines that should never be crossed. I didn't want to mess up my friendship
for one night of feeling good. I'd rather have Joanne back in my life, even if my body ached for her in ways it had never ached for anyone else.

  Chapter 5


  I dug into the food with a ferocity I didn't know I possessed. The steak was so well cooked it melted on my tongue and I hummed happily. When I opened my eyes I found Peter staring at me. He'd been doing that all day and every time I caught him I felt my entire face heat up.

  "What?" I mumbled with a mouth full of food.

  "You're really enjoying that," he said as he took another bite of his own food.

  "How could I not? You got older and learned how to cook. This is so good. Usually, I eat whatever the chef prepares at my job or I get take out and go home. I forgot how delicious simple food can be."

  "Simple?" He raised a brow. "I feel like I should be insulted."

  I quickly shook my head. "No way! Simple isn't a bad thing. People out there are so over the top with everything and usually it's all organic this, low fat that. I forgot how good a piece of meat basted in butter and herbs could taste."

  Peter smiled at my compliments. "You sure know how to pump up a man's ego."

  I waved a hand. "I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't true. Could I have a bit more?"

  Peter took my plate. "I'll get it for you."

  "I could do that," I protested.

  "Why don't you grab a bottle of wine and pour some for us instead? I was going to have some with dinner anyway but I wasn't sure if you'd stopped drinking."

  I chewed my lip. I had stopped drinking for a long time. When we were younger I'd taken to it and loved it, but when I saw myself behaving like my mother, I knew I had to put it down. Thankfully, I'd learned how to drink a little and enjoy it and I realized my fear was unfounded. I wasn't an alcoholic, I was just afraid to end up like her.

  "I started back a while ago. Just a little here and there, but I'll definitely take a glass tonight. It was a long trip."

  Peter pointed out the drawer that held the bottle opener. I slipped it out and found the wine. After a small fight and loud pop, I managed to release the cork from the bottle and poured both of us generous glasses of wine.

  We settled back down at the table until we finished our food. By the time my plate was cleaned, I was stuffed and ready to curl up for the night. Usually, at home, I'd be hidden underneath a blanket and would probably pass out in about five minutes. With Peter around, I wanted to catch up and know how his life was going.

  "Let's go sit in the living room," Peter said as he cleared the table and placed the dishes in the dishwasher. "I'll start up a fire and we can catch up."

  "You read my mind," I said. "Let's do it."

  We wandered into the living room and I settled onto a fluffy couch and snagged a blanket that was folded on the armrest. I'd never tell him, but his place was way more organized and clean than mine was. I tended to throw things to the side and deal with them later, but his place was meticulously set up and wonderful.

  I could get used to this.

  I watched Peter as he kneeled in front of the fireplace and stacked the wood carefully inside. His big, rough hands caught my attention and held it as he struck a match and started a fire. The warmth blazed up and he stood, grabbed his glass and joined me on the couch.

  He sat so close I could feel the heat off of him more than I could feel the heat from the fire. I watched his hand as it ran over his beard and it took everything not to stare at his lips.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I chalked it up to exhaustion and too much wine.

  He leaned forward and shed his flannel shirt exposing his tanned, muscled arms. I wanted to reach over and touch them, trail my fingers down his flesh. I swallowed thickly at my own thoughts and tipped up my wine glass to stave off those thoughts.

  "So you've been here ranching all this time? “I asked.

  He nodded. "Yeah. Once my dad died I took it over completely. I love it out here. It's quiet and isolated and perfect."

  "And you haven't filled it up with kids and a wife yet," I mused with a little grin on my lips. "That's all you used to talk about—getting married and having kids."

  Peter groaned. "I was young. I thought that was what I wanted and then I realized no thank you. I like what I have now. Sometimes I have company, sometimes I don't. Most of all I have space and freedom. What more could I want?" He sipped at his glass. "What about you? Anyone special back home?"

  I groaned. "No, not at all. I went through a string of bad dates and decided I was done with that until the foreseeable future."

  "They couldn't have been that bad."

  I scoffed. "One guy showed up with his girlfriend."

  "What?" He asked. "Why?"

  "I guess they thought it would be a great way to get a threesome out of some naive girl. I bailed."

  Peter laughed. "Okay, that's one bad date though. You can't give up after just one."

  "Another guy went to kiss me and examined my mouth first. Like he full-on put a finger in my mouth to check out my teeth. Like I was a horse."

  "Oh wow."

  "The last date I went on the guy told me that I was beautiful and that I'd look really good in his basement. He tried to cover it up by saying he had a photo studio in it, but I was already up and out of there."

  Peter pinched the bridge of his nose. "You have the worst luck of anyone I've ever met."

  "That's what I'm saying!" I laughed. "I learned my lesson. No thank you to all of that. The internet is filled with weirdos and I'd rather be by myself forever than end up as an ornament in someone's basement."

  Peter shook his head. "I agree with you on that one. Here's to staying single and not getting tangled up with any insanity."

  We clinked our glasses together and sipped out of them at the same time. Peter wrapped an arm around the back of the couch and I resisted the urge to lean against him. I almost wished I could feel those fingers stroke my back and neck.

  "So, is it hard running a ranch?" I asked to distract myself.

  "Really hard work," he admitted. "I'm up early and back late most nights but it's worth it. I love raising my own food and giving my animals the best lives before they move on. Honestly, all of my cattle are ridiculously spoiled. I don't have time for much else when I have them."

  I nodded. "I could understand that. It's like me being a nanny. Most days I'm around kids all day and night. When I do go home it's usually just for a short while to sleep and change and then I'm back at it again."

  "Did you ever go to school to be a teacher?"

  I nodded. "I finished too. I could technically be an elementary teacher, but I found nannying before I could ever start anywhere and I've been doing that ever since. I love it. Getting to have freedom and see their little faces light up when I walk through the door is the best."

  Peter smiled at me and I felt my cheeks heating up again. How could he invoke such crazy responses with a single look?

  I loved the way he spoke with so much passion about his life. It made me want to get closer to him. I wanted to know every little thing that he'd done since I'd been gone. I hadn't realized how much I missed him until I returned. Or maybe I knew all along and had stuffed it down along with the rest of my emotions.

  "I really missed you," Peter whispered as he leaned toward me. "Why didn't you ever call?"

  I swallowed thickly. "I was just so scared of getting stuck here and then the longer I didn't call, the more it felt like I didn't need to. Like no one would miss me."

  "I missed you," he growled. "You should have known I would. You knew how much I cared about you. I was worried that something had happened to you. The only way I knew it hadn't was through the damn internet."

  I felt his irritation but it was laced with something more. Heat stood behind his words and as awful as I felt that I'd abandoned him I leaned toward him too. His hand captured the side of my neck and he pulled me close to him.

  Peter's lips captured mine and I melted against

  A moan left his lips that shook me to my core and shivered up my spine. I pushed my hand along his face, my fingers slipped into his hair and I kissed him back just as deeply.

  Our bodies moved together and I moaned as his tongue prodded my lips. I let him in. He tasted like sweet red wine and longing that I'd forgotten about so long ago, that it almost felt like a dream to kiss him now. He panted against me and I wanted to hear that sound against my ear as he took me into his bedroom and slid inside of me.

  My thoughts jolted back to reality.

  Was I really having those kinds of thoughts about Peter?

  I knew whatever this was, it couldn't last. I would be packing up and going home soon. There was nothing to pursue, nothing to hold onto. The last thing I wanted was to have meaningless sex with the man I'd called my best friend for years. Even if I wanted him so desperately I craved it.

  I pulled back quickly and took in a shaky breath. When I opened my eyes, Peter looked at me with pink lips and confusion in his eyes. That look almost made me want to kiss him again. It looked so lost and disappointed. I pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear and cleared my throat.

  "I… it's getting late," I managed to stammer out. "I should get some sleep so I can get back to work tomorrow. That house won't clean itself out."

  Peter nodded slowly. "You're right," he grunted, his voice deep and low and toe-curling. "I'll let you take my bedroom for the night. I'll sleep out here."

  I shook my head. "That's okay, the couch is more than fine for me. Thank you for dinner and the wine." I drained my glass. "I'll go get ready for bed."

  I quickly walked off even as I felt his eyes trained on my back.

  You're not staying long enough for this. I can't lead him on.

  I'd already hurt him once. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him again. I snagged my bag on the way to the bathroom and locked myself inside.

  I needed some distance from Peter or I was going to make a huge mistake.

  Chapter 6


  I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. Joanne's lips against mine, so soft, sweet and warm they made me want to kiss her all over again. I wanted to trace my tongue against hers and hold her in my arms again.


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