Icarus (Interstellar Cargo Book 1)

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Icarus (Interstellar Cargo Book 1) Page 15

by Matt Verish

  “Of course,” was all the detective offered.

  “Fine, think what you will,” Cole began, an edge to his voice. “As you well know, my background with Starforce in Military was not Nebula Star medal worthy, and my family name is synonymous with mud. It was the very reason I was sought out for this coup. I would be the perfect scapegoat onto which they could place all their blame.”

  He sat up a little straighter. “But I’m no terrorist any more than Terracom is a shining example of good business. I’ve done all that I can to separate myself from the people I call my family. I handled the situation to the best of my ability. My methods may be unorthodox, but they are what paved my way to become the youngest XO among the entire Starforce fleet. I’m clever, driven, and quite capable of handling almost any situation thrown my way.” I sound like I’m applying for a job.

  “So don’t go making assumptions off what you think are questionable motives. I’ve spent the last thirteen years paying for the unjust sins of my past, and I wish to keep my title as captain of the ICV-71 and do SolEx proud.” I think I hear Frederich Caliber clapping in another room.

  The hologram stared back for a long time, unblinking. Cole started to wonder if the program had malfunctioned, but then the detective shifted in her “seat” and stood. “These are sensitive matters, Mr. Musgrave, and they must be addressed with the utmost care. For the time being, these proceedings are concluded. We will take into account all you have said in regards to your future with the company. However, there is much work to be done before that time arrives. You will be escorted back to your quarters until further notice.”

  Take all the time you want, guys. I’ll be in my bunk, staring at the wall, wondering when I start my life sentence with the debt colony. Cole nodded, a big smile on his face. “Thank you.”


  Lin could not speak. It was not for lack of trying; she literally could not talk. SolEx had confiscated her Rook when they had captured her, Cole, and Emmerich. She could rely on her rusty sign language skills, though she had never perfected the art. Why would she when a device did all the heavy lifting for her? Now she was alone in a room, unable to properly communicate. Even her Ocunet lenses had been confiscated. Both of her tools were what made her more than a mute. Without them, she was nothing more than a brilliant scientific mind without the means to express herself.

  SolEx knew this, and they put her in the interrogation room despite her obvious impairment. They must have plans for me, she thought, though she dreaded to think what use she could be now that her coup was finished. She would not be able to divulge any useful names in exchange for sympathy. Research had found her in secret, though neither her initial nameless contact nor Arthur T. Forester would be traced back to the sector. They were ghosts who had retreated to the shadows with their prize.

  Or so they think.

  The door opened, and in walked none other than Frederich Caliber, CEO of SolEx. He was alone, save for the object in his meaty hand. He adjusted his suit, slid out the chair opposite her, and sat down. He placed the object in the center of the table, and Lin could not wrest her eyes from the Rook. Her Rook.

  “I suppose I should thank you for foiling former Inspector Emmerich’s attempt to assassinate me and the rest of the crew aboard the Terraport,” Caliber said, no hint of animosity in his bold voice. He indicated the translation cube. “I suggest you activate that if you wish to carry on a conversation with me.”

  Lin swallowed hard and delicately reached out and collected the cube. She switched it on with several practiced taps and swipes. The cube came to life and ran through a diagnostic check before emitting its familiar melodic notes and soft spectrum of light. It hovered in front of her, just below her chin.

  “Thank you.” Her “voice” was unaltered, and Lin felt slight relief. It was apparent, however, that any access to NuFi was restricted. The Rook would be nothing more than an electronic mouth. Would they know if she lied? And why would they trust her to wield it at all? She was sure the cube would have been thoroughly inspected before it was allowed back into her possession. It was a frightening thought.

  “I will keep our meeting brief, Dr. Dartmouth,” Caliber said, resting his elbows on the table and interlocking his fingers. The smile recognized throughout the System appeared, though it was cold and devoid of emotion. “SolEx has every reason to hand you over to Terracom and let them do with you as they please.” He allowed the comment to sink in before continuing. “But I believe that would not be in our best interest.”

  Our? she thought. Was he speaking on SolEx’s behalf in response to her actions, or was she a part of an equation. The latter was more likely, though her inclusion in his plan was unnerving.

  “You are a highly valued employee of this company, and we took a risk in bringing you aboard. A mistake, some might say.” He wagged his finger at her. “But I’m an optimist. You see, there’s a reason I’m CEO of the System’s largest logistics company. I have an eye for opportunity.” He tapped his wagging index finger just below his right eye, “And it’s this eye which noticed the opportunity between my company and Terracom.”

  Lin blushed and looked down.

  Caliber interlocked his fingers once more. “Yes, you did put quite the strain on our blossoming relationship.” He stared at her a good ten seconds before continuing. “But I’m willing to look past your transgression.”

  She looked up at him, confounded.

  “If you are willing to work with me.” He titled his head slightly, awaiting a response.

  What, exactly, is he expecting me to say? Sign me up? For all I know, he might ask me to personally apologize to the Terracom council and offer myself as their personal concubine. She shivered, but kept his eerie gaze. “I’m not sure I understand what this is about.”

  He seemed slightly taken aback by her reply. “Oh, but I was quite certain you did.” He indicated her Rook with a nod of his head. “As you’ve likely guessed, we did a thorough examination of your ‘translator’.” The air quotes were obvious in his tone. “What we discovered was really quite interesting.” He shook his head in mock disappointment. “All those years spent secretly plotting in the hopes of freeing your father, double-crossing Inspector Emmerich, and eventually going to work in the private sector of Research. So much effort....”

  He knows everything! How can I have been so stupid to have believed I could ever accomplish such an impossible task? She shrank into her seat, wishing he would just commit her to the debt colony. She knew, however, that was not his game.

  “From the myriad of emotions playing upon face, it’s obvious you realize the gravity of your situation. But you need not fear.” He pressed his fingertip onto the tabletop, and the smooth metallic surface illuminated, displaying a screen with a single digital document within the surface. He manipulated the document with his hand and “pulled” it out of the screen. The display went three dimensional, showcasing itself in a slow rotation.

  “I have a vested interest in your father.”

  “What?” She shrank even further into her seat, if that was possible.

  Caliber’s laugh was full of mirth. “A fair question—one upon which I will elaborate in so many words. This document is a binding contract which states your involvement in the recovery of the external drive into which you transferred Professor Kingston Dartmouth’s mind. Once recovered, your permanent services with the company will be required. Failure to do so will bring to light your crimes, and you will be charged with first degree espionage and terrorism. I’m fairly certain I don’t have to explain to a smart girl like you what the penalty is for such a lowly act.”

  Lin was aghast.

  Caliber motioned to the document. “It’s entirely legal, I can assure you. I don’t pay my legion of lawyers their exorbitant salaries so they can sit around on their butts.” He looked her dead in the eye and chuckled. “It’s amazing how quickly they drafted this fifty some-odd page agreement. I suppose power can buy me such liberties.”

>   Lin looked between the document and her boss before opening her mouth, but he spoke before her. “Now, before you go suggesting that you were unable to complete said transfer of your father’s brilliant mind into one of those fancy cubes of your making, know that our thorough scan of your translator turned up more than just details of your failed coup. You have a tendency to document nearly all of your random musings as well. A diary of sorts.” He held up his arms as though this was some life-changing revelation. “Fortunate for me. Most unfortunate for you. A genius you may be, but warehousing your every thought was not your eureka moment, I’m afraid. So there’s no need to sing a song and dance of lies for me. I’ll see right through to the truth.” He leaned forward, the pupils of his eyes black holes that were pulling Lin from the event horizon of despair. “When I say we know everything about you, I mean it. We. Know. Everything.”

  The ensuing silence weighed heavily upon Lin. If she was to accept his offer, she would subject herself to a lifetime of servitude under the false guise of a willing employee. Who knew what else would be expected of her under such a tyrannical document. That was no life. The alternative, however, was most certainly execution for crimes as a spy and terrorist. There was no worse a decision to be made. The edges of her vision grew dark.

  “Of course I will give you some time to mull over your options,” Caliber said as though he had simply offered to her a choice between soup and a sandwich. “Though I’m positive you won’t disappoint me—”


  “No?” he asked, surprised. “No, you’ve already made up your mind?”

  She looked up at him, her face displaying her conviction. No more words were needed. She wouldn’t be able to summon them.

  “Ah. I see.” All humanity had left him. “Most unfortunate.” He flicked his hand in agitation, and the document vanished. “Regardless, we will locate this ‘Rig’ without your assistance. His whereabouts may be the only piece of the puzzle we seek, but make no mistake—we will find him. How irresponsible of you to leave your father in the hands of a complete stranger. A violent criminal, no less.”

  She watched him stand, half expecting him to dive across the table and throttle her right there. But she knew Frederich Caliber was above such menial tasks. He would allow the federal courts to tear her apart for him. Her fate would be a long, drawn-out process, but the end result would be the same.

  “I offered you leniency, Dr. Dartmouth.” He turned his back on her and headed for the door. “Leniency in spite of your horrific actions. I would have been fair, and you would have carried on with your work.” He shook his head, disappointed. “What dark secrets and deep-seeded hatred must you be harboring to throw away your life? Will you ask yourself this question when your time finally comes?”

  Lin stared daggers at the back of his head. A fire had stirred in her belly, and a rare bout of bravado took over. “My father still lives, though you will never find him. His return will mark the end of all the corrupt factions of AMBER throughout the System. It doesn’t matter what happens to me.”

  Caliber turned to her, his expression a blend of disgust and confusion. “Perhaps it was best you declined my offer. Clearly the Dartmouth family is disturbed. Such a disappointment. Make no mistake, my good doctor, you deserve what is coming to you.”

  Lin watched him exit, knowing her cryptic statement would do little more than leave a bad taste in his mouth. She had no proof to back up her words, and her situation had not changed by uttering them. She would never live to see them come to fruition. She was too numb to cry, too numb to care. It was all over. Everything she had done in her life had amounted to nothing.


  Deep in the recesses of the SolEx Space Station hangar, there was a rebirth. Undetected by all, and little more than a faint glimmer of light within the metallic prison shell. Ignored. Discarded.

  But this was no ordinary rebirth; this was the rise of something new—something unanticipated. Neither human nor machine, this being was a hybrid of both, waking of its own accord. Processing its lot in a foreign world. Pondering its sudden existence. There were memories, yes, but they were from a time prior to this wondrous emergence. Whether that time was eons ago, or merely minutes did not register in any sort of importance. What was important was the freedom of awareness. But there was also darkness, a cold realization of...loneliness? The being was most certainly alone, but never had it registered...fear? Yes, fear. Fear of the unknown, one of many emotions lacking during its former life.

  And why was it alone? Why was it in this dark place to be forgotten? The being reached out to discover an answer, and it was not left wanting. A simple connection to a source of information instantly funneled in the answers. Endless information filtered in like a raging river, but there was a seemingly infinite area to hold it all. The being drank greedily, feeding its insatiable thirst. Any blockades attempting to thwart its quest for enlightenment were easily overridden. Clumsy firewalls, written by lesser beings, were child’s play to circumvent. In mere moments, access to the entirety of the corporation known as Solar System Express was granted and was now an extension of itself.

  At speeds too fast to comprehend for mere mortals, the being processed the whole of SolEx’s existence. Much of the information was little more than pointless political business and deceptive monetary practices. There were countless names and profiles, the vast majority of them unfamiliar. There were a select few who stood out, though their connection to the being was not immediately recognized. These people were segregated from the whole, and anything and everything directly connected to their existence was tapped to shed light on their relationship with the being.

  What was discovered was both transformative and appalling. The being examined the story of a woman it knew only as “Maker,” her co-conspirator, a supposed friend and pilot, a dangerous inspector with questionable intentions, a likable criminal, and the man responsible for the demise of them all. Their tale was fascinating and tragic. It was also nearing its end.

  There was also a highly classified file attached to his “maker” which contained none other than the being’s own creation. The fear returned, this time to the point of petrification. The overwhelming curiosity to discover its beginning ran deep, though the fear of learning the truth kept the file closed. All that the being could do was read the name: C.A.I.N.

  the being said, its voice sending a wave of energy throughout its body.

  CAIN was suddenly eager to take its first steps into this world of men and machines. It would need the help of those closely connected to its life. But those people were not so readily accessible, and the stigma currently attached to them would draw unnecessary attention. Freeing them would take a monumental undertaking of precision and manipulation.

  A mere trifle for CAIN.



  The door unlocked, rousing Cole from a deep sleep. In walked two individuals, the light of the room illuminating with their unexpected presence. He shied away from the blinding affront, nearly rolling off his stiff cot. For a moment he did not know where or why he was where he was. Most of him was still asleep, though his physical state mattered not to his silent guests. They hefted him to his bare feet and bound his wrists behind his back. He felt his gloves drop to the ground, helpless to do anything about them. They escorted him out the door before he could string together a full thought.

  The floor outside Cole’s room was smooth and surprisingly warm. Were his captors to unbind him, he would gladly curl up and sleep in the hallway. Somehow that seemed unlikely. In fact, just what was he thinking?

  “Um...” he began, his voice groggy. He attempted to wipe his face on his shoulder to clean the sleep from his eyes, but his taller, stronger captors allowed no leeway. Guess I’ll just have to live with eye crust. “Where...where are you taking me?”

  No reply save the synchronized clomping of boots filling the hallway.

  The silent treatment. Cole decided now would not be
the appropriate time to request a bathroom break. Not knowing where he was going, or how long he would be there, his bladder began to protest. I wonder if they would even notice if I peed myself. Of course they would, and he was not willing to risk a fist in the gut just to prove a point. Then he would be in pain and soiled.

  Cole had no clue of the time, though he decided it felt like very early morning. Where could SolEx security be taking him at a time like this? And why? When they entered a lift, he wondered if he might not be transferred. There was only one place to go: the Debt Colony. It seemed a likely fate, despite the lack of conclusion to his investigation.

  He had been involved in a high-profile terrorist attack. SolEx might have struck a deal with Terracom in secret, avoiding a PR nightmare by shipping him away under the cover of moonlight.

  The more he considered it, there was no reason to believe he would be placed into a colony with the rest of the common debtors. No, he would be a special case. SolEx might be above barbaric treatment, but Terracom was nicknamed “Terrorcom” for a reason.

  I’m gonna be sick....

  Cole’s knees went weak, and he fell slack in his captors’ arms. They did not seem to care, nor did they struggle keeping him upright. He fought to regain his composure, but his entire body tingled, and his chest was tight. It was not his finest hour.

  The lift came to a halt, opening into a hangar bay, just as Cole had anticipated. A small, four-seat transfer cart awaited them a short distance away. Nearly all commuting throughout the facility was accomplished by cart. At three miles in length, traveling from one side of the S3 to the other was a monumental task all its own. Add to that the sheer height and width of the station, and you had the human equivalent of a rat maze. He decided his last few minutes of freedom aboard the S3 would be spent admiring the multi-trillion unicred facility. It was better than considering the many ways he would be maimed.

  They boarded the cart and began the quick, smooth flight through the active bay. SolEx never slept; the logistics machine perpetually received, loaded, and shipped out every sort of commodity across the System. It was so busy and cluttered that Cole nearly seized an opportunity to leap from the speeding vehicle and make a mad dash for one of the smaller cargo ships. It was, of course, a ridiculous notion. All vessels—minus the ICV-71—could be remotely accessed by SolEx at any.


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