Crossroads: Leap of Faith [Siren APP Exclusive] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Crossroads: Leap of Faith [Siren APP Exclusive] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Tomorrow. I’ll worry about ending it with them tomorrow.

  Chapter 7

  Suzette awoke to the feel of strong arms embracing her. Her face was wedged up against muscles and bare skin, and something long, hard, and thick sat at the crack of her ass. She popped her eyes open and caught a smile from Miles.

  “Good morning,” he whispered, but the smile faded as he looked toward her cheek. As she shifted, she cringed from the achiness. But then she felt Nikko’s large hand move over her waist to her belly. He leaned over her, his cock still hard against her ass as her pussy leaked some more.

  “How bad does it look?”

  “Bad,” Miles responded.

  She tried sitting up. The sheets fell from her breasts, and she pulled them back up, accidentally elbowing Nikko in the chest.

  “Oh God, I’m so sorry, Nikko.”

  He rolled her to her back and pressed a thigh between her thighs. Miles chuckled.

  “Don’t apologize. It didn’t hurt. I was just teasing you.”

  She gave him a look, unsure whether to believe him, but then again, the man was built of steel. There was no way her dainty little elbow could injure him. The thought brought back her concerns about last night and the fear she had. They were cops. Michael was a cop. He had been abusive to Astella, then got her pregnant with the twins before he killed her and then took his life. She shivered at the memory.

  “Hey, are you all right?” Miles asked her, then pulled her back against his chest. She could feel Nikko caressing her shoulder. She felt his eyes upon her even though her back was toward him.

  “I…I think I should get up.”

  Miles squinted his eyes at her. Nikko caressed his hand along her thighs and to her waist.

  “I think we should stay in bed a little longer.” She absorbed the feel of his warm hands touching her, and her body instantly reacted positively. But her mind was a different story.

  “I want to get up.” She raised her voice, and both men stopped and stared at her. She lifted up. “Please, let me up.” They must have understood her tone. Miles got out of the bed. The sight of his perfect, sexy body and very big cock made her mouth water and question her sanity at turning away. She hurried to the bathroom.

  She washed her face, cleaned up in other areas, and then applied some lotion to her skin. When she looked into the mirror, she cringed at the sight of the bruised cheekbone and black-and-blue eye. At least it wasn’t swollen closed. But aside from that she saw something completely different. Her eyes were bright, almost sparkling with happiness. Her face was flushed, her chest, too. Even her nipples felt tender and swollen. She closed her eyes and immediately thought of Nikko and Miles.

  They are amazing lovers. Hell, they are amazing men, and here I am trying to push them away and belittle what they just shared.

  So what that this happened after a life-and-death situation? It was bound to happen anyway. I like them. Hell, I love them. I’m just scared that they won’t love me. I didn’t realize I feared rejection. It’s got to be because they’re so good looking and muscular, outgoing and charismatic. I’m quiet, simple, and hate to be the center of attention. I like getting lost in the crowd. But with them I feel front and center. Suddenly I’m analyzing everything about myself. I’m afraid to come off so attached so instantly, yet I feel like I’ve known them for so long. They’re so perfect for me. Am I perfect for them? Oh God, I do love them.

  She grabbed the short beige silk robe she kept on the back of the bathroom door and placed it on her.

  She needed to be honest, with herself and with Miles and Nikko.

  When she opened the door, she found the bed and her room empty.

  The tears hit her eyes, and her chest tightened. “They left me?”

  Then she heard the sound of pots and pans banging and…music?

  Is that music I hear?

  When Suzette walked into her kitchen, she had to pause to catch her breath. Miles was shirtless, wearing only a pair of his camo pants as he searched her cabinets for coffee. Nikko was already in the process of cooking up some eggs. He was dressed the exact same way, and boy, did they look delicious. It was a fantasy in the making. Two hot, sexy SWAT guys making breakfast for her in her kitchen after a long night of passionate lovemaking.

  Nikko turned to her first.

  “Where do you keep the coffee?” he asked, and she walked closer and then pointed at the container on the counter that was labeled “Coffee.” They both chuckled.

  Nikko stepped back and caressed her cheek with his palm.

  “How about some ice for that eye?”

  She smiled. “I’ll get it.”

  She walked over to the freezer and took out an ice pack. The music played in the background, some kind of rock, hip-hop music that made her raise an eyebrow in question.

  “Oh, this is the kind of stuff Beats always has playing in the truck. It gets the blood pumping, although seeing you in just a silk robe sure does do something even better to me,” Nikko teased as he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her softly on the lips. She stared at him, holding the ice pack in her hand and lost in thought.

  “Hey, that was supposed to make you smile,” he told her.

  “I am smiling. On the inside,” she added, and he gave her a wink then went back to making the coffee.

  From where she sat on a barstool at the island that looked over her deck and the huge, gorgeous lake across the way, she absorbed the moment. Life was about taking risks. She couldn’t keep her heart locked up under fears and potential situations. Not when Miles and Nikko made her feel so very alive, important, and protected. She couldn’t let the circumstances of the past, and those of other people she helped out in her profession, dictate her own personal life and future.

  As Miles finished making the eggs and Nikko placed the toast and plates on the counter, she held the ice against her cheek.

  They took the seats on either side of her as they absorbed the scenery in front of them.

  “Wow, Suzette, you get to look at this view every day?” Miles asked.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” she replied.

  “Not as beautiful as this view,” Nikko whispered, and she turned to look at him and he was watching her. He leaned over and gave her a kiss. When he released her lips, Miles kissed her cheek on the other side.

  “We know that things might seem overwhelming. Last night was bound to happen sooner or later. We’re glad that it was sooner, and we don’t want you to have any regrets. We care about you, Suzette,” Miles told her.

  “We want to get to know you. If you need things to slow down, then so be it. Just don’t shut us out. This is special,” Nikko added.

  She felt the tears in her eyes, and she smiled as she leaned back so she could let them both see her face.

  “I won’t lie. I freaked out this morning.”

  Miles smiled. “No big deal. It was a volatile situation last night, and we were all feeling so emotional and in need. Our desire to protect you and ensure that you were indeed safe and sound was powerful.”

  “So was my need to make love to the two of you,” she added and then looked at her lap.

  Miles gave her knee a squeeze. She looked up and locked gazes with him.

  “I don’t make it a habit of sleeping with two men I hardly know but am extremely attracted to,” she added.

  Nikko smiled as he touched his fingers to her chin.

  “So you don’t normally answer the door wearing a short, sexy skirt with no panties underneath?”

  Her cheeks blushed, and she shook her head.

  “So only for us?” Miles asked.

  “Only for the two of you,” she replied.

  Both men smiled and then placed a hand on her knee as they used their other hands to begin eating.

  “Since we’re being honest here, I think you should know what frightens me the most about getting involved with two men from SWAT.”

  She heard them drop their forks and give her their full attenti
on. She knew they were good men, and that she was willing to take a chance on them and on love. She was going with her gut instinct here. She swallowed hard and then looked out toward the view of the lake.

  “I need to tell you a story, about my sister, and a man who she thought was the love of her life. He was a cop, and he’s part of the reason why I am so afraid to take a chance.”

  They were silent a moment as she tried to dislodge the knot in her throat. She didn’t want to cry about it. She wanted to explain.

  “This cop, he hurt your sister?” Miles asked her. The tears filled her eyes, and Nikko touched his fingers to her chin. She turned to look at him.

  “Tommy and Lilly’s mom?”

  She saw the concern in his eyes, and she felt his care and empathy as well.

  “Yes, Nikko. Michael killed my sister and then took his own life.”

  They listened attentively, and she knew that once she explained her fears Miles and Nikko would understand her reservations and slow things down. She had to take this chance or she would always wonder what would have happened if she’d opened her heart up to Nikko and Miles.

  People, strangers put faith in her every day of her life as a social worker. She gained their trust after everyone else in their lives seemed to have failed them. She asked them to take that leap of faith in her, and now she needed to take that leap of faith with Nikko and Miles.

  So she took a deep breath as both men placed a hand on her knees, and she looked out toward the water and shared her fears. With every word, every detail of that fateful day, she felt her fear lessen, and one look at both men as they listened and held her close proved that she made the right decision. This was her crossroad, and confiding in Nikko and Miles, taking a chance on their love, was a decision she would surely never regret.

  After she finished telling them everything, they shared a similar story about their sister, also a victim of domestic violence. They told her about their difficulty handling similar calls on the job and how they dealt with them. She was impressed, but mostly she felt relieved. It seemed as though they were so empathetic to her fears because they, too, had similar fears themselves.

  “Now, is there anything else we should know before we take you back to bed and make love to you again and again?” Miles asked, as he took her hand and helped her get down off the stool. He pulled her into his arms, and she smiled. She reached back and took Nikko’s hand into her own.

  “Well, one more thing.”

  Both men raised their eyebrows at her.

  “I think I love you both, and you’re perfect for me.”

  Miles and Nikko smiled.

  Miles cupped her chin so she would look up into his eyes. “You think you love us, or you know you do? Because I know I love you.”

  She smiled wide as he leaned forward and kissed her.

  She hugged him tight until he released her to Nikko.

  “Suzette, I love you, too. It’s crazy, we all see it, but this is powerful, and it is perfect. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives together. Let’s make it official.” He kissed her on the lips and then swiftly lifted her over his shoulder and carried her to the bedroom as Miles chuckled and caressed her ass.

  Suzette’s heart soared with love, desire, and a weightlessness that only love could cause. She found her true loves, and boy, was she ready to give as good as she was going to be getting.




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendents of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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