Trusting Stone

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Trusting Stone Page 7

by Alexa Sinclaire

  “You looked me up? My mother couldn’t afford to live in Elmbridge after the divorce. She had distant family in New York, so we moved up here.”

  “It’s my turn for the questions.” She ignored his comment about looking him up online, deeply embarrassed she had let that slip. “But your accent is English. Why’s that?”

  “I spent the rest of my childhood in boarding school in England. I only lived in New York until I was thirteen. Furthermore, my father made sure I had elocution lessons to lose my American accent.”

  “Right.” Eden had one final question, but she was reluctant to ask. He sensed her hesitation.

  “You have one more, am I correct?” Again, he seemed to be able to read her mind.

  “Okay, whatever. How did you know I was meeting with Joachim for lunch? Did you have me followed or something?” She tried to ask nonchalantly with a trace of humor, removing any hint of the fear or anger she had felt when she assumed he must have followed her.

  “Ah. No, I did not. That was rather a coincidence. I was actually having a meeting at Benedict, Turner, and Smith. They are one of the most prominent real estate lawyers in the city and we’re putting in a bid to work with one of their clients. I was meeting with them to work out some confidentiality issues that often occur when working security. I just happened to see your goodbye to him.” His tone remained warm, but his eyes had turned ice cold again.

  Eden quickly tried to think of another question. She realized that Joachim was a subject best to be avoided.

  “Okay, so then, next question…”

  “No, you’ve asked enough questions. I have some now.” His tone was demanding and she didn’t dare contradict him. “Yesterday at your apartment, you said no, but the rest of you clearly was turned on. Something was holding you back. Why do I feel like that has something to do with Joachim?”

  Eden forced herself to look away. She could feel herself blushing, remembering his mouth on her breast, his hands touching her in a way she had never yearned from Joachim. Just his mention of it made her squeeze her thighs together, and she could feel her nipples harden against her silk dress. She hoped Sebastian couldn’t see how aroused she was.

  “You’re right, but not in the way you’re thinking,” she finally said.

  “Then correct me.”

  Eden sighed, finally bringing her gaze back to his. She had predicted this moment various times after he had come to her apartment, and it saddened her to know that she would mostly likely find herself back in the town car, alone, sooner than she had hoped. Dr. Shepherd had spent so many sessions helping Eden fight the shame and worthlessness that filled every pore in her body. She owed it to herself to be honest with Sebastian. She had promised herself that she wouldn’t hide who she was anymore with men.

  “Fine. But you asked. Remember that when I’m done. When I’m walking out of this apartment, remember it was you that insisted on knowing and thus ruining this. Okay?”

  “Eden, I can’t imagine that you are going to say anything that will result in you walking out of this apartment,” he softly said. “You can’t ruin this.”

  Eden closed her eyes. She so wished she could believe him. She kept her eyes closed as she started talking. “Joachim helped me out of a difficult…situation once. It was not very pleasant and Joachim was a good friend.” Looking up to see Sebastian gazing at her, she realized she couldn’t do this.

  It was all moving too fast. She hadn’t even told Mara what had happened to her and now she was about to spill all her secrets to a man she barely knew. New York Eden couldn’t escape Boston Eden as much as she tried. She couldn’t reinvent herself and she clearly wasn’t ready to face her past. Eden felt her throat tightening. The realization that nothing more could happen with Sebastian made her feel nauseous, but there was no way she could continue this conversation. She had to get out of here.

  Shaking her head, Eden carefully placed her napkin on the table. “I’m sorry I wasted your time. Thank you for the lovely dinner, but this isn’t going work,” she managed to mumble through the sobs as she ran to grab her clutch and coat before heading for the door. She could hear him calling for her, but she slammed the door behind her and, thankfully, he didn’t come out as she entered the elevator.

  Sebastian’s doorman was able to quickly get her a taxi and, before long, Eden was safely back in her apartment, humiliated but otherwise unscathed. She texted Mara. Not successful, total disaster. Need to talk! Xx.

  Mara didn’t text back for a while. Eden knew she was probably out with Enzo, enjoying New York on a Friday night. Finally, she responded. I cannot believe you texted me so early. What happened? Don’t even tell me, I’ll be there in the morning. We’ll do breakfast. You better have a good reason! Xxxx.

  Eden shrugged off the silk dress, hanging it up carefully. Perhaps one day she’d have a good reason to wear something so seductive again.

  Crawling into bed with her flannel pajamas, she placed her phone on the side table, hoping she would be able to get some sleep. Her phone buzzed—a message from Joachim. Loved seeing you yesterday, Eden. Don’t be a stranger xxxx.

  Eden turned the phone face down, furious with herself that she was disappointed the text wasn’t from Sebastian. She didn’t expect him to contact her again, not after her ridiculous outburst, but as she slipped under her covers, she knew she couldn’t hide from the fact—she still wanted Sebastian Stone.

  Chapter Nine

  Eden woke to her intercom buzzing loudly. She stumbled across the apartment quickly, realizing in her sleepy haze that Mara must be waiting downstairs. Rick’s voice came through, letting her know that Mara was indeed there. She told him to let her up, opening her apartment door before moving to the kitchen to start coffee.

  “No way I’m staying here for breakfast. I need a soy latté and an almond croissant and you clearly don’t have those things here.” Mara’s voice echoed around the bare apartment. “And if you think I’m going to be caught dead with you out in public with your hair looking like that…”

  Eden whipped around. “Mara, give me a break! I just got up, I had the worst date of my life last night, come on!”

  “No, I’m not giving you a break, Eden. You called me to talk this out and we’re not doing that here. Get your ass dressed and sort out whatever the hell is on top of your head.”

  Eden turned off the coffee machine and stomped to the bedroom, dragging out a pair of jeans and a faded tank top.

  “No way.” Mara had followed her in and knocked her aside with her hip, riffling through her closet. “You are making an effort today, Eden. None of your jeans and t-shirt crap.” She flung a sundress at Eden before scowling at her and stomping out of the room. The dress was one of Eden’s old favorites—dark yellow with a faint daisy print that was barely noticeable, it had a vintage 1950s feel to it. It had a halter neck and gently flared out at her waist. The hem landed just below her knees. She quickly put it on, skipping a bra, before brushing her hair and slipping on some dark blue ballet flats. She walked out of her room, feeling pleased with her outfit. Mara was sitting on the couch, looking at her phone. She didn’t even glance at Eden, simply pointed to the bathroom.

  “Makeup, now.”

  Eden groaned in annoyance, but obeyed.

  Twenty minutes later, Mara perused her outfit and makeup with a grim expression. She nodded and reached out to hug her. “Now we can go out. You can’t keep hiding yourself, Eden. You’re too fabulous. Let’s get some breakfast and tell me all about what went wrong.” They hooked arms together, and by the time the elevator opened up into the lobby, Eden was already feeling better. Mara’s good mood was infectious and she seemed completely unimpressed by the brief rundown Eden quickly had given her during the ride.

  “Trust me, Eden, if walking out on a dinner is what you call the worst date you’ve ever been on, you should count yourself lucky. On my third date with Enzo, I threw up on him.”


  “Yup, I was so smitten with h
im and nervous that I pounded back three tequila shots on an empty stomach. The poor guy had arranged to have fresh oysters and champagne catered for our little romantic evening. I took one look at the oysters and promptly was sick all over this lap. That, my friend, is how you embarrass yourself on a date.”

  Eden stared at her friend. She couldn’t imagine Mara being nervous around a man, and she certainly couldn’t imagine her throwing up on anyone. She started to giggle as Rick held open the door for them.

  “Now, why don’t you try this again and let me know how badly it goes this time.”

  Eden gave Mara a funny look. “What does that mean…”

  Mara gave her a little shove as Eden came to a standstill. Parked outside her building was the town car she now knew so well, and Sebastian was leaning against it, his hand pushed casually in his pockets, as if he had all the time in the world. He took Eden in, starting with her demure flats and slowly moving up her body before meeting her eyes and giving her a huge smile.

  “Breakfast, love?”

  Before Eden had a chance to speak, Mara jumped in.

  “Oh my God, Enzo just texted me and he’s having a disaster at with a personal shopper. Some poor girl is trying to convince him that teal suits his skin tone! I’ve got to save him.” She kissed Eden on the cheek, ignoring looking her in the eye before jumping into a cab that Rick had already hailed for her. Eden was going to kill her.

  “What are you doing here, Sebastian?”

  “I came to take you to breakfast. Mara happened to recognize me when I got out of the car and she introduced herself. That woman is incredibly confident.”

  “Yes, she is, but I’m sorry, Sebastian. As I said last night, I don’t think this is going to work.” Eden wished she could take it back, but she knew it was the right thing to do.

  “I thought we could walk in the park.” Sebastian ignored her and reached into the car to pull out a picnic basket. He approached her now, taking her hand in his. “It’s breakfast, Eden. In a public place. Nothing to panic about.”

  Eden looked down at her feet. She had hoped he would text her and now here he was, standing in front of her apartment, wanting to have another date, even after she walked out of the first one.

  Sebastian guided her across the street, toward the small park opposite her building. Eden hadn’t had a chance to explore it yet and she was pleasantly surprised how quiet it was—a little haven from the busy city streets. The late morning sun was warm on her back and she tried to relax as Sebastian led her onto the grass. He still hadn’t said anything as he stretched out a small blanket and proceeded to lay out the breakfast picnic. Eden watched him now, slightly amused to see him on his knees in his suit, getting out plates and Starbucks cups. Finally, he sat back, stretching out his legs in front of him, and looked up at her, waiting.

  Biting her lip, Eden lowered herself down, tucking her knees under her and smoothing out the sundress around her. She understood now why Mara had made such a fuss about how she looked.

  “You don’t give up easily.” Eden finally spoke, having moved on from her irritation of Mara setting her up.

  “No.” He wasn’t going to give her any more than that.

  “We both agreed that we didn’t like to play games, Seb. I’m not playing hard to get. I meant what I said last night. I don’t think this is going to work.” It was the first time she had called him Seb. It had slipped out without her even realizing. He didn’t seem to notice, or at least didn’t let her know.

  “I don’t think you’re playing games, Eden. But I don’t believe you when you say this isn’t going to work.”

  She looked at him, trying to see if he was serious. Every time he had touched her, she felt something new, something that she had never felt with another man. Despite her lack of experience, she knew that whatever passed through them when they were together was more something…else.

  “I know what you feel when we touch, because I feel it too,” Sebastian said.

  “Okay, say I agree with you. There is something between us. What is this? What do you expect from…this?” She gestured at the space between them.

  “I don’t know, Eden. But I’m not about to give up on it before finding out. You want me to say that I’m not just trying to get you into bed and I do think there is something more there. But I’m not going to deny that I haven’t fantasized about you in my bed, naked and sated from the best orgasm you’ve ever had after coming on my cock.”

  Eden gasped. He had not just said that to her. She shook her head. That’s not what she wanted to hear, but she wasn’t going to admit to having the same fantasy. She needed more. Eden knew she had limited experience, but she wasn’t a total idiot. She knew how much men loved a challenge, the chase of the game. Eden couldn’t even imagine what Sebastian would be like if she told him she was a virgin. He was clearly a man who experienced success in all aspects of his life. He wasn’t used to being turned down and, for all she knew, her rejection was making his pursuit all the more exciting.

  Mulling it over, Eden decided to try a new tactic. If Sebastian wanted her so badly, then he could have all of her, if he could handle it. She had no doubt that her past was less than a turn-on. If anything were going to get Sebastian to leave her alone, telling him who she was would surely do it.

  “Alright, Sebastian, I’ll make you a deal.” He raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised about the turn of conversation. “I’m going to lay it all out for you about why I don’t think this should happen. Then I’m going to walk home and finish framing some photos and plot Mara’s slow death. After that, I’m going to take a bath. That will give you a few hours to mull over what I’m going to tell you. If you would like to see me again, despite what I tell you, you can pick me up tonight at eight p.m. If you don’t want to, that’s fine. You don’t have to call me to explain yourself. You don’t have to text any apologies. I imagine you’re too well-mannered to completely walk away with no explanation, but I’m giving you permission to do so. Walk away and leave me alone. Forever. That’s the deal. If you change your mind in two days, tough. Don’t contact me. Deal?”

  Sebastian had risen on to his knees, giving her a concerned look. “Are you okay? What happened? You’ve got me worried, Eden.”

  She ignored his eyes, not wanting to see whether his gaze was warm or cold. “Do we have a deal, Sebastian? Yes or no?” She focused on keeping her cool, trying not to think about the fact that this was probably going to be the last time she saw Sebastian Stone.

  “Yes, we have a deal.”

  “Fine. One more caveat. When I’m doing talking, I’m going home, alone. Don’t talk to me, don’t follow me. Just let me go.”

  “Eden…I think…” He was getting nervous about what she was going to say and that’s exactly what Eden had predicted.

  “No, that’s it. Take it or leave it.”

  “I accept that, but what if I have a caveat I want to add?”

  Now it was Eden’s turn to get nervous. “You won’t need one, but go ahead.”

  “After our date tonight, you have to promise to spend the rest of the weekend with me. I’ll drop you off on Monday in time to get ready for work. You don’t leave my side until then.”

  “Fine, but it won’t happen.” He was not going to complete this deal. Eden didn’t care what caveat he added, but she was nonetheless flattered.

  “Shake.” He held out his hand and Eden took it, frustrated that as soon as their skin touched, she felt that pulsing inside her. She needed to get this over with so she could start retreating back to her safe haven that involved no Sebastian, no dinner, no silk dresses, and no sexy lingerie.

  Eden pulled her hand away first. She was under the impression that Sebastian would have held on indefinitely and she needed to get some distance between them before she did this.

  “Okay, here goes nothing…I used to be a lot different. I can’t even explain it. I was a different person before it happened—silly, bouncy, borderline bimbo if I’m honest. A resu
lt of too much money and too much fun. Almost three years ago now, when I was a junior at St. Leonard’s, I went to a frat party with my friends. We were drinking beer, nothing too serious, just a couple of drinks. We knew the fraternity brothers well and most of the new pledges. Joachim was one of the brothers and we’d been dating up until then, but at the time, I wanted to cool things off and he was trying to give me some distance. The frat boys had always looked after us at previous parties and I thought I could trust them. But one of my drinks was spiked—with what, I don’t know. I just remember coming to in one of the upstairs rooms. There were four of them, and…” She paused. She could do this. If Sebastian wanted her, she couldn’t hide this. This was who she was, even though she knew it would mean the end.

  She avoided looking at him, instead focusing on the small daisies on her dress before closing her eyes for the next part.

  “And they tried to…they got most of my clothes off and I tried to fight, but the drugs had done something to me. I could barely say no, but they knew I wanted it to stop. They were guys that I knew, guys I had been friends with for years, and suddenly, they had turned into animals. They were taking their time about it, laughing and joking, mocking me. Talking about how much fun it was going to be, how much I was enjoying it, how much I wanted it. And then finally, it felt like an eternity, someone came in and found me. It was Joachim. And it all stopped. Just in time, I guess you could say.” She opened her eyes finally and saw Sebastian staring at her.

  He moved to hold her hands. “Eden, I’m so sorry.” He whispered to her, obviously not wanting to scare her. “Eden, you said just in time. Just in time for what?”

  “They didn’t actually rape me. They did other things, but Joachim managed to get me out of there just in time.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Look at me.” She had closed her eyes again when he had asked what she meant. That was one of the most painful parts, people not understanding why she was so upset if they hadn’t actually raped her. “What they did to you was bad enough. The details don’t matter, Eden. What matters is they hurt you. But you survived, you’re here.”


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