Trusting Stone

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Trusting Stone Page 16

by Alexa Sinclaire

  Tell me, he responded immediately.

  Eden blushed. She knew what he wanted. She bit her bottom lip, suddenly thrilled with the idea of turning him on, knowing there was nothing he could do about it until late this evening. What she didn’t dare say to his face, perhaps she could put it in text. Just your voice makes me wet, Seb. She quickly sent it. Her phone bounced to life. She quickly picked up.

  “Just my voice makes you wet, Miss Maxwell? Is that right?” His voice was gravelly and deep, the way it got right before he usually ripped her panties off.

  “Yes, Mr. Stone, I’m sure you’ve noticed.” For some reason, she felt the need to whisper, as if her parents could hear her from inside the house.

  “I wasn’t fully aware of the extreme anatomical effect it had on you. With this newfound information, I plan to have some fun.”

  “Do you now?” she teased back, squeezing her thighs together. Just the thought of having phone sex with Sebastian, even after what had happened in his office just a few hours ago, made her crave him, and she felt her body responding.

  “Yes, starting right now,” he answered, his English voice reverberating in her ear. “I want you to close your eyes and keep your free hand by your side. Very slowly picture my hands on your knees, pushing your legs apart. Are you doing that, Eden?”

  “Yes.” She could feel herself getting wet already as she slowly spread her knees slightly.

  “Now can you feel my fingers tracing your inner thigh? Slowly working my way up your silky smooth skin?”

  “Mmmhmm” was all she could muster, her breath starting to get heavy.

  “Say it, Eden.”

  “Yes, I can feel you.”

  “My lips are now on you, kissing your inner thighs, and my teeth are gently pulling on your panties.”

  “Yes, Sebastian, yes.” Eden was now panting, having to resist moving her hand to feel where he was describing.

  “Don’t touch yourself, Eden. Now tell me what you want.”

  “I want you, Seb, always you.”

  “No, tell me what you want me to do to you.”

  Eden knew Sebastian was pushing her outside her comfort zones, but she couldn’t resist his demands. “I want you inside me.”

  “What part of me, Eden? Say it.”

  “I….I…” Eden stammered, unsure she could say it out loud.

  “Say it, Eden,” he commanded. His authoritative tone made her groan.

  “I want your cock inside me,” she blurted out.

  “Right then,” he quipped back, his tone suddenly all businesses and stern. “Now that we’ve established that, I’ll let you get on with your day.”

  Eden’s eyes flung open as she realized he was about to hang up. “What? You bastard, Sebastian Stone!”

  “Have fun with your parents, love,” he said right before he hung up.

  Eden stared at her phone, furious at him for getting her into this state. “Right, two can play at that game,” she said to herself. She quickly texted, not giving herself a chance to think about what she was actually sending to him. Tit for tat, Mr. Stone. I want to feel your cock in me. I want you to fuck me until I feel you finish inside me, filling me up with your hot cum that I’m so desperate for, pounding into me until I scream your name.

  It was the dirtiest thing she had ever said to him, even if it was just in the form of a text. She waited, wishing she could see his face as he read it.

  His response came a few seconds later. You have no idea what you do to me xx.

  With that she swung the car door open, suddenly brimming with confidence, and hurried up the front steps. The sooner she got this over with, the sooner she could get back to Sebastian.

  Although Eden had hoped her parents would keep their meeting casual, Eden wasn’t surprised to see a full-catered brunch spread across the dining room table. Her father had taken the morning off from work, an element of the day’s meeting that had aroused suspicions in Eden that her parents were after something else besides a catch up. After the cursory chitchat about work and her apartment and her mother’s most recent fundraising event, her mother dropped the bombshell.

  “We want to talk to you about Sebastian Stone, dear.”

  Eden paused with a cream cheese bagel in her hand. How did her parents know about Sebastian? She hadn’t seen any photographers around them, although she was usually too caught up in Sebastian to notice anything around her. Sebastian had explained to her that they only tended to appear when a massive deal was being brokered and he had learned to keep his business dealings quieter now. However, Mara was a celebrity gossip fiend and if they had shown up in any news articles, Mara would have let her know.

  “How do you know about Sebastian?”

  “Joachim told us he’s completely swept you off your feet. I didn’t realize you two knew each other.”

  Eden put down the bagel, furious suddenly. Why was Joachim talking to her parents about her dating life? She was going to kill him. “What of it, Mother? We bumped into each other in Edinburgh.” Eden noticed that her father had remained silent so far.

  “Well, we’re just surprised you didn’t tell us. And frankly, we assumed that you were going to pick things up with Joachim when you got back. I think that’s what he assumed, too. I think the young man is a little offended. As he should be. I didn’t raise you to be a tease.”

  “Perhaps you should stop assuming things about my private life. And I’m not a tease.” She directed this at her father now, daring him to step in. “Furthermore, it’s absolutely none of Joachim’s business whom I’m seeing and neither is it yours.”

  Her father finally spoke. “Eden, we know Edinburgh was good for you. You seem so happy, so much better than when you left. But cutting ties like you’ve been doing? It’s just not right. And you are leading Joachim on. He told us that you asked him to wait for you as soon as you arrived back from Edinburgh.”

  “I haven’t cut any ties! I’m starting a life in a new city. I’ve got a new job, new friends, that’s what adults do! They don’t just spend all their time clinging onto to childhood friends for fear of offending anyone! Joachim misinterpreted what I said and that’s odd considering how I have hardly seen him since I arrived in New York. I thought he would have understood that.”

  “Calm down, dear. You know Joachim is more than just an old childhood friend. His family is practically our family.”

  “And that’s how I feel about Joachim—he’s like a brother to me. At the moment, he’s very much like an interfering, nosey brother who doesn’t like my current boyfriend.”

  “They are more than family, Eden, and you need to stop being so naïve about the situation,” her father snapped. She could hear the irritation in his voice and she was at a loss to what the real issue was. Did they not like Sebastian? They had never met him so how could they? This seemed to be more about her not being with Joachim, but there was something else she couldn’t put her finger on.

  “What situation? My dating life is not a situation you need to worry about. Dr. Shepherd thinks Sebastian is great for me and I’m not worried. About anything.”

  “For once, Eden, the situation I’m referring to is not about your private life. And Dr. Shepherd doesn’t even know Sebastian. How would he know whether he was any good, especially with that mother of his?”

  Eden ignored the latter part of the comment, clearly meant to distract her. “For once? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Her mother could see she was not following and jumped in to clarify. “There was an expectation that several people held, ourselves included, that when you came back home, you and Joachim would be together. For good.”

  Eden hesitated. They couldn’t possibly be saying what she thought. “For good—you mean married?”

  It was her mother’s turn to become silent and the conversation was simply between Eden and her father now.

  “Yes, to be blunt about it. Everyone was expecting you two to at least be engaged by now. And your slumming around
with Sebastian Stone when you should be settling down with Joachim Benedict, it’s frankly becoming embarrassing. You know I do business with Joachim’s father. For Christ sake, Eden, why do you think we let you move to New York? You still haven’t learned, after everything, that you need to be more aware of the consequences of your actions.”

  Eden gasped, her mouth agape as she stared at her father. That was a phrase she had heard before, when he challenged her about the attack, asking her what responsibility she held for ending up in the room with the boys that night. “Whatever business arrangement you have with Joachim’s father has nothing to do with me. You sound like I’ve been some sort of bartering piece in a business deal! And I’m not ‘slumming’ it, as you so elegantly put it.”

  It was her father’s turn to stare at her and when she realized his silence was an affirmation of her accusation, she stood up, bumping the table as she did.

  “Eden, sit down this instant,” her mother said. “Remember your manners, young lady!”

  “My manners?” Eden shouted. “My manners? You’re talking about trading me like cattle to the highest bidder and you want me to remember my manners? How could you?”

  “Oh, Eden, don’t be so dramatic, it’s nothing like that. Please, sit.”

  “No. If it’s not like that, then tell me what it’s like. Tell me really why it matters who I’m dating, why it matters that I don’t want Joachim in that way?” She turned to her father again, desperately wishing that she had misunderstood, but she knew she hadn’t. There had been rumblings that her father’s business was not doing as well as in previous years and now she wondered if in fact it was more than rumors. How much trouble was the company in? What had Gerome Benedict promised him in return for her hand? She suddenly felt like she was in the middle of a bad soap opera. “How’s business, Dad? Having a bad few quarters?”

  Eden didn’t make it habit of checking up on her parents’ finances. But from the look on her father’s face, she knew she’d found the source of the problem. This had nothing to do with her causing embarrassment to their family. This had to do with money. It always came down to money with them.

  “Things haven’t been good, Eden. I’m not going to hide that from you. Gerome and I have been in talks for a while now about a potential merger between the two families.”

  Eden sat back down. A merger? She knew her father would die before he gave up his company he had started from scratch. As much as she didn’t get along with her father, she had always admired his work ethic and business manner, until now. Pushing aside the disgusting possibility that her father was trying to use her hand as a bargaining tool, she turned to him. “A merger, Daddy? Is it that bad?”

  “I have to move with the times and we could never have predicted how the market would crash in the past few years. We haven’t recovered nearly as well as some of our competitors. A merger would solve a lot of problems, save hundreds of jobs. Otherwise, we’re talking about a significant change of lifestyle for me and your mother.”

  Eden knew what he was getting at. Her trust money was safe from whatever happened to her father’s company.

  “I can give the money back. You can have it all. I’ll be fine,” Eden offered.

  “No, we can’t. The tax implications wouldn’t make it worth our while. That money is yours, Eden, but in return you must realize the responsibility you have in helping this family. Especially after everything you put us through.”

  “I didn’t put you through anything. As much as you like to think otherwise, what happened to me wasn’t my fault. I can’t believe you’re throwing that in my face.”

  “I’m reminding you of the facts and your obligations to your family!” It was her father’s turn to stand now, slamming his napkin on the table. With that, Eden jumped up and ran, ignoring her mother’s calls to sit down at the goddamn table.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Eden slammed the rental into reverse, forcing herself not to cry. She needed to get as far away from her parents as possible. By the time she got on the highway and had put some distance between them, she started to feel better. All she wanted to do was get back to New York, find Sebastian, and let him help her forget this horrible day. She tried to focus on the drive, letting the time pass slowly, and was feeling calmer the further she got from Elmbridge and the closer she got to Sebastian.

  Eden saw her phone light up on the seat where she had flung her bag and coat. It was her mother. Spotting a service exit, she decided to pull over and get some coffee, regroup herself. She didn’t want to arrive in New York too frazzled. The text read, You owe your father, Eden. You have no idea what it’s been like for him. Think about what he said and see Joachim. And please, no more of this Sebastian business. No kisses, no “I love you, you’re my daughter,” nothing to indicate that she understood Eden’s reaction and no clue what their problem was with Sebastian.

  It was too much for Eden to take. After all she’d been through, to have her parents betray her like this was more than she could stand. She saw now that Sebastian had texted, asking her how it was going. That had been 20 minutes ago. She knew he’d be worried, but she in no way could formulate a text that made sense. She just kept seeing those words, “you owe your father.” Owed him for what, she had no idea. She could feel the confidence that she had built up over the past few weeks draining out of her. She had upset her parents and clearly was not behaving in an acceptable way.

  Eden shook her head. No, she knew she had made progress. She couldn’t go back to being the obedient little girl who they could order around. Just then, Sebastian called. She thought about ignoring the call, but knew he would just keep trying and then get angry, and right now, the thought of him was all that was keeping her together. It didn’t last long, and as soon as she heard his English lilt asking her if she was okay, she burst into tears.

  “Eden! Answer me, where are you?”

  She could hear him yelling into the phone, but all she could do was sob. Finally, she managed to blurt out, “I don’t know, Seb, I’m in a Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot on the one-twenty-nine, about thirty minutes outside the city. I can’t…I can’t…breathe.” She knew what was coming next. Her breathing had quickened and she could feel the panic attack coming. This time, she couldn’t keep it at bay. Eden’s heart felt like it was going to come out of her chest and she dropped the phone, grabbing at the neck of her dress, trying to gulp air into her constricting lungs. She could hear her parents’ words filling her ears. She pictured the look on Joachim’s face at their first lunch reunion, the dozens of texts he had sent her since then. Now they suddenly all held a different meaning. Had he known? The one man she had ever trusted, besides Sebastian—did he know what was expected of them?

  Just like the night at the Acer, she knew she needed to hear Sebastian’s voice. In her wild panic, she managed to find her dropped phone, grateful to still hear Sebastian on the line, who by now was wild with fear. He had heard her having the panic attack, and as soon as he realized she was holding the phone again, he started calming her down.

  “I’m here, Eden. Take a deep breath. Just keep breathing, darling, and you’ll be okay.” He repeated the words over and over until Eden felt her heart rate slow down and the feeling of chaos slipped away.

  “Don’t move, Eden, I’m already on my way. Just don’t move.”

  “Okay,” Eden managed to respond. She hung up, drained from the panic attack, from the brunch with her parents, from the information she couldn’t even begin to process. She leaned her head back on the seat and closed her eyes. Sebastian would be with her soon and he would know what to do.

  Eden woke to the feeling of Sebastian lifting her out of the car. She nestled into his arms, feeling like nothing could hurt her there. “What about the rental?” she murmured.

  “I’ve brought someone to drive it to the city and return it. Don’t worry about it, Eden. Next time, take the goddamn town car,” he growled. She knew he wasn’t angry with her, just at the situation, but he wo
uld need an explanation. Eden hadn’t had a single panic attack since she’d met Sebastian and she’d told him so. She hated the idea of what Sebastian would think of her parents when she told him what had happened. But she couldn’t protect them any longer.

  Finally settled in the back of the town car and on the highway again, Sebastian turned to her. “Are you going to tell me what happened now or later?” His voice was soft but firm. He was clearly worried. But it was too soon. Eden didn’t want to think about it at the moment.

  She undid her seatbelt and crawled onto Sebastian’s lap. “Later. I just want to forget about it, Seb. I want you to make me forget everything.” Eden looked him in the eye, begging him to do what he knew so well how to do. In that moment, she thought back to Sebastian’s words after they had first slept together—she needed to lose control with him. The reality of what that meant suddenly hit home for her. She did need that. Sebastian was the only person who she really trusted. She needed him to control her, to take her unconditionally, without any barriers. It’s what drew her to him and what she needed now. Sensing her need, Sebastian softly kissed her before moving to nuzzle her ear.

  “I’ll give you what you need, Eden. Just say it.”

  “I need you, Sebastian. Always you.”

  And with that, he grabbed her hair and kissed her again, hard this time, forcing his tongue into her startled mouth. His free hand reached up and grabbed the front of the demure tea dress she had chosen to wear to her see her parents. He ripped the front open. Buttons scattered to the car floor before he grabbed her bra, a white one, similar to the one she had worn the first time they slept together.

  Yanking the straps off her shoulders, he squeezed her breast, pulling down the bra even more to access her nipples, first one and then the other, pinching them until he could feel her wince with the pain and pleasure he knew she loved. He moved her now, laying her back along the town car’s backseat, wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing her dress above her thighs to expose the white matching panties. He moved his mouth from her lips down to her breasts, sucking each one until her back arched with yearning, wanting him to take her. She felt his fingers move her panties aside and he slid a finger into her.


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