Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Dakota Dawn

  “Probably. Who did she have to go see?”

  Taking a deep breath, Branda explained. “Eloise, her cousin. Eloise and Rain’s dads are brothers. They own a couple of businesses with a friend. Rain has a master’s in business, and Eloise has her looks. Her parents want her to get married, so they are making her work for one of the companies. Nothing too difficult, of course. Mostly she just goes to dinners and events in the company’s name. Her parents are hoping she’ll start looking harder for a husband if she has to go to work instead of just pampering herself all day. They told her as soon as she finds a good husband she can go back to her old life. In the meantime, Rain is stuck babysitting her and fixing everything she does wrong. Rain’s tough though. She can handle it.”

  “You two sound pretty close.”

  “We are. She and Sienna are my best friends. Always there when I need them. We’ve been friends since the seventh grade. Rain even decked a boy once for calling me fat.” Branda’s lips curled up at the memory. “She’s always been just a little smaller than me, so I think she was just as much offended for herself as for me.”

  “I’m liking her more by the minute. I would deck any man that called you fat.” Sincerity oozed from his voice.

  “That’s sweet, but in case you haven’t noticed, I am a little fat.” She was immediately sorry she’d said that. What if he took a good look at her now? Would he want her anymore? She really wanted to continue her relationship with him and Trey for as long as they would have her. But now her big mouth might have stopped this relationship before it could get good and started.

  “You are not fat. You are lusciously soft. Perfectly curvy. I don’t want to hear you say you’re fat ever again.” Tenderness softened his eyes. “Trey and I think you’re beautiful. We’ve been drawn to you from the first moment we laid eyes on you.”

  “Look, I’m going to be honest. I don’t see how two men who look like you two could be interested in me.” Placing a finger on his lips, she stopped him from commenting. “I don’t expect your infatuation with me to continue. I just want to enjoy your attention while I can. I don’t want either of you to think I believe this is leading anywhere permanent. I’ll always have the fondest memories of you two, and for that, I can’t thank you enough.”

  Her stomach flip-flopped as his scowl darkened. He should have been relieved. What had she said wrong? The answer came quite quickly.

  With a low growl, he leapt to his feet, took her hand, pulled her from her chair, and guided her to an inconspicuous stairway. At the top of the stairs, he opened a door and motioned her in. A fast glance around proved it to be an office. He didn’t give her a chance to look around long. After following her in, he twirled her around to face him.

  The inclemency in his expression revealed his stormy emotions. “I believe you misunderstand how strongly Trey and I feel about you. You belong to us. You are our vero amore, our true love. You must never leave us.”

  “That sounds intense. I’m not sure I like that.”

  A noise from the doorway drew their attention. Trey stood there, watching them both. Closing the door behind him, he walked over to Branda. “What my barbaric brother is trying to tell you is that we have a special bond, the three of us. This bond is very strong. We couldn’t be happy without you and you couldn’t be happy without us. We need each other. Forever.”

  Taking her hand, Trey brought the inside of her wrist to his lips. He placed a licking kiss on it. Her body shuddered wildly, and her nipples hardened instantly just like they had every other time he’d done that. “See how your body reacts to my touch? It does the same thing when Troy does that. No other woman reacts to our kiss the way you do. Your involuntary reaction lets us know you are our vero amore.”

  Leading her to the couch, Trey sat down and pulled her into his lap. Turning her sideways in his lap, he kissed her lips gently.

  Troy came over and sat down as well. When Trey pulled back, he leaned in and took her lips in a hungry, but brief, kiss. Easing back, he placed his hand possessively on her thigh. The passion in his eyes was all consuming.

  Trey wrapped her hair around his index finger and toyed with it.

  How could they so totally make her melt in their arms? They had too much power over her heart. And what was up with her body’s reaction to their lips on her wrist? That was just plain bizarre. Looking from one set of anxious, green eyes to the other, she felt a stone settle in the pit of her stomach. She was ready to bolt from the room by the time Trey started talking.

  “The way your body responds to us is caused by a blessing placed on our great-grandfather in his youth. You see, he saved an unconscious witch from drowning. When she came to in his boat, she asked how she got there and he told her about his finding her and pulling her into his boat then doing a few pumps on her breastbone until she coughed up the water from her lungs. She was so happy, she blessed him and all his descendants with a way to know who their true love is. The blessing goes:

  “To your true love’s inner wrist

  you must place a licking kiss.

  If she’s yours you will not miss

  the shudders of her bliss.

  Her nipples will come to a hard peak.

  You can have her within a week.

  Her emotions you can feel

  which shows you that your love is real.”

  Trey paused for a moment. “Your body responds as the blessing said it would. Troy and I weren’t positive if the blessing was real—until we met you. You are our true love, our vero amore.”

  Troy reiterated, “You are our future. We can’t be happy without you. No other woman could replace you. You belong with us. Do you see how important you are to us?”

  Emotions running rampant, all she could do was nod that she understood, but deep down she wasn’t sure. She hoped they were telling the truth, but what if they weren’t? Was the story about their family true? Could she live through the heartache of loving and losing both of them? That stone in her stomach just got heavier.

  Trey leaned closer. “The blessing bestowed upon us also lets us feel your passion, hope, confusion, doubt, anger, and fear. With time you’ll know we are telling the truth. Until then we will take it one day at a time.”

  He started nibbling at her ear. The stone in her belly got lighter as she moaned at his touch.

  Troy bent to her and took her lips in an all-consuming kiss. The two worked her body, making her forget all her troubling thoughts. Feelings of peace, safety, love, and arousal licked at her heart and body. She knew she never wanted these feelings to go away. Both men moaned as she kissed Troy back and squirmed in Trey’s lap. Maybe they did have feelings for her. Hope unfurled in her chest like the petals of a flower opening to the sun’s life-giving rays.

  With obvious effort, Troy pulled back. Standing, he held a hand out to her. She took it, and he pulled her to her feet. Trey stood and they headed for the door. At the door Troy said in a low growl, “Let’s go talk to Gaven and prove our story is true.”

  Not sure what he was talking about, but trusting him, she allowed him to guide her down the stairway.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Trey motioned Gaven over.

  Watching the six-and-a-half-foot-tall male come closer, she couldn’t help but smile at the boyish grin on his face. Cotton-top was the description her mom would have given his curly hair. It curled around his ears and the top of his collar. Light-brown eyes danced in amusement as he stopped in front of them.

  “Did you kids resolve your problems?” Gaven asked with a humor-filled voice.

  Troy looked sullen for a moment. “You’re one year older than we are, so we’re not kids. And, no, we did not totally resolve our problem. That’s why we called you over.”

  “Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound good for me.”

  Troy’s smile returned. “Maybe not, but we need your help.”

  Turning to Branda, Troy murmured in a low tone, “Remember how your body responds to our kiss on your wrist?”

p; She hesitated for a moment. “Yes.”

  Taking her hand in his, Troy held it out to Gaven. “We need you to place a licking kiss upon her wrist.”

  “Oh no, that’s your family thing, not mine,” Gaven protested.

  “We know that, but we still need you to do it to prove a point. Come on. Man up. She won’t hurt you.” At Gaven’s doubtful look, Troy added, “Nonno made you part of the family so that means you have to do it. Please. This is important to us.”

  With a loud sigh, Gaven bent over her wrist and placed a licking kiss on it.

  Nothing happened.

  The twins grinned.

  Branda stared at them in shock.

  Gaven chuckled. “Looks like you need a drink, Branda. Let’s all head to the bar and toast to proven points and a successful pub party.”

  At the bar, Gaven pointed at each one of them, needing their drink order.

  “Sweet, red wine.”



  Moving fluidly behind the bar, Gaven returned shortly with three beers and a glass of wine. Raising his beer, Gaven beamed. “Let’s toast to proven points, successful parties, and—” He turned his brown gaze toward Branda. “—successful new business relationships.”

  Cheers rang out and glasses clanked.

  After sipping her wine, Branda pursed her lips. “It just occurred to me that your point may not have been proven.”

  A growling Trey asked, “What are you talking about? You know you don’t react to Gaven the way you do to us.”

  “That’s true, but what if all women respond to you two that way? Do they?” Please say no, please say no, Branda chanted in her mind. She truly didn’t want to have to give them up. They were special to her. She wanted them to belong to her and her alone.

  Troy’s eyes darted around the pub. “Give me a minute to find a test subject. Preferably one without a male in tow. I’d hate to go to work with a black eye tomorrow.”

  Arms slid around Gaven’s waist, and a squeal sounded behind him. With a big grin, he turned in the arms that held him then thoroughly kissed the redhead that had him trapped in her embrace.

  Trey uttered, “Subject found.”

  Troy agreed. “It seems to be so. What do you think, Gaven?”

  Hearing his name, Gaven pulled back. “What?”

  “Troy needs a female wrist to prove the point to Branda. Mind if he uses your little lady?” Trey asked with an amused tone.

  Gaven looked at the redhead. “Marla, do you mind doing my buddies a small favor? All he wants to do is kiss the inside of your wrist to prove a point to his girlfriend. Are you game?”

  “I guess. When do you want to do it?” Marla questioned.

  Taking her wrist, Gaven handed it to Troy. “Right now.”

  Troy bent over her wrist and put a licking kiss on it.

  Nothing physically happened.

  Branda wanted to jump for joy.

  Trey smirked at Branda. “Point proven, amore mio.”

  Troy dipped his head slightly toward Marla. “Thanks for the help. It is much appreciated.”

  “No problem,” Marla answered, but looked at Gaven questioningly.

  He just smiled. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” He placed a quick kiss on her lips. “Now let’s celebrate.”

  Their group of five moved to a round table after Gaven got Marla a drink.

  At the table, Branda watched Trey and Troy razz Gaven unmercifully. She suspected they championed sports teams he disliked on purpose. At one point, Gaven asked where Trent was. When Troy said his little brother was out of the country, Gaven grumbled about his ally being too damned far away. Troy explained that Trent almost always agreed with Gaven when it came to sports.

  Taking pity on the blond giant, Branda changed the subject. “I love your place. It looks like business is going well.”

  Grabbing onto her lifeline, with a last glare at Trey and Troy, who smiled at him in return, Gaven answered, “Business is great.” Looking at Troy and Trey, he added, “By the way, you guys are officially off the hook. The staff did a great job tonight, and Marshall, the assistant manager, has now put in enough training hours that I believe he can just about handle anything. Thanks for helping out.”

  A ruckus broke out at the bar.

  Gaven calmly got up. “Please continue to enjoy yourselves. I’ll be back in a moment.” He strode from the table.

  All eyes watched him.

  Two men were fighting over keys with what seemed to be a drunken friend. The drunken man was starting to get out of control.

  Without a word, Gaven quietly slipped up behind the drunk, slid his arm around the man’s neck, and applied pressure. Within a minute the man slumped against Gaven. A not-so-handsome man stepped in and retrieved the man’s car keys and handed them to one of the man’s friends.

  Gaven motioned one of his bouncers over to help them get the unconscious man out of the pub and into one of his friends’ car.

  Gaven watched them drag the man out of the pub then turned to the slightly ugly man and signaled for him to follow. Both men headed for the table.

  Seeing all eyes on him, he apologized. “Sorry about that. It happens occasionally anywhere you serve alcohol. Branda, Marla, I’d like you to meet Marshall, my assistant manager. Now where were we? Oh yes, business is good.” Looking at Branda, Gaven continued, “Your centerpieces went over very well. Would you be interested in working with me on a party I have booked in three weeks? Your centerpieces would be great.”

  Still a little shocked over how quickly and calmly he’d taken the drunk out, it took her a moment to find her tongue. “Sure, that sounds wonderful. Just let me know the theme and I’ll come up with something.”

  “It’s a deal. We can discuss it on Monday if that’s good for you?”

  “It’s good for me.”

  “I’ll be here. Anytime in the future, though, if I’m not here, Marshall will be. You can ask him any business questions. He always knows what’s going on.”

  Marshall smiled at Branda. “I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.” His eyes panned the people at the table. “Ladies, it was nice to meet you. If you’ll excuse me, I’m needed in the back.” He turned fluidly and walked away.

  He was almost out of sight when they heard a loud female voice say, “That man must have been dropped on his face a lot as an infant. He sure was ugly.”

  After her attack, Branda couldn’t stand to see anyone being picked on. He didn’t look that bad. To Branda, kindness trumped looks any day of the week. A strong desire to defend Marshall came over her. She was moving her chair back to stand when Gaven’s hand reached across the small table and halted her. “Where are you going?”

  “To tell that woman a thing or two, of course.”

  Gaven released her. “That’s what I thought. Let it go. Marshall hears those kinds of comments everywhere he goes. He has developed a very thick skin. Idiots no longer bother him. Trust me, he’d rather we ignore it than fight endless fights for him. He chooses his fights carefully. He can defend himself extremely well.”

  “All right. I’ll let it go. I don’t like it, but I’ll let it go.”

  “Awesome. I’m glad you feel sympathy for the underdogs in life. You are a definite keeper. Now who wants to try to beat me at darts?” Gaven asked in a playful tone.

  They all tried, but failed. He was damn good at throwing darts. Troy came close to beating him several times, but close didn’t cut it with Gaven. He was too good. Troy and Trey had each bet him twenty dollars they’d beat him, so after admitting defeat, they each handed him twenty. Branda was glad she’d been smart enough not to bet. Her dart throwing skills were almost zilch.

  Marla had bet, too, but when Gaven held his hand out to her, she raised his hand to her mouth and sucked the tip of his index finger. Releasing his finger, she boldly stated, “I’ll pay you back in the bedroom.”

  Gaven looked at Troy, Trey, and Branda. “Sorry, party’s o
ver. I have a debt to collect.” Switching his gaze to Marla, he spoke in a sexy drawl. “And what a pleasurable collection it will be.”

  Trey cried out in mock horror. “You would leave us hanging high and dry, just to collect a debt?”

  Light brown eyes traveled slowly up and down Branda’s body. “I don’t feel like I’m leaving you two high and dry at all. More like I’m encouraging you to go home and finish celebrating in private.”

  Two sets of green eyes caressed Branda with a lusty glow.

  Taking Branda’s hand, Troy started leading her to the door, Trey following closely behind. Over his shoulder, Troy said, “Just this once, I must agree with Gaven.”

  Gaven’s laughing voice floated over to them. “I knew you would concede to my superior knowledge.”

  Chapter Eight

  Waking to the smell of bacon, Branda opened her eyes. Her body was tucked against Troy’s side, her head lay on his shoulder, and her face was turned into his neck. His dark hair tickled her nose. One of his arms was around her and the other thrown up over his head. Her right arm was cradled next to his warm body, and her left arm rested on his chest. And what a chest it was. Muscles rippled with every move he made. She had explored both their muscular physiques the night before.

  The firmness of their smooth flesh was a miracle. The dips and grooves of their sculptured muscles fascinated her. The most miraculous things of all were their penises, so thick and long. It amazed her how quickly their male organs could go from soft and velvety to hard and velvety. Watching and feeling them grow under her exploring fingers had been an awe-inspiring moment for her. She still couldn’t believe she had the power to arouse these two wickedly handsome men.


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