Red: Through the Dark

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Red: Through the Dark Page 3

by Sophie Stern

  “That…that makes me feel a little better,” she whispers.

  “I know, baby.” I’m still pinching her nipples and rubbing her breasts softly. Throughout our conversation, I haven’t stopped touching her. She needs this. I need it. We’ve only been in the pack for a couple of weeks, but already our relationship has been pushed, strained.

  “And that…” Red whispers breathlessly.

  “Does this make you feel better too, baby?” I run my hand down her soft tummy and down between her legs, cupping her sex. She’s wet for me. Hot. She’s needy. I knew before I touched her that she’d be wet. I could smell her freaking desire when I began pinching her nipples. Red doesn’t like a lot of pain, but she likes a little. She likes a bite of pain with her pleasure.


  “And what about this?” I stroke her clit softly, slowly.

  “Yes. Oh, Nash. Yes.”

  “You like it when I pet your sweet little pussy, Red?”

  “You know I do,” she whispers with a blush.

  “Don’t get shy on me now, baby.” We’re on our sides facing each other and I scoop my left arm under her neck to pull her close to me. Then I kiss her, dominating her mouth with my desire. Red moans as my tongue slides inside of her mouth, letting out a small sound of desire as I kiss her.

  The sound shoots straight to my dick and if I wasn’t hard before, I’m sure as hell hard as rock now. Gently, I continue to stroke her clit and the soft skin of her pussy. She’s soaked. The wetness coats my finger and lets me slide even smoother over her skin.

  She groans and bucks against me, but I continue touching her slowly, almost painfully. She’s so close to the edge, I can feel her almost begging me. She wants to.

  And I want to hear it.

  “Tell me how much you love this, Red.”

  “I…I love it,” she says breathlessly.

  “You love how I play with your soft pussy, don’t you, Red?”

  “Yes. I love it when you touch my pussy with your fingers.” She kisses me, tracing her tongue over my lips, then looks up at me. “I love it even more when you touch my pussy with your cock.”

  With a groan, I roll her onto her back and kneel at her pussy. Then I trace my dick through her damp folds. She spreads her legs wide, waiting for me, needing me just as much as I need her.

  “Please, Nash. Please. I need you inside me.”

  “I need that, too, baby. Come here.” I reach for Red and lift her effortlessly. She fusses sometimes that she thinks she’s fat, but she’s not. She’s no wolf, but I don’t want a wolf. I don’t need a wolf. The only one I need is her. I want her. The wolves in the pack are muscular and athletic, but I want Red. I like her soft human curves. I like the way her body feels against mine. I like everything about her that makes her Red.

  Raising Red up, I pull her close to me. She places her feet on either side of my knees and lowers herself down. Groaning, I grip her hips and raise her up and down over my dick, holding her close to myself.

  “Nash. You feel so good in me, so thick…”

  “I know, baby. You’re so tight around my dick. You feel so good in me. Love being inside you like this. Love being so close to you.”

  I raise a hand and stroke her cheek, bringing a touch of intimacy to the moment, and she meets my gaze. Then Red kisses me and clenches her pussy around my cock.

  With the way I’m able to get so deep inside of her and the way she keeps squeezing my length, I know I won’t last long. I won’t be able to.

  “Baby, I need to come in you. Need to fill you with my seed. Need to mark you.”

  “I’m yours, Nash. I’m yours. I’ve always been yours. Fill me up, baby.”

  I slide one of my hands between our bodies to rub her clit. Immediately, she tightens against me again and I respond by biting her shoulder hard.


  “Come for me, Red. Come for me, Scarlett. Baby. I need to feel you come. Come. Now!”

  Thrusting hard into her one last time, my orgasm overtakes me and I feel Red squeeze me as she comes, too. Her body tightens as she comes on my dick, taking all of me, taking her pleasure.

  Finally, we collapse together on the bed, bodies entwined, hearts sated.

  “That was…wow,” Red murmurs.

  “I know.”

  Rolling so we’re once again lying side-by-side facing each other, I kiss her softly. Stroking her hair, I watch as Red calms down, closes her eyes, and slowly drifts off to sleep.

  I wish sleep could come as easily for me, but despite our lovemaking, the truth is that my heart is heavy. When Ryder warned me that someone might be trying to tear the pack apart – to tear me and Red apart – I knew he was telling me the truth.

  I’ve been sensing something for days, something wrong. Things have been growing more tense with the pack, which is unusual. Normally, when a new Alpha takes over a pack, things grow less tense as time goes on. The shifters get used to the new policies put in place by the leader and gradually things find a new normal.

  That’s not happening with The Silent Canines.

  Instead, my mate has become more restless. I’ve become more restless. The wolves have become more restless.

  And that can only mean trouble.



  When I wake, Nash is in the shower. Rolling over, I stretch lazily in bed, then climb out to join him. Last night was a rush. While I went to bed sad, lonely, and stressed, I certainly didn’t fall asleep that way. The sex we had was intense. It was good, deep. I feel bonded to Nash. The two of us have a lot to face on our journey together, but something tells me that everything is going to be just fine.

  I head into the bathroom and join him in the shower. He takes me roughly from behind, pressed against the wall. We both come, crying out from the intense pleasure, then reluctantly finish washing ourselves before we have to face the pack.

  “I can do this,” I whisper to myself. “I’ve got this.” Staring at the mirror, I take a long, hard look at myself. My long, dark hair is pulled back in a loose braid and the dress I chose shows off my curves without making me look fat. At least, I think it makes me look good. Chances are the rest of the pack won’t agree, but I can’t do anything about that now.

  Besides, why would their opinion matter, anyway?

  The only thing that matters is Nash and he thinks I look great.

  Nash hums as he dresses quickly in jeans and a t-shirt. Then, when we’re both ready, we head out to meet the pack. It’s early, but Nash and Ryder both thought it was important to talk about the new policies they want to implement as quickly as possible.

  When we reach the main lounge, most of the pack is gathered. Tessa, I notice, is toward the front of the group looking perfect. She’s dressed, thank dragons, but she’s wearing the sluttiest outfit I’ve ever seen. Images of Grease flash through my mind as I take in her long, skin-tight leather pants and her cropped leather shirt. Her flat belly is fully on display. The only thing missing is a naval piercing, but I know the wolves usually don’t wear them. Most shifters prefer not to wear jewelry since it can be tricky to shift while they’re wearing it. Sometimes the jewelry will pop out and be forever lost. In other cases, bad cases, the jewelry can actually be absorbed into their body and surgery will be required to remove it when they shift back to their human forms.

  Either way, most shifters prefer to keep their jewelry to a minimum. I spot a few wearing bracelets and necklaces, but no pierced ears or noses.

  Tearing my eyes away from Tessa, I manage to find a spot to sit on the edge of one of the couches. Nash and Ryder confer with Thorn, one of Nash’s best guys, before Nash steps forward and clears his throat.

  “Silent Canines,” he says. “Thank you for gathering.”

  The wolves raise their throats in a sign of submission to their alpha, but are otherwise silent. Nash nods and they lower their heads to a normal position. One of the most interesting things to me as the only human in the group is this ritual
. They don’t do this during casual conversation, but when Nash wants to speak formally, the wolves behave in a certain way.

  Part of me wonders if I’ll ever figure out all the behaviors of wolves. As soon as I figure out some of their rituals, they have another I need to learn about. Maybe someone should have given me a book. I could use something like The Human’s Guide to Being a Wolf’s Chosen Mate or Spicy Shifters: How to Blend in When You Completely Stand Out.

  The wolves watch Nash now, waiting for him to speak.

  “Over the past few months, things have been rough for all of us. Trust me: I know. Unfortunately, under the poor leadership of the former Alpha,” Nash looks around, but no one says anything.

  No one really liked Jeffrey, and anyone who did is long dead. My half-brother had a way of making people fear him, fear for their lives. He was cutthroat and ruthless and while he was able to take what he wanted, he never made friends.

  No one here misses him.

  “Behavior has gotten lax. This will change. We’re a pack. We’re a unit. We need to move as one, hunt as one, trust as one. There are other packs who would try to infiltrate our own. Some packs, such as Nightfall, are our friends, our brothers. Others are not. We need to take the necessary steps to grow closer as one.”

  “What are you suggesting?” A wolf shouts from the back of the room. I turn around and peek. It’s a young man who has his arm draped casually around a female. From the looks of things, they’re dating but unmated, which is unusual. From what I can tell, wolves tend to commit quickly to the right female. They want to mate fast so no other wolf can lay claim.

  “First of all, there will no longer be any nudity allowed in the main areas unless we’re preparing for or returning from a hunt. I mentioned this last night. When we’re in our human forms, we should behave as humans, and part of that means wearing clothing.”

  “Hey, that’s not-“

  Nash shoots the young man a look, and the man lowers his head glumly.

  “This is not negotiable,” Nash continues. “While nudity is normal, it also serves no purpose in the main lounge area or the kitchens.”

  A few murmurs of approval spread throughout the room, but Nash isn’t done yet.

  “We’ll also be organizing more regular hunts. We just went on one yesterday and it was successful, but we need more practice working together. We’ll begin going twice a week to hunt. Since there are so many of us, we’ll alternate groups. One will go on Wednesdays and another on Saturdays to gather food. Of course, if you are so inclined to go out on your own, that is permissible; however, food gathered during group hunts will be shared with the group.”

  At this, I notice Nash looking at Lex and Jam, who both look a bit uncomfortable.

  “We’ll also be creating a childcare schedule for the wolves who have cubs,” Nash continues. “We all need to run and shift occasionally, including mated couples. There’s no reason a couple shouldn’t be able to shift together just because they have cubs. Mrs. Beaver has volunteered to handle getting that set up, so if you’re interested in volunteering, talk to her.”

  Wow. Although I’m Nash’s mate, I had no idea he was thinking about these changes. They might seem minor, but hunting and running as a pack will solve many problems. Most of all, these changes will help the wolves grow closer together.

  “We’ll also be having morning runs,” Ryder adds. “It’s important for us to keep in shape. If you’re elderly or have a physical ailment, come and talk to me about it. Otherwise, you’ll be required to run with the pack at least three mornings each week.”

  At this, groans sound throughout the room, but Nash shoots everyone a nasty look and they immediately quiet down.

  “Any questions?” He asks.

  “I have a question,” Tessa says, shooting her perfectly manicured nails into the air. She stands, and once again, I can’t help but stare at her huge tits. Are those real? They have to be real. Don’t they?

  Biting my lip, I try my best to focus on listening to what she actually says and not on how much I hate her guts.

  “Easy there,” I hear a voice next to me and I turn to see another wolf shifter watching me. She’s young, probably in her mid 20s, and like Tessa, she’s beautiful.

  Unlike Tessa, she doesn’t look like she’s evil.

  “Excuse me?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “Take a deep breath,” the woman tells me. Her long blonde hair falls past her shoulders and her eyes, which are a dazzling green, sparkle. “Tessa is a bitch, but she’s been in the pack a lot longer than you. Sorry, honey. No need to look at me like that. It’s true.”

  It’s not worth arguing about, especially now. I turn back to Tessa. She’s talking to Ryder and Nash, breathing deeply so her breasts are heaving up and down and I can’t help but wonder how many males she’s slept with in the pack.

  Has she slept with Nash?

  Has he wanted to?

  Damn. It shouldn’t bother me, shouldn’t make me jealous, but somehow, it does. Maybe it’s because our mating ceremony is coming up and the women helping me keep commenting me on how I don’t look like a wolf, don’t act like a wolf, and don’t fit into wolf-sized wedding gowns.

  “We shouldn’t have to wear clothes in the common areas,” Tessa is saying. She’s standing now and her hands are on her hips.

  “This is not up for discussion,” Nash says.

  “Why? Because your mate can’t handle a little competition?” Tessa turns to me and sneers.

  “That’s enough,” Ryder says.

  “Just because she’s human doesn’t mean the rest of us-“

  “I said ENOUGH,” Ryder yells, and the room falls silent. Ryder might just be the beta, but he’s got my respect. He had it before, but now? Now he’s come to my rescue and I’m filled with gratitude.

  All eyes are on him now, including Nash’s, and I realize Nash is going to let him finish what he was about to say. Ryder lets out a growl before he speaks, and even though I’ve known him for awhile now, even I am mesmerized by his fierce demeanor.

  “I know it’s been tough, brothers and sisters. It’s been hard. We have been torn apart by our last Alpha, but our new one is trying to bond us together. He’s trying to give us something to work toward, to believe in. Unity. We can be one, but we have to work for it. Some of the changes we’re making are going to be hard. Others will be easy. Let’s let the easy ones slide over us like water so we have the energy, the strength, and the willpower to focus on the harder ones.”

  Ryder is pacing in front of the group now, and I know Nash is happy he chose Ryder as beta. Thorn, Nash’s other best friend, also plays many important roles in the pack, but for now, I’m happy Ryder is so trustworthy. I’m glad he’s so damn brave.

  He’s bold.

  “Today is going to be a long day,” Ryder tells everyone. “If you’ve been assigned to start butchering our meat, you’re dismissed. Go now.” Several wolves, including Jam, get up and scurry from the main room. “Those of you who have small cubs, feel free to leave.” A few more mother wolves with their babies leave. “The rest of you,” Ryder says. “You’re coming with me. There’s a lot of pent-up energy in here and we need to release it. Meet outside the caves in fifteen minutes. We’re going for a run.”

  Ryder strides off and the group disperses. I know the wolves are running off to get ready to shift. Tessa stands in the center of the room and provocatively strips off her shirt, baring her braless tits. I look over at her.

  “What?” She asks, looking straight at me. “We’re going for a run. Can’t do that with my clothes on, now can I?”



  “Too tight, honey. It’s just too tight.” Aunt Germaine glares at me as she tugs on the brightly colored dress once more, as if this is all my fault. As if I’m the one to blame that this stupid dress is too tiny. With a growl of frustration, I step out of the gown and turn around to look at Nash’s aunt.

  Her grey eyebrows rise in surprise and

  “Then I need a different dress,” I say. “The diet isn’t working. I’ve been starving myself for a week now and I haven’t lost any weight.”

  It’s true. I haven’t cheated on the diet at all. I haven’t sneaked cookies or soda or extra servings of food. Still, the mush diet hasn’t delivered what it promised: a thin body.

  Motioning to the dress Aunt Germaine is still holding, I continue. “I know it’s tradition for the Alpha’s mate to wear this particular one, but the Alpha’s mate has, historically speaking, always been a wolf. I’m not, Auntie. I’m not and that’s okay.”

  “But the dress-”

  “Can be put back in storage for the next bride. Let’s stop pretending I’m somehow going to lose 20 pounds and grow six inches before the wedding.” I pat Aunt Germaine’s hand in a gentle gesture and she looks surprised, but she sighs and sets the beautiful red dress down.

  “I suppose you’re right, dear,” she murmurs. “This isn’t the way we do things, but I suppose change is inevitable sometimes.”

  Her words catch me off guard and I nod slowly, wondering what she’s going to say next. The truth is that this can’t have been easy on her. She’s Nash’s aunt, after all, but she expected a lot from him. She might have hoped he would save the pack, but did she know he would be the one to kill Jeffrey? Did she know he’d be dragging a scraggly-looking human back with him? Did she know he’d be mating Jeffrey’s half-sister?

  Jeffrey and I might only be half-siblings, but many of the wolves who didn’t like him don’t seem to care about that. My mother never really told us what happened to Jeffrey’s dad. I don’t know if he was a one-night stand gone wrong or if they dated for awhile, but my own father raised Jeffrey as his own and I always considered him my brother.

  Until we were teenagers, our lives were fine, normal. Then one day, everything changed. One day, he changed.


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