Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers

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Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers Page 4

by Sue Bentley

  She and Storm were standing with her mum and dad when Gayle’s parents hurried up to them. Mrs Young was holding Mikey’s hand.

  ‘Have you seen Gayle?’ Mr Young asked Jessica.

  Jessica shook her head, puzzled. ‘No, I haven’t seen her since yesterday.’

  She noticed that Mrs Young looked different and then realized why. Gayle’s mum was in jeans and a crumpled T-shirt and she wasn’t wearing make-up. Her eyes looked puffy as if she’d been crying.

  ‘Is something wrong?’ Mrs Tennant asked her gently.

  ‘It’s Gayle. She’s missing,’ Mrs Young said in a wobbly voice. ‘We had a bit of a row about this necklace business. I thought at first that she’d gone off somewhere sulking by herself – she’s done it before. But it’s been over an hour now and I’m starting to get really worried.’

  ‘I’ll help you look for her,’ Jessica offered at once.

  ‘That’s very nice of you, especially after the way Gayle behaved,’ Mr Young said.

  ‘Anyone can make a mistake,’ Jessica said generously.

  ‘Let’s all spread out and look around,’ Mr Tennant suggested.

  ‘Good idea. I’ll look over here,’ Jessica said, walking off with Storm. She waited until her mum and dad had gone in opposite directions and then turned to Storm. ‘Do you think you can pick up Gayle’s scent?’ she asked.

  ‘I will try,’ Storm woofed.

  Scampering over to the Youngs’ RV, he began nosing about in the grass.

  Jessica followed him and watched as he worked his way back and forth. Moments later, his head came up. ‘This way,’ he yapped triumphantly.

  Jessica ran after him as he headed towards the line of tethered balloons. The Cloud Racers’ huge black balloon and basket were floating a few centimetres above the ground. Two of the club members were standing with their backs to the balloon.

  Jessica caught a sudden movement from the corner of her eye. A slim figure suddenly dashed out from behind a van and quick as a flash scrambled unseen into the huge basket.

  ‘It’s Gayle!’ Jessica gasped, rushing forward with Storm at her heels.

  As she ran up to the balloon, she saw Gayle lean over, unhook a guy rope and drop it to the ground. The basket wobbled and tipped at a crazy angle.

  The two club members turned. They realized what was happening and quickly grabbed a rope each, but the balloon began to rise slowly as Gayle unhooked another rope and threw it down.

  ‘Gayle, don’t!’ Jessica cried.

  Gayle glared at her. ‘What do you care? You don’t like me. Everyone hates me!’ The balloon rose up higher, straining for freedom.

  ‘I don’t hate you, and your mum and dad are really worried about you. Just stay still and let the team get you down,’ Jessica pleaded.

  Gayle bit her lip and looked as if she might be starting to believe Jessica.

  ‘Gayle! What on earth do you think you’re doing? Get down from there!’ Mr Young ordered, as he, his wife and Mikey ran towards the balloon.

  Then everything happened at once.

  The club members, already on tiptoe and trying to hold down the balloon, were lifted off their feet. They dropped to the ground as the black balloon rose into the air, trailing ropes and taking Gayle up with it.

  Jessica saw the balloon ripple as if it was caught in a side wind. It lurched sideways and the wolf face seemed to leer as it started to collapse.

  Gayle screamed and clung on to the basket.

  Jessica gasped in horror. The whole thing was going to come crashing down!



  Time seemed to stand still.

  Huge gold sparks bloomed in Storm’s brown-and-white fur and his ears fizzed with power. He shot into the air, trailing a comet’s tail of sparkles and landed in the basket next to Gayle.

  Jessica saw a burst of flame shoot out of the gas jets. Hot air flowed into the balloon, which swelled out and righted itself. At the same time a gush of gold sparkles erupted in the basket, and ropes snaked downwards towards the ground.

  Eager hands reached for them and they were quickly secured. People ran to help and the balloon was drawn downwards until the basket rested on the grass.

  Jessica saw Storm leap out and streak towards her.

  Gayle’s dad leapt into the basket and gave his daughter a huge hug. ‘Are you all right, love? I was terrified that you were going to be hurt. Thank goodness that you had the sense to work the burner and throw down those extra ropes.’

  Gayle was white-faced. She didn’t seem to know whether to laugh or cry. ‘Burner? But I…’ she stammered shakily.

  But her dad wasn’t listening. He helped Gayle climb out of the basket and one of the club members reached forward to steady her. Everyone cheered and clapped.

  Gayle hung her head and chewed at her lip. ‘Thanks, everyone. I-I didn’t mean that to happen. I’m glad that no one got hurt because of me.’

  Jessica could see that, for once, Gayle really meant it.

  She looked down at Storm who stood beside her. Every last spark had faded from his fur. She wished she could cuddle him, but there were too many people around for her to pick him up.

  ‘That was incredibly brave of you to light the burner, Storm. I know how fire terrifies you,’ she whispered.

  ‘I am just glad that Gayle is safe. But I do not think I will ever grow to like hot-air balloons,’ he barked.

  Jessica noticed Gayle looking at her in a very strange way. She realized that the older girl had heard her whispering to Storm!

  Gayle smiled knowingly and then she shrugged. ‘Weird things keep happening when you’re around, Jessica. I’d love to know what’s been going on, but I guess I never will. Keep your secrets. It’s fine by me. And thanks for trying to help me. I’m sorry for being such a pain. Can we start all over again and try to be friends?’

  ‘I’d like that,’ Jessica replied, pleased.

  ‘Cool! Why don’t you come over to our RV? You haven’t seen inside, have you. It’s got a huge shower room and a TV and everything.’

  Jessica smiled. Gayle would never change, but at least she was trying to be a lot nicer now. ‘OK, thanks. I’d love to see around it,’ she said.

  Gayle beamed at her. She reached for Mikey’s hand before walking off with her parents. ‘See you in a minute, Jessica.’

  With the excitement over, people began dispersing. Suddenly, Storm whimpered and began trembling all over. He took off like a rocket and pelted for a clump of thick bushes a few metres away.

  ‘I’ll… I’ll be right back!’ Jessica gabbled to her mum. She hurtled after the terrified puppy, a dreadful suspicion rising in her mind.

  She spotted three dogs running towards the bushes from the opposite direction. They had fierce pale eyes and extra-long sharp teeth. Shadow had put a spell on them. They were here for Storm.

  As Jessica pushed her way into the centre of the bushes there was a dazzling flash of bright gold light.

  Storm stood there, a tiny brown-and-white Jack Russell puppy no longer. He was a majestic young wolf with thick silver-grey fur. A thousand tiny gold diamonds sparkled in his neck-ruff. Beside him stood an older she-wolf with a gentle expression on her face.

  At that moment, Jessica knew that Storm must leave her. Her throat clenched with sadness, but she forced herself to be brave. ‘Save yourself, Storm!’ she cried.

  ‘Be of good heart, Jessica. You have been a loyal friend,’ Storm said in a deep velvety growl.

  There was a final burst of intense gold light, and a silent explosion of sparks crackled down around Jessica. Storm and his mother faded and were gone.

  There was a growl of rage as the fierce dogs burst through the bushes. Seeing that Storm had disappeared, their eyes and teeth instantly returned to normal and they fled.

  Jessica felt stunned. It had all happened so fast. Her heart was aching, but at least she’d had a chance to say goodbye. Storm was safe and she hoped that one day he would be able to stay in
his own world and lead the Moon-claw pack.

  Tears pricked her eyes as she slowly began walking back towards the car park. Jessica knew she would never forget her wonderful adventure with Storm.

  She thought of Sheena and hoped she was feeling better. Jessica decided to buy her a cuddly toy to cheer her up. Then she smiled as she saw Gayle waiting for her. Perhaps she’d get Gayle one too. A cute toy puppy for them both.

  After all, she thought, everyone should have their own magic puppy.

  Table of Contents


  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers

  Chapter ONE

  Chapter TWO

  Chapter THREE

  Chapter FOUR

  Chapter FIVE

  Chapter SIX

  Chapter SEVEN

  Chapter EIGHT

  Chapter NINE




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