Baker's Dozen

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Baker's Dozen Page 19

by Wendy Smith

  “You’re a doctor?”

  “An obstetrician.”

  A smile spreads across her face. “Then you won’t get any argument from me about you being in here. How many patients get their own personal doctor in their room?”

  She leaves to return a few moments later with a chair. It’s not the most comfortable-looking thing, but I can deal with a little discomfort if Hayley’s safe.

  I pluck my phone out of my pocket. There’s a text from Sonya.

  Is there any news?

  She’s out of surgery and doing well. The babies are in the NICU, but they’re both healthy. Congratulations, Grandma. It’s a boy and a girl.

  I can’t help but smile as I type that last part. When I first met Sonya, I thought we’d never find common ground, but now she’s as protective of me as she is of Hayley.

  Stop with the grandma stuff. Let me know if you need anything and when we can visit.

  Will do. I’ll stay here for the night. They won’t like it, but I’m not leaving.

  Give our love to all our babies.

  I look up at the ceiling with tears forming. Sonya’s just at the end of the phone, but with Hayley unconscious, I feel so alone.

  My phone buzzes again.

  We’re on our way.


  He said he’d come, but I wasn’t sure if he would. He has commitments now—Ginny and Ava.

  Thinking about them brings a smile to my lips. He always seemed so lost, but now, he’s found with those two. He seems to be struggling a bit with fatherhood, but that’ll come in time. Especially with Ginny’s help.

  I take a big breath, and Hayley stirs beside me. I’d give anything to hold her in my arms, to have our babies in this room too. But this is the deal we got, and of all people, I guess we should understand it.

  Her eyes flicker open, and I smile at her as she fixes her tired gaze on me.

  Leaning over, I stroke her temple. “You’re in recovery, princess.”

  “The twins.”

  “They’ve gone straight to the NICU. They’re so beautiful and healthy. I’m sure we’ll all be together soon.”

  Her eyes fill with tears. “I want them with me. It’s so unfair.”

  “Yeah, it is. And I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen. Right now, I’m just really glad the three of you are safe. You scared the shit out of me.”

  “You stayed so calm.”

  I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead, lingering a few seconds. “Only on the outside. I let your mother know, and I told her I’d spend the night with you.”

  She smiles. “I don’t know if they’ll let you.”

  “They can try and throw me out. I’m pretty sure Marcus still owes you a few favours.”

  Hayley licks her lips. “He probably saved my life.”

  “Maybe he did, but I figure it’s the least he can do to make sure you have everything you need.”

  I lean over and give her another kiss. “Marcus said when you were ready, they’d move you to a room near the NICU. When you’re able to get out of bed, it won’t be far to see the twins.”

  “I need them, Drew.”

  “I know you do. And I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen as soon as I can.”

  She nods. “I know you will.”

  “The twins are in good hands. It’s you I’ll be hovering over. You lost a lot of blood, and you know I worry anyway.”

  Hayley reaches for my hand. “I know you do. We’ll all be okay because you got us here.”

  “I wish I’d got you here sooner.”

  Her eyelids droop, and I can see just how much this has taken out of her.

  “Get some sleep, princess. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

  Her breathing slows. I don’t have to tell her twice.



  We get halfway there before Ginny kicks me out of the driver’s seat.

  “I’ll keep us at the speed limit,” she says.

  She’s my calm when all I want to do is storm.

  Right now, I’m angry at the world for what’s happening to Drew and Hayley. I’d do anything to make Hayley better.

  I stare out the window at the paddocks we pass on the open road. The sooner we get there, the better.

  “I hope Hayley’s okay.” Ginny’s so soft-spoken, but she wakes me out of my trance, and I turn to look at her.

  “So do I. They don’t deserve this. I mean, no one does, but not those two.”

  “Has Drew sent you any more texts?”

  I sigh. “No, and he didn’t reply to the last one I sent him. But if she’s in surgery, I’m sure they’re just busy.” My grip on my jeans tightens, thinking of the alternative.

  “At least she’s married to an obstetrician, so he’ll have got her the care she needs. He’ll know what to do.”

  Losing her would kill him.

  Glancing at Ginny, my chest tightens. Just like losing you would kill me.

  “I love you, Ginny.”

  She shoots a glance at me, and gives me a small smile. “I love you too.”

  “I know it’s not the first time I’ve said it, but I need you to know in case anything ever happens to me.” I close my eyes. “Shit. What would I do with Ava if something happened to me?”

  “That’s all part of you becoming a dad, Owen. You need a plan. She’s lost everything once, so you need to make sure that she’s got a safe, secure home no matter what.”

  I nod. “When we get back, I’ll talk to Adam and Lily. They’re the most obvious choice.”

  “They’d be a good option. It’s never nice to think about the what ifs, but when there are kids involved …”

  Letting out a loud breath, I smile. “Ava’s been with me for five months, and I’m so disorganised still. I should have thought about this early on. I’ve got a will—had to get it done when I bought the bakery. Drew gets it all in the event of my death, we planned it together ages ago, but it’ll have to change.”

  Ginny reaches for my hand and squeezes.

  “Of course, if you move in with us, it’ll all change again.”

  “Owen.” Her tone is pained.

  “We need you, Gin. Ava loves you, and so do I. I know things haven’t gone the way we thought they would, but we’ve got through the disruption of the past few months and we’re so strong.”

  She nods. “I know. Can we talk about it later? We’re not far from Auckland.”


  I don’t know if she genuinely wants to talk about it later, or if the answer’s still just no and she doesn’t want to let me down right now.

  Ginny has to be ready.

  Ava and I both need her.

  The hospital is a maze of corridors, and it takes a while to find where we’re supposed to be.

  I round a corner and stop on the spot when I see Drew. He’s sitting in a row of chairs in the wide corridor, his shoulders slumped and his head down. My heart stops.


  He raises his head, and I can see the exhaustion in his face. Behind me, Ginny grips my shoulder.

  Something’s wrong. He’s not the happy, smiley man he usually is.

  He gives me a tired smile. “Hey.”

  “I got here as fast as I could. Thought you could do with some support. Corey’s gone bush, and Adam and Lily have got Ava.”

  He nods. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “What’s going on?”

  His smile widens. “We’ve got a boy and a girl. They’re small and in the NICU, but the birth was much more traumatic than it should have been. Hayley lost a lot of blood.”

  “Where is she?”

  He nods at the door opposite. “In there. She’s sleeping at the moment. I just needed a minute.”

  “So they’re all okay?”

  Nodding again, he stands as I walk toward him. As we embrace, he’s trembling. “I thought I was going to lose her. Or them. All those years of training and I couldn’t even help my own wife.”

  “Dude, some things are always going to be out of your control. Now, can I see the babies?”

  He chuckles and lets go of me, taking Ginny’s hand and leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. “Of course you can. I’ll just pop my head in and check on Hayley.”

  Stepping across the corridor, he opens the room and leans in. “Hey. You up for some visitors?” A second later, he turns back to us. “Come in.”

  Hayley’s pale, but her smile still lights up the room. “Owen, Ginny, it’s so good to see you.”

  I wink. “Couldn’t stay away.”

  “Have you seen my babies?”

  I shake my head, and sit on the bed, taking her hand in mine. “Not yet, but Drew’s taking us to them.”

  She swallows hard as she squeezes my hand. “I’m not allowed out of bed yet. Give them a cuddle from me.”

  “That sucks.”

  “It does, but we’re all safe. Thanks to Drew.”

  I turn my head, but he’s across the room by the window. I wasn’t imagining things. There’s something up with him.

  “Drew?” Hayley’s voice wobbles. Drew’s not even making eye contact with her, and it scares me.

  He shakes his head. “It’s my fault you were in danger to start with.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asks.

  “I should have been better. I should have picked up on the signs earlier. Now, you’re stuck here and you can’t even touch our babies. You should be angry with me.”

  Bewilderment fills her expression. “You got us all here in one piece, and you knew what was going on. If it hadn’t been for you, it could have easily been worse. You saved our lives.” Her chest rises and falls as she appears to hold back a sob.

  Ginny steps closer and rubs Hayley’s arm as if attempting to comfort her. “Drew, get your arse over here and look after your woman before she gets upset and this equipment starts beeping or something.”

  I push myself off the bed and turn to face him. His face tells the story of a man struggling with his emotions. A couple more heavy breaths, and he crosses the room. Hayley reaches for him, cupping his face.

  “Can you forgive me for not picking up what was going on sooner?”

  Tears roll down her cheeks. “There’s nothing to forgive.”

  I look away when they kiss, and Ginny slips her arm around my waist. Closing my eyes, I lean my head on top of hers.

  “We made two beautiful babies,” Hayley whispers.

  “Maybe we’ll hold back from breeding that rugby team.” Drew’s response makes me smile.

  I give them a moment, waiting until Drew pulls back from Hayley.

  “How about you take me to meet my niece and nephew? Then we can come back here and spend some more time with Hayley.”

  Hayley nods. “That’s a wonderful idea.” Her eyes are still a little hazy, and she has a wistful look on her face. I feel a bit shit for even suggesting it.

  “If you’re okay for a bit, I’ll pop to the NICU. Be back really soon.” Drew gives her another kiss. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  It’s with a heavy heart that I leave Hayley alone in the room. I can’t even imagine what Drew feels like. As we make our way down the corridor, Ginny grabs my hand.

  I meet her gaze. Her expression tells me she feels the same way I do. God, how I love this woman. I want with her what Drew has with Hayley—marriage, children, the lot.

  What used to terrify me is now a dream.

  It’s not far to the NICU. Hayley’s close to her children, and once she’s mobile, she’ll be able to see them in minutes.

  Drew beams as he leads us toward two incubators in the corner of the room. “Here they are.”

  I gasp when I see them, and Ginny has a similar reaction. They’re early and small, but Drew’s children are perfect. I only know which is which from the little signs on the incubators that say ‘Baby girl Campbell’ and ‘Baby boy Campbell’. They’re both alive and alert. All they need is their mother.

  “Owen?” Ginny grips my arm.


  She sweeps her hand across my face. “You’ve got tears in your eyes. I know why. They’re beautiful.”

  “I want this,” I say without thinking.

  Ginny licks her lips, and nods.

  “I never thought I’d want anything like this, but I want it all with you.” I turn to her, my heart seizing at the sad look on her face. Shit.

  It’s her turn to tear up. “We need to talk about it.”

  “We’ll do all the talking when we get home.” I grasp her elbow, and place a gentle kiss on her cheek.

  Drew stands between the incubators, a hand resting on each one. Love’s written all over his face, and the three of us struggle with tears. Drew’s eyes are only for his children.

  “I hate that Hayley can’t come and see them. And I can’t take them to see her.”

  “There’s one thing we can do if she’s got her phone,” I say.

  He frowns. “Call her?”

  “No, you dummy. She’s got an iPhone too, right? We can FaceTime her.”

  His face lights up, as if I’ve given him a gift. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “Because you might have the medical degree, but I got the brains of the family.”

  He nudges my arm and rolls his eyes, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Babe,” he says as it makes contact.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Take a look for yourself.”

  He turns his phone toward the incubators, and a gasp comes from Hayley on the other end. “I can’t bring you to our babies, but I can kind of bring them to you.”

  She’s crying, I can hear it, but they’re tears of happiness. It leaves me itching to get home and pick up Ava. I won’t see my little girl until tomorrow.

  My heart aches. Until now, Ava has been the daughter I never knew, the one who had two parents and was only with me because of tragic circumstances. But she is my little girl, and I’ve missed all her milestones. I’ve missed everything.

  I wasn’t there to see her crawl, or walk, or hear her talk for the first time. I missed every day of her growing up until now, and when I go home, I don’t intend to miss another thing.

  “Here’s our little girl. I don’t know about you, but I think she deserves a name.” Drew laughs. “So does our son.”

  “We’ll work that out. Can you take some photos and send them to me?” Hayley asks.

  I pull my phone out and send a quick text to Adam.

  Can you take a photo of Ava and send it to me?

  Ginny squeeze my arm. “I hope Hayley’s reunited with them soon.”

  I smile. “So do I.”

  Sure. She’s asleep though.

  I just realised I don’t have any photos of my daughter.

  My heart is in my throat. She’s my daughter. From now on, Ava will feel loved and wanted. She’ll be my spoiled little princess.

  I suck in a breath as the image arrives.

  My little angel. She’s fast asleep with her thumb firmly in her mouth. I love her, and for the first time I really feel like I’m her father. Only it sucks, because I’m so far away and I can’t hug her and tell her. It’s been such a confusing time for her, and I don’t think I’ve been there the way I should have. I’ve been on autopilot, working to a routine as she settled, but not taking the time to make that final emotional step.

  “She’s beautiful,” Drew says, looking over my shoulder.

  “I’m her dad,” I say, as if it’s the first time I’ve ever told him.

  Ginny reaches for my chin and drags my gaze to hers. Those green eyes search my own. “Owen, are you okay?”

  “I’m a dad, Ginny.”

  She smiles and wipes away the tears I didn’t even know were there. “Yes, yes you are.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me I was being a dick?”

  She laughs softly. “Because you weren’t. And because Ava is fine, and you needed time to work it
all out in your head.”

  “Ava needs me.”

  “She does, Owen. She needs all of us. Well, all of you. That little girl needs her family.”

  I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her closer. “You’re part of that family.”

  “Can you two have a moment outside of the NICU?” Drew laughs. “I want to get back to Hayley. I’m thinking about now she’s looking at the photos I just took and she needs me.” He stands between the incubators and places a hand on each one. “I’ll be back in a little bit with some food.” Shaking his head at us, he laughs. “Hayley’s about to feel like a dairy cow.”

  “You call your wife a cow and I’m pretty sure she’ll rip your head off.”

  He kicks at my ankle. “That’s not what I’m saying, and you know it.”

  I smile, because nothing can faze me now. I’ve got my girls, and my niece and nephew will be fine. It won’t be long before Hayley can see them, and Drew has everything he’s ever wanted.

  And I do too.



  The sound of Ava giggling hits me before I see her. After everything, it’s an amazing sound to hear, and Ginny grips my shoulder and smiles.

  “Do you know what?” she asks.


  “When her parents were still here, it was just the three of them. You’ve opened her world, Owen. She has aunties and uncles and cousins.”

  I nod. “You’re right. I’ll always make sure she remembers her parents, but I’ll also make sure she has lots of good new memories.

  “I’ll see you inside.” She pecks me on the cheek, and walks up the steps to the door of Adam and Lily’s house.

  My daughter’s close.

  I know for sure she’s become part of the family as she comes around the corner of the house perched on Corey’s shoulders. He’s the tallest of all of us, and she shrieks with laughter, wobbling as she points at me.

  “Should we go see him?” Corey asks.

  “Yes.” She’s all high-pitched squeals as he pretends she’ll fall. I know he’ll never let that happen, but I widen my eyes and open my mouth to show fear.

  “Isn’t that dangerous?” I ask.


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