A Baby for Pra'kir (Captives of Pra'kir Book 6)

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A Baby for Pra'kir (Captives of Pra'kir Book 6) Page 5

by Megan Michaels

  Blythe eyeballed the calendar to the right of the image. Ten days. She could do this. “What about the others? Should we find them? Do you know how?”

  “I’m betting Rowth has a list of the prisoners and their foster parents on here. I’ll take care of that. I’ll contact them and tell them they have three hours to get here on that day. We’ll figure out the rest once we’re together. I’ll handle that part. You handle the vehicle, getting the GPS figured out, and getting here. Oh my God, Blythe! We’re doing this.”

  “We really are. I hope we don’t get caught. I’m kind of afraid of the punishment I’d receive. The last time was horrific.”

  Brinley nodded solemnly. “I’m sure. Rowth would be the same way. We won’t get caught. We won’t let ourselves even think it. Oh, oh shit. I hear a click. I wonder if Rowth has tapped into this. I gotta go.”

  The screen disappeared and Blythe was left staring at the green glow no longer showing her friend. It was too short. She wanted to touch Brinley. Hug her. Hear her laugh.

  She had a lot to do within the next ten days. Preparing for their rendezvous, they’d need food and water, but more than that, she needed to find how to get to Rowth’s, and then from there to the cabin.

  And what about my baby?

  Her heart ached thinking about it. Was she up to leaving? Would they even be able to escape from Pra’kir anyway? Her baby, and even Xan, had become such an important part of her life; it became hard to imagine life without them. But could she rip her baby away from her gestation process, endangering her life? Could she take her from her father—her alien father—and take her to Earth to raise her alone?

  She shook herself out of this thinking. It served no purpose. Not yet. They had no means of actually leaving Endermere, let alone escaping from this planet itself. They’d take it one step at a time. They’d meet first, escaping to the cabin so they could at least enjoy each other.

  * * *

  The screen came to life, ringing, and then Xan’s voice came booming through. “Little girl, you better answer this. You’re already in more trouble than your little ass can handle.”

  Her clit jumped and she clenched her asshole. “Oh God.” She pressed the flashing button. “H-hello?”

  “Why are you in my den?” He didn’t waste any time with niceties. Straight to the point.

  “Uhm…I wanted to be alone.” Her face and chest had flushed; she could see it in her image on the screen. No doubt her captor could see as well.

  “Why? And don’t you dare lie.”

  “Because…I took some of my treats without permission.” Her eyes filled with tears, both because of the lie and because she knew the admission would bring his disappointment and wrath.

  “I saw. That is until you covered the cameras. That will be a separate punishment from the spanking you’ll receive for breaking the rule about not touching the treats.”

  “Yes, S-Sir.”

  “Are you in the middle of your cycle?” He leaned back in his chair, his forefinger and hand bracing the side of his face. Xan knew that she craved sweets and besloor, in particular, during her period.


  He leaned forward to the screen. “Answer again.”

  “No, Master.”

  “So you decided while you were to be napping to get up and get a treat. Are you hungry? Did you not eat enough at your meal?”

  She shook her head. “No, Sir. I just…wanted some.”

  “You covered the camera in your room and the camera in the den so I couldn’t see you eating it, but you forgot and left the camera in the kitchen, showing your misdeed. So not only were you disobedient and defiant, you were foolish on top of it.” He narrowed his eyes, watching her closely. “You must be more tired than I realized.”

  Her heart raced, pounding within her chest. Would her facial expressions give her away?

  Xan shook his head. “I don’t understand. All you had to do was ask permission. We don’t usually deny you treats unless you’ve been a bad girl—which you have been today. A very naughty girl. Is that why you didn’t ask, you knew the answer would be no?

  “I—I don’t know, Sir.”

  “First, you’ll take the covers off the cameras. You will not do that again. I’ll assure that later. Second, you’ll go wake Ganza and tell her what you did. And then, third, you’ll be put to bed with a very red bottom, I’m assuming, and you’ll sleep until I get home with no further impropriety. Agreed?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Flicking his fingers toward her, he said, “Now go wake Ganza. I’ll be watching.”

  Chapter Seven

  Xan leaned back in his chair having closed and locked his office door before calling his naughty pet. He routinely checked his cameras while away from the house. It had become a habit, and one carefully concealed from his girl. So when he opened the application, he’d thought it was failing—either the camera or the app—only to determine that the other cameras were fine.

  That’s when he watched her through the kitchen camera, watching his little minx filling her hand to overflowing with besloor. She knew that only he and Ganza were allowed to dispense the beloved little treats. He couldn’t stop the chuckle when she shook her head and threw most of them back into the bag, keeping only a few. When it came time for her paddling, he’d give her credit for returning most of them. After running to the den to eat her stolen treats, she then threw a cover onto that camera as well. Enough was enough at that point, so he’d phoned Rowth to inform him he’d be delayed with some family issues but would meet with him as soon as possible.

  Damn, he hated punishing her. Hated it more now that she was becoming sweeter and more submissive; it actually pained him—but nowhere near as much as it did her. He’d be damned, no matter how much he loved her, to let her get away with any infraction.

  Blythe had begun to show maternal instincts—crying in her sleep about losing the baby somewhere, waking up in a panic patting the bed looking for her infant under the covers or even under the bed. Xan had begun to coddle her more, not wanting to upset her, and even more so now that she had begun milk production.

  Just the thought of Tegan had him smiling.

  How I love that baby girl of mine.

  Having children wasn’t something he’d envisioned for his life—becoming the Surgeon General, yes. Commander, yes. Council of Nine judge, no. Father, no. Husband, no. And most definitely not a Master to an alien from Earth.

  He returned his attention to his work comm screen, watching his girl shuffle up the stairs. He shook his head, snickering. She dragged her feet like she was walking to the firing squad.

  With a shaky hand, Blythe reached out, tapping lightly on the door. On the next camera, he watched Ganza startle awake, snorting with half a snore.

  He turned the volume up, not wanting to miss a word.

  Ganza opened her bedroom door, and Blythe dug the tip of her toe into the carpet, wringing her hands in front of her, stuttering. “Ma’am, I …I was n-naughty, and Master s-saw what I did. He t-told me to confess to you.”

  The portly woman stood, no longer looking dazed or confused. His trusty nurse and assistant –always at the ready. “What did you do, girl?”

  “Well…I woke up hungry.” Blythe continued to twist her hands in front of her naked body. “I wanted some besloor, so I got up to get some, but I was afraid that Master would find out, so I covered the camera in my room before leaving.”

  “Oh, you’ll be paying for that, my dear. I hope your ass has hardened up enough for the licking you’ll be receiving tonight. Did you eat any?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I didn’t know there was a camera in the kitchen, but I covered the one in the den so that I could eat it in privacy. I’m sorry.” Her beautiful green eyes filled with tears.

  Striding toward her dresser, Ganza pulled out a stout paddle, slapping it against her hand while she slowly stalked the recalcitrant girl. “So you left your bed without permission. Ate besloor without permission, covered tw
o cameras, and then dared to eat the stolen treat in your Master’s den?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Blythe’s slender hands covered her backside.

  “Come here.”

  With a slight shake of her head, his stubborn girl stayed rooted to the floor, refusing to budge.

  “Oh! So we’re adding defiance, are we?” Ganza reached Blythe’s side with two long strides, twirling her around and that paddle became a blur, turning her backside a deep red in short order.

  Xan had released his cock early in the viewing, and now he stroked it, the tip moist with his pre-come. As much as he loved spanking his girl, and would get the pleasure of that task tonight, he swore he loved watching her being disciplined almost as much. And her stubborn, mischievous ways kept her backside pink whenever Ganza was around.

  The nanny now focused the paddle on Blythe’s thighs, and Xan’s girl couldn’t seem to contain her dance, screeching and pleading for mercy, Xan delighting in the fact that she was finding none from her stern nanny.

  “Oh! Oh God! Please!”

  “Please what, girl? Please spank you until you’re raw? Should I get my strap?”

  “N-no!” Blythe’s eyes widened with trepidation.

  Ganza tucked the short girl under her arm, proceeding to march the paddle up and down her already blistered backside. He almost felt pity for her.

  The last two swats slammed into the naughty girl’s sit spots before the nanny drew Blythe to an upright position. “You’ll stand here with your hands on your head.”

  Gasping for air between sobs, Blythe trembled with her nipples pebbled.

  Xan didn’t doubt for a minute that Blythe’s hot little cunt was dripping. He only wished he could dip his finger into her channel. He swore he could smell her musky scent through the monitor.

  Her chest spasmed with her hiccups, and from what he could see, she’d be mighty sore for her second punishment tonight. He’d have to carefully think about what implement to use—it would have to be a short session, and with something less thuddy than the paddle that had just been used.

  “Was your stolen treasure worth this lashing?”

  “N-no, m-ma’am.”

  “Your Master will finish this tonight. Until then, I’m betting you’ll be sleeping soundly; isn’t that right, girl?” The older woman grabbed her charge by the elbow, marching her out of Ganza’s room toward Blythe’s napping room.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I want you to fall asleep with that naughty, red ass up and uncovered, showing for anyone passing by so everyone will know this is what happens to disobedient slaves. And you’ll stay in that bed until Master Xan or I come for you.”

  Xan watched his girl curl into a fetal position, her red bottom facing the doorway as directed. He envisioned his cock sliding along that deep crevice, sliding along her hot cheeks, before slipping between the puffy, wet labia, bumping on her clit, and her hips thrusting in response.

  He would, of course, increase the pace and pressure his dick would take along the path from her little pink whorl and her clit, and just before they would both come, he’d pounded mercilessly into her cunt, bouncing off the mouth of her womb and pistoning into her until they both shouted with their release.

  Xan fell back into his chair, his semen coating his lower belly and hand, his chest heaving with the activity.


  The anticipation and excitement of punishing that red bottom again would have him hard before he could even get home.

  Yes, the fostering system on Endermere had been a good thing for Xan, and he didn’t foresee that changing—ever.

  Chapter Eight

  Blythe woke up freezing, lying naked in her bed. She remembered why she’d fallen asleep in this manner—like a pet with no blanket. Reaching back, she tenderly ran her hands over her abraded skin; she didn’t have to look to know there were marks left there. Pressing randomly, she found a few tender spots, no doubt a mirror image of the damnable paddle used by that wretched nanny of hers.

  Looking at the ceiling, the blue image said it was almost five in the evening, meaning Xan would be home any minute and then she’d be spanked again. But the punishment was worth it. All of the pain and humiliation was worth talking to Brinley. She hoped that Brinley would be able to contact Sarai, Mira and Lilianna. Gosh, how she missed her friends. She wondered what their houses were like and how they were treated. Brinley seemed genuinely surprised that Blythe was treated as a pet. Did any of the others wear a collar? Were they spanked until they sobbed, being put to bed as a stubborn child? Had any of them fallen in love like she had?

  “I’m not sure I like you touching that red bottom.” Xan’s gravelly voice reverberated in the quiet, small room.

  She startled, gasping, yanking her hand away from her spanked bottom.

  “Get up.”

  She didn’t hesitate—no need to poke the bear any further than she’d already done with her deeds today. Crossing her arms behind her, gripping each elbow, she kept her tits pushed forward.

  “Good girl.” He tweaked her nipple, squeezing it harshly before pulling it taut and before releasing the reddened tip. “You were paddled by your nanny, and from what I see, it appears you learned a good lesson about not getting up from your nap to sneak candy without permission. Is that so?” He stalked around her, lifting each buttock, as well as pressing and poking the plump cheeks.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Mmmmm. ‘Tis a pity because I need to continue that punishment, and you’re already quite red.”

  She brightened just a bit.

  Will I get a reprieve?

  “Not so fast, kitten. You should know that when it is deserved, I never delay a punishment in this house, do I?”

  “N-no, Sir.” She cleared her throat, unsure if she should ask a question. “Sir?”

  He raised his eyebrows, and lifting her chin, he burrowed his stare into her. “Speak.”

  “Uhm…I need to use the bathroom.” She kept her eyes riveted to his own, not wanting to show any weakness but doing her best to keep any attitude from showing on her face.

  “Interesting. Have you earned the privilege of using our bathroom?”

  “That is for you to decide, Master.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Now you decide that deference is the way to proceed.”

  Smart girl.

  He continued, “I’ve decided pissing in the backyard is exactly what you deserve tonight, pet.”

  She moaned quietly, keeping most of her disappointment inside. Having anticipated this, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but hope always sprung eternal.

  “Enough. You asked for this.” He snapped her collar on. “Bend over. Hands on the bed.”

  She knew he’d be inserting her tail. She bent over, widening her stance in preparation. His cool hands spread her cheeks, and the cold, hard end of the plug pressed against her anus. Pushing back on the plug, she opened the tight muscle, allowing the tail to plop into her dark channel. The fluffy tail that had become so much a part of her life since coming to Dr. Breckett’s household, the large white fox tail brushed familiarly against her thighs. The soft hair comforted her, took her to a place where she didn’t have to think, didn’t have to wonder what was next. She followed orders. Did as she was told quickly and obediently with no sass or comment.

  Pets didn’t talk, didn’t question, and didn’t worry. They looked to their master to fulfill their needs—guide, feed, protect, stroke, and love.

  And with the harsh discipline she’d receive tonight, she’d know without a shadow of a doubt while he petted her body, her ass, and her tail, he loved her beyond any measure. He’d flick the bell on her collar, smiling down at her when it jingled while giving him a blow job, and despite her sore ass, and the remnants of tears coursing down her cheeks, she’d be safe in his arms. All would be right, their dynamic whole and everything in order as it should be. He was her Master, and she was his slave and pet. He ordered and she obeyed. All the years
that she felt something was missing in her life, she would have never guessed that this would be what she yearned for, but indeed it made her whole.

  With a thick, loud slap to her still-sore ass, he pulled her upright. A meaty finger under her chin kept her gaze where he wanted it. “Any deviance from your training will add to your ass beating. Keep it in mind.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Yes, Master.”

  He snapped the leash onto her collar. “Ready.”

  Slowly she dropped to her knees, as gracefully as she could, not wanting to slip or wobble bringing the lash of the leash onto her backside. Leaning forward, she placed her hands on the floor, her breasts brushing against her arms, the bell on her collar jingling.

  Xan emitted a low growl deep in his chest, and even without a look, she knew his cock would be a rod of steel behind those impeccably pressed dress pants, his balls tight and close to his body. She longed to run the pad of her finger along the ridged creases of the large sac, delighting in her power over him when he’d gasp his arousal loudly and almost beyond control.

  “Shake your tits for me before we go, girl.”

  She jostled her body, the large heavy globes now full of her baby’s milk, swaying, the movement almost painful. Almost. The dull ache pulling on her womb, amping up her arousal, and her clit throbbing.

  The tinkling of the bell had become a Pavlov’s response for both of them. It signaled her submission. Sexual delight and satisfaction. And for him it signaled his blow job or titty fucking. And for both of them—a mind-blowing orgasm.

  She continued to jostle her breasts, not stopping until he ordered it. The plump flesh lightly bumped against each other, and she grit her teeth against the discomfort of the process.


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