She sat up and said, “Give me ten minutes to freshen up.”
“San, are you sure this is what you want?”
“Oh yeah, whatever Pit is about to have us doing, I just might need to get my mind off of this mess.”
Sanayah must have pictured the sight in her head because as she was talking, her face started to frown up and she ran into the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before throwing up all of her lunch. She got up, grabbed her toothbrush from out of her bag and brushed her teeth. She also used that time to freshen up. Sanayah felt like that must have been what she needed because after releasing, she actually started to feel a lot better.
“Okay, now I’m ready.”
“Sis, you sure you’re totally up for this?”
“Yeah sis, I’m okay. I promise.”
“Would you let me know if you weren’t?”
“Yeah. Come on, let’s go ya’ll.”
The three women headed out to the door toward the lobby.
Pit, Azylae, Troy, and Denver sat around in the room waiting for the rest of the girls to surface. Pit walked around the entire room like twelve times making sure that the decorations were in order and that everything was perfect. He was not normally the type to get nervous and he was starting to get worried. He was starting to think that maybe she wasn’t going to show up, but once he saw Kale open the door to the suite he was relieved beyond words.
Kale’s face went into an instant smile once she saw how beautiful everything was. At that moment, Pit knew that everything he went through that day to make it all fall into place had paid off. It was all well worth it. There was a huge banner that read “Happy Birthday” that hung above a table full of sandwiches, wings, and all types of party goodies. They noticed all of the decorations before they realized that they were in the Kingpin Suite. Inside the suite was a bowling alley, pool table, and a full bar. Throughout the celebration, they played several games and drank their hearts desire. They enjoyed themselves for hours. Then, about four hours later, right before it was time to cut the cake, Pit filled everyone up a glass of champagne. Following that was his need to get everyone’s attention so that he could propose a toast. During the time that he was speaking, Azylae and Troy cut the strings to the birthday banner and in its place hung a smaller yet still rather large banner that read, “Will You Marry Me?!” Kale looked up at the banner and read it, then right away back to Pit who was already kneeling down on one knee with a ring box in his hand.
“Well, Ms. Kale Weber, would you be so kind as to marry a fool like me?”
He opened the box and revealed a three carat diamond princess cut engagement ring. Kale answered while trying to fight back her tears and wiping her eyes.
“Of course I will marry you. I love you.”
Everyone cheered and they all took a sip of their champagne. Then they all gathered around to say congratulations and get a closer look at Kale’s extravagant ring. They ate some cake and continued to celebrate the couple’s engagement. Troy decided that this moment was too precious not to be caught on film and ran up to the other suite to grab his camera. As the celebration continued, Sanayah started to feel a whole lot better and had forgotten all about the chaos. That is until the door to the suite opened.
Troy stepped in and announced, “Kale, I bet you wouldn’t believe this. Look who I ran into in the elevator. I decided to invite him to the celebration of your engagement. I knew you wouldn’t mind and would be excited to see him.”
Smiling extra bright and standing next to Troy, holding his hand was Larry. Sanayah dropped her glass of champagne on the floor, shattering the glass, and mumbled, “Lord, take a look at what the cat done drug in.”
Unbeknownst to him, Troy had let in the man who helped cause pain to Sanayah. Troy’s new friend Larry was the man who Kale and Sanayah witnessed out in the hallway kissing Samuel, Sanayah’s good friend and lover and the man who helped father her unborn child.
Chapter 16
“So what have you decided?”
Kale lay in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She and Sanayah had been on the phone for nearly three hours. The whole time they both had been trying and succeeding at avoiding a very touchy conversation, up until now. Both knowing that they would eventually have to talk about it, they decided to go ahead and get it over with now.
Sanayah released a big sigh and said.
“As much as it pains me to say, I’ve thought long and hard about it…I even weighed my options out…I mean, me finding out that I was knocked up in the first place was a sudden surprise…and I even talked with Samuel before we left for Vegas to try and figure things out…he seemed so excited, but said he needed some time to clear his head. Ha! Seems like he cleared so much more than that…I can’t raise a child with a man that sleeps with other men…I’m not the one to judge, but I can’t put my child at risk of being judged and-and-and tormented its whole life…What if it’s a boy? Kids are so cruel. They will tease my baby to no end…and how will we get him or her to understand why daddy likes men? Oh sis, I just don’t know…I don’t know what to do…I hope I don’t come to regret my decision."
With all that said, Sanayah burst into tears. She realized that this would be one emotional journey for her, but she was willing to take it. She wrapped her arms around her stomach and continued to cry.
Kale waited patiently for her sister to continue her story. She understood that now was not a good time to try and rush or press her.
She reassured her, “Hey, I’m here for you, sis. Always.”
Sanayah continued to cry for a good five minutes.
Then, in between sobs she confessed, “I made an appointment.”
Kale listened up to figure out just what her sister was saying.
“The appointment was this morning at nine. It was an appointment at the abortion clinic.”
Sanayah cried a little more when she heard the reality of what she was saying.
Kale also could not believe what she was hearing. Her heart went out for her sister and her decision, but deep down she was hurt.
She started to cry herself. “San, what are you saying? I hope you aren’t saying what I think you are.”
Knock, knock, knock. Before Sanayah could answer Kale’s question, there was a knock on her door. She got up from off of the couch to see who it was. As she looked through the peephole, she saw Samuel outside her door. She was a bit happy to see him on the other side because she had wanted and needed to speak with him. Before opening the door, she pulled the comforter she had wrapped around her tighter so that Samuel would not be able to see her stomach.
Then she opened the door and told Kale, “Ugh sis, I have to go. But I will call you later, I promise.”
She hit the end button on her phone and could still hear Kale talking on the other end.
Chapter 17
Azylae is having a dinner date with Mac, and all she could think about is Kent. Kent had been acting so weird lately, and this morning he gave her such a look of disgust that it had her shook. She had never saw hate in Kent's eyes, only love for her and their son, but today he looked at her like he hated her and she was not sure why. She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not even notice when Mac returned to the table from the bathroom.
"Hey baby, did the waitress come yet to take our order?" Mac asked as he took a swig of his rum and coke.
"Huh?" All Azylae heard was something about the order, but did not catch the rest.
"The waitress. She get our order?" Mac asked again.
"Oh yeah, yeah yeah. I told her that you wanted the New Orleans pasta with extra chicken and sausage. I ordered the mango tilapia," Azylae responded.
"Thank you baby for the dinner. I was thinking about this pasta all day," Mac explained as he took another sip of his drink.
"You're welcome," Azylae stated taking a sip from her sprite.
Azylae was not a drinker at all, but she wished she had ordered a drink as well. The high she received from the two blunts
that she smoked earlier was fading. Mac was speaking to her, but she could not hear anything he was saying. She continued to watch his mouth and his lips, the same mouth and lips that sent her body into bliss just a moment ago. Mac was such a beautiful man. His cinnamon brown skin was flawless. His beautiful brown eyes were like a trap that Azylae was constantly getting lost inside. Mac's attractiveness shitted on Kent's. Kent was not really attractive, but he was a good man, a great provider. For a moment Azylae felt bad for doing Kent the way that she does him. He was good to her, but she fucked Mac every chance she got. She could not help it. The way Mac fucked her was so good. Besides, Kent was being just as low down to her as she was being to him. She did not have solid proof of his infidelities, but she was no dummy. She knew what was up. And the panties that she found was more than enough proof to convict his cheating ass, in her opinion. She definitely did not believe the tired lie he tried to feed her as to how they got in his pants pocket. Azylae's train of thought was suddenly broken by loud chatter, clapping, and cheering. She turned around to see what all the commotion was about and almost passed out on the floor. Right before her eyes, in the corner booth, was Kent and his ex, Aubrey. He had just proposed to her and they were embraced in a celebratory kiss.
Chapter 18
Kale looked at her phone and realized that Sanayah had indeed hung up on her. She called Sanayah’s phone only to have her call rejected and sent to voicemail. After the third time, she left Sanayah a dirty message and threw her phone down on the bed in frustration.
“That heffa just hung up on me and is rejecting every single one of my phone calls!” she explained to Pit, almost in tears.
“Ahh, babe just chill. You know how your sister is. She will talk to you when she’s ready. Don’t stress,” Pit stated trying to comfort his fiancée.
He pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek and then on the lips.
Pit and Noc had been spending so much time together in the last three months. Pit was upset that his planned one month of babysitting had turned into three. They were both getting sick and tired of looking at each other. Pit had not found out everything about Noc’s visit, but he had found out enough to leave him very disturbed. For some reason or another, Noc has been sent down to Texas by somebody who wants to destroy Pit and all of his happiness. He had made plenty of enemies in his day; so unfortunately, he could not put a finger on just one. His only choice was to get to the bottom of it all, but before he figured out what he was going to do, he had to figure out who was helping Noc plot against him. Also, he had to find out who was giving him the information that he needed about his personal life. He knew it had to be someone close to him, someone he trusted; and that, he hated to even think about.
Pit was finally able to get away from Noc and he was relieved. He wanted to give himself some time to think straight and possibly see something that he may have been missing. He decided to stay home and spend more time with his family and his fiancée. Noc did not seem to mind Pit not spending so much time with him as he did in the beginning and that also bothered Pit. He knew that as long as the cat was away, the mice would play. And Noc was one sneaky and dangerous mouse. He wish he had a few members from his old crew with him still to have around to help him find the rest of the puzzle pieces which would allow him to see the full picture. Sadly, Noc used to be one of those trustworthy members, which goes without saying that he could not risk putting his trust in no one anymore.
Pit had spent the last three days and nights with Kale and he was more than enjoying it. They were lying in the bed watching television together and he was feeling like the luckiest man alive. He felt like he wanted to stay that way forever. All he knew was that he was tired of the fast living and all of the negativity that his past had caused and he knew he had to figure out a way to make it cease completely.
Meanwhile, Kale was lying in the comfort of her man’s arms trying to think of the easiest way to get her mind off of Sanayah. She looked up at him and noticed that he was deep in thought himself.
“Yeah, what’s up, babe?”
“What you thinking about?”
“What you talking ‘bout, babe? I’m watching TV with you.”
“No you not. I can tell that your mind is somewhere else. So tell me what’s wrong.”
Kale sits up so that she was face to face with Pit; she was trying to read his expressions.
Pit sighed.
“You right, babe. My mind was somewhere else, but it’s nothing major. Nothing that you need to worry about at all.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m sure.”
Kale was not sure. She was not so sure that she liked the way Pit looked or sounded, but she knew that if he says not to worry about it, then she need not worry. Whatever it was, he was strong enough to handle.
“Okay, well I was thinking also.”
“Oh really? What were you thinking?” Pit smiled and gently pinched at Kale’s nosey nipple, which was peeping out of her cami and into their conversation.
“Not that mister. Well, it could be that. Actually, it all depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“On whether or not you will agree to me throwing a party here at the house for my friends.”
“Your friends? A party for what?”
“Well we have been living together for a few months now, and we have yet to invite our family and friends over to see and enjoy the place with us.”
“Who do you plan on inviting to this small gathering?”
“Not too many people, the usual. I just want to make sure that we all have a great time. Our lives are really starting to change and I realized that we might not get the chance to all hang out for a long while.”
“Okay, well you know I’m cool with it. Just make sure you let mama and everybody else know. Make sure they don’t mind.”
“I already did. I got their approval first; I was just waiting on yours.”
“Oh, so ya’ll been plotting against me?”
“Not for too long, so don’t feel bad. Speaking of them, your mom is cooking and it smells so good. Let’s go down there and see what she’s cooking, I’m starving.”
“Yeah me too, but first, I think you owe me something.”
Pit pulled Kale on top of him and they started to kiss.
An hour and a half later, Pit and Kale strolled downstairs and into the kitchen. They were showered and clean and ready to eat.
“Well, well, well, it’s nice of you two to join us,” Pit’s mother teased the couple.
“I know, mama. It was all Kale’s idea to keep me locked up in our room for a whole twenty four hours. I begged for her to let me out, but she ignored my cries completely,” Pit joked.
“Now Mama Harris, I know you don’t believe that, do you?” Kale asked.
“Chile, I know my son and I know when he is pulling my leg. I hope ya’ll are already washed up because the food is ready. Take a seat and I will fix your plates,” Mama ordered.
“Nah ma, I got it. You just go sit down and I will fix the plates,” Pit offered.
“David, you my son and I’m yo mama; I take care of you, not the other way ‘roun.”
Pit’s mother was a strong woman and a woman of pride. Ever since Pit built the house for them and allowed her to retire officially, she has been doing as much as she could around the house and for Pit as a way of showing her gratitude and paying him back.
“Besides, I haven’t been able to prepare a meal for you in a while; with you being gone all the time babysitting that monster, I’on know if you get to eat my cookin’ or not.”
“Yes ma’am, I always find the plates that you leave for me when I make it home. Don’t worry mama, because I won’t be babysitting too much longer. I think I’m getting closer to finding out about Noc’s true purpose for this visit. As soon as I get to the bottom of it all, I am going to personally send him away for good.”
“Look here now, don’t you start
talkin’ like that. I don’t want you out nere in nem streets doin summtin you ain’t got no bisness doin and get yasef all locked up in the slamma, or even worse, killed.”
“Come on now, Ma, you know I ain’t no fool.”
“That I know cause I raised ya and I ain’t raise none a fool. But don’t you sit back and become one now neither. You done worked too hard to get where you at today and runnin around hea wit the likes of dat heathan gon git you into worlds of trouble. I’m telling you. You better listen to ya mama; you know she ain’t neva steered ya wrong, now have I?”
“No ma’am.,” Pit admitted. He did not want to upset his mother.
“You darn right I haven’t.”
Mama Harris handed Pit his plate and sat Kale’s down in front of her at the table. She walked over to the island to grab the other two plates that she had prepared for Cynthia and Grandma Harris and placed those on the table as well.
“Nah gone sat down and eat summtin while I go git your susta and grandma so they can eat.”
“I told them to come down already; I sent Cynt a text.”
Ms. Harris spun around so fast as she asked, “Is that the way you communicate with your sister nowdays, by telephone devices and whatnot?”
“No ma, we talk.”
“Ummm huh. I tell you what, you betta be stayin home tonight. I don’t want you hanging out all hours of the night. You need to be hea wit ya wife and ya family.”
Pit’s mother and grandmother had a habit of calling Kale Pit’s wife instead of girlfriend or fiancée. More out of habit than anything, because they reminded the two more than enough that shacking up will not get them anywhere and in order to be truly blessed and pleasing to God is for them to get married. The sooner the better. They all agreed that their relationship had been through enough bumps and bruises and that Kale deserved the title, they were just ready for them to do the right thing by making it official.
“That’s right, I’on know why you continue to go out chasing sin no how. You built this home so that you won’t never have to run the streets, yet you still runnin’ nem. Sit ya ‘hind still somewhere.”
Can't Stand The Rain Page 14