Home > Other > THE COMPLETE TRILOGY, COMPENDIUM OF THE HEART: An epic love story > Page 3

by RJ Hunter

  “No, not exactly, but I am a representative of sorts. I stand for the ‘Fun Society’ and you’ll find us practising what we preach at the Black Lion tonight. Why not come along, you’ll enjoy it.”

  Sally smiled and went back inside feeling in much better spirits. A few of the others had decided to brave the recreation lounge and were chatting with the various university officials. However, instead of remaining and making some new friends, Sally decided to go back upstairs, unpack and see about getting her room into some sort of habitable condition.

  As she climbed the stairs she could again hear the music from earlier. It seemed to get louder with each step she took, until finally, as she walked along the corridor, her worst fears were confirmed - the racket was coming from the room immediately next to hers!

  The University of Falcondale was situated in mid-west Wales, just on the outskirts of the market town bearing the same name. The town was tiny, not really much more than a village. It was surrounded by lush green hills, which were inhabited by a large population of sheep. Often the sheep would wander down to the campus, where they could be found grazing in the grounds or on the sports fields without a care in the world. The town’s main shopping area and focal point was the High Street. Here, the dozen or so shops only stocked what was completely necessary, and would all meticulously close dead on one o’clock for lunch, and for the whole afternoon on Wednesdays. A few enterprising individuals in the past had opened shops exclusively with the student in mind. These, like the Beatnik Shop had unfortunately not taken into account that the vast majority of students were broke after the first couple of weeks of term, and were not even there during the summer months. At the beginning of the High Street was a memorial to those lost in the two world wars, and in the centre of town stood a very proud-looking clock tower, which was joined to the town hall and public library. Then, as the street veered to the right, one could see the impressive steeple of St. Mark’s church in the background. Although the town was certainly no shopper’s paradise, it was home to an excellent fish and chip shop, Pedro's Bistro, several bohemian coffee bars and quite a selection of pubs, much to the delight of the university’s rugby fraternity.

  After the initial shock of small-town living had set in, many students became very attached to this idyllic little community where town and gown co-existed in relative harmony.

  Sally was housed in Lloyd-Evans Hall, which was the oldest of the three main living quarters. It was a large, archaic building, comprising of four main residential blocks in a square formation, with the courtyard in the centre. On each corner stood eerie-looking towers, which to many of the students, resembled Dracula’s castle. Sally’s room was situated in the inner sanctum overlooking the entrance block and the huge, gothic, ivy-covered archway, that led into the courtyard.

  The university, during the early sixties still maintained a strict policy of segregation regarding male and female students in the halls of residence. The students were also obliged to follow a code of conduct, especially when out and about in town, where they were seen as representatives of an old and established learning institution.

  Sally had just about finished hanging up her clothes when she was disturbed by a loud knock at the door. She couldn’t think who it might be, and even thought for a moment that her parents had come back to take her home.

  “Hello! I’m Lizzie Marchmont - your new neighbour. I thought I’d come and introduce myself. The music’s not too loud is it?” Then, before Sally had a chance to reply, the girl had half entered her room and was having a good look around.

  “Oh, what a super room - much nicer than mine!”

  Sally stared in disbelief at the vision in front of her. This odd Lizzie character had jet black hair, piled high into an enormous beehive, that almost reached the top of the door frame. She wore a knee-length fake, leopard skin coat, which was open at the front to reveal tight black slacks and an equally tight black sweater. Although Lizzie’s make-up was immaculately applied, Sally had never seen pink lipstick and black eyeliner put on so thickly. It looked a bit ghoulish, and Sally immediately thought this weird apparition blended in very well with the gothic surroundings.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Lizzie,” Sally responded, offering her hand somewhat warily. “No, the music’s just fine. Billy Fury’s one of my favourites!”

  Lizzie was noticeably flattered and beamed, “There’s a few of us going into town tonight - do you fancy coming along? Don’t worry, none of us know each other - we’re all new. Anyway, it’s better than what the Christian Society has arranged for us, unless of course you like tea and biscuits on a Saturday night!”

  The two girls laughed, and Sally said she would love to go along with them. Although she did wonder whether they would all be dressed so outrageously. After Lizzie had gone back to her room, Sally looked through her sparse wardrobe, thinking perhaps she should have brought more clothes with her. Finally, she settled on a modest check skirt and V-neck purple sweater. But what about the college scarf, should she wear that too?

  She needn’t have been concerned, as only Lizzie was dressed to shock. The other six girls were all wearing pretty much the same as Sally. They had met downstairs in the lobby area, and although there were many new students milling around, most of them preferred to play safe and stay within the confines of the university. Here, they could attend organised functions rather than venture out into unknown territory so soon after arriving.

  “What are you drinking Sally?” Called out Lizzie, as the group of girls trooped into the Crown, their first port of call.

  Sally didn’t quite know what to say. She had never been in a pub before, and had only ever drank the occasional glass of wine or sherry at home. However, she didn’t think sherry sounded very sophisticated, so she asked for a Martini, since that’s what her parents would often drink in the evenings. As she heard no sarcastic or derogatory remarks from Lizzie, Sally assumed her choice was acceptable. Some of the other girls seemed to be in the same predicament, and one poor soul, a plump girl called Pauline looked scared out of her wits and had to endure the boo’s and hisses of the whole group after asking for a glass of Tizer.

  Inside the pub, the wallpaper and ceiling were tinged a dark nicotine yellow, and the air was thick with pipe and cigarette smoke. The atmosphere was anything but congenial, with the few mainly elderly regulars sitting around tables coughing, playing dominoes and having the occasional snort of snuff. They either totally ignored the group of young women or stared at them in grim silence. Lizzie downed her drink in one, and turned to Sally, “I don’t think we’ll be hanging around in here too long - see anyone you fancy!”

  “What about the Black Lion?“ Laughed Sally, knocking back her Martini. “I met a bloke this afternoon called, Frank. He said he would be in there!”

  “Ok, it’s the Black Lion, if we can find it,” called out Lizzie, as she led the girls back outside.

  The party didn’t have to look very far as the pub in question was situated in the centre of the street, and was the most popular in town. It was well accustomed to being taken over by vast swarms of inexperienced students. Once inside, the younger clientele watched in amusement as the girls tried a variety of cocktails, screamed with laughter and played endless records on the jukebox. The noise could be heard all along the street, as the whole pub became infected with the party atmosphere.

  Sally, with her slender figure soon found she had a natural talent for the 'Twist', and quickly began to attract admiring glances. Other students began to arrive and tables and chairs were pushed aside to make room for the dancing.

  “Do you know what?” Slurred Lizzie, putting her arm around Sally’s shoulder. “I think you and I are going to be good friends. Come on, let’s go over to the jukebox. Do you like Helen Shapiro? I‘m going to get my hair done like hers on Monday!”

  “I’m sure it’ll look fantastic!“ Replied Sally, a little bewildered. She was on her fifth Martini now and was glad she had Lizzie to keep her upr

  “Why don’t you get your hair done too Sally, we could go together!”

  Sally stared at this odd girl in disbelief, not knowing if she was just immature or plain silly. But she had grown to like Lizzie as the evening had progressed, and now, also felt they would indeed become great friends.

  They pushed their way through the crowd towards the jukebox, but had to wait their turn, as two men were already putting some records on. One was very tall with neat, blonde hair and dressed in a blue sports jacket and grey flannels. The other looked like an Elvis Presley clone, with thick black hair immaculately slicked back. He wore blue jeans and a white T-shirt with the sleeves rolled over.

  “Hey, put Chubby Checker on - I feel like twisting again!” Shouted Lizzie to the two men. They both turned, and stared, amazed at the sight facing them.

  “I will if you dance with me!” Yelled back the one in the T-shirt, as he simultaneously combed his hair with one hand and flattened down the sides with the other.

  “It’s a deal!” Screeched Lizzie, as she teasingly began to dance alone while her new partner hurriedly selected the record.

  Sally couldn’t help catching the gaze of the other young man. It was the same one who had spoken to her earlier in the afternoon. He looked longingly at her, letting his eyes greedily survey her figure from top to bottom.

  “Hello, it's Sally isn’t it? I’m so glad you decided to come after all. The dancing can wait, let’s go and sit in the corner, and you can tell me all about yourself.”

  Sally was quite over-powered by the strong smell of after-shave lotion, and felt distinctly uncomfortable under Frank’s gaze. She wasn’t sure about him, but he was certainly very handsome, as Lizzie had so indiscreetly pointed out earlier during a lull in the music.

  On the way back to Lloyd-Evans Hall the girls were still singing and laughing noisily. A couple of the more inebriated ones decided to take Lizzie’s example and remove their high-heeled shoes, after finding them quite a hindrance following an evening’s merrymaking. The night had turned out to be wonderful with everyone, except Pauline, having had the time of their lives. In fact Sally and probably a fair few of the other girls had never known anything quite like it. The evening had been the perfect tonic to allay the fears most of the students had been harbouring since arriving at Falcondale.

  Walking a few paces ahead, Sally noticed Lizzie and Ken staggering along giggling together as if it were the most natural thing in the world. She watched intently as she saw her friend push Ken playfully, then link her arm through his. Sally found Lizzie’s lack of inhibition quite refreshing and it prompted her to do the same with Frank. Although thrilled at Sally’s impulsiveness, Frank then decided to take matters a stage further, and in one swift action, put his arm around Sally’s waist and pulled her towards him.

  She felt secure being held by him, and for a moment, as they neared the gates, she wondered if she should invite him back to her room. The mere thought of this seemed to arouse her deeply, but she wasn’t sure whether this was due to Frank’s sheer animal magnetism or simply the idea of blatantly breaking one of the university’s most strictest and fervently-enforced rules. There were certainly no shortage of notices pinned up around the campus reminding everyone that no male students were permitted in female halls of residence after 9pm. The university authorities, realising the vulnerability of some of the fresher's even went so far as to post night watchmen in some of the halls as a precaution.

  Pauline was certainly well aware of this particular rule, and noticing the ever increasing band of male students following the group, took it upon herself to remind the others of the consequences should they choose to transgress.

  Frank and Ken were also knowledgeable of this rule and had, through experience found a number of alternative ways of gaining access to most of the buildings. They probably would have succeeded on this occasion had it not been for Pauline purposely alerting the night watchman of their approach.

  “Shit! It’s bloody old Stan, we’ll never get in there tonight,” muttered Ken as the bright beam of a powerful torch lit up his face.

  “Bloody fat bitch, why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut,” replied Frank, loud enough for Pauline to hear.

  “You’ll have to say your goodbyes here folks - rules are rules, as you two young gentleman know full well." Said the watchman, as he began ushering the girls inside.

  Sally turned to Lizzie but saw she was otherwise engaged, giving Ken a passionate goodbye kiss.

  “Do I get one as well?” Asked Frank, pulling Sally towards him. There was no time to protest, even if she had wanted to, for Frank’s mouth quickly engulfed hers and for the first time in her eighteen years, Sally was to experience the intimacy of a full French kiss.

  “Disgusting,” said Stan as he turned from the two entwined couples and went back into the building.

  Sally’s first real kiss however, was to be a bit of a disaster. After a few moments of keeping her eyes tightly closed, her head began to spin erratically, and she thought she was about to pass out. She pushed herself away from Frank, and gasping for air, she staggered back and stumbled straight into a dustbin. She only just about managed to stop herself falling over completely, but could do nothing to prevent the lid clattering noisily to the ground, shattering the still of the night.

  Like a shot, Stan was back outside. He sent the two lads packing and angrily scolded Sally and Lizzie like two naughty children, before bringing them both inside and bolting the doors.

  The following morning, Sally was to experience yet another of life’s rich experiences - a hangover! “I’m never going to drink again Lizzie. I feel just awful, and my head is pounding.”

  “That’s what they all say,” moaned Lizzie, her hair a tangled mass, with last night’s make-up smeared across her face.

  “No, it’s true, I made such a fool of myself. I’ve never danced like that before, and certainly not with a man!”

  “Come on Sally, don’t go all prudish on me. You enjoyed yourself just as much as I did.”

  “Well, yes I suppose I did.” Sally then recalled something else, “ But Lizzie - I kissed that Frank bloke! Oh my god!”

  “Yes you did, and you fell back into that smelly dustbin!”

  “Whatever must he think of me?”

  “I think he liked you. But you have to admit - it was funny!”

  “For you it might have been, as for me, I wont be able to face anyone again, and as for Frank, I doubt he’ll want to see me anymore.”

  During the afternoon, Sally had at last begun to feel like her normal self. Apart from popping out to the shops, before they closed, she hadn’t ventured out of her room at all. The communal telephone had been very active as usual and she knew that Lizzie had received a call. Before long, Lizzie was tapping at her door.

  “You’ll never guess who that was?” She said, in a highly excited state.

  “I’ve no idea,” replied Sally, not really interested.

  “It was Ken, you know - from last night!”

  “Really! What did he want?”

  “What do you think, silly, he wants me to go out with him, tonight!”

  “That’s wonderful, Lizzie - he’s very nice,” continued Sally, not wanting to sound too despondent.

  “Did I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice just then?”

  “No, of course not, I’m just very happy for you that’s all.” Answered Sally a little defensively, before adding. “Well yes, I was a tiny bit jealous, since I seem to have blown my chances.”

  “So why don’t you come along with us, it would be great fun.”

  “Have you never heard of ‘two’s company, three’s a crowd’?”

  Oh well, I’ll just have to have both men for myself!”

  “What do you mean Lizzie, you’re joking with me aren’t you - is Frank going too?”

  “Yes, silly Sally, of course Frank’s going,” laughed Lizzie. “In fact, it was his idea that we all go out for a drive in the country

  The four students were to spend several evenings together during the course of the next few weeks. Lizzie seemed perfectly suited to Ken, he was just as outgoing as her, not only in personality, but in dress sense too. They both thrived in each other’s company, and at times seemed in competition to see who could shock the most. Frank and Ken were both senior English students and knew all the places to take the girls for a good time.

  Sally however, hadn’t really had a proper boyfriend before, or at least one where she wasn’t chaperoned and continually watched by her mother. She had gone out with Tim, the neighbour’s son for a year, and had even let him kiss her on the lips, but their relationship seemed to drift more into one of friendship, rather than intimacy. Now she felt quite overawed by it all really and a little nervous. She had wondered at times why her mother had never explained to her about boys. One minute she was being treated like a child, then she was suddenly whisked off and dumped at university as if she had grown into a woman overnight.

  Now, Sally felt she was being misunderstood. She loved to enjoy herself like the other students, but she also wanted more, something deeper, something more spiritual. She wanted to learn and meet other people, not just the rebellious and hedonistic party crowd, but people with different interests, people who were going places, who could uplift her. Frank was certainly fun, but he seemed to be taking her in the opposite direction.

  It wasn’t long before Sally discovered Frank to be incredibly conceited, manipulative, and he had a vain streak that even outshone Lizzie’s! He was also only interested in seeing her when it suited him, and they always had to go to places where he wanted to go. This was usually well away from the other students, and it was always Sally who seemed to pay for everything, while Frank would drink heavily and try to kiss and grope her in the back of his Ford Consul. When she protested he would get angry and call her frigid and old-fashioned. Once, he made her get out of the car and walk back to campus in the dark, because her money had all been exhausted. Sally was now in a position where she had to keep asking her parents for money, which she hated, but she continued to allow herself to be used in this manner.


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