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by RJ Hunter

“It’s about time you got this dump cleaned up isn’t it, how can we bring girls back here? You’re such a slob, Frank!”

  “Crap! The room needs a bit of character. Anyway, the girls love it like this, it brings out their animal passions!” Cursed Frank between belches, finishing the remaining dregs of his beer.

  He then walked over to the bin and tried unsuccessfully to crush the rubbish down with his winkle-picker clad foot. Then, getting annoyed, he opened the door, belched again loudly in the direction of a group of chattering cleaners and dumped it on the corridor floor with a menacing crash. The women looked icily at Frank as he went back inside, slamming his door shut.

  It all went quiet back out in the corridor, except for the steady drone of a distant vacuum cleaner. Then, the loud chattering voices began to start up again, always in their native Welsh, and often interspersed with bursts of raucous laughter, much to Frank’s displeasure.

  From last term, the cleaners had refused to enter Frank’s room. It certainly wasn’t because they were squeamish about the mess in any way. In fact, many of the women had spent most, if not all of their working lives at the university and very little could shock them. It was an incident concerning a sixteen-year girl, called Carol, that had been the cause of the women’s outrage.

  Carol’s mother, also a cleaner had got her daughter the part-time job the previous summer. Like many her age, Carol had left school early and without any qualifications. She already had another part-time job, as a waitress in one of the coffee bars, which was often used by the students.

  As a late developer, Carol was now beginning to like her figure. After going through a pre-pubescent stage where she could only have described herself as skinny, she had at last, grown out of her child-like shape. To Carol’s delight, she was now able to experiment with many of the new clothes coming into fashion. She had long slender legs, a narrow waist and her small breasts were showing distinct signs of enlargement, much to her relief. Although no beauty, Carol certainly wasn’t unattractive and could boast of several admirers in town. She had a very pale complexion, shapely lips, and what could be described as a homely sort of face. Her hair was a mousy brown and usually tied back in a ponytail.

  She was enjoying her job at the university, it could be hard work, but Carol got on well with the other women, and the atmosphere was always light-hearted and jovial. She knew a few of the students from her coffee bar job, but this was only to say hello to. It was very rare that townsfolk and students socialised together. Carol, probably would have known of Frank. Most of the locals did, and there were a few who would like to see him get his just rewards.

  It had been a warm day in June, and Carol had been given a section of six rooms to clean. Because of the heat, Carol, just wore her underwear beneath the pink overall, which was the standard uniform. On this day however, Carol wasn’t wearing a bra. She thought nothing of it, after all, it was hot and she rarely saw students in the halls of residence during the day.

  She had cleaned Frank’s room for the past two days and detested it. Not knowing it was his room, she had wondered what sort of creature could live in such a manner. Then, on the third afternoon, he came back while she was inside.

  He reeked of alcohol and looked quite the worse for wear. He leered at her before making a remark, which she couldn’t really understand. With that, she would have left the room, but he insisted she stay and finish her work.

  Mrs. Selwyn, the supervisor had already told her to just empty the bin, then vacuum the floor and not to spend too much time in there. However, Carol had noticed a large red wine stain on the carpet, and not wanting anyone to accuse her of shirking, she had got down on her hands and knees and was scrubbing hard.

  After a short while she became aware of someone else in the room. She glanced up and saw Frank standing in the doorway. He was staring straight down the front of her overall.

  "Scrub harder!" He grinned, "That's what I like to see, come on harder!"

  Carol gasped and looked down, and to her horror, realised he could see everything, right down to her knickers. Frank made no attempt to divert his eyes, and just carried on staring. As she straightened up and tried to regain her composure, he came down heavily beside her, and before she realised what was happening, he had slipped his hand inside her overall and was feeling her breast.

  “What are you doing?” She screamed at him, but still his large hand remained firmly in place. Carol tried to get to her feet, but ended up falling backwards, with Frank coming down hard on top of her. She felt the buttons on her overall being ripped off, as he pawed at her greedily.

  “Come on you little hussy, it's what you want isn’t it? I’ve seen you in that coffee bar, you’re desperate for it.”

  Carol tried with all her strength to push him off, but Frank was too strong. He pulled the top of her overall completely apart and leered at her body, before biting hard on her exposed nipple. Then, reaching down, he ran his hand along her thigh, and up, towards her knickers. Carol screamed even louder and Frank froze.

  In a flash, Mrs. Selwyn was standing over them.

  “Get off of her, you swine!” With that, she began slapping and kicking at Frank, who just rolled off the teenager, and lay on the floor laughing hysterically.

  “The Dean’s going to hear about this, you’ll see - you animal!” Shouted Mrs. Selwyn angrily, as she helped the distraught Carol to her feet. The other cleaners rushed to the room to see what the commotion was. Then, as Mrs. Selwyn led the sobbing girl out into the corridor, Frank stood up.

  “It’ll be that little whore’s word against mine. She’s the one who started it.”

  “No, he’s lying Mrs. Selwyn, I was just cleaning the room, honestly,” uttered the shocked Carol.

  “ Who do you think they’ll believe?” Cursed Frank, as he approached the women menacingly. “My family’s wealth is totally beyond your comprehension. Now fuck off!”

  Frank won. He knew he would, and Carol lost her job. A few of the women who Frank had used his charm on, even believed his side of the story, and felt that Carol had led him on, and she was the one to blame. However, that was before Mr. Meredith, the new Dean of Students had taken up his post.

  Ken reclined in the armchair in Frank‘s room and put his feet up on the desk.

  “You’ve been seeing that Sally for over two months, and you still haven’t mounted her. You’re definitely losing your touch, Frank! How about letting me have a try?”

  Frank was busy getting ready, but stopped what he was doing to go over and put his face up close to Ken's.

  “You can hardly talk, you bloody peasant. You’ve let that Lizzie walk all over you. I’ve heard the way you grovel to her, like a snivelling toad!” He then opened the wardrobe to select a shirt, before adding in a mocking tone, “You don’t have to worry about attending to that little filly's needs. I’ve got a special birthday treat planned for her.”

  They both laughed as Frank buttoned down the collar of his freshly-laundered Ben Sherman, before pulling on a round-neck sweater. He was a meticulously fussy dresser, and thought the combination of him looking smart, against the more rebellious outfits that Ken wore, was one of the main reasons for their many successes with women. It also meant they could approach girls who dressed in vastly differing styles. Sally and Lizzie were prime examples of this.

  Now Frank’s patience was wearing thin. He wanted a positive outcome with Sally as soon as possible, which would finally conclude matters. Another priority had arisen, and he wanted to start work on his new victim immediately. With a final glance in the mirror, he practiced his smile, picked up his sports jacket and headed off with Ken, to the student’s social club.

  Frank knew Pauline would be there, he had seen her on certain nights serving drinks and clearing tables. He remembered her from the night he first danced with Sally, but he hadn’t been too impressed then, as she had been a bit too chubby for his tastes. Now however, Frank was amazed at the transformation coming over Pauline. She hadn’t quite g
ot the look perfect yet, but she was rapidly losing the pounds and replacing them with sexy, feminine curves - in all the right places. He knew he would have to get in first, before she really got noticed.

  Frank undressed her with his eyes, envisaging what she would be like without her spectacles, and with her long, dark hair all tousled and hanging down, or better still, spread out - over a pillow.

  However, Pauline was very shy and needed her confidence boosted, and at first seemed rather embarrassed when Frank initially spoke to her. He had deliberately made a mess of his table, and spilt a drink in the knowledge that it would take her a couple of visits to put things back in order. She had blushed when he first made contact, and asked her name. But, Frank had been very pleased with the response, and after that early exchange, he started to seek out Pauline to serve his drinks. She soon noticed this, and began to return his glances and smiles.

  Pauline Chater was in the second week of her part-time job at the social club. Her parents were anything but wealthy, and had scrimped and saved to get her to university. Now, and like many of her fellow first-years, she had found it difficult to manage her money, and most of it had been frittered away. Pauline, however, certainly wasn’t a party animal, and she had initially spent her money wisely on books and pens and even a typewriter, so that her essays would always look immaculate when she handed them in. But lately Pauline had been spending money on make-up and more up-to-date clothes, and she was feeling the pinch.

  She had been on a constant diet ever since that night when she’d been out with Sally and Lizzie to the Black Lion. She had embarrassed herself by ordering Tizer, and had then sat away from the others, stuffing in crisps with Jenny, who was also a bit of a misfit. It had upset Pauline to see how well Sally and Lizzie had danced, and how slim and attractive they both looked. She hated how popular the two girls were with the opposite sex, and vowed later that night, when she had cried herself to sleep, to do something about it.

  Now, Pauline, with her new figure and new look was just like them, and she wanted to show herself off. She too, wanted to be the centre of attraction, to be treated like a woman, and be lusted over by men, instead of being an object of ridicule.

  Pauline had despised herself for being fat and being so out of control. She had attended several schools when she was younger, but had left each one following long periods of truancy. She had then refused point blank to return to the last one, after the bullying and insults got too much to bear. She could easily remember all the names she had been called, names that had cut into her like knives, and had slowly undermined every ounce of confidence she possessed.

  Pauline could remember vividly the time her mother, in desperation, began taking her to see a child psychiatrist, but Pauline would clam up and refuse to speak a word. She would sit on her chair staring vacantly down at her feet, or just gaze out of the window, lost in her own tormented world. Even after several visits, Pauline never spoke to the psychiatrist, nor even looked at her.

  It was eventually decided by the school board to put Pauline into a special school. One which picked up the pupils from home each day by bus, and then returned them later in the afternoon.

  On her first day, she was brought into the school by her mother, who had been told by the headmaster to tell Pauline, that it was simply a visit, and she could go home after. In his office, Mr. Napier told Pauline all about the school, and why, in view of her truancy it had become necessary for her to attend it. He asked her why she was so unhappy, and getting no response, he reached over and took her hand telling her she would be safe at the school and no-one would bully her again. Pauline’s mother pleaded with her to at least give it a try, but Pauline couldn’t believe either of them, and once again she looked away and refused to speak.

  Mr. Napier began to lose patience. He then invited Pauline to see the classrooms, and as she stood up, he took her arm tightly, so that she couldn’t get away and pulled her out into the corridor. He told Pauline’s mother to leave, and the distraught woman put her hands to her face and wept helplessly as she watched her daughter being dragged away screaming to meet her new classmates.

  “This is Pauline, and today is her first day, so be nice to her and remember how scared you all felt on your first day. Now, come on Pauline, please open your eyes, no-one is going to hurt you.”

  Mrs. Hurst, Pauline’s new teacher was very experienced with damaged and vulnerable youngsters, and Pauline found it easy to open her eyes to the gentle tone of the teacher’s voice, and she allowed herself to be led to her new desk. The class was quite small, with fifteen other boys and girls, all of Pauline’s age. It was certainly different to what she had been used to before. Mrs. Hurst indicated towards the blackboard, and Pauline listened as the rest of the class read out aloud;

  “Today, we welcome Pauline to Class Three. We hope that she will be happy here, and will stay with us for a long time to come.”

  The pupils then took it in turns to stand up and tell Pauline their names. Some of them were physically disabled, while others appeared tiny, frail and weak. A few had conditions like, asthma and eczema, while two were considerably overweight, even more so than Pauline.

  The children weren’t expecting their new classmate to cry, and they had to wait patiently, while Mrs. Hurst attended to her out in the cloakroom. When Pauline was eventually able to return, she felt that perhaps, she could be happy there. All the children had suffered in their own personal way, and now they were here together, united as one big family, just like brothers and sisters. Pauline, at last felt she belonged.

  It had been a long time since she had smiled, but as Pauline settled in and got to know her new friends, she learnt how to laugh again. She also found that she had an aptitude for learning, and soon became one of the brightest pupils at the school. There was even a party given for her when she won her place at university, the first pupil ever to achieve this. She was congratulated by all the teachers, and was thrilled when Mr. Napier had said how proud he was of her achievements and what a great day it was for the school. Mrs. Hurst told her what an excellent role model she had been to the other children. Even Pauline’s weight had dropped significantly, once she had become more actively involved in school events. Pauline had at last found her missing childhood.

  The Social Club, according to Pauline, seemed the ideal place to put herself in the shop window so to speak. She probably wasn’t the type to do bar work, but jobs around the area were hard to come by, and would usually be offered to someone living locally first. She had little experience of life on a social scale and certainly wouldn't have had knowledge of the leers, gestures and lewd remarks she would be confronted with when going about her new duties. It was this naivety that may have held her in good stead. For Pauline was, in most situations, totally oblivious to the frequent scenes of drunkenness going on around her, especially after rugby matches. She was seemingly unaffected by most of the remarks she was subjected to. She just concentrated on what she had to do, and appeared to do it well, even if it wasn’t part of her personality to flirt, indulge in small talk or appreciate crude jokes.

  Pauline had two good friends at university, Jenny and Maureen, both were very similar to her in some respects. All three were, what could be described as, bookish, hardworking, and very straight-laced. Their essays were always in on time, and they never missed a single lecture. The three of them were quite plain in their looks, dress and manner of thinking, with perhaps, Pauline now having a distinct advantage over the other two regarding looks. Now though, since Pauline had started her job, her dress sense had become much more in vogue with what many of the other girls at that time were wearing. This had caused both Jenny and Maureen to make a few innocent remarks, possibly tinged with a hint of jealousy, and perhaps a little fear.

  They were certainly fascinated by Pauline’s metamorphosis, and began venturing into the club purely to observe her. Just being in that environment made them feel naughty and rebellious. They never drank, but just chatted and looked
around, hoping that someone special might just walk into their lives.

  Jenny and Maureen certainly noticed the attention Pauline was getting from Frank, and they were almost as excited as Pauline herself.

  “I thought he was seeing that pretty, blonde girl, you know, what’s her name?” Said Jenny, looking rather puzzled.

  “You mean, Sally,” replied Pauline sternly. “No, not anymore. He told me it’s all over between them. It’s me he’s interested in now. He said he knows someone big at Shepperton Studios who could get me into films!” The two girls then craned their necks to stare at Frank, while Pauline rushed off back behind the bar, still not believing the university heart-throb could possibly be interested in her.

  It was Thursday, 13th of December, and Sally's nineteenth birthday. Lizzie had given her some beautiful, silk lingerie, presented in a magnificent box, complete with ribbons and a lovely big, purple bow. She had also promised to lend her a very expensive Yves St. Laurent dress for the evening, even though it was probably a little short for Sally’s liking. They had both been to the hairdresser’s during the morning, where Sally had decided to ere on the side of caution, and just have a few inches taken off, rather than copy Lizzie’s new look - peroxide blonde!

  On their return they checked for mail, and Sally had been delighted to find her pigeon hole in the post room was crammed full of envelopes. She was pleased she had made so many friends since her arrival, and she now felt far happier than she had been recently. For once she felt free of her parents rules and regulations, and she enjoyed being in charge of her own destiny.

  Back up in her room, Sally soon found places for her cards, but she saved Frank’s until last. It certainly wasn’t anything particularly exciting - it just contained the usual clichés and some hand-written text telling her to be ready for seven o’clock that evening - for what was going to be, the best day of her life. However, knowing Frank, it was bound to hit Sally hard financially, and that thought alone caused her to worry. Intrigued, she put Frank's card up on the mantelpiece, behind the clock she had brought from home.


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