Home > Other > THE COMPLETE TRILOGY, COMPENDIUM OF THE HEART: An epic love story > Page 30

by RJ Hunter

  "Let's just say that Claire and I have come to an arrangement, and she'll be vacating the club very soon."

  "I can't say I'll be sorry to see her go." Continued Anne, eyes wide with curiosity. "Did you know she regularly seduces her female staff?"

  "Yes, I heard that," smiled Frank, inching closer towards her on the settee. "Did she ever get anywhere with you?"

  Anne went quiet, and Frank guessed something had happened.

  "Only once," she replied eventually. "I try to keep out of her way, but she says to get promotion or references for work at another club, I have to be 'nice' to her. She wears the girls down with her demands, and threatens them with losing their jobs to get what she wants.

  "Did she have you in her secret dungeon?"

  Anne hesitated, before confirming what Frank suspected.

  "Yes, I was put naked and blindfolded in the cage, before being manacled to the wall."

  So did you enjoy sex with Claire?" Asked Frank, feeling his erection practically bursting through his trousers.

  Anne knew he was getting excited.

  "She whipped me and violated me with all sorts of objects, but it was my first time with another woman, and when Claire wants something, she usually gets it. But, yes I suppose I did enjoy it, she certainly knows how to please a woman, and I have to say, it was very different."

  "I know how to please a woman too." He replied with a mischievous grin, before adding; "Listen, I'll need someone who I can trust, someone who'll be loyal. I see those qualities in you, Anne."

  "I'm very flattered, but what about your wife, she's second only to Claire now?"

  "There's room for two, Anne. Besides I'm not sure if Pauline will be staying."

  "So I take it you know about Claire and your wife?"

  "Yes, of course I know," replied Frank, not wanting to sound like he was the last person on the planet to know his wife was having a fling with her boss.

  "So, it didn't bother you?"

  "I have other, more important concerns Anne, and right now, you're one of them."

  "I knew there would be a catch, so really it'll just be the same as with Claire, except you're a man?"

  "I would have thought you would have preferred that?"

  "I've already told you Frank, I'm engaged to be married. I don't see letting Claire have her way with me occasionally as cheating, I see it more as a means to an end."

  "So you would view having sex with another man as cheating?"

  "Yes, I would," she replied, going a little red, "It's all about penetration you see."

  Frank laughed, "I think Claire would have ways of penetrating you, if she hasn't done already!"

  Anne giggled, and let him re-fill her glass.

  "So what would my job be, and would I get more pay?"

  Frank stood up and went to fetch his jacket. He reached inside and took out the wad of cash he'd taken from Claire earlier. He counted out £200, and handed it to Anne. She was shocked, and a little disgusted that he was taking her as a prostitute. Frank saw this immediately, and moved to rectify the situation.

  "Anne, you would be a valued employee, a manager, and in order to carry out your duties effectively and command the respect you deserve from the other staff, you'll need a clothing allowance, so here is this month's."

  "But Frank, this is nearly two month's salary, I don't know what to say."

  "Just say yes, Anne," he smirked, "Besides, the uniform you're wearing will have to be replaced."

  "Why's that, it's practically new?"

  "I'll show you why!"

  With that, he lunged at Anne, and ripped apart her blouse, revealing her small ripe breasts still encased in a white bra. She tried to fight him off, but he was a huge powerful man, and she was little more than eight stone in weight. As he yanked off her bra, she fell backwards onto the settee, and Frank came down next to her, his hands all over her body. She felt him pulling off her skirt, then tearing at her knickers and she was powerless to stop him. Within seconds she was naked apart from her black stockings and suspenders. She smelt divine, as he drooled over her, before kissing her on the lips forcibly. She felt his tongue invade her mouth, and for a moment she thought about biting him, but something stopped her, and she found herself kissing him back. She felt herself getting wet, and began to tug at his shirt. He responded by pulling it off, over his shoulders, before gripping her firmly and sucking at her hard nipples. She was panting and wanted him inside her. She reached down and felt his huge penis, straining to be set free.

  "Frank, I want you," she pleaded.

  He didn't reply, but swept off his remaining clothes in one rapid movement, and before she realised what was happening, his large penis was entering her mouth.

  She sucked at it hard, savouring the fluid oozing onto her tongue. This only lasted a few moments, before he pushed her back onto the settee and began to lick roughly between her legs.

  She was swimming in juices and came rapidly, digging her nails into his broad back, as she screamed out his name loudly.

  Sweat was pouring from him, as he then pulled her across his lap, and began to beat her buttocks loudly, they turned red immediately and he bent his head down to kiss each one, before spanking her vigorously again.

  Between blows, he managed to bring one hand beneath her hips and started to finger her, as he continued his assault on her shapely bottom.

  She came a second time, with Frank's fingers buried deep inside her, and felt her body go into spasm as it betrayed her, and all that she had said earlier.

  She then surprised Frank, by getting up off his lap, and sitting herself astride him. She took hold of his manhood, and guided it inside herself, as she began to rock up and down.

  "You're not bloody well getting it all you own way," she grinned down at him, as he watched her youthful breasts bobbing up and down with each of her thrusts. Her blonde hair was flowing with abandon, as she rode him violently, like a stallion. With each of her actions she was getting more of him inside her.

  She was moaning and gasping, and practically falling off with every animated move. They came simultaneously, with Frank grasping her hips, and holding her steady, as he filled her petite frame with his hot seed.

  The poker game was set to start at 8pm, and Claire was already sitting at the table when Frank arrived. She was dressed in a tight figure-hugging black dress and wore a pair of designer sunglasses. Despite her many years of showing no emotion on her face during poker matches, Claire found it hard not to break into a grin when she saw Frank stagger as he entered the room. She knew he would have been drinking before the game, and gloated in the fact that he would be easy prey.

  Frank looked the part, in a dark blue suit, silk tie and expensive Italian-made loafers. He was accompanied by a huge, bearded brute, known as Mark, who was his right-hand man in the cab business, next came the wheelchair-bound, Linda, Frank's secretary, then a couple of square-jawed types in suits, obviously as back-up.

  Frank took his seat at the table, and Mark placed a bottle of single-malt whisky down next to him, further to his opponent's delight.

  "Are you sure you want to go through with this Claire?" He asked impassively, his speech seeming slightly slurred. "If you want to chicken out, I'll understand."

  Claire was heartened by this and saw it as a sign of weakness on Frank's part. Obviously, he wanted her to back out, as he was scared of losing in the cold light of day, she assured herself.

  "I'm going to take your business, your home, and your woman Gant. I'm going to chew you up, and spit you out, like the vermin you are."

  Claire's words angered Frank, but he had succeeded in doing what he had intended, by giving Claire false hope, and making her believe he wanted out. Mark opened the scotch, and poured Frank a good-sized shot.

  Linda, a stern-looking woman in her forties, manoeuvred her wheelchair up to the poker table and placed two contracts down for both parties to sign. She had been there earlier to meet Claire's lawyer, and together they had listed
both sets of assets and drawn up the paperwork. She had informed Frank that what they were doing probably wouldn't stand up in court if Frank won, and took everything from Claire, or vice versa. This gave Frank a certain degree of re-assurance, just in case he did lose. Once the forms had been signed, Linda placed them in her case, and pushed herself back into the shadows with the two henchmen to await the start of the game. She had been a lifelong polio sufferer, and now spent practically all of her life confined to a wheelchair. She had been recommended by Duncan Fraser, who represented Frank at his trial a few years earlier, and ever since taking her on, Frank had been more than impressed with Linda's vast legal knowledge and sharp, articulate wit.

  They decided to play with chips to the value of 1000 each, winner take all. The atmosphere was tense and smoke-filled. Claire had her entourage sitting close behind her. This included her husband, Walter, her own lawyer, and a couple of the regular doormen. Pauline, meanwhile seemed uncertain where to nail her colours and flitted around nervously, to Frank's annoyance.

  A croupier dealt the first cards, two apiece and face down. Frank folded. The same thing happened in the next round, with Claire doing the same thing. On the third game she went in with a hundred. Frank followed and raised after the 'Flop', where three cards are dealt face up. Claire raised again and Frank folded. It went on like this for a while, with Claire seemingly having the upper hand, bluffing and placing high bets.

  Frank knew it would be like this and played into it. In the next game he got a king and queen of diamonds. He didn't raise however, and let Claire carry on in her set pattern.

  She went in with a hundred again, and Frank followed, after hesitating. When the flop came, the cards were kind to Frank, a three and a ten of diamonds, plus the king of hearts. He just needed one more diamond for a flush. But even if he didn't get the hand he wanted, he was still holding a formidable pair of kings, and with the possibility of getting another.

  The 'turn' came which featured an ace of clubs. This made Frank nervous. He saw her shift in her chair, and take a drink. He suspected she had a pair of aces - not good for him. The situation got more tense, and Frank felt himself sweating, which he was pleased about, as it would give Claire the impression he was under pressure. He gulped at his whiskey, and looked to be like he was stalling.

  Meanwhile, Claire glanced around at her husband, and gave him a knowing smile, before sitting back in her chair.

  Frank had been right, she was holding a pair of aces, and still with another card to come, she was smug and confident, and was enjoying seeing Frank squirming.

  Had she been the judge of character, she thought she was, she would have seen through Frank's trickery, and would have known he was feigning drunkenness. In fact, the so-called whiskey he was drinking was nothing more than cold tea that he had prepared earlier. He was completely sober, and hadn't had a drink at all that day. It was all part of his rouse to lead Claire into a false sense of security, but Frank was by no means home and dry yet. Unknown to him, he needed to improve his hand, as at the moment, his pair of kings wouldn't beat Claire's pair of aces.

  He nodded to the dealer, who then dealt the 'river', and final card.

  He swallowed hard as the card was turned upwards on the green baize table for all to see. Claire gulped, and felt her heart racing. It was unbearable, and she wanted to finish it while she had the chance. She went 'all-in', her hand hadn't been improved by the last card, but she still sensed her pair of aces would be more than enough to destroy Frank.

  There was another delay as Frank assessed the situation he was in. The final card had been the king of spades, which now meant he had three kings - good enough to beat Claire. He got up and paced the floor, much to Claire's enjoyment. He would join her shortly, and go all-in, but he wanted to prolong her suffering by making her believe he was beaten.

  "Take your time Frank, a bit scared are we? Poor Frankie boy!" She laughed loudly.

  Everyone's eyes were now back on Frank, who was still acting like he was dead and buried. All of Claire's chips were on the table, goading him into taking action - if he dare.

  Frank eventually sat back down, poured himself another large 'whiskey' and downed it in one.

  "All-in!" He suddenly called out, with an air of authority, while glaring straight at Claire, both their eyes still hidden behind dark glasses. He then pushed his remaining chips into the centre of the table, and sat back to await his fate.

  "You're a bloody loser, Gant!" She grinned, fingering her two cards confidently.

  "There's only one loser here, you bitch, and it's certainly not me." He hissed, laying his two cards down for all to see.

  The dealer looked up at Frank, before turning to Claire, who now showed her hand.

  "Three kings beats two aces," said the dealer, with no expression on his face.

  There was a moment of silence as Claire let the reality of what had just happened slowly sink in. She had just lost her nightclub to Frank in one single poker game. It was surreal, and she couldn't quite take it on board. Walter moved forward to comfort his wife, while the two doorman, expecting trouble took a few steps closer.

  Frank motioned for his own men to make their presence felt, and indicated to Mark, to bring the two contracts. As this was happening, they heard a loud, gut-wrenching scream, and looked on in silence as Claire slumped forward, her head cradled in her hands. She was now making a low sobbing sound, and seemed to be gasping for breath.

  Walter placed his arm around his wife, and was about to sit down beside her, when Claire suddenly leapt up, pushed him away violently, before turning to Frank.

  "Ok, Frank - you've had your little game. Now let's all have a drink. I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement about this."

  Frank took the contracts from Mark, and removed his sunglasses. Claire noticed how clear and steely blue his eyes were, and immediately realised he was sober, and she had been duped.

  Ignoring Claire, Frank turned to Mark, "Get me a real drink, it's time to celebrate. I've never owned a nightclub before!"

  Claire took off her glasses, and now moved towards Frank, she hated to be ignored.

  "You can't be serious, Frank? It was all just a bit off fun."

  "You signed the contract Claire." Replied Frank, sarcastically, taking out a huge cigar from his inside pocket. "If you had won, you wouldn't have shown me any mercy - so, I'll show you none."

  "Frank, please, let's talk. This is our business, our home. It's all we've got." Begged Claire, clasping her hands together. I'll do whatever you want."

  "Will you Claire?" He smirked, before blowing a cloud of cigar smoke into her face. "Well, I'll tell you what you can do, you can take your arsehole of a husband, and get out of my nightclub - now!"

  "But Frank, this is our life's business, we can't just move out overnight, like it was a bed and breakfast?" Claire began to sob harder, and the tears could clearly be seen streaming down her face.

  Frank moved up close, and put his face into hers.

  "I said I want you out. Are you fucking deaf as well as ugly?" He then turned to Pauline, who was skulking in the shadows. "It's decision time. You go with her, or stay with me. Personally, I don't give a shit."

  It was Linda who finally butted in.

  "Frank, please - leave the details to me. I'll sort everything out, besides there's still some issues I need to talk over with Claire."

  Frank seemed happy with that, and began to walk towards the door with an arrogant swagger. He was looking forward to some unfinished business with Anne, but first he wanted to celebrate.

  "Come on boys, let's go down to the club and I'll introduce you to your new female colleagues. We're in the nightclub business now!"



  It was a chilly January morning, and Lizzie had been the first to arrive at the boutique. Business had been going well recently meaning she now had to arrive that much earlier to prepare, check and ensure orders went out on time. Sally would arriv
e a little later, once she'd got the two older children off to school and had dropped off Penny at the childminder's.

  Although she was wearing a maxi-skirt, boots and a tight woollen sweater, it felt freezing in the shop, and Lizzie immediately went into the small kitchen area to make herself a cup of coffee. She then went out to the workshop, where most of the dressmaking took place and put on the electric fire. The main shop was equally cold, but as she wouldn't be opening until nine, it could remain like that for the time being.

  The current style for many young women during those days were Trevira skirts and suits, with knee-length platform boots. Lizzie absolutely hated the Trevira range with a vengeance, simply because she was working with polyester. However, she persevered with the order hoping to get a foothold, then perhaps later she could present the client with something a little more in keeping with her own creative style.

  She began inspecting the garments on the rails and hoped to have them ready for Jeremy to collect at 08.30. Jeremy, William's former business partner regularly volunteered his services to the boutique by delivering orders to local customers. He never charged anything to do this, and Sally always felt it was because he had a crush on Lizzie, who would often receive a single red rose in the post, delivered to the shop. It was always anonymous, and simply signed with three kisses in the form of X's. However, for reasons of his own, Jeremy never seemed to take things a step further which mystified Sally. Lizzie seemed totally oblivious to any attention Jeremy showed her, and dismissed Sally's theory out of hand.

  She had practically finished checking the last of the skirts when Jeremy arrived. He was a good six inches shorter than William, and showed signs of premature balding. Jeremy would be the first to admit that he never turned heads where women were concerned. But, he did possess a sharp wit and had an easy-going nature which many found agreeable.

  "Lizzie, I've got you alone at last!" He laughed as she led him into the back room.

  "I warn you now, Jeremy - I'm not a morning person, so don't expect too much of me!" Came the curt reply. Lizzie could be moody and opinionated, and when she didn't like something or someone, she soon made her feelings known. But, Jeremy's effervescent character and disarming smile soon had her softening her stance.


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