Unveiling the Sorceress

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Unveiling the Sorceress Page 7

by Saskia Walker

  The naked woman caressed it lovingly in her hand and thanked her sister, who was walking away and out of his field of vision.

  Seeing the woman handle the object like that made him mutter to the gods under his breath. He pressed one hand hard against the thudding base of his own cocked phallus, his eyes closing.

  A moment later, he heard a noise and scampering footsteps. His eyes flashed open, his breath caught in his chest. The woman had moved from her place on the bed. She was running directly at him, toward the bathing chamber. The amethyst was held aloft, her breasts bouncing gently as she ran. Instinctively, he tried to hide, squeezing himself behind the door and into the niche afforded by the door's hinges. He closed his eyes, trying to wish away the telltale bulge below his belt. He heard her naked feet whisper lightly across the flagstones and opened his eyes, cautiously.

  She was standing beside the stone bench, faced away from him. She poured oil from the jug he had left standing there, running it over the carved phallus in her hand. She placed the jug down, a throaty chuckle in her voice as she ran the glistening object between her opulent breasts and over her nipples. Then she turned and ran from the room again.

  She hadn't seen him.

  He breathed a deep sigh of relief and took up his former viewing point, where he quickly found he couldn't maintain the position for long because of his extreme state of arousal. It was long enough to see her taking her place on the edge of the bed, facing his direction, and long enough to witness the gleaming head of the carved amethyst being pushed deep within her thighs. Long enough to see it disappear into the soft down surrounding her secret channel. Long enough to her hear pleasured gasps, and just long enough to see her lie back on the bed and manipulate the lucky object inside her secret flesh, thrusting it in and out with gusto. Then it was too much.

  He drew back, turning away, but he couldn't help himself and had to remedy his own pain by taking matters into his own hands. Reaching beneath his tunic, he held and rubbed his phallus hard, erupting violently against his fingers moments later, his thighs shuddering under him just as the sound of her delighted moans and cry of release reached him.

  His chest thudded and he struggled to gather himself and hide what he had done. When he'd removed the evidence and regained his composure, he sat down on the bench. Dropping his head, he rested his forehead on his hands, his mind awash with images of himself engaged in extreme debauchery with the twins, several years of careful training cast aside in a matter of moments.

  * * * *

  Elishiba decided to pass the requisite time by claiming a few moments for herself in the courtyard gardens. A stone seat placed beneath the trailing jasmine was a spot she often frequented when she needed some solitude. She surely needed that now.

  Yoshi's words were still echoing in her mind. Of course, Yoshi had been known to be wrong in her predictions, but that was usually when eager subjects pressed her for information. These thoughts had appeared to come readily, and Yoshi seemed to be so sure about her predictions on the matter. The things she had said about Amshazar tumbled through Elishiba's thoughts like vivid acrobats vying for her attention, tugging it this way and that.

  Amshazar. Since their first meeting he was never far from her mind.

  Yoshi had implied ... well, she had stated there would be something between them, but surely that could not be? Elishiba had felt an attraction the night before, and it must be that Yoshi had sensed, she rationalized, in an attempt to keep a level head. But what of the other things Yoshi had said, about his influence in her life? What did it all mean, and how could she begin to use the information if she didn't have the first clue what it meant?

  Before she had time to consider the issue further, something captured her attention—something that threw her into a deeper quandary.

  Amshazar himself was approaching.

  His tall, imposing figure moved silently through the courtyard, his hands folded behind him, his gaze fixed on her, his expression gently enquiring. When he saw she had noticed him, he nodded in her direction.

  She forced herself to breathe and inclined her head in response.

  His dark good looks drew her attention as if she were tethered by rope. His bearing was equally impressive, his fine figure moving toward her with a self-assured charm that made her blood heat. Anticipation trickled through her and she altered her position so that she might invite him to rest a while by her side. They could chat. She would ask him if he was comfortable in the apartments that he and Sibias had been allocated.

  Glancing back, she noticed he had paused on his approach and turned to greet another—Yoshi had emerged from a doorway and was now busy conversing with him.

  "Gods above,” she murmured, “that woman is sure to make trouble for me, meddling as she does in my affairs."

  Elishiba tried not to look directly at them, lest they sense her annoyance. However, out of the corner of her eye she could see Yoshi was chattering at speed, seemingly relaxed in the stranger's company. Whatever it was she said to him, he smiled and glanced in Elishiba's direction. The pair set off again, together, walking toward her like two old friends.

  At that moment, Elishiba caught sight of another figure emerging from the palace, further along the path. It was Sibias, and he was advancing quickly, seemingly at great haste to join the others in their approach.

  It was all she could do not to stare at the sight of the three of them closing on her supposed moment of solitude with varying degrees of speed.

  Gods above. She was entitled to a few moments for herself, surely? She shifted on the seat, intent on looking disinterested, trying to ignore the annoying voice in her head that pointed out it was not Amshazar who had provoked this response, only the additional presence of the other two.

  Amshazar paused and bowed. “Empress Elishiba."

  Sibias caught him up and did the same, panting and holding his robes in place, casting a dismissive glance at Amshazar as he did so. That these two supposed allies were at odds was patently obvious. She noticed, too, that Sibias looked quite comical, with his robes askew and his long and complicated beard parted by the breeze of his hasty approach.

  Yoshi made a great show of taking up the seat by her mistress's side and folded her arms over her ample bosom, looking Sibias up and down as if eager to see him off.

  Amshazar smiled at Elishiba. It was both an intimate bond with her and a silent, amused remark on the situation.

  She returned the smile. She couldn't help herself. “Good day. I trust you fare well in our care?"

  Sibias opened his mouth to respond but Amshazar had her attention. “You offer an oasis of calm and beauty in troubled times,” he said. “How can we not fare well, resting as we do amidstt such exquisite grace?"

  His expression was as knowing as it had been the night before, and she sensed an undercurrent of meaning in his words that touched the very core of her womanhood. Heat pooled between her thighs. Her breath came uneasily, as if it were trapped in her throat. Her heart beat ever faster, tight as a goatskin drum pounding within her chest.

  She felt Yoshi moving at her side and the quick nudge of her elbow prompting her to reply.

  "That pleases me,” she responded, her voice a whisper, her chin dropping and her gaze shifting away from his.

  Sibias butted in. “Might I enquire if the Empress is ready for her tutoring?"

  Elishiba's head snapped up, her mood altering immediately. “Tutoring?"

  Sibias had a superior look on his face. He tugged his beard into place, his mouth pursed. “It is necessary for you to undergo some instruction in the ways of our land. It is part of the reason for our presence."

  Not only was his tone condescending, his comment was a rude reminder of what was ahead. She disliked him more with each passing moment. Where Amshazar was seductive and charming, this man was simply overbearing. Both of them sought the same ends, however: to manipulate her. Despite Amshazar's obvious charms, she would not forget that, she vowed it, for did not his more
subtle charms surely made him the more dangerous of the two?

  "I will give you your audience tomorrow."

  "Thank you, Empress.” It was Amshazar who spoke, bowing and taking her cue to leave, ignoring Sibias's low grumble and his thwarted expression, as he gestured the older man along the path.

  "What were you saying to him?” Elishiba whispered to Yoshi, as soon as the two men had walked away and were out of earshot.

  "I asked him if he were lost and then I offered to lead him to his destination.” Yoshi gave Elishiba a sidelong glance, which only confirmed her mischievous intent.

  Elishiba threw her hands up in annoyance. “Isn't it enough that I have to spend my last precious days in Suzin being tutored by him? I certainly don't want to prolong the contact by seeing him walk in my favored courtyards."

  Yoshi raised her eyebrows. “It was for that reason I offered to guide him elsewhere, but your comment shows me he has indeed caught your eye. You didn't even mention the old goat who was following him.” She laughed and poked her mistress in the side. “Admit it,” she demanded.

  "Ach. Leave me be.” Elishiba rested back on the seat, annoyed with herself.

  Yoshi chuckled on, but she was right. Elishiba had hoped to speak with him alone. It was for a good reason—to learn whether she should fear him and banish this growing attraction before it took hold of her. Wasn't it?

  "You will do better to approach the tasks ahead with more self-honesty, my dear child.” Yoshi patted Elishiba's hand. “You will see, soon enough."

  Elishiba muttered to herself, annoyed. Yoshi was the only person who could reach her like this, not even her beloved Father could make her admit to her misgivings and her deep-seated fears.

  After a moment she sighed, then nestled closer.

  Yoshi put an arm around her shoulders.

  Somehow admitting her fears to herself let them wash over her and away for a few moments, which allowed her a moment of comfort. They sat that way for some time. Then Yoshi spoke again.

  "You must be prepared for more of this ahead ... there will be many adversaries vying for your attention. Each has their plan to fulfill. It will be for you to choose the best path to follow for your own purposes."

  She gave her mistress a comforting squeeze. “It will be hard, very hard, I warrant you that, and there will be many dark moments ahead, moments of pain and anger.” She tensed and shifted uneasily. “But you will find a way to come through this, and triumph."

  Elishiba pulled back. Yoshi's eyes had an overcast look about them that unsettled her. “Can't you tell me more? So many riddles. They only serve to confuse me."

  Yoshi shook her head. “The visions are cloudy."

  Her tone was evasive, but Elishiba knew from past experience there was no point in pushing her. If she had something to say, she said it.

  Yoshi patted her hand. “Know this. You will understand soon."

  Elishiba nodded. “I fear you are right about how difficult this will be, I only hope you're right about the end result. Now, I suppose I must go and see how the twins have fared with Kerr. We need at least one true ally in this affair."

  Yoshi's dark eyes began to twinkle again. “Oh, you will have your ally in him, believe me."

  "The poor young man will be enslaved to Amra and Elra forever, I have no doubt.” Elishiba chuckled and rested a kiss on Yoshi's cheek before she left.

  She paused to inhale the heady scent of the courtyard flowers before returning indoors, and it soothed her. Walking down the shady corridors toward her chambers, she was about to turn the final corner when a voice drew her attention.

  "Empress Elishiba?"

  Drawing to a sudden halt, she saw Amshazar standing in the shadows of a side passage. His eyes were almost totally concealed in the darkness, and yet he seemed to be scrutinizing her. He'd been waiting there for her, she was sure, emerging now that she passed. Glancing ahead, she could see around the corner to where the sentry guarded her chambers. A shout would have the soldier by her in seconds.

  She stood her ground.

  Amshazar stepped out of the shadows.

  How at ease he was, she noted, as he walked toward her. His bearing was almost noble, and yet she sensed no falseness in his manner. Sudden, dangerous curiosity fired her blood as he drew close. “Are you in need of assistance?"

  "Forgive me for startling you by my approach,” he said. “You were concerned about the tutoring Sibias suggested. I felt I should speak to you on the matter, privately."

  She was bemused by his remark. “I am concerned, yes. Should I not be?"

  He gave a quiet chuckle. “Empress, you are understandably wary of us. The history is difficult to overcome.” He gave a quick smile. “I only wish to put your concerns to rest."

  "Go on.” She lifted her eyebrows in enquiry, and waited for him to continue. His very proximity drew her into dangerous games. She knew she should just walk away, but there was something so very compelling about him. It would not allow her to pass up the chance to speak with him alone.

  "Sibias plans to discuss the customs of Karseedia, to prepare you.” He paused, deliberately. “For my own part, I have my duty to my friend, Hanrah, to fulfill.” His voice was a low whisper, and he stepped closer again. He had only to reach out his hand, and he could touch her.

  Her heart raced.

  "I also wish to know you better,” he added.

  His simple, bold statement startled her. She glanced at the sentry down the corridor, then back. “Why would you wish to do that?"

  He smiled, one corner of his mouth lifting. It was dangerously seductive. “Curiosity rises between us, teasing us both, does it not?"

  There was no mistaking his meaning, and she could not hide her surprise. Her lips parted, her breath coming ever quicker.

  "I am curious about all things,” she retorted. Heat rose in her face. Even if she had wanted to, she could not have walked away. The intimate nature of his bold stare made her skin tingle with awareness. Her lips parted as she looked at the firm line of his mouth, unbidden desire for his kisses coursing through her.

  Then suddenly, and without warning, his eyes shuttered and he drew back, glancing around as if he thought they were being watched.

  "Please, be assured that I wish you no harm,” he whispered. “Quite the opposite, in fact.” He bowed his head and made a hasty departure, his final, fleeting smile leaving her wavering unsteadily.

  Only then did Elishiba become aware of footsteps echoing down the corridor beyond them. The palace guards were changing over and a group of ten men had marched to her chambers to relieve the sentry there. It was an unusual sight. Her rooms normally went unguarded, but she'd been glad of it just then. Her father had insisted her chambers be kept secure with so many strangers in their midst.

  She gathered herself and continued on her original path, but as she did she heard footsteps scuttling away down a corridor to the left. Glancing after the sound as she passed, she saw a figure hurrying away from the scene. Was that why Amshazar had gone, she wondered? Had he seen someone else nearby? Not the guards, as she had originally thought?

  The person glanced back over his shoulder before he disappeared round another corner. It was a young man and his face looked familiar to her, but at first she could not immediately place him amongst those that she knew. One of the nubiles, she realized, the confident one. Patrino, was it? Yes.

  Had he heard her conversation with Amshazar? Had he, in fact, been spying on her? It was possible that one or all of the nubiles had been trained to do just that, although she sensed no hidden purpose in Kerr. Perhaps Patrino was on his way somewhere, but why did he run away when she saw him, if that was the case?

  She continued quickly on to her private rooms, thankful to be inside when the door closed behind her. She would ask about the other three nubiles, find out why Patrino was wandering the palace and acting in such a suspicious way. And Amshazar? He had said he meant no harm. How readily could she trust that?

cannot even trust myself, when he is near,” she reflected wryly. He stirred inappropriate desires in her; desires that she should quickly stifle if she were to keep a level head.

  Locking away the encounter with Amshazar for later consideration, she took a moment to quell her chaotic thoughts before pressing on with the task at hand. The main rooms were empty, so she went to the bathing room.

  Kerr sat forlornly by the pool.

  He lifted his head expectantly when she entered. Seeing who it was, his concerned expression broke into a gentle smile.

  No, she sensed no ulterior motive in him. “I am sorry, Kerr, you have been very patient. We will have to continue another time after all."

  He nodded and stood up silently. He looked quite pale, she noticed, and there was a small frown furrowing his brow. After a moment of hesitancy, he walked over to join her at the door.

  She led him into the bedchamber and stood in the center of the room, between him and the open door beyond. His exit was clear and marked out for him. He hesitated, and she saw his eyes dart over to the bed, which was empty save for twisted and abandoned sheets, and a heavy jeweled box.

  She could not restrain her smile. The plot had come to an auspicious conclusion. His attention had surely been harnessed. He shook himself out of his reverie and made ready to leave her company, politely offering his services at any time she needed him. She noticed the pout of desire that projected his lower lip, ever so slightly. When his time to choose came, he would be eager to stay, she had no doubt.

  She put a thoughtful hand on his arm, making ready to open the path to him. “Oh, and when you return to the servants’ quarters you must ask the housekeeper to show you where Amra and Elra's chamber is, when it is time to dine. You must spend more time with them and be guided by them, for they are your kin now."

  If she had doubted the sisters’ power to entrance the young man, that doubt was dismissed when realization dawned over his expression. He smiled widely at her statement, and it was as if sunlight had suddenly poured into a long-darkened room.


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