More Flirting Games (The Flirting Series - Young Adult)

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More Flirting Games (The Flirting Series - Young Adult) Page 7

by Stella Wilkinson

  “Sure, Ok.” Diana’s smile broadened “He will want to find you, Rose.” She watched Rose pull her boots back on, pick up her bag and then panic! She pulled a brush through her hair, looked in the mirror, picked up lip-gloss and put it down again, picked up perfume. She looked at Diana.

  Diana shook her head. “Just go, I’ll go and talk to him now.”

  Sitting on the dusty sofa in the attic over the art studio, Rose looked toward the dark stairs. It was dusk and would be dark soon. She had lit the lamp on the side table and enjoyed the comforting glow and the little warmth it gave off.

  It was soon totally dark, the rooms below her had emptied out and Rose was beginning to think he wasn’t coming when she heard footsteps below her.

  He creaked open the door and ascended the stairs. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking; his eyes were bright in the lamplight. He was by her side in two long strides, gathered her body against his and kissed her till she was breathless.

  “I love you.” He whispered.

  She held him tightly. “I love you, too.” She never wanted to let go of him again.

  A long time later, well after curfew, they still lay on the sofa in each other’s arms.

  “We still have one more hurdle to overcome” Rose said with a note of warning in her voice.

  “Oh yes? What?” Leo trailed his fingers across her bare stomach.

  “How the hell are we going to tell our parents?”


  On Valentine’s Day two weeks later, Rose reveled in the enormous luxury of sitting on a sofa in the West Tower Common Room, chatting with her friends and being able to enjoy having her boyfriend’s arm openly around her shoulders. She and Leo had decided to put off telling their parents at least until the end of term, but it was great to be able to be openly together at school. Extra armchairs had been pulled up to accommodate Leo and Diana into their sofa group.

  Sophie and Grace were talking about boys. Not remotely put off by the presence of Leo and Alex, they had openly discussed who they currently liked, who might like them and what their favorite boy band might be doing that night.

  “So who got cards and who did everyone send a Valentines Day card to?” Sophie asked the group at large. “I’m not counting you two.” She wagged her finger at Leo and Rose. “You’re enough to make the rest of us feel sick. How about you Grace?”

  Grace pulled a face. “Pass. I’m not telling.”

  “Oh, so you did send one?” Sophie looked delighted. “Alex? What about you?”

  Alex blushed and muttered “Pass!”

  Sophie rolled her eyes. “You lot are useless.” Her eyes hovered on Diana who looked terrified she might be asked next. Sophie smiled at her and let her off the hook. “Well, I got three this year.” She continued cheerfully.

  “I think you might find it’s four.” Said Rose looking at the door. Sophie turned following Rose’s eyes. A nervous looking first year stood there, holding six long stemmed Calla Lilies.

  “They’re not for me, I’ve never seen that kid before. Though Calla Lilies are my absolute favorite.” Sophie broke off as the kid in question made his way over to them.

  “Are you Sophie Jones?” He asked her. Sophie nodded looking confused.

  “These were delivered to the front door for you.” He thrust the lilies into her arms and scurried away.

  Sophie looked stunned. “Who on Earth?” She started. Rose leaned forward, plucked a small envelope from the cellophane wrapping and held it out. Sophie took it and slid it open. The simple card inside read:

  Forgive me? Jack x

  Grace frowned but Rose laughed at the dumfounded look on Sophie’s face.

  “You told him didn’t you!” Sophie accused. “You must have told him they were my favorite flowers? When? How? What did he say?” She gabbled totally thrown by the development.

  Rose nodded. “He rang me a couple of days ago. He told me everything, by the way. How could you not have told me that the two of you hooked up?”

  “Well, hello pot, this is the kettle calling.” Sophie nodded towards Leo.

  Rose laughed. “Yeah, ok fair enough, I should have told you about Leo, but you should have told me about Jack months and months ago! I gave him a proper dressing down.”

  “So he sent these because he feels guilty?” Sophie felt the wind go out of her sails.

  Rose shook her head. “I don’t think so. He was already planning it when he rang me, he just rang to ask about what flowers to send. But I hope you’re going to tell him to get lost anyway? I told him I was going to advise you to totally ignore him.”

  Grace nodded in agreement. “See, isn’t that just what I said, Soph? Don’t let him get under your defenses, he doesn’t deserve another chance.”

  Sophie looked depressed. “He doesn’t actually say he wants another chance, only to forgive him. That’s not exactly flirtatious or expecting anything is it?”

  Rose leaned forward and put her hand on Sophie’s knee. “Seriously Soph, I think he’s been a total prat. He doesn’t deserve you. You’ve got to move on and focus on someone else. Jack isn’t the boyfriend type, he’s probably sleeping with loads of girls at Uni. Don’t let him use you again, promise me?”

  “I totally agree. You are absolutely not allowed to call him. I will personally take away your phone and sit on you if you are remotely tempted.” Grace said forcefully.

  “Thanks.” Sophie said sadly. “You’re good friends. I do know that he’ll only hurt me, I just like him soo much!”

  “Jack’s selfish, he never considers other peoples feelings.” Alex chimed in with surprising anger. “On the other hand, I’ve never known him to send flowers before.”

  Sophie stroked a petal. It was just so thoughtful to ring and ask Rose what flowers she would like best. Especially as he must have known Rose would give him a roasting. But her friends were right. She had to ignore his gesture. No good could come of it.


  The whole school seemed griped with Valentine’s Day fever. The fact it had fallen on a Saturday this year meant that the school had actually agreed to a Valentine’s disco and everyone was a bit over excited. First, second and third year pupils had the Main Hall from six until eight pm, then years four and over had the room from eight until ten pm. Most of the older kids wouldn’t even make an appearance until around nine.

  Ellie Parkhurst and Flora Kincaid were in Year Four, but Ellie’s boyfriend, Nate, was in Year Six, so they were planning to show up late. It was a great relief to them that they had been bunched in with the Upper School, which usually only included years five to seven.

  Ellie was hugely enjoying getting ready for the disco, but Flora was a bundle of nerves. Flora was madly in love with Ellie’s boyfriend’s best friend, Gabriel Brenner. The trouble was that there were a lot of reasons why Gabriel would never notice her. Gabriel was two years older than Flora, he was by far the most handsome boy in the whole school, he already had a girlfriend who was a model and not a schoolgirl, and he was damn elusive and unfriendly!

  Ellie had done her best to help Flora to get Gabriel to notice her. She had badgered Nate into arranging things that the four of them could do together, but Nate was not keen on being helpful. He claimed that Gabriel’s girlfriend was great and they were good together and so he had point blank refused to talk to Gabriel about Flora or be involved in any of Ellie’s plans to separate Gabriel from Vanessa.

  The only recourse left to Ellie and Flora was to try to get Gabriel to notice Flora on his own. This had worked for Ellie when she had wanted Nate to notice her, but it was not working now. Firstly, since Gabriel had become involved in the Year Six School Play, he was rarely to be found in the Games Room or at any other evening activity, and secondly, he generally ignored Ellie and Flora when forced into their company. He was polite, but distant, and preferred talking to his male friends than flirting with girls. It was all very frustrating.

  But tonight was the Valentine’s disco and Flora was determin
ed to look as good as she possibly could in the hopes that he might finally notice her. She and Ellie had been to the chemist in Oakworth, the local village, and bought some make-up. Ellie had done her best to give Flora a makeover and Flora was quite pleased with the results. Her long blond hair had been brushed and curled and bounced around her shoulders, she was wearing a new mini skirt with her long boots, and a bright pink top that matched her new lipstick. She was feeling more confident than ever before and really looking forward to the disco.


  Gabriel was in a seriously foul mood. Angry, hurt, depressed and another helping of angry. He’d just rung Vanessa to see if she liked the gifts he’d sent her for Valentine’s Day, only to discover that she had left the hotel she was supposed to be staying at and moved into another one, three days ago. She’d forgotten or just not bothered to tell him.

  Vanessa was working in Los Angeles on a modeling shoot and they had agreed that the distance was too far for them to try to get together for the night. He couldn’t leave school for longer than just the weekend anyway. She was supposed to be staying at the Hilton but she had just blithely told him she was now at the Excelsior, where she had moved to be closer to her friend Frances. She and Frances were going to a party together that night. He had heard her mention Frances a few times before and always assumed she was a female friend. Tonight he had discovered that Frances was in fact Francis. A male friend, who often escorted her out and about. A huge row had ensued and in the end he had told her that if she spent Valentine’s Day with Francis then their relationship was over. She told him not to be such a child, and that as her boyfriend was always at school he couldn’t expect her not to lead the life of a grownup in his absence. He had told her to go and live it without him then and hung up.

  He was tempted to walk out of school and go and get a flight to L.A. and punch Francis’ lights out. But what good would it do? It wouldn’t make things better with Vanessa and the school would not take it well. He could leave permanently if he wanted to, he was old enough, but he had wanted to stay the extra year to get involved in the Year Six play. There would be a lot of parents attending who had jobs that might help him if he could come to their attention. Being an actor was the most important thing in the world to him but he didn’t want to rush off and sign up with an agency, he wanted to do it properly, he wanted a place at a stage school. The best way to get one would be to get excellent grades in his A-Levels at the end of Year Seven and then apply. He wasn’t sure he could wait that long, especially with all the extra pressure from Vanessa, but now that he had secured the lead role in the Year Six play he knew it had been worth staying for.

  So he ditched the idea of chasing after Vanessa and decided instead to be tough about it. Everyone always said he was a cold hearted bastard, and it was true that he let very few people get close to him. Nate, Vanessa and his younger brother were probably the only people he truly cared about. No, not the only people, he loved his father very much, but he could never forgive him for remarrying after his mother passed away. They had never been close again after that.

  So what would a cold hearted bastard do? He would screw someone else and Vanessa would never hear from him again.

  He walked into the school disco projecting an outward appearance of being calm. It was pathetic still being at school, no wonder Vanessa was embarrassed by it. The school disco was a joke too. He sneered with contempt at the gaudy valentines decorations. He was here only for one purpose. To find a girl and use her to wipe all thoughts of Vanessa from his mind.

  He spotted Nate sitting with Ellie and her friend. Nate nodded at him to come over but he was in no mood to be around the happy couple. His eyes settled on the sleek blond hair of Sophie Jones. She was single, as far as he knew. She had lovely long legs and generous curves. Yes, she could warm his cold heart. He swept past Nate, Ellie and Flora without a second look and went over to where Sophie was chatting with Grace Porter.

  Flora had steeled herself to at least speak with Gabriel tonight, but one look at his icy eyes and disdainful expression and she had chickened out. She could tell he was in a bad mood. He was clearly pretending not to be, but his lips were tight and his jaw was clenched. She hoped he was ok. It was killing her watching him chat up Sophie and she longed to be able to smooth away his stress, but he would bite her head off if she tried to flirt with him tonight. Oh well. She had made all this effort, she might as well practice some flirting with someone else, maybe the disco could still be fun. Flora determinedly smiled brightly and within minutes a boy from her year had asked her to dance.

  Gabriel smiled ruefully as he watched Sophie check her phone for third time since they’d started chatting. What an arrogant sod he was, he thought. He’d expected her to be flattered by his attention and be a total push over. He knew he was handsome, he saw no point in pretending otherwise, but though Sophie was clearly enjoying his efforts to be charming, he could tell that her attention was really elsewhere. He decided to leave her to it.

  He wondered why he didn’t feel more depressed about it. He’d struck out tonight with Vanessa and now Sophie. But in his heart he knew he didn’t want to sleep with Sophie, he wanted Vanessa. Paying her back was not going make him happier. He would be better off being around his mates and just preying that she and Francis really were just friends, as she had insisted. Not that it mattered anymore, since they’d split up, but he felt sick at the thought of her spending the night with someone else. Rather ironic, as he had nearly done the same himself. Oh well, he would find Nate and exert himself to be nice to the girls. That Flora had a sweet smile, he could let her gentle and cheerful personality sooth him a little.


  Sophie didn’t know how she knew, as her phone was on silent, but she sensed it the minute Jack texted her. She was at the disco but had brought her phone in a small handbag.

  Did you get the flowers? Jack

  She’d promised her friends that she wouldn’t contact him, but really she felt now that she should have let him know they had arrived. The lilies would have been pretty expensive. Surely it was rude not to at least acknowledge receipt? He only wanted to know that they had arrived, it wasn’t like she was starting anything with him.

  She was having a great time being chatted up by Gabriel Brenner but the temptation to keep reading the text message kept pulling at her. Gabriel was amazing looking and it was very flattering to be the object of his attention, but her heart was elsewhere. Still, she reasoned, the girls had told her to move on, and she was loving all the jealous looks she was getting. Gabriel hardly ever bothered to chat anyone up, she was fairly sure he had a girlfriend who didn’t go to their school, but maybe they had broken up. Anyway, she basked in his smooth charm for half an hour before she literally couldn’t hang on another minute to text Jack back.

  Sophie glanced over at Rose and Leo, they were so obviously in love. They couldn’t stop touching each other. Even though at that moment they were talking to completely different people, she could see their fingers entwined under the table. At least they would never notice her leaving. But she knew that Grace would confiscate her phone the minute she told her that Jack had texted her, so instead she said she had a headache and was going up to their room to get some painkillers. She half wished she’d told Grace, but she needed to do this or she would never be able to move on.

  Sat on her bed she took a deep breath. If he didn’t reply within ten minutes then she would go back down to the disco.

  Yes, thank you, the flowers are beautiful. There is nothing to forgive, so please don’t worry about it again. Sophie

  She chewed her thumb for a long minute before he replied.

  I was thinking of visiting Alex and Ellie next weekend, could I take you out for a drink afterwards?

  Her heart thumped, she shut her eyes looking for inner fortitude.

  I don’t think so, but thanks for asking. She finally put.

  Dinner then?

  Why hadn’t he offered dinner the first time
she wondered? He obviously thought she was just playing hard to get. Was she? No. She had to have some self respect and put an end to this.

  I’m busy.

  What about the weekend after? He persisted.

  Sophie felt her defenses wobble. But then she thought of what Grace and Rose would say and she thought of Gabriel. His attention had given her a confidence boost, just what she needed to be strong.

  I’m permanently busy.

  He didn’t respond again. She waited about two minutes before turning her head into her pillow and sobbing her heart out. It was the right thing to do, but it felt oh so wrong.


  Jack was in a bar with several friends and quite a few girls that he had been considering making a move on. Instead he found he was staring at his phone in surprise and wishing he’d sent Sophie flowers months ago. He looked at the girls around him. None of them were a patch on her. He tried to think of something to text back that would make her like him again but he couldn’t think of anything.

  Had he totally blown it? He’d had a really hot, kind, funny, smart girl who was really into him and he’d taken it for granted. She wasn’t playing any kind of flirting game with him; it actually looked as though she didn’t like him anymore.

  He turned as a girl called Kelsey, or something like that, tugged on his arm. He talked to her for a bit but his mind was busy turning over how he was going to win Sophie back. He had thought about her a lot since Christmas and somehow he was suddenly convinced that she might just be the only girl for him. Now he just had to work out what to do about it…




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