Street King

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Street King Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She’d have to be protected and kept safe.

  There’s no way he’d risk her safety.

  He’d listened to her conversation with Emily, even when Hannah had laid her cards on the table. Just as he’d been about to call Emily to order her what to do, he’d watched her go into Hannah’s room and make up. Emily’s actions had saved her in that moment. He wouldn’t hurt her so long as she was doing her job.

  The elevator doors opened, and he watched as Hannah was the first to arrive. He’d already closed all the blinds in his office, giving him privacy.

  She walked over to her desk, and the moment she looked toward him, he saw the frown. She put her bag down and stood in the doorway.

  “You’re back.”

  “I’m back. Come in. Close the door.”

  Hannah didn’t even hesitate. She entered his office. The lamb coming to the slaughter. She had no idea he was the big, bad wolf. He’d worked tirelessly to make sure she never knew the truth. That his identity was kept from her.

  She didn’t know that he’d killed people. Where she’d had a mother who baked and tucked her into bed, he’d fought his way to the top.

  She stepped up to the chair opposite his desk. She wore a pencil skirt that ended at her knees, a white blouse, and small jacket.

  The bra she wore wasn’t padded as he saw the outline of her large nipples pressing against the shirt. He’d watched her dress this morning, her fingers stroking over her body. She’d struggled to sleep each night, and soon he’d put her out of her misery.

  Their first meeting hadn’t gone to plan, but he always intended to get beneath her skin. To become an addiction she couldn’t shake. His touch. His mouth. His cock. He wanted her to worship him the way he did her.

  “How have you been?” she asked.

  “I’ve been well. You?”


  “Come here.” He’d been treating her with kid gloves. That ended now.

  She stepped closer toward him. She stopped at the edge of his desk, and he pointed where he wanted her to stand. Right in front of him with the desk at her back.

  Standing up, she tilted her head back to see him.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked.


  She didn’t even hesitate.

  All of his carefully organized plans were staring him right in the face. “I missed you, too. Lean your ass on my desk.”


  “Do it.”

  She leaned back, her hands going to either side of her. Cupping her face, he pushed some of her locks out of the way. She’d not cut it, and he was damn happy about that. Running his thumb across her bottom lip, he pressed against her mouth and she opened up, sucking on him.

  Pulling his thumb out, he wet her lips. “I’ve been thinking about these lips of yours.” He pressed his to hers, kissing her. She moaned, and he stroked his hands down her body, grazing across her nipples as he did. “Do you know what I think about?”


  “I think about how good it would be to have them wrapped around my cock.” His lips were pressed against her ear.

  She gasped again, her body seeming to jerk as she understood what he was saying. Cupping her tits, he kept her in place. Nowhere to run. “Have you thought about me touching you, Hannah? My mouth on your tits, sucking those big nipples?”

  “West?” She cried out his name as he pinched her nipple. The sound echoed around the room.

  No one was outside yet, not that they’d comment. It wasn’t their place to say shit. They knew their jobs and were doing them well. If they tried to interfere or make Hannah uncomfortable, he’d deal with them. They all knew who he was and what he was capable of doing to them.

  Each of them had secrets they wanted to keep hidden.

  So long as they did what was required of them, he didn’t have a problem. Any of them stepped out of line, he’d step on them. Simple as that.

  Running his hand down her body, he went to the edge of her skirt and started to lift it up. She didn’t fight him.

  She wanted this.

  He’d listened to her need, watched her stroke her pussy to orgasm only to be unsatisfied. He’d gotten so hard watching her play with herself. She’d worn her nightshirt with no panties, and lifted it up, exposing that sexy cunt that he wanted so much.

  Today, he was going to give her the orgasm she’d been craving and that would blow her mind.

  With her skirt around her waist, he cupped her pussy.

  Her panties were already soaking wet, and as he tore them from her, she let out a squeak of protest.

  “I don’t have another pair.”

  “Then you’re going to have to go without.” He touched her naked pussy. She had a small smattering of curls over the lips of her pussy. He didn’t mind those. He’d never seen the appeal of a completely shaved or waxed pussy. When the pubic hair grew back, it always felt and looked wrong to him. A personal preference on his part.

  As he slid a finger between her slit, her mouth opened on another gasp.

  He couldn’t penetrate her today. When he took her hymen, she’d be spread across his bed, legs wide open so he could watch her take him.

  Damn, the thought alone made him want to blow his load right now.

  Teasing around her clit, going in circles then back again, he slid down to her entrance only to pull right back up so he wasn’t tempted to thrust inside her with his fingers.

  “Open your shirt. Show me those tits.”

  Her hands shook as she followed his instructions. The bra she wore had a small catch in the front, which she flicked open. Those full tits spilled forward, and he took one between his teeth, sucking on the flesh.

  “Lean back,” he said.

  There was enough light coming behind for him to see her.

  She leaned back until she was flat on the desk.

  “Put your legs on the desk.”


  “Do it.”

  She didn’t argue with him, putting her legs on the desk.

  Gazing down her body, he looked into her eyes and moved down to her tits, which shook with each of her indrawn breaths. Down he went to her pussy. The skirt was bunched up around her waist.

  The lips of her pussy were plump, open, and he watched his fingers as he teased her clit.

  She was so wet.

  The only reason she was still a virgin was because of him.

  The dates she’d been on ended at his will.

  She’d been his for a long time, and that was never going to change. Pulling his chair closer to him, he sat down and stared at her pussy.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to play.” He gripped her hips and moved her so that she was at the edge of the table. Her legs splayed open as he put her feet on the arms of the chair.

  Spreading her pussy lips, he leaned down and stroked his tongue across her clit. She cried out his name, and he loved hearing that sound. He’d gladly listen to it all day long. He wanted nothing more than to lose himself in her touch.

  Sucking her bud into his mouth, he ran his hands up her body, cupping her tits. She arched up into his hands.

  “You like my tongue on your clit?”


  “You want me to fuck you, Hannah? To show you what I really want to do to you?”

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  He flicked his tongue across, over, and around her clit, drawing out her pleasure. He watched her body, seeing her getting closer to the peak. He held her there, captured, not letting her go until he knew she couldn’t handle anything else. The moment she was ready, he thrust her over the edge and listened to her pleasure as it spilled from her lips.

  She shuddered, pushing her cunt up to his mouth.

  “I can’t take anymore,” she said after just a few seconds of his prolonged teasing.

  He placed a kiss to her clit and stood, pushing the chair out of the way. Opening his belt buckle, he stared into her eyes.r />
  For a split second, he saw the worry staring back at him, but within one blink it was gone, replaced by excitement. She was so easy to read, and he loved watching her. He got off on it.

  Pulling his dick out, he ran his fingers up and down the hard length. Pre-cum oozed out of the tip, and he massaged it into his flesh.

  “I’m not going to fuck you yet. You can relax. When I do take you it’s not going to be in my office. Not the first time.”


  She looked a little disappointed, but he’d make it up to her soon.

  Spreading the lips of her pussy open, he placed his cock against her. She was so wet that he didn’t need to find any extra lube. Up and down, he rubbed his cock all in her cream. Each time he bumped her clit, she gasped.

  It would be so easy to put his cock to her entrance and slide in deep, but he didn’t want to spoil her first time. When he took her, he wanted her to feel every inch of him, to be able to take his time, loving her body, showing her how good it could be between them.

  He wasn’t interested in a quick fuck.

  With his cock between her slit, he leaned over her, slowly moving up and down, careful not to slip inside her. Taking possession of her lips, he kissed her. Her hands sank into his hair, holding him close as he slowly worked his cock.

  Kissing down her body to her neck, he sucked on her pulse, licking down to take one of her nipples into his mouth. He bit down on the flesh and soothed it out with his tongue.

  He wanted inside her. His orgasm was so close, but he stayed in control.

  Once he’d given her other breast attention, he pulled back, grabbed his cock, and started to work it. Staring at her body, knowing she belonged to him, he brought himself close to the edge and finally, looking into her brown eyes, he came, spilling his seed across her pussy and stomach. His orgasm seemed to go on forever. When he finished, he sat back in this chair, staring at her.

  Drops of his cum spilled between her lips, falling to the desk.

  He wondered if a drop of cum fell inside her, if that was enough to make her pregnant. His next plan was to have her bound to him in such a way that she couldn’t disappear.

  Opening his drawer, he took out some tissues and cleaned her up. After he’d wiped his cum from her body, he did the same with his cock, putting himself away. The air was heavy with the scent of sex.

  She didn’t speak, and he wasn’t surprised. She looked taken aback by what happened. Helping her with the skirt then with her shirt, he put her back in order. Her hair was fine. She often left the unruly locks untamed.

  “I don’t know what any of this means,” she said, finally speaking.

  He kissed her lips. “It means you’re mine.”


  “You belong to me. Whatever you want, I’ll do what I can to make sure you have it. Whenever you need me, come to me.”

  “You mean for sex?”

  “And other things. I’m not leaving you alone tonight,” he said. “After work, you’re coming home with me.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “You’re coming home with me.” He tilted her head back with his thumb underneath her chin. “What are you thinking right now?”

  “I don’t think this was a good idea. What if you get bored with me? I like my job.”

  “You will never have to worry about your job, and I won’t ever get bored with you.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Do you trust me?”


  That was her biggest mistake. He wasn’t a man to be trusted.

  “Then know I will do everything in my power to keep you happy.” He kissed her again. “Now, you’re going to need to get some work done. I’ve got a few things to do. For the rest of the day, I want you to think about me. About me being inside you, taking that sweet pussy. You got me?”

  “Yes.” She released a sigh.


  He kissed her again and took a step back. He had to let her go otherwise he was taking her back to his apartment to claim her.

  “Get to work.”

  West watched her go.

  Another part of his plan was complete. She’d be his before the end of the week.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he saw a missed call from Rome and dialed him.

  “Let me hear it,” he said.

  “We’ve had an interesting development,” Rome said.

  He listened as Rome gave him the details.

  Tonight wouldn’t be good for him and Hannah as he had to deal with her roommate.

  Chapter Seven

  “What was Lawrence doing at the same coffee shop as you?” West asked.

  “I don’t know. I told you, I was just there to get a cup of coffee. I was thirsty, and I hate the coffee available.” Emily was sitting in a chair, her hands tied together.

  West sat opposite her.

  He wasn’t interested in her excuses.

  “I was the one that put the call in that I’d seen him.”

  “Why didn’t you call one of my guys?”

  “I was at a table. He forced me to keep my hands flat on the surface like this.” She placed her hands out as well as she could with them tied, trying to show him what happened. “Then he started to ask me a bunch of questions. I wanted to grab my cell. To call you. To warn you. I couldn’t.”

  West glanced over her shoulder at Rome, who nodded.

  Since Emily had been difficult, he’d put a few extra men on her to keep watch. He didn’t trust her, not even a little bit.

  “He wants her,” Emily said. “You need to make sure there’s more security. I don’t know. He kept asking questions about my place in her life. What I had to do with you. That he’d been looking into my background and he’d discovered I wasn’t who I said I was. He scared me, West.”

  He stared at Emily.

  The cover he’d given her was bare minimum. There’d be no reason for Hannah to look too deeply into who her friend was.

  “I want my men at her apartment, outside her door. Double the protection,” he said, looking at Rome.


  Looking at Emily, he waited.

  “I didn’t tell him anything.”

  “You’re lying to me, Emily. We know you tested positive for heroin. Just tell me what the fuck happened.”

  He watched as tears welled in her eyes.

  “He knew, West. He knew. When he told me to put my hands on the table, he stabbed me with a syringe and injected me with it. I didn’t take it willingly. I promise.”

  “I’ll deal with it.” He looked toward Cage. “Get her back into rehab. Major detox. I don’t want her outside for a month.”

  “Please, West. I can do this. I promise.”

  “I don’t care what you think you can do. I know what you can do, and you’re not coming out until you’re clean. You don’t want that shit now, but it’ll fester inside you until you’re desperate for more.” He snapped his fingers and walked away.

  Heading outside of the warehouse, he looked up at the night sky, aware Rome had followed him.

  He’d underestimated Lawrence.

  “He’s going to attack Hannah. It’s only a matter of time before he loses patience and does so,” Rome said.

  “That will never happen.” He’d never put his woman at risk, not when he was so close to having her.

  “You ever thought about using her as bait? It’ll draw him out.”

  “And then what? Have her look at me like a fucking monster as I tear him apart limb from fucking limb? You know what I demand. Hannah knows nothing.”

  “With all due respect, sir. You know it’s only going to be a matter of time before she finds out who you are.”

  “She’ll never find out.”

  He heard Rome snort.

  “You can’t protect her forever. You know I’m right, otherwise I’d be dead already.”

  He wanted to attack Rome, to silence him, but there was truth in what he’d s
aid. He’d gotten this long without Hannah finding out who he was or what he’d done. But it wouldn’t be long before someone spilled all of his secrets. Especially Lawrence.

  “Put extra men on her. I’m not going to allow Lawrence to touch her. To draw him out, we’re going to need to find another way.”

  “The only other way is to bring a lot of men, scour the entire city. Flush him out so he doesn’t have anywhere to run or to turn.”

  “Give the order. I want Lawrence alive.”

  He climbed into his car and didn’t give any further instruction. It wasn’t needed. He didn’t go to his apartment.

  Driving straight to Hannah’s place, he parked in the only available space and climbed out.

  There was a chance that in time she’d find out exactly who he was. What he did. How he lived his life. When that time came, he intended to already be so deep in her soul she couldn’t let him go.

  He buzzed Hannah’s number and waited.


  “It’s me, West.”

  “Oh.” She buzzed him in, and he didn’t stop to think or to change his mind. He just needed to know that she was safe. That she was waiting for him.

  At her door, he saw it wasn’t open and gave it a knock. Within seconds, she opened the door. She looked a little nervous.

  In her mouth was a spoon and in her hand a large tub of ice cream.


  Stepping into her apartment, he closed the door and flicked the lock into place. Taking the tub and then the spoon, he placed it on the small coffee table. He grabbed her hand, pulled her close to him, and slammed his lips down over hers as she gasped.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he kissed her lips and pressed her against the wall.

  Her hands covered his before gripping his arms.

  She only wore a pair of pajama shorts and a crop shirt. Running his hands down her back, he gripped her ass. He couldn’t get enough of her lush curves. She was so fucking precious to him.

  Breaking from the kiss, he trailed his lips down her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “You know why.” He bit down on her tender flesh before sucking out the burn. There was only one person he trusted with her safety and that was himself. He wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to her.


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