Street King

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Street King Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  They were her secret.

  She should have gotten rid of them when she had the chance, but she’d kept them.

  They were a temptation that she couldn’t deny. Not anymore.

  “I like them,” she said.

  The moment she spoke aloud, she felt lighter. Like a dark secret had been trapped within her, making her feel all wrong. West knew, and he hadn’t run away.

  Opening her eyes, which had closed of her own accord, she returned his gaze once again.

  “I don’t want to be hurt or sold or used by other men. I have no desire for that.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know. To explore. To push boundaries, I think. I don’t … I’ve never done this. I lost my virginity twenty-four hours ago. I’ve not really had time to think about what I really want.”

  “You’ve had those books a lot longer, Hannah. Tell me the truth.”

  She stared at him. He wasn’t going to back down, and she had no idea what to say.

  The truth?

  What was the truth?

  The books had stuck with her, and in the middle of the night when she was alone, they helped her to deal with … everything. Apart from when West came into her life, nothing had satisfied her other than the pleasure of his touch.

  He held her in place, not letting her escape. With his gaze on her, she didn’t know what to do or say.

  “What do you want from me?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Only the truth.”

  She licked her dry lips.

  What would it hurt to tell him the truth? To finally spill her secrets that she’d been keeping to herself?

  “To be wanted. To be craved. For someone to look at me and not be able to look at another woman. To be at the mercy of the man who owns my heart. To be taken. To be used but to know at the end of it, he won’t look at me any differently. He’ll look at me like the men in the books.”

  “Which is?”

  “The key to his happiness. The person he’s been searching for all along and only just found.” She wanted a fairytale mixed with total erotic.


  “You’ve got it,” West said.

  He ran his thumb across her lower lip. He’d already known the answer. She wanted the excitement and danger. The fairytale. Only the prince didn’t kiss her hand but fucked her until she couldn’t walk straight.

  Pressing his lips to hers, he slid his tongue across her mouth and relished the sound of her gasp. She opened up, and he took what he wanted, plunging inside, tasting her. As he kissed her, he moved her back until the wall stopped her. Grabbing her hands, he placed them above her head, trapping them in one of his.

  He stepped close to her so that his body was right next to hers, touching her. Enjoying her. She was so soft in all the right places, a temptation every time he saw her.

  The past five years he’d showed incredible restraint, and it hadn’t been easy. Far from it. There were times he’d look at pictures, see her sad face and know he’d be able to make her happy if he was given the chance. Only, his plan kept him away.

  It wasn’t like he even stuck to it after she’d been at the nightclub. He’d not been able to hold back in the end. His control was completely lost on him.

  Breaking from her lips, he trailed them down her neck, sucking on her pulse so he’d leave a mark. Other men would know she belonged to someone. That someone was him. Damn, when it came to this woman, he couldn’t seem to help himself. He wanted the world to know that she was his but also knew he had to be careful.

  There was still so much to do.

  “I need you to trust me, Hannah,” he said.

  “I do.”


  He let go of her hands, capturing her hips as he once again moved her. This time, he had her near the sofa, bent over it.

  Running a hand down her spine, he stood directly behind her.

  Spreading the cheeks of her ass, he stared down at her slick pussy and tight little asshole. Cupping her mound, he felt how wet she was.

  “So slick. You want my cock?”


  “You’ll get it when I’m ready. I’m so fucking hot. So ready to fuck you.” He wrapped his fingers around his dick, working the length. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip and he rubbed it into his shaft.

  As he went to his knees behind her, Hannah jerked up.

  “What are you doing?”

  Landing a slap to her ass, he glared at her. “Bend back over. I didn’t give you permission to stand up.”

  She slowly got back into position.

  Sliding a finger inside her heat, he smiled, unable to help himself.

  He moved her legs so that she was wide open. The angle was an odd one, but he didn’t care. Pressing his face against her pussy, he licked her hole, stroking around then pushing inside. Tongue-fucking her in slow strokes, he heard her moan.

  Running his hands up her thighs, he drew them in close to her pussy and stroked across her lips. Wetting his fingers, he moved them back, watching as he played with her asshole.

  She tensed up.

  “Don’t fucking move,” he said.

  Hannah stayed perfectly still.

  “You ever thought about anyone fucking your ass?”

  She whimpered. “Yes.”

  “I’m going to, Hannah. I’m going to take your body and wipe away all trace of innocence you possess. You’ll never be a virgin again.” He had so many plans for her body. So much he wanted to do and he was going to make her ache, beg, and yearn for the pleasure of his touch.

  Circling her asshole, he continued to stroke her pussy with his tongue. Flicking the hard bud of her clit, he moved down to tease her entrance before fucking inside her.

  With one finger, he pushed against her puckered anus. The tight muscles kept him out, but he worked on her pussy, turning her on. When he entered her ass with the tip of his finger, she cried out his name, the sounds echoing in the room.

  He loved hearing her pleasure as it went straight to his dick.

  With his free hand, he worked his cock. Starting at his balls, he moved up to the head, then back down again.

  All he wanted was to be inside her tight pussy.

  With the tip of his finger still in her ass, he took his time, thrusting inside her, going a little deeper with every passing second.

  He pulled away from her pussy and watched as he took her ass.

  Hannah thrust back.

  “You want my mouth here?” he asked.

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  “You’re going to be my good girl?”


  “You’re going to trust me when I try new things?”


  “I’m going to fuck your ass one day, and soon. You’re going to let me?”


  He loved hearing her say yes.

  “I’m going to make every single one of your fantasies come true, Hannah. You’re going to look at those books and see they pale in comparison to what I can do to you.” All of his finger was inside her ass, and he started to move it in and out of her.

  She tensed up, and he sucked on her clit, the action clearly taking her by surprise. His face was full of her pussy, and her cream soaked his mouth.

  Tasting her, he knew he was going to flood her cunt with his spunk. His mission was to knock her up. To take her. To make her beg and scream for more.

  She’d belong to him in every single sense of the word.

  Once she was rocking onto his face and taking one finger with ease, he added a second finger, stretching her out.

  She cried out, her moans turning him on.

  She was so close.

  He sucked her clit between his teeth, creating a small bite of pain before he soothed it out with his tongue, stroking over her repeatedly.

  “I’m going to come, West. I’m going to come.”

  He didn’t stop.

  The moment she came, he licked her clean, driving h
er toward a second orgasm as he fucked her ass with his fingers and took her to a completely different level of pleasure.

  When she was near a second orgasm, he didn’t let her go over the edge.

  Moving from her pussy, he stood up behind her, his fingers still in her ass. He gripped his cock, running the tip over her slit, getting himself all nice and wet with her orgasm.

  He stood poised at her entrance, seeing that tiny pussy hole. It looked almost too small to take him, but he knew better.

  Slowly, inch by glorious fucking inch, he sank inside her, and watched as her hole opened up.

  She was still so incredibly tight that he knew it was going to take a lot of good, hard fucking for her to loosen up.

  With only a couple of inches of himself inside her, he grabbed her hips and slammed to the hilt.

  They both moaned, their sounds combining and echoing off the walls.

  “You feel so amazing,” he said.

  Her pussy tightened around him, squeezing him with every single pulse. Her ass was doing the same to his fingers. He couldn’t wait to fuck her hot little ass. He made a note to go to a sex shop and to purchase some little goodies that would help her first time.

  West held himself still, waiting for her to get accustomed to his length. He didn’t want to hurt her.

  That first time, she’d experienced pain, and he’d also taken her while she was sore.

  The more he fucked her and filled her with his cum, the better chance he’d have of keeping her all to himself. Running his hands over the curves of her ass, he couldn’t think of anything better to have than this woman.

  The only thing missing right now for him was a mirror so that he could see everything. He wanted to memorize the look on her face the first time he took her ass.

  Running one hand over her back, he started to wriggle his fingers, going in deep and pulling out only to thrust back inside.

  After a few seconds of teasing her, she stared to move, pressing against him. West allowed Hannah to set the pace. She started to slide off his cock only to push against him so that he hit the hilt inside her.

  She moaned and whimpered.

  “Tell me what you want, baby?” he asked.

  “I want you to fuck me. Please, West.”

  He held her hip with one hand, keeping the fingers of his other in her ass. He stared down at her pussy, pulling out of her until only the tip remained, and he looked at his dick, already slick with her orgasm.

  Tightening his grip on her hip to the point that he knew she’d feel pain, he slammed in deep. She cried out, and he didn’t give her the chance to recover. This time, he repeatedly fucked her, taking her hard.

  The sounds echoing around the room were those of their pleasure and the slapping of bodies.

  “This what you want, Hannah? You want to belong to me. Because you do. I’m never letting you go. You’re all mine. No other man is ever going to know just how perfect your pussy is.”

  No other man would ever touch what belonged to him. Running a hand up her back, he gathered her hair into his fist, wrapping the length around his hand. He held her hair, using it as leverage, and her pussy went even more wet as he did so.

  Pounding away inside her, he wished her had a mirror just so he could see how perfect she looked. Sexy, at his mercy, ready to take his cock.

  Her moans and gasps kept filling the air, and he couldn’t look away from his cock as her pussy opened up around him. He rocked his fingers into her ass at the same time.

  He was so close to coming.

  Her pussy tightened around him as her orgasm hit.

  Closing his eyes, he gripped her hip as his release hit. Plunging as deep as he could go, he growled as each spurt of his orgasm flooded her waiting womb.

  Fucking take.

  That’s it.

  Fill that cunt.

  Get her pregnant.

  Make her mine.

  Seconds passed as his climax started to subside. Opening his eyes, he saw stars. He’d never experienced a more intense release in all of his years.

  He pulled his fingers from her ass and leaned over her back. Letting go of her hair, he pressed a kiss to her neck. “You’re so fucking perfect, Hannah.”

  “That was amazing.”

  “You want to do it again?”


  He chuckled. “Soon. We’ll do it again soon. I promise.” He just needed to have a few minutes to regain his composure. He’d never been so driven to claim a woman. From that moment five years ago when he’d had her in his arms, he’d known she’d mean something to him and that he wouldn’t be able to let her go.

  Just thinking about it right now, the fact he’d been able to wait five years to him seemed like some kind of a miracle. He didn’t know how he managed it.

  Always watching from afar, manipulating behind the scenes.

  “I never thought it could be like this.”

  “Not even with all those books?”

  “They’re fiction, West. Not fact.”

  “We’re only just getting started.”

  “It can get better?”

  “Lots better. You just got to give me a chance to show you everything.”

  “And if I’m afraid?”

  “A little fear never hurt anyone. I’ll be there, and you must know by now I’ll never let anything happen to you.” Be careful, she doesn’t know the whole truth.

  “I do.” She turned her head and he saw her cheeks were a nice shade of red. “I want this with you, West. I know we’ve only been together a short time, but I want it all.”

  To Hannah, it had been a couple of weeks, but not to him.

  He felt like he’d waited a lifetime, and now he intended to make up for lost time.

  Chapter Ten

  After dropping Hannah off the following day, West drove to the warehouse where the amateur photographer was waiting. The camera had already been destroyed. Rome and Cage got the information about his address, and went there to clear all memory of him out of the place.

  No one was looking for him.

  West had hoped to return last night, but seeing Hannah, watching her, he’d been unable to hold back. Fucking her was an addiction he couldn’t shake.

  Five years of suffering blue balls would do that to a guy.

  He’d even put himself through the torture of watching her touch herself, to bring herself to an orgasm that always left her unsatisfied. Sitting back and not doing anything about that had been hard for him, especially as he knew what she needed.

  Last night, he’d fucked her and shared a bath with her before going to bed. Sneaking out wouldn’t work, so he’d sent a message to Rome to let him know he wouldn’t be back that night.

  Now, he was, and he stared at the bruised face of the photographer. He didn’t look impressed now with what he’d found.

  “What’s his name again?” West asked.

  “Charles Freeman,” Rome said.

  He nodded.

  Charles Freeman. A nature photographer and wife investigator. He helped husbands get proof of cheating wives so they could divorce them. Some of the men paid a good sum as well. Charles was not hurting for cash.

  So it raised the question, why risk his life hunting him down?

  “Please, let me go. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just taking pictures.”

  “You’re taking pictures of West Gallo. I want to know why. I’m neither a nature attraction, nor am I a cheating wife.” Thinking about a wife though, his ring would look really pretty on Hannah’s finger.

  He already had the perfect one picked out. It was in his vault back in his apartment.

  “West Gallo?”

  “Yes. That’s me.”

  The man whimpered.

  “Ah, I see my name does ring a little bell inside that head.” He pulled the man’s head back. “What else you got for me?”

  “I didn’t … I was told to look for a woman. Hannah … ugh, Hannah someone. I can’t think. The guy claimed to be he
r fiancé and that he thought she was cheating on him. I got a picture of her, and I found her. That’s all. I swear. I didn’t know who she was or why. I was just on an assignment. Please.”

  “We checked your bag, and there’s no items that would link you to her.”

  “It’s in my email.”

  Rome was already opening up the laptop. “Password.”

  “If you pass it to me I can open it.”

  “Just tell me your password,” Rome said.

  Seconds passed, and West reached into his jacket, pulling out his little knife. He flicked the blade up, having no intention of using it on him.

  It did the trick.

  “Fucking hot stuff with a big dick. It’s all capitals.”

  West smirked. “You got a big dick?”

  “Fuck you,” Charles said.

  West laughed. Considering this man had already pissed himself three times, he had to give him kudos for trying to look tough. The piss around him gave it all away though.

  “I don’t swing that way, but I know a couple of guys that would love to make you their bitch.”

  He closed his pocket knife. He’d never use that on anyone. It was what he used to cut up apples. There’s no way he’d risk human blood mixing with his food.


  There were many things he was capable of.

  Cannibalism was not one of them.

  He watched as Rome opened up the email, bringing up Hannah’s picture.

  “It’s true,” Rome said. “It’s Lawrence. He sent the email and claimed she was his fiancée. Dirty fucker even used her graduation photo.”

  Getting to his feet, West walked toward the desk where the laptop was. Sure enough, there was Hannah, smiling at the camera with Emily’s arm around her shoulders, but the image had been cut.

  He’d been at Hannah’s graduation.

  Staying at the back, he’d watched her, sitting, waiting. When her name was called, he’d clapped along with the crowd.

  He’d been so damn happy for her and proud.

  Of course he’d also known it was one step closer to her belonging to him.


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