Street King

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Street King Page 21

by Sam Crescent

  She cried out his name as his lips sucked on her nipple even through the fabric of the dress.

  He pulled his hands back, grabbing her hips and marching her toward his desk. He turned her around so that her hands were flat on the desk. He lifted up her skirt, running his hands down over her ass. He’d already flipped the dress over so that it lay at the base of her back. She was open and exposed to him.

  West spread her ass cheeks. His fingers slid inside her before going up to her clit, stroking her, teasing her, drawing every ounce of pleasure from her.

  With his other hand, she heard him working his belt, sliding the zipper down.

  “Tell me you want me.”

  “Please, West, I want you.”

  “No, Hannah, you fucking need me.” His cock went to her entrance, and he slammed inside, not giving her a chance to get accustomed to his large length. He pulled out, only to push back inside, pounding deep and hard.

  The hand on her hip grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his fist as he pulled her hair back. She had no choice but to hold onto the desk or fall as he started to fuck her hard. His other hand was still teasing her clit, and she felt completely taken over by him.




  Shaking that last thought from her mind, she cried out his name as her orgasm started to build. There was no one else, nothing else.

  Just him.

  It was always about him.

  She wanted nothing more than this man.

  Against all odds, she knew she loved him.

  He’d invaded her life, taken over everything, and yet she still loved him.

  She wanted to hate herself, to stop these feelings, but with every pound of his cock, she knew without a shadow of a doubt she couldn’t give this up. He made her hungry for more, desperate, aching, needy.

  In his office, getting fucked from behind, knowing that he wasn’t wearing a condom, that he was going to flood her pussy with his cum, she loved being used but also knowing that he loved her. That a part of him was so obsessed that he had to see her. That he had to know her. She liked it, and she didn’t know if she could handle that part of herself.

  Would she ever be able to handle a man so deeply obsessed with her that he’d put people around her like Emily and Rome?

  How could she not love when he touched her? Knowing no other woman would ever do for him. That he wanted her to the point of crazy.

  She loved it so much that it scared her. She’d never known anything like this kind of feeling. West was breaking down her own barriers, smashing down the walls that she’d tried to build to protect herself.

  “That’s it, baby, come all over my cock. I’ve got you. Oh, fuck yeah, that feels good. So good. Yeah, push back. Take it all.”

  She cried out as he brought her to orgasm, his cock seeming to brand her as he rode her even harder. She didn’t know where he ended and she began.

  Her emotions were all over the place, and as she came down from the peak of release, she felt his cock jerk within her, flooding her with his cum.

  There really was no getting out of this.

  He’d never used a condom, and she wasn’t stupid enough not to realize he hadn’t either.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Get your own coffee. The machine is right there.” Hannah spun on her heel and clicked out of his office.

  West sat back watching the curves of her ass as he walked away from him. Over the past four days, since he fucked her hard and fast, her patience with him every passing day had started to wear down.

  On Tuesday she’d been polite, almost flirty with him. He’d thought it was cute. Wednesday, she’d snipped at him over a question about the mail. Thursday, she’d growled at him. It had been the cutest sound he’d heard from her. Today, she’d just ordered him to go and get his own coffee.

  He didn’t mind getting his own coffee, but he liked watching her tits as she walked into his office and when she left, her ass.

  It was his own little treat, and he also got a coffee out of it. As far as he was concerned, win-win for him.

  Hannah, however, wasn’t happy.

  He knew the problem.

  Emily and Rome knew the problem.

  Everyone who knew her knew the problem.

  Only Hannah kept to herself. She didn’t come to him to talk or even request what she needed. Each night she’d leave here and he’d get a report from either Cage or Rome about her progress.

  She wasn’t even talking to them either, nor did Emily have much in the way to report. Since the truth had come out, their friendship had grown. It was nice to see his woman so happy, but it had been two weeks now and he was growing tired of watching her on the damn cameras. In the past four days she’d tried to pleasure herself each night only to be disappointed and left aching.

  He saw her erect nipples and could only imagine how wet her cunt was. Not to mention, he’d already done a count and she hadn’t started her menstrual cycle yet either. He knew she was either pregnant or very late.

  Stress could do that.

  He had a pregnancy test in his desk drawer waiting just for her.

  She wouldn’t like it, but then he didn’t buy it for her to like it.

  This had to stop.

  Hannah needed him, and she was being too damn stubborn to come to him.

  Getting to his feet, he stood in his doorway. His other employees kept their heads down. They were paid well to do as they were told.

  Arms folded, he watched Hannah. She hadn’t looked up. She kept running her fingers through her hair. She looked agitated, frustrated, and just plain moody.

  “Hannah,” he said.

  “What could it possibly be now?” she asked.

  Those beautiful big browns narrowed into slits as she glared at him.

  He tried to hide his smile.

  “Get in my office. Now!”

  She released a sigh, and she got to her feet. Her legs seemed heavy as she stomped toward him.

  She wasn’t impressed.

  No one came to her rescue.

  No one said anything.

  They didn’t need to.

  Closing his office door, he didn’t bother to lock it.

  There was no need.

  She stood before his desk, one foot tapping on the floor and her arms folded.

  “Well, what is it you want?”

  “Go around my desk.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “Do as you’re told,” he said.

  “Ugh!” She stormed around the desk. “I’m here, happy?”

  “Bend over and lift your skirt over your ass, remove your panties, and spread your cheeks wide.”


  “You heard me, Hannah. Don’t make me give you another instruction. You won’t like how I deal with it.”

  Her cheeks were on fire as he moved toward her, going around his desk on the opposite side. Opening up the drawer, he grabbed the fresh tube of lubrication that he’d purchased the other week.

  Opening the cap, he checked to make sure there was nothing stopping the gel-like liquid from seeping out.

  With Hannah’s skirt around her waist and her hands holding her ass, he opened his belt, pulling out his already rock-hard cock.

  “Spread them wider. You can do it.”

  She didn’t argue with him this time.

  Hannah opened her ass, and he took a seat, working some of the lube into his dick. Staring at her tight cunt and asshole, he knew he wanted inside both.

  He’d take her pussy later.

  She wasn’t going home tonight.


  She was going home with him, and regardless of if she liked it or not, that was what was going to happen.

  With his dick nice and slick, he ran his fingers between her thighs, watching her pussy open up around his fingers. She sucked him in, and he added two fingers, stretching her.

  Using the tip of the lubricating bottle, he placed it near her anus, a
nd coated the tight, puckered hole with a nice lot of gel.

  When she was wet, he removed his fingers from her pussy to work the lubrication into her anus.

  “Now, Hannah, I have let a lot of things slide with you after everything you’ve found out. I’ve given you time and space.”

  “I work for you. That’s not exactly space, and I see you every single day.”

  “I am still your boss. Treating me with complete disrespect is not how I would advise you continue. Now, I know what your problem is, and don’t you worry, I’m going to rectify that problem.”

  “Oh, yeah, and how do you think you know what is wrong with me? Do you now have a magic ball spying on me? Wanting to know my every waking thought and what I need.”

  He chuckled. She was just so cute when she was angry.

  She’d be even more so before the end of the day, but he’d save that for when they were back at his home.

  The danger to Hannah had lessened with Lawrence now out of the picture and the deal he’d struck with the cartels. His city was once again running smoothly, and he could function and think now.

  “You need to be fucked, Hannah, and don’t worry. I’m going to give you what you need.” He ran his fingers across her ass, coating her anus in the lube. “I’m going to fuck this ass. I got you all nice and prepared for me, and now I’m going to take my reward.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “You’re not denying it. You don’t want to want me, do you?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I know exactly what I’m talking about.” He placed the tip of his cock to her slick anus, and he guided himself past the tight ring of muscles. She let out a gasp, but he didn’t stop. He kept on pushing in until over half of his dick was deep within her. She let out a whimper, and he gripped her hips, pushing the last few inches deep into her ass.

  She gripped him tightly, and he leaned over her, kissing her neck.

  “I know what it’s like to want, Hannah. To be so desperate you can’t even think straight. To snap and want to kill anyone who steps in your way.”

  With his other hand, he slid his fingers between her thighs, stroking over her swollen clit. She let out a moan as he pinched the bud before soothing out the pain with his fingers.

  “You hate me right now, and that’s okay. You don’t know me, but you will. Your body knows what it wants. It wants my cock, my mouth, my hands, and I’m not going to let it be punished because your head can’t fucking think straight. You think I don’t sit at home watching you touch yourself? Imagining my own hands giving you the pleasure that you fail to give yourself?”

  “You’re so wrong,” she said.

  He pulled out of her ass only to push back inside.

  They both moaned, the sounds echoing off the walls.

  He didn’t give a shit who heard them.

  She felt so good.

  Another part of her body he now owned.

  He fucking loved this woman.

  Even as she spat and cursed, he couldn’t help but love her.

  She was his addiction, his everything, and he wouldn’t let her go.

  Not now.

  Not ever.

  Pushing back inside her, he took his time, taking her breath with each thrust as he owned her ass.

  She thrust back against him, and he moved his hand from between her thighs, to spread her ass so he could watch.

  Seeing his cock sliding in and out of her ass made him moan.

  It was so perfect, so beautiful and sexy. He couldn’t look away. With just the tip inside her, he watched as her ass opened up, sliding down his length before he pulled out.

  Once again, he found her clit and began to tease her, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. He held her just at the peak, not wanting to throw her over the edge. He had no idea how good being in her tight ass would be.

  She was so perfect, every single part of her.

  This was what he wanted.

  Even with her hating him right now, she was like fire within his arms, and he didn’t want to let her go. That was all he kept on thinking. Like a broken record.

  Hannah was his.

  He didn’t want to let her go.



  He’d never wanted anything with such desperation as he wanted Hannah.

  “Please, West, please.”

  He’d give her the world, and he toppled her over the edge, relishing her screams of pleasure as they echoed around his office. Those sounds would stay with him forever. She came, and her ass tightened around him.

  The pleasure was so intense from the pressure of her asshole that it set off his own orgasm. He held her hips, slamming all of his dick inside her as wave upon wave of his cum filled her tight, hot hole.

  He was going to spend a lot of time fucking her ass. Collapsing over her, he kissed her neck, pushing her hair away from her face to suck on the pulse. They were both panting once again for breath.

  “I don’t hate you, West,” she said. Her voice was so soft a whisper that at first, he wasn’t sure he heard it. “I don’t hate you, West.” She spoke again.

  Her words this time caught him off guard.

  His cock was still balls-deep inside her ass. The buzz of his orgasm still very much there, but he knew this meant something. Her words were not because of the sex. This was something new for her.

  “What do you feel then?”

  She was silent for several seconds, and he heard her sniffle.

  He didn’t want her to cry or to feel upset.

  If she hated him, he’d deal with it.

  She wouldn’t be the first woman that hated him. She’d be the first woman that he loved more than anything.

  “I love you, West. I really do love you, and it scares me.”

  “Why does it scare you?”

  “Because, it’s not normal what you did. You shouldn’t have to fill voids in my life. To make me believe what isn’t. I don’t know.”

  “Do you even care what I did?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. I don’t like being lied to. You’ve got me all confused, and I feel so stupid. I don’t even know how we met or what led to our meeting. I don’t … what happened, West?”

  “You want to know?”


  “Okay, I’ll tell you.”

  “The truth?”

  “It’s all I’ve got.”

  “I want to hear it.”

  “Let’s get cleaned up.” He pulled his cock from her ass and used some tissues from the dispenser to clean up his cum that leaked from her ass. Pulling her skirt down, and putting his cock back into place, he took her hand, pulling her down onto the sofa with him. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he locked their fingers together. He’d had no intention of ever telling her this, but he didn’t see he had much of a choice.

  She needed to know what happened that second time.


  Five years ago

  West wasn’t happy. He really wasn’t fucking happy. This piece of shit that he was gunning down had taken out ten of his girls, beating the shit out of them. It pissed him off. The brothels he kept were of a high standard, and so far, this man had been able to walk into three different ones over the past two weeks, flash his money around, spend some time with the girls, where he’d take one upstairs without anyone else seeing. From there, he’d beat them up, rape them, and leave them for dead.

  Ten girls had died in the past two weeks because this fucker slit their throats before he left.

  West was angry.

  No, his rage was past that point.

  He was going to hurt this man.

  It was dark, and the library was about to close.

  As the man ran toward the doors, he fired his gun, and the man fell to the floor. Rome and Cage were not far behind him.

  West always made sure to keep at the peak of health and fitness. The point of being king was to make sure no one could outrun or outfight him.
He was the one that everyone feared.

  The man went down, a growl erupting out of his lips as he grabbed his lap.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  “My mother wasn’t a bitch,” West said, stepping up toward him.

  The man wasn’t done though as he got to his feet, limping. He fired his gun, causing West to collapse to the ground.

  The piece of shit then charged to the doors just as a young woman was walking out.

  Before West got a chance to fire off the weapon, the man running from him grabbed her and threw her against the wall.

  Seconds later she collapsed to the floor.

  West recognized her instantly.

  It was the girl from the burger place.

  Rome and Cage charged forward. They had the man knocked unconscious.

  He was pissed off that he’d been distracted by the firing of the gun.

  “Get him in the trunk. Tie him up, but I don’t want him to come to until I’ve got him strung up.”

  “What do you want to do about her?” Cage asked.

  “Just take care of him.” He waited for Rome and Cage to be out of sight before he went to the young woman.

  Her hair fell around her in waves, and he saw the bruise already forming on her head where she’d hit the wall.


  She needed to see a doctor.

  Checking her pulse, he pulled out his cell phone and called the doctor.

  She let out a moan as he finished the call.

  “What happened?”

  “It’s okay. Go to sleep. It’s okay.” He pulled her into his arms just as Cage returned.

  “You’ll need this.”

  The needle had a tranquilizer, which would keep her knocked out for as long as they needed her.

  He wasn’t happy about using it but didn’t see much of a choice.

  Pressing the needle into her arm, he injected her.

  Handing the needle back to Cage, who knew better than to throw it on the ground like trash, he picked the woman up in his arms and carried her to his car.

  “Follow me to the warehouse,” he said to Cage and Rome.

  Without further instruction, he climbed behind the wheel and kept an eye on her as he drove across town.


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