Street King

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Street King Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  Their baby.

  Both she and their baby belonged to him.

  Her nipples tightened, and as he lifted her leg up and his tongue stroked through her slit, she closed her eyes.

  Sinking her fingers into his hair, she gasped as he bit down, seconds later stroking his tongue over the bite of pain. He slid down before plunging inside, making her cry out. He fucked her with his tongue, owning her once again. One of his hands stroked over her pussy, coating his fingers, and he drew them back to her puckered hole.

  West had worked his way into her heart, and there was no way she could fight him, not that she wanted to.

  She loved him more than anything else.

  Marrying him, giving him a life, was what she wanted.

  West had become her everything, and it may not be conventional but that didn’t matter. He was hers, just as she belonged to him.


  Sucking Hannah’s clit, West nibbled on the swollen bud, using his teeth to bite down only to soothe out the pain. He was addicted to making her come, and before he took her to his room he wanted to feel her come in his mouth, to taste everything she had to give. Sliding his tongue down to her entrance, he plunged inside, feeling her tighten around his tongue. Stroking over her asshole, he felt her pussy get even wetter as he started to play with her anus.

  His woman had a dirty side, and he loved that.

  For the rest of their lives he was going to make every single one of her sexual fantasies come true, and he had plenty of his own.

  This baby had given him the chance to bring his plan to completion. With her as his wife, he would own her in every single way.

  Pushing a finger inside her ass, he started to flick his tongue back and forth over her swollen clit. With his other hand, he filled her tight pussy, adding a second finger as he started to stretch her cunt. He was a big man, and he wanted to fuck her hard without giving her time to get accustomed to his dick.

  His name echoed around the room as she kept calling him. The pleasure from her mouth drove him crazy for more. He would never get tired of his name on her lips. It was perfect as far as he was concerned.

  “I’m going to come,” she said.

  He knew as he felt her pussy squeezing his fingers, and he had no intention of stopping, not even for a second.

  With a finger in her ass and two in her pussy, he drove her over the edge with an orgasm that had her screaming. If he’d not been holding her up, she’d have fallen. He would always hold her.

  With his name spilling from her lips, he pulled his fingers from her body, picked her up, and carried her out toward his camera room.

  “You’re my crazy stalker,” she said.

  “I’m more than that, and you know it.” Dropping her onto the bed, he followed her down. Spreading her legs wide, he reached down, gripping his cock. Running the tip over her pussy, getting himself nice and slick, he placed the head at the entrance and slammed in until his balls hit her ass.

  She screamed, and he groaned as her tight cunt wrapped around him, squeezing him. He fucking loved it.

  She was everything he’d ever wanted and more.

  Staring down at her body, he pulled out of her pussy until only the tip remained and slammed back inside her.

  With every single thrust, her tits bounced from the action.

  He loved watching her, especially as her cunt clenched his cock.

  There was no denying what she wanted and needed, and he was it.

  Pressing her tits together, he licked the beaded peaks, biting down on them, and she arched up.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist as he drove inside her repeatedly until she couldn’t think straight.

  The pleasure was intense, and he knew he wasn’t going to last long.

  Lifting her leg up over his hip, he continued to fuck her, pounding inside her with every single thrust as she met him pushing onto his dick, driving herself closer to him. He wanted her so badly.

  He was so close to orgasm, but he tried to hold off for as long as possible. That wasn’t going to happen. She was everything, and he was diving headfirst into the abyss.

  Slamming every single inch of his cock in deep, he closed his eyes and growled as his cum spilled out of his dick, flooding her pussy. Wave upon wave flooding her womb that was already full.

  His woman.

  His baby.

  His future all wrapped up in one package.

  Collapsing over her, he took possession of her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

  Hannah gripped the back of his head, kissing him back with a passion that took his breath away. She gave him everything, and he took it without any guilt.

  “Tell me you’ll marry me,” he said.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “You’ll never be allowed a divorce, Hannah. You’ll be mine.”

  She chuckled. “You’re making it sound like I have a choice in the matter. Would you really let me leave and have another man raising your baby as his own?”

  “No.” He felt an overwhelming need to possess her once again.

  “There’s no one else I want, West. No one else that I could ever need. I love you. It scares me, and I don’t think I’ll ever not be afraid of the love I have for you, knowing what you’re capable of.”

  “I won’t ever hurt you. That I can promise you.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I know. I trust you.” Her thumb stroked across his lips. He was still inside her. Cupping her face, he kissed her again.

  “We’re going to have to talk about the wedding. I want to get married on Sunday.”

  “Sunday? Are you crazy? That is two days away. There’s no time to arrange anything.”

  “All we need is a couple of witnesses, a priest, and Vegas. We’re done.”

  She sighed, shaking her head. “No.”


  “No. You don’t get to ‘Hannah’ me. You’ve controlled everything else about my life, and you’re not going to have a say in how we get married.”

  “You do realize that I’m the one you’re marrying.”

  “That may be, but we’re going to get married the proper way. I was a virgin, and I want a white wedding like my parents.”

  “You want to get married in a church?”

  “Scared you’re going to set alight from all of your sins?”

  “Please, the church will love me. Three weeks.”

  “As long as it takes for me to organize a wedding that I want,” she said. “Please, West. When we’re together, I want it to be special, and I want to remember the day that you declare me as your wife to be something to remember, magical, forever.”

  “Is that what you want? What you really, really want?” To West, it didn’t matter where he married her so long as he got his ring on her finger. His wife, the mother of his child.


  “What about your pregnancy?”

  “Then you won’t have to wait too long, but I kind of like the thought of our baby seeing herself or himself at our wedding. What do you think?”

  “I don’t care. Just so long as you’re there, forever, Hannah. I won’t let you go.”

  He saw the smile that danced across her lips.

  “I think we’re going to need to negotiate.”

  West sighed. “How did I know that was coming?”

  “Because it’s not exactly right that you’ve been watching me for the past five years. How did you manage it?”

  “A lot of strength. It was harder when your parents passed. Seeing you so upset and knowing I couldn’t come and comfort you, that was tough. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and I’ve done a lot of things in my life. Sitting back, waiting, seeing you from afar, wanting to hold you. To let you know that I’m here and not being able to. That for me was torture. All I wanted to do was hold you. Love you. Tell you that you were never going to be alone.” He stared into her eyes and saw the tears as they fell down her cheeks. “I don’t want to make you cry.”

  “They’re happy tears. Really happy tears.” She sniffled. “I never thought it was possible to find a man that would love me the way you do. It’s crazy and scary, and yet I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She cupped his cheek. “I love you, West Gallo. No matter how dangerous and scary it is. I will love you for the rest of my life.”

  “Good, because there’s no way I’ll ever be able to live without you. Not anymore. Not now. You own my heart, my body, and my soul. You are my greatest weakness because I love you so damn much.”

  He took possession of his lips.

  No one else had ever made him say those words.

  She was his entire world, and he would tear this place apart to make sure she had everything her heart desired. So long as he was there, he’d do everything he could to make her happy.

  She’d taken his heart on her eighteenth birthday and shown him a kindness that he’d never known, and when they met again, she’d shattered his world, and now, she’d owned him, every single part of him, and he wasn’t going to take it back.

  Epilogue One

  Five months later

  Hannah held onto West’s hand as the doctor placed the ultrasound device on her stomach. She was nearly six months along, but because of her honeymoon, she’d missed her last ultrasound. Now she was getting to see her baby again, and not only that, the doctor had told them they should be able to find out what the baby’s sex was.

  There was a knock on the door, and a nurse poked her head inside.

  “Doctor Maine, you’re needed in room one.”

  “Not now, Lucy.”

  “It’s really important.”

  “Go,” West said. “We can wait.” He kissed her knuckles and smiled at the doctor.

  She and West had been married for a month, but even before then, she saw his reputation preceded him. People from every profession were more than happy to go that extra mile for him.

  “You nervous?” she asked.

  “Not at all.”

  “You don’t want it to be a boy or a girl?”

  He kissed her knuckles. “I want it to be healthy. If it wants to make Daddy proud, then it’ll be healthy and a happy baby, and not a cock-block.”

  “West.” She burst out laughing. They were more than making up for lost time when it came to sex. He was always grabbing her, kissing her, fucking her, making love to her, and of course making her feel like the only woman in the world, and for him, she knew that to be true. He never looked in another woman’s direction. He was always all over her, and she loved it.

  When she agreed to marry him, she knew she loved him, had no doubt about her feelings. Even as they’d been planning their wedding, she didn’t realize how much she loved him. Those feelings just kept getting stronger.

  Of course, she always got a little nervous when he came home late or if Cage or Rome were there. She could always tell when something was going down. West would come home in a different pair of clothes and a tension around him.

  She wouldn’t badger him about what was going on, but late at night, after he’d made love to her, and kissed her stomach, he’d tell her. He worked tirelessly to keep the streets clean, but she knew it came with its own set of problems. When he first started to tell her the truth, she didn’t think she’d ever be able to handle it.

  Now though, she found that she could. She liked that people were afraid of him because it meant that he’d be safe.

  “I’m being serious. This kid in anyway stops me getting any, then they’re going to be in for a rude awakening. Be it a boy, I will stop him at every turn, and a girl, please, she’s staying locked up until she’s fifty and can’t date.”

  She burst out laughing. “Yeah, we’ll see about that.”

  The doctor returned. “I’m sorry for the interruption.”

  “It’s okay. We’re just putting some things into perspective.”


  The device was once again on her stomach, and she gripped West’s hand. It wasn’t painful, but she was so nervous.

  She heard the sound of their baby’s heartbeat. Her emotions were all over the place, and she couldn’t stop the tears from running down her face.

  “Well, your baby has a healthy heart, and is growing properly. A nice, big baby, that’s for sure. Are you wanting to know the sex?”

  “Yes.” They both spoke at the same time, and she couldn’t help but smile.


  After few seconds, he held the device over her stomach, and he turned the machine for them to look.

  “Congratulations. You’re going to be proud parents of a healthy, bouncing baby boy.”

  “A boy?”


  “I’m going to be a dad?” West asked.

  The doctor laughed. “Yes. You are.”

  He then pointed out the heart and other body parts. Her baby was right there in her stomach, and she fell in love. This was what she and West had made, and she loved him already.

  “He’s so beautiful,” Hannah said.

  “Just like his mother.”

  She cupped West’s face, and she’d never thought she could be so happy in her life. He was going to be a great father, she had no doubt.

  “I love you, baby. So damn much.”

  Her tears didn’t stop. She was the luckiest woman alive. The doctor left them alone as West started to kiss her.

  “You better shut your eyes, little one,” West said as he lifted Hannah off the bed and got her to straddle him.

  “We’re in the hospital.”

  “Don’t care. I pay a lot of money. They can let me have ten minutes.”

  Epilogue Two

  Eighteen years later

  West stared at his son, who was so much like him, it made him so proud.

  “You’re banning me from going out with my girlfriend.”

  Hannah chuckled behind him, and he glanced behind him to see her rolling out some cookies. Damn, she looked so fucking beautiful.

  Their youngest daughter sat at the counter, pressing a cookie cutter into the dough as his other son placed the cut cookies onto a baking sheet.

  The scent of freshly-baked cookies filled the air around them.

  Ever since North had told him he was going out Friday night with one of the girls from school, West knew it wasn’t going to happen. He made a vow on the one year that his son stopped him from getting his happy time with Hannah, that his time would come.

  Staring at his son, he knew that time was today.

  One day, North would understand.

  Until then, he was going back up to his room to study.

  “She’s not your girlfriend. Give me your phone.”

  “You’re being serious right now?”

  “That I am. What’s her name?”

  “I’m not telling you.”

  “It’s Annabeth,” Thomas said.


  “This is what you get for spilling your secrets. You never know who is listening.” He pulled up Annabeth’s number and sent off a quick text. “There, all done. She knows you’re not coming. Get back to your room and don’t even think about giving me any lip. Off, now.”

  North glared at him but did as he was told.

  West took great pride in being a father. All of his five children were spoiled, but he was determined for none of them to live the life he had growing up. One day soon, North would have to take his place, but when he did, he’d be ready. He wouldn’t have to fight in the gutter, but he’d have the respect as West was making sure he was ready for the title.

  “Off, you guys, head on upstairs. I want to kiss Mommy,” he said.

  His babies ran off upstairs screaming “Ewww.”

  “Was that really necessary?” Hannah asked, wiping her hands on a towel.

  He gripped her full, rounded hips and slammed his lips down on hers. She tasted so good. Sliding one hand into her hair, he kept the other on her hip. “Yes.”

  “You do know he’ll cl
imb out his bedroom window, right? They have that thing on social media where they can arrange a meetup.”

  “If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll stay in his room,” he said. “Cock-blocking little shit.”

  “He was one year old.”

  “And the pleasure of being a dad is being a royal pain in the ass.” Running his hands down her back to her ass, he pulled her close. They’d been married over eighteen years, had five children, and he was so fucking obsessed with her still. No matter how many times he fucked her, made love to her, nothing could ever seem to the sate this need he had for her. He had cameras all over the house so that when he was out, he could watch her. She was amazing.

  “You’re going to stop him dating every single girl?”

  “Nah, I’m going to head on upstairs and tell him to go and win his girl. I just want him to know what it’s like to feel something taken from him.”

  She burst out laughing. “You are bad.”

  “I’m madly in love with you.”

  “Even after all this time?”

  “My love doesn’t have a use-by date, Hannah. I told you, from the moment we met, you were mine.”

  “I had no idea just how much.” She cupped his face and groaned. “Go and tell your son he can date and I’ll get these cookies out.”

  “Just so you know, your cookie is mine later, and I intend to eat you all up,” he said.

  He took possession of her lips as she moaned.

  Be it eighteen years, ten years, fifty years, or more, the feelings he had for Hannah would never go away.

  She owned him completely, just as he did her, and that kind of love never disappeared. It only got stronger.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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