The Leaves in Winter

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The Leaves in Winter Page 41

by M. C. Miller

  “It’s hard to believe. I’ve gotten so used to bad news.”

  “We knew something like this had to exist. Mass wasn’t about to hand out extended life only to have it wiped out by 3rd Protocol. He had to protect his friends.”

  “Never mind his friends. Once 3P got out there – he had to protect himself. Besides, it’s standard procedure – never a measure without a counter-measure.”

  “Especially with viral agents. They can come back on you too easily.”

  “Yeah, if you’re mad enough to release them into the wild.”

  Janis floated an idea that came to her in the elevator. “Knockout Mouse must be getting this from The Group. I wonder how they got it?”

  “Ask him. And while you’re at it, ask him what he means – one way or other.”

  “I saw that too. You have to think about the position he’s in. The Group is probably inoculating all their people, Mouse included. That puts him near it but might not give him access. If he can’t swipe a dose of vaccine to bring us…”

  “He can bring himself.” Faye finished Janis’ point.

  “Sure. He’ll have the vaccine in his system. He’ll make antibodies. Like he said, we’ll get it one way or another.”

  Faye sat down. “I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to concentrate until we get this in hand. This is huge.”

  “Oh, I know. Working against the generational time limit set by sterility is one thing. Trying to find a fix before a plague takes out 90% of the population was impossible.”

  “Imagine that nightmare.” Faye’s voice dropped to a whisper.

  “With so many people gone, support structures will implode. Power generation, basic services might be interrupted. We’d be lucky to get needed supplies for the lab to continue our work.”

  Until the promise of a 3P vaccine seemed assured, such things had gone unspoken between them. Hearing them said, even with a vaccine on the way, proved to be no less disquieting. Faye hugged herself and rocked in the chair.

  “I thought sterility was impossible enough.”

  Janis detected a tinge of disappointment. “But we don’t think that anymore. We’re making progress.”

  “I just wonder sometimes if our so-called progress is sending us in circles.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I’ve had to redo some of the viability assays. One of our assumptions was not quite right.”

  Some of the cheer dropped from Janis’ face. “But you’ve adjusted?”

  “Yes, after a frustrating morning.”

  “We told Granite Peak we’d have something for them to test this week.”

  “We will.” She grinned. “We didn’t say what day this week. It might be on the eighth day.”

  Just then, the lab’s general phone line rang. Faye answered it.

  “Faye Gardner, may I help you?” As she listened she rocked forward in her chair. Her mouth dropped open. “Thank you! Sure, right away.”

  Faye bolted from her seat and clutched Janis by the hands.

  “It’s Alyssa! She’s awake!”

  Janis was stunned. “What?”

  “That was Rebecca. A nurse heard a noise on the monitor. When she went into check, Alyssa talked to her!”

  Janis burst into tears and ran for the elevator with Faye right behind.

  On the ride up they hugged and shared the joy. Neither one could stop talking.

  As the doors opened, Faye held Janis back a second.

  “Good things happen in threes. This makes two. I wonder what’s next.”

  Janis smiled but couldn’t bring herself to say what was on her mind.

  She rushed on. She didn’t want to jinx it.

  Chapter 45

  Alyssa’s Care Room

  Building 3, GARC

  Janis burst into the room intent on seeing her daughter’s eyes and hearing her voice and yet the deep disappointments of the past few weeks prompted restraint and reservation. In a world careening off balance, believing good news on face value had become harder to accept than trying to deny that terrible things could happen. Only confirmation would give her heart reprieve from doubt and solace for her quest.

  “Is it true?” The whispered wish was barely a sigh but it filled the room.

  Rebecca and the dayshift nurse huddled bedside blocking the view. Excitedly they turned and an opening parted between them for Janis to approach.

  Rebecca smiled. “Come see for yourself!”

  Janis drew near to witness the awe and splendor of renewal. The essence that was Alyssa inhabited the body again. Her eyes were tired but bright, her smile weak but exquisitely sweet. A more glorious sight could not be described or imagined for a mother to see. The stubborn veil of grief that had become a dullness from which Janis feared she’d never escape suddenly lifted to reveal elation.

  Alyssa didn’t move her body, only lifted her eyes. “Hi, Mom…”

  For Janis, no greater sound could be heard.

  She rushed the bed on the wings of joy through a shower of tears.

  “Ah, baby, you’re so beautiful!” She kissed Alyssa on the forehead, smoothed back her hair, and took her hand in hers.

  “How do you feel?”

  Alyssa blinked in a slow, labored attempt to respond. Her lips parted then paused as wisps of disorientation cleared. Her voice was weak, a word or two slurred, but the message was unmistakable.

  “Tired but I’m OK.”

  Holding fast to Alyssa’s hand, Janis looked to Rebecca. “How did you find out?”

  Rebecca smiled and looked down on her patient. “She said she was thirsty.”

  “I heard her through the monitor,” added the nurse.

  Standing behind the bedside trio, Faye beamed as she watched. At first she was speechless, overcome. Such an event was a triumph, a shared revitalization, not only for Alyssa but for the hopes of everyone that things could work out no matter how discouraging they appeared at times.

  Faye felt consideration for what Janis, as mother, would want. She spoke to the caretakers. “Maybe we should give the two of them a little time together…”

  Rebecca responded by tapping the nurse’s arm. “Of course…”

  They retreated out the door. On the way out the nurse added, “I’ll be right by in case you need anything.”

  Faye stepped up alongside Janis and touched Alyssa’s arm in hello. “It’s good to see you doing so well.” She turned to Janis. “I’ll be outside.”

  Janis gave Faye a hug. “Thank you.”

  As Faye exited and closed the door behind her, Janis scooted up onto the bed and sat next to Alyssa. Looking back on her daughter to marvel, she saw a change of expression that signaled confusion.

  “Why is everyone so excited?” asked Alyssa.

  Janis stroked Alyssa’s cheek with the back of her hand. “You’ve been very sick. But you’re better now.”

  “What happened?”

  “I’ll explain it later if you want; it doesn’t matter right now.”

  “Why are you here with that woman?”

  “That’s Faye Gardner. Remember, I used to work with her a long time ago.”

  “But you don’t like her.”

  Janis paused to ensure tact. “We had some problems in the past…”

  “I saw her once when I was little. She was nice to me.”

  “Yes she was.”

  “You went to college together but you said you couldn’t work with her…”

  “None of that matters now. We all need each other.”

  Alyssa started to cry. “Why did they bring me here? What have they been doing to me? I want to go home…”

  The smile faded from Janis’ face. There was so much to tell and so little time. “A lot has been going on. Some very serious things are happening. I didn’t understand it fully myself until just recently.”

  “Why do I have to stay here? Who are these people? What do they want?”

  The quiet tears became open sobs. Alyssa’s whispers b
ecame cries for help.

  Janis struggled to organize her thoughts as she cradled Alyssa to comfort her. How could she explain it all in a way that would satisfy her daughter’s curiosity without overwhelming her with fear?

  There was no easy way, no half-answer that would do. The only thing Alyssa knew was that strangers had kidnapped her and taken her to a strange facility and kept her there against her will, away from family, in order to carry out medical procedures which were unexplained and seriously invasive. Now her mother appeared with these same people and a colleague from the past she didn’t like.

  The juxtaposition had to be baffling if not frightening. Was it any wonder Alyssa wasn’t making sense of the world she found upon waking?

  Janis rocked Alyssa in her arms and hoped her presence and physical connection would explain more than words could ever hope to. At a loss for excuses to offer in the moment, Janis was left with only the bare truth to tell.

  “You’re here…because you’re special, very special.”

  “I don’t understand…”

  Janis looked up and realized the rain had stopped. Through the windows, sunlight returned as fast-moving clouds raced inland. The sudden brightness in the room gave her courage to let the hard truth find a form that Alyssa might accept.

  “The people here found out that the world’s children have a serious problem.”

  “What kind of problem?”

  “When they grow up they won’t be able to have children.”

  “Me too?” The alarm was apparent. “I can’t have babies?”

  “That’s just it. You don’t have the problem. That’s why you’re special. And the people here need to find out why. If they can figure out why you’re special, then maybe the rest of the children can be helped.”

  “But if I don’t have the problem, why am I sick?”

  “That wasn’t supposed to happen. They didn’t plan on that.”

  “So can we go home?”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, they explained the problem to me…and they explained it to Faye…and both of us decided to stay to help them find a cure. It’s very important.”

  For Alyssa, bewilderment persisted. “But they grabbed me in the park; they took me away without telling you.”

  “They had to do that to protect you.”

  The incongruity strained for explanation. “Protect me?”

  “There are all kinds of people in the world. Not all of them want what’s right.”

  Alyssa shivered. “I don’t care. I don’t like it here. I want to go home.”

  “We’re together, that all that matters. This is the safest place for both of us.”

  From shivers to sobs, Alyssa sank into herself. “I don’t want to be special! I want to be like I was…”

  A knock on the door intruded but Janis ignored it.

  “Alyssa, don’t cry. Don’t you see? You were always special. Nothing about that has changed…”

  The door opened and Rebecca took a step into the room.

  “Excuse me; she needs to get some rest.”

  Just then, Janis realized the monitors were still on. All that had been said had been picked up by microphones. Just who had overheard was left for her to wonder.

  “Maybe just a little more time?” Janis didn’t want to go. Not like this. There was so much more to say, so much more for Alyssa to understand. To leave her frightened and confused was wrenching.

  Janis never expected such a reunion would take a bitter turn.

  Rebecca persisted. “I’m really going to have to insist. She’s been through a lot. It’s still very early in her recovery.”

  Janis dipped her head to signal compliance. She kissed Alyssa on the forehead and hugged her. She knew no other parting words to give than the ones that had been in her heart all during the many weeks of searching for her.

  “I love you…”

  As Alyssa settled and rested, Rebecca hurried forward to attend to her.

  Janis’ steps into the hallway were halting. She was leaving with a full heart but emptied of the energy to muster any more strength and composure in the face of such emotion. The experience drained her even as she felt relieved. Her daughter was back; she’d pull through. The terrible question of her survival was no longer holding Janis hostage. The affirmation held true – life was in no way perfect and yet the many problems of life were preferable to the alternative void.

  Janis looked both ways in the hallway. She discovered Faye leaning against the wall with a phone to her ear. The conversation was obviously intense. Janis couldn’t tell if Faye was excited or aggravated. Whatever the topic of conversation, it had Faye’s undivided attention. As such, it sparked interest in Janis.

  “Who was that?” asked Janis.

  Faye pocketed her phone. “Colin.”

  “Oh…” Janis turned away with intent to return to the lab.

  Faye stayed in place. “He just got a field report from OpSec.”

  Janis intended her curious pause to be brief. “OpSec?”

  “Operation Security. The Project has made a move against The Group.”

  Janis stepped back. “When did they decide to do this?”

  “I don’t know. We’ll have to ask Colin. He’s in his office. Wanna come?”

  Janis wavered. The need to know firsthand outweighed anything else.

  “Why not…”

  The two of them hurried downstairs to Colin’s office.

  They found him at his desk intensely focused on computer screens.

  Faye led the way. “We came to get the details.”

  Colin’s gaze stayed riveted to a report. “I haven’t gone through all of it myself. Like I said, most of this just came in.”

  Knowing Janis’ reluctance around Colin, Faye asked the question.

  “When did they decide to launch an operation?”

  Colin’s concentration broke. He glanced over at them. “It’s been brewing one way or another ever since that guy Knockout Mouse came to the island to visit.”

  Janis asserted, “So you did have us under surveillance…”

  “With good reason. We weren’t going to pass up a chance to follow him.”

  Janis stepped near the desk. “Off the island?”

  The tone of the question was accusatory. Colin bristled.

  “What do you think? He works for The Group. They masterminded 1st Protocol and you said they were about to let loose with 2nd Protocol. The Project won’t let that happen. After what Mass did, they won’t take any more chances.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little late for that?” Janis’ sarcasm struck home.

  “Do you think it’s too late for the children?” He glared through her silence then added, “Preemptive action is authorized to get things under control. As soon as the 2nd Protocol shipment arrived for you, that cinched it. Once The Project knew 2nd Protocol was real, a response was certain.”

  Stepping between the two of them, Faye asked, “So where did Knockout Mouse go when you followed him?”

  Colin shifted to one side. “He led us to some interesting people. The first one is a man you might know. Hasuru Tamasu.”

  Faye sat down. “The Japanese industrialist?”

  “Same one. Hasuru led us to a spa club in New York. Coincidentally, Curtis Labon was at the club at the same time. They were seen together.”

  Faye looked to Janis. “That would verify what Knockout Mouse told you about Labon being part of The Group.”

  “There’s more.” Colin tapped his computer screen. “Soon after the spa meeting, Hasuru took off to Switzerland where a few Group members showed up for a rather odd conference.”

  “What was odd about it?” asked Faye.

  Colin’s eyebrows rose. “They never met together at any one time. For some reason it was important for all of them to be there but from the outside it looks like nothing got done. We know that can’t be the case.”

  Faye stood
and stepped around the desk to look over Colin’s shoulder.

  “Where was this?”

  “A place called Lugano. It’s a resort town near the border with Italy but it also does quite a bit conference and banking business.”

  Janis joined Faye behind the desk so she could see the report onscreen.

  Colin clicked on a graphic and a map of Switzerland zoomed into a street map of Lugano. Color-coded markers had been interspersed across the grid of the city.

  Colin explained. “These are locations where individual Group members spent time. Four colors – four Group members.”

  Faye singled out a particular point of interest. “This one place was visited by all four of them. I don’t see any other location getting equal attention.”

  Janis asked, “What’s there?”

  Colin drilled down to finer detail. “It says here it’s a clinic specializing in homeopathic treatments.”

  “How odd?” commented Faye.

  Janis pointed to color-coded dots across the border in Italy. “What are these?”

  “It looks like two of them went on separate trips to Milan. I don’t see any explanation for it.”

  “I don’t get it.” Faye straightened up. “On the phone you said The Project made a move against The Group.”

  “That’s right,” Colin confirmed. “This map is hours old. The latest news just came in.” Colin toggled another window forward on the screen. Janis and Faye leaned in to take a look.

  On the screen, a field report was clear and terse.

  After reading a line or two, Janis reacted. “You took out their jet?”

  Faye read an excerpt. “…subject jet destroyed over Aletsch Glacier in the eastern Bernese Alps.”

  Colin added, “The flight plan had them headed for Basel-Stadt.”

  Janis was incredulous. “You killed them?”

  Colin set his jaw firm. “The Project arranged an accident.”

  “My God,” gasped Faye. “Are you just assassinating people now?”

  “The time for delicate surgery is over; only amputation is going to save us.”

  “So what’s the plan?” asked Janis. “Find all eight members of The Group and just kill them?”

  Colin avoided a direct answer. “We have no way of knowing what these madmen are up to next. We can’t let it get any worse. There’s no time to be delicate.”


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