Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 9

by Ancelli

  Brandon closed his eyes, groaning deep in his throat as Rebecca rode him hard. “Yes…” she yelled, bouncing on his rod.

  He gripped her hips, pushing her down on his dick. Rebecca wasn’t shy anymore, taking control of the situation as soon as he walked her up to the front door. Brandon went to give her a kiss on the cheek, when she grabbed his neck, and devoured his mouth, leaving him breathless. The last time he’d had sex on the second date was over fifteen years ago.

  Rebecca had an incredible body, perky breasts, leading to a flat stomach, small waist, and her ass wasn’t big, but it was enough. She moaned rotating her hips. Brandon opened his eyes, staring at her passion filled face. Her mouth was agape, and she pinched her nipples with her fingers.

  “Brandon… I’m coming…” Her body went still, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “Yes…”

  Brandon continued thrusting up. His body was getting what it needed, a sexual release. He connected with Maggie the first time they met, and the connection multiplied when they made love for the first time. He closed his eyes again, and Kanielle appeared in his vision, her smile, the way she giggled, what the fuck? Brandon rapidly opened his eyes in surprise of what he envisioned.

  Rebecca stared at him. “What’s wrong?”

  He blinked. “Nothing…” he moaned. Brandon caressed her ass, what was wrong with him? Kanielle? Dude she’s pregnant, more importantly married. To a man that doesn’t deserve her. He flipped Rebecca over, and began fucking her uncontrollably until he came.

  “Oh God that was…” Rebecca moaned.

  Brandon leaned off her body and settled next to her, he didn’t talk. He was trying to get his breathing back to normal. He slipped out of the bed, pulling off the condom, and threw it in the wastebasket next to the nightstand. Thank God he bought a new pack before picking her up. He searched her room, looking for the door to the master bathroom, but didn’t see it. “Where’s the bathroom?” He watched her still glowing from her orgasm. Rebecca fanned herself with one hand, and wiped the sweat off her forehead with the other.

  “Down… the… hall,” she said between breaths.

  Brandon grabbed his boxers off the floor, walked out of the room, and turned down to the first door. He entered the bathroom, looking at his surroundings. He smiled looking at the kid’s step stool in front of the sink, and the two small toothbrushes in the toothbrush holder. Brandon grabbed a couple of wet wipes, cleaning himself up, and flushed them down the toilet. He slipped on his boxers, and went back to the bedroom. When he entered, Rebecca was asleep under the covers. He hadn’t been on a date in so long, he didn’t know if he should leave or stay. If he left she would think he used her, but if he stayed she might think he was looking for something deeper.

  Rebecca rolled over, her eyes fluttering open. “Thank you for a great night.”

  Damn, it’s like that, he thought. Was she kicking him out? Rebecca made the decision for him. Brandon picked up his clothes off the floor. He pulled on his shirt, buttoning it up, tugged on his pants, and slipped on his shoes. He strolled over to her bed, and kissed her temple. “Call you tomorrow,” and he walked out, closing the door behind him.

  Brandon jumped in his truck, and turned it on. It roared to life, and he checked his cell to see that no one had called, but he had one text message. Maggie hadn’t called him back since he hung up on her; he wondered what she was up to. He hadn’t heard from Kanielle either, everything must be good with her, or maybe she did give her husband a second chance after all.

  He started to write a text to Rebecca. ‘Thank you for a lovely evening. Hope to see you again.’ And then decided not to. Brandon checked the unread text.

  ‘Brandon I was wondering if you could come with me to the recruiting office, Chris.’

  It was late, but he answered back.

  ‘Yes. Let me know when.’ He wanted to ask him how his sister was doing, but pressed send without mentioning it. Brandon drove down the road and instead of going to his house he went to work.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kanielle tapped her pink manicured nails on her steering wheel, agitated at her supervisor. Leslie had been calling her every week checking up on her, asking her if Robert was in town taking care of her. Then she called her earlier that morning, stating that she needed to re-submit her maternity leave paper work, because Human Resources could not locate the one she turned in two months ago. She was thankful she had a doctor’s appointment that morning. Kanielle touched the screen on her dashboard, connecting with her cell, and made a call. The phone rang over the speakers.

  “Hello.” His husky voice soothed her.

  “Hey,” Kanielle smiled to herself, he was the closest thing she had to a friend right now. “Are you busy?” She turned into the garage next to the office building, looking for a parking space.

  “Yes,” Brandon answered, and didn’t say anything else.

  Her smile turned into a frown; it seemed he was having a bad day. “Forget it…” She slowly maneuvered her vehicle into a tight parking space.

  “Wait, why did you ask?”

  She swallowed her pride, even though she was a little hurt at how short he was with her at first. Her hormones had her going crazy. “I was just wondering if you were hungry.”

  “Are you inviting me to lunch?” Brandon’s tone changed, sounding smoky. “Because if you did, I would love to.”

  Her lips curled into a grin. “Can you meet me at the pizzeria two blocks from your newspaper? I have something to give you.”

  He chuckled, “What might that be?”

  “You’ll see later,” she glanced at the clock on her dashboard, it was ten o’clock. She wouldn’t be at the office for long, Kanielle was going to hand her supervisor the medical papers and leave. “How does noon sound?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “See you then.”


  Kanielle turned the ignition off, picked up her purse, placed her hand on the car handle, and slowly opened the door, being careful not to hit the car next to her. “Why can’t people park right, is it so hard to park in between the white lines?” she said out loud, squeezing herself in between both cars.

  She made it through without hurting herself. Kanielle dusted off her black skirt with her hands. The vehicle beside her needed cleaning. She had pinned her hair up in a twist because she wanted to look her best, even if she was only going to the office for a few minutes. Lately she didn’t get to dress up, and it felt good to wear pumps. Her white buttoned up shirt was a little tight over her belly, and she felt a bit self-conscious of the fit. She tugged on her black jacket as she walked through the parking lot to the sidewalk. Kanielle passed the built in bike rack to the main vaulted entrance of the luxurious building.

  It was a two level glass building, but from the outside you couldn’t see in. On the inside there were high-end offices with wood, glass, and marble accents. Kanielle contemplated going in, it had been over two months since she’d walked into work. When Robert was out of town she would be at work until late at night, creating different designs for her next project. She grabbed the metal knob, pulled one of the heavy doors open, and almost had a heart attack when everyone yelled. “Surprise!” and threw confetti at her.

  Kanielle glanced around the room, her co-workers and boss were all gathered in the lobby, surrounded by pink balloons that said ‘It’s a Girl, Congratulations’, and a cake in the form of a baby carriage. There were a lot of wrapped gifts against the wall. She didn’t expect anyone to throw her a baby shower, especially at work. She covered her mouth with her hands, and tears rolled down her face. Kanielle never let anyone at work into her personal life, and though they were nice people they were only associates.

  Leslie ambled forward, “Surprised?” she asked and hugged her tight.

  “Thank you…” she didn’t want to hug her back, but she did. Leslie was too fake for Kanielle’s liking. From the corner of her eye she saw Robert. What the hell was he doing here? She lea
ned back, wiping her fallen tears. No one but her family knew she and Robert were divorcing, so she couldn’t fault them for inviting him. Kanielle put on her poker face, and smiled like nothing was wrong.

  Leslie was a light-skinned woman with curly hair. She touched Kanielle’s stomach. “You’ve gotten so big.”

  Kanielle didn’t like people touching her as if she was a work of art, why didn’t they ask permission? She knew she was wrong for thinking that, but she couldn’t help how she felt.

  “Yes,” she tapped her belly. “Coral is getting ready to make her entrance to this world.”

  “Yes she is,” Robert strolled up grinning. He inched closer to Kanielle and tried to place his hand around her waist, but she moved out of his reach. Leslie glanced between Robert and Kanielle, raising her eyebrow.

  “Ava…” Kanielle waddled over to her work buddy. “How have you been?”

  “Good, I’ve missed you, mama,” Ava smiled, “May I touch?”

  See why couldn’t people be more like Ava and Brandon? “Of course.”

  Ava placed her palm on her belly, and caressed it from side to side. Coral didn’t feel like playing with her co-workers. “Night baby?” She removed her hand.

  “Yes, she has me up nights.”

  Kanielle mingled around the room, saying thank you to everyone present. After half-an-hour, they sat her in a chair decorated with balloons, streamers, and ribbons. They had Robert stand next to her handing her the gifts. She faked her smile the whole time; trying so hard her jaw was hurting, because on the inside she wanted to slap him. He grinned like nothing ever happened. Thank God he’d signed the divorce papers, her lawyer told her she would be divorced before the baby was born since he didn’t contest it. Damn, Kanielle looked at her watch noticing she only had forty minutes to make it to meet Brandon. Twenty minutes later she opened the last gift. They’d gifted her with baby bottles, boxes of diapers, wipes, tons of cute girl clothes, a pack-n-play, car seat, bouncer, monitor, almost everything a mother would need for her newborn. Kanielle had everything that was given to her from her co-workers for the baby, but Robert would be able to use them now.

  She stood, scanning the room. “Thank you, I didn’t expect this. It means so much to me,” her voice cracked.

  “Kanielle and I appreciate all of you,” Robert mentioned.

  “We know you appreciate us, Robert,” Leslie gushed.

  Kanielle rolled her eyes at Robert. She felt Leslie scrutinizing her every move. She must’ve noticed Kanielle was indifferent to him.

  “I’m so sorry, but I have to leave.” She had twenty minutes to make it downtown, she wasn’t going to make it on time. “I have a doctor’s appointment.”

  “Girl, we understand.” Leslie waved the guys over. “Can you help her load her car?”

  They all grabbed a couple of boxes.

  “Honey, give me your keys, I’ll bring the car around.” Robert held out his hand, Kanielle hesitated, but handed him her keys. He jogged out of the door, pretending to still be the sweet man she married. This was all an act, trying to get into her good graces; nothing would change her mind though. He pulled to the front, and the guys began loading her car.

  Kanielle said her thank yous again and hugged a couple people. Leslie watched as Robert walked her outside. She dug into her purse, getting her cell and a picture, and she texted Brandon.

  “I’m coming with you to the doctor’s,” Robert opened her car door.

  “No need to,” she passed him a picture of her 3D sonogram.

  Robert took it from her, and gawked at the picture. “She’s beautiful,” he touched the image in his hand. “Our own little Richardson.” He turned an eye on her, “Kanielle, please forgive me, we can make this work,” he sighed. “I need you.”

  Kanielle smiled, ambling forward, shaking her head. She didn’t have time to explain to him for the millionth time, that it wasn’t going happen. Kanielle realized in the last eight weeks that she didn’t need Robert, and he didn’t define who she was. It wasn’t anything she did that sent him astray. It wasn’t her fault. She grabbed the door, getting into the car, and closed it. She needed something bigger, a SUV maybe. “Bye, Robert.” She placed the vehicle in drive, and exited the parking lot, blasting ‘Ain’t It Funny,’ by Heather Headley.


  Brandon hung up with Kanielle, he hadn’t seen her since the childbirth class, and he hadn’t talked to her in over a week. She sounded different when she called, he could hear the smile in her voice. He knew that was silly since you can’t hear a smile.

  “Lucy!” he yelled at his open door. Lucy Martinez was his new intern. José Martinez asked him for a favor, and Brandon helped him out. José and his brother Javier needed someone to keep an eye on their little sister while she was here for a couple of months. Who would’ve thought that small article he wrote a year ago on the upcoming chef, would give him some benefits? Anytime Brandon went to Exquisite Delight, his meal and drinks were on the house.

  He heard the clicking of heels coming. After a few seconds she rushed into his office. “Yes, Mr. Stokes?” Lucy gasped. Why was she out of breath, did she run from down the hall?

  He understood why her brothers were worried about her. Lucy was a beautiful young lady. Her black hair was in what women called a fish tail, and she stared at him through light brown eyes.

  Brandon chuckled, looking at the freckles on her face. “You didn’t have to run in here.”

  “But you called,” she flipped over the notepad she had in her hand.

  Brandon stood, grabbing his mug. “I need you to get the biggest bag of gummy bears that you can find.” He strolled over to the coffee maker, and poured himself another cup. “You have one hour.”

  Lucy’s eyes opened wide. “Sir, I don’t think I heard you right.”

  “Did you hear me say I need gummy bears?” Brandon took a stirrer and three sugar packets, and mixing them into the drink.

  She nodded her head.

  “Then you heard me right.” He picked up his mug, walked around his messy desk, and sat.

  “Okay,” Lucy twisted around, and marched out his office.

  Lucy didn’t have a specific job title, he just had her working in different departments. He hated to send her on a candy errand, but he wanted to get Kanielle something she really liked, and she said she was addicted to gummy bears. He confirmed it with her brother. Chris and Brandon had formed a friendship in the eight weeks since they’d met. He took Chris to the recruiting office, and Brandon did all the talking. Chris took the ASVAB test, passing with flying colors. He scored a 72 on the damn test, while Brandon remembered that he had only scored a 55. Chris was an intelligent kid, and now he had the option to pick any job or branch he wanted. Brandon told him to take some time and look over his options. Last time they talked he said he hadn’t told his mother that he was joining, leaving Brandon to assume he’d made up his mind.

  Brandon had a lot of work to do, he gathered a couple of articles, and started reading. He picked up a red pen, circling words, statements and questions that didn’t make sense. At work his employees didn’t particularly like him, however they respected him, and he had zero tolerance for bullshit. He defended his employees to the end. No one messed with Brandon or his office, he didn’t play games, not even with the top asses upstairs.


  Brandon observed the scenery through the window of the pizzeria. The sun hid behind large grey clouds, it looked like it was going rain. Brandon didn’t care much for rain. The night his parents died it had been raining really badly, and his father lost control of his car, hitting a tree. Brandon cracked his neck, watching the people waiting on the sidewalk for the stoplight to turn red. An older man kept pressing the walk button. He looked at his watch one more time, shaking his head. Brandon was a punctual person, which was one of his pet peeves; he was giving her five more minutes. Kanielle had texted him twenty minutes ago, and he did tell her he was busy. He didn’t have time to waste, tomorrow’s pa
per was due.

  Brandon moved the plastic bag off the table and placed it in the seat next to him. The waiter came over again, making sure he was good. Brandon started watching the news on the TV in the corner of the restaurant. He heard the bell chime indicating that someone entered the establishment, but didn’t pay it any attention.

  A napkin fell to the floor, and he bent down to get it. When he was about to sit back up he was met with a pair of thick, smooth chocolate legs. He glanced up and Kanielle was standing in front of him. She looked different, damn. Kanielle’s eyes crinkled at the edges, and her dimples were more defined. She beamed, and her luscious glossed lips curled up into a smile. It might be the pregnancy glow he’d heard about. He’d never seen her dressed up, but he guessed this was her normal attire in the kind of work she did.


  Brandon jerked up, and moved next to her. “Hi,” he held her seat, and she sat.

  “Sorry I’m so late.” Kanielle placed her purse on the table. “I know your time is precious, you said you were busy.”

  Brandon sat, taking a sip of his iced tea.

  She gazed into his eyes. “I went by my workplace and they surprised me with a baby shower, I couldn’t be rude.”

  He still didn’t say anything, just kept staring into her brown irises.

  “If you have to go I understand,” she opened her purse, taking out a picture. “I wanted to give you this,” Kanielle handed it to him.

  He accepted it, and looked. “Is this…?”

  “Yes, it’s Coral,” she answered excitedly.

  Brandon peered at the sonogram picture. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, she is,” she pointed at the image he was holding. “Look, she’s sucking her thumb. Isn’t that cute?”

  “Is this for me?” He continued examining the photo. He could see the baby, it wasn’t too clear, but he could see her face. He chuckled, eyes, nose, and lips could all be made out.


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