Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 12

by Ancelli

  “Don’t you think it’s best if you sit?”

  “No… the pain is worst…” she scooted forward, and he took her hands in his and gently pulled her up. “It’s just Braxton Hicks, it has to be.” Her eyes shined with unshed tears. Kanielle was trying to convince herself, but he needed to get them out of there, and straight to the hospital.

  “Everything will be okay,” Brandon cupped her soft cheeks in his hands. He could hear the maintenance team fixing the elevator. He moved away from her, and looked up the shaft. “You hear that, we’ll be out soon.” He took her hands in his. “Coral is just giving us a scare.”

  She blew out, “False labor.”

  “Yes…” Brandon prayed for the baby and Kanielle. The stress she’d been through the last couple of months finally caught up with her. Damn why didn’t he just stay away from her? If he had she wouldn’t be trapped in the elevator with him now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Brandon rushed Kanielle to the ER. The nurse at the counter admitted her, placing her in the maternity ward. The contractions were getting closer, and stronger. Her doctor was called in and she began doing some tests. Kanielle was hooked up to an IV, keeping her hydrated, with a belt strapped around her stomach monitoring the baby’s heartbeat.

  Brandon watched the lines on the screen that monitored the baby’s heartbeat and her contractions. He rubbed her back through her contraction. “You hear that?” his fingers touched her bare skin. “Her heartbeat is strong.” He pressed his thumb in the middle of her back, going up, down, and around.

  “Music…” she exhaled, “To… my… ears…” Kanielle was on her side facing away from him, gripping onto the railing so hard that her knuckles were pale. She released her hold on the plastic rail, and slowly turned around on her back.

  He grabbed a wet cloth off the small table and placed it on her forehead, and then he caressed the side of her face. “She’s strong, you heard what the doctor said.” He practiced everything he remembered from the class he attended with Kanielle.

  “I know,” her tears finally rolled down her face. “But she also said if she could keep her in longer, it would be best.”

  “Your water hasn’t broken, that’s a good sign.” He sat in the chair next to her.

  “You’re right…” she whispered.

  “I’ll be right by your side,” Brandon wiped her tears. “I know you’re worried about the baby, but you’ve done everything you can. If she does decide to make an early appearance she’ll be fine.”

  Kanielle took his hands in hers. “Thank you for being here.”

  He squeezed her palm, “I wouldn’t be any place else.” Brandon had the nurse at the counter call her husband, and he called Mrs. Jackson. She was calm at first, and then started asking a bunch of questions he didn’t have answers to. “Your mom and Robert are on their way.”

  There was a knock on the door, and they both glanced that way.

  “Come in,” Kanielle answered, and Greg walked in.

  Brandon went to release her hand, but Kanielle gripped him tighter.

  “Kanielle,” he walked over to the monitor, and checked the paper dispensing from it. “Dr. Konish thought this would be a false labor,” he looked at her.

  “It’s not?” she bit her lip.

  “No, we are going to give you medication to relax your uterus, but you’re in active labor.”

  “My water hasn’t broken…” Kanielle began hiccupping, trying to hold back the tears. “Please, Greg, stop it. I can’t lose her now.”

  Brandon got a knot in his throat. Watching her, he was feeling the same. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself, and what he would do if she lost the baby. It didn’t matter whom she belonged to.

  “Kanielle, you’re thirty-four weeks.”

  “What does that mean?” Brandon asked. He heard her doctor talking in the hallway. Dr. Konish told the nurse, to have an incubator ready just in case Kanielle went into labor, and the baby would be in the NICU.

  “She’s only two week from being full term, all of the baby’s organs are functional. She may need help breathing, but your baby has a ninety percent survival rate,” he studied both of them. “Kanielle, you’re having this baby, hopefully later than sooner.”

  “Is she going to be okay?” Kanielle cried out.

  Brandon stood, and took the cloth off her forehead, placing it in the water to the side. He massaged her shoulders; he was also concerned.

  “Kanielle, we won’t really know that until she’s born.” He pointed at the fetal monitor. “All the signs say yes. I’m going administer a drug called corticosteroids, just in case her lungs aren’t fully matured yet.” He pulled out a needle from his white coat.

  “Will that hurt her?” Brandon asked.

  “No,” Greg picked up her file and wrote something in it. “You’re finally going to be a mommy,” he smiled. “Earlier than expected.” He stepped forward next to her, “I need to inject it in your butt.”

  Brandon helped her sit up, and turn so Greg could give her the injection. Greg wiped the area on top of her ass with an alcohol swab, and then injected her.

  “Ouch,” Kanielle grabbed onto Brandon’s neck pulling him down.

  Kanielle started to sob, and Brandon wrapped his arms around her. “Your baby is going to be fine,” he whispered against her neck. “She can’t wait to meet you.” His hand roamed up and down the arch of her back.

  Brandon could feel Greg watching them. “In my opinion Coral is going be just fine,” he heard Greg walk out of the room, giving them some privacy.

  He kissed Kanielle’s temple, and she slowly leaned away into the mattress, blowing in and out, while he looked up at the monitor. She was having another contraction so he took her hands in his, and she gripped them tight. Brandon’s hands ached, and then she slowly released them.

  “Sorry,” she puffed.

  “You’re okay. If you need my hands through all of your contractions, then they are yours.” He smiled.

  “I’m hungry,” she said looking around the room.

  “The doctor said you couldn’t eat.” He moved off the bed.

  “But, I’m hungry.”

  Brandon chuckled.

  “Where’s my purse?”


  “I have gummy bears, please, only a handful.” Kanielle pouted as she pleaded. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  Brandon couldn’t say no to Kanielle. Seeing her in so much pain made him more protective of her. Not only because of the baby, there was something between them, maybe an attraction, or maybe it was just him? He was feeling things because of his own emotions and loneliness. He stood, walked over to the table with her purse in it, and opened it. Brandon pulled out a small bag of her favorite candy, and strolled back to the bed.

  Kanielle’s lips curled up in anticipation. “See the contractions slowed down because she’s hungry.”

  Brandon chuckled, and sat. He tore the bag open, and grabbed a few.

  Kanielle opened her lips, did she want him to feed it to her? Brandon picked up a few of the gummies, and she moved forward, wrapping her lips around his thumb, middle and index finger. Brandon couldn’t help it, he was feeling uncomfortable in the way her lips formed around his digits; his mind was thinking naughty thoughts.

  She moved back chewing, “Mmm…”

  Someone stormed into her hospital room, they both looked over at the door.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” Robert demanded to know, staring at Brandon.

  Brandon clenched his jaw, glaring at the jerk. “We're in the hospital, you need to lower your voice.” He stood. What was wrong with this fool? He should be thankful he got her to the hospital on time. Robert didn't seem worried about the baby or Kanielle being in labor so early.

  “I'm here now,” he held the door open. “So leave.”

  Brandon ignored her husband, and watched Kanielle grip the white sheets on the mattress. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Her breathing
pattern started to change, he looked up at the monitor, and Brandon could tell by the lines on the white sheet of paper that she was having another contraction. “Kanielle…” he held her hand, and she opened her eyes. “Breath in…” She followed his directions while gazing into his eyes. “Breath out…”

  "She doesn't need you," Robert rushed forward forcefully, pushing Brandon away from her. His ex-wife was in labor and he was picking a fight with him, instead of being concerned about the pain she was in. She inhaled and exhaled, doing exactly what she learned in her birthing classes. Brandon cracked his neck. He needed to control himself, because they were in a hospital and the man did have a right to be with her.

  “Ro…bert…” Kanielle cried out. “Leave… him… alone!”

  “He needs to leave this room,” Robert raised his voice. “Get out or I’ll throw you out.”

  “I wish you would,” Brandon moved forward. This wasn’t the time or place for this battle. Kanielle and the baby came first. “Sweets… I’ll be outside if you need me.”

  “Sweets!” Robert roared.

  Brandon knew what he just said was wrong, but he needed to get his point across. She wasn’t alone, at least not for now. “I’m right outside,” he winked at Kanielle as he passed by Robert, and in a low stern voice only he could hear he said. “If you think of hurting her in any way physical or emotional, I personally will throw you out.” He opened the door. “That’s a promise.”


  Kanielle didn’t want Brandon to leave. He was her safe haven during the last two hours of labor. Robert just glared at her while her contractions continued, not once consoling her. She closed her eyes, and the first thing she thought about was Brandon's words of encouragement. She started calming down, and the pain slowly disappeared.

  “Why was that man here instead of me?” Robert stood with his arms crossed over his chest. “She’s my child!”

  “Lower your voice,” Kanielle released her hold on the sheets. “If you’re here to belittle me and yell you can leave. I don’t need your shit right now!”

  “Why would you have him in here after what he did?” Robert’s voice was softer. “He and his wife only have one thing on their minds and that’s our baby.”

  “They are no longer married,” she observed as Robert’s face scrunched up. He didn’t know that piece of information. “I don’t know if she tricked you and I really don’t care, but Brandon hasn’t done anything to me,” Kanielle mentioned. “He’s my friend.”

  “Your friend? Okay.” Robert sat in the chair next to her. “Sorry, honey, I lost it when I saw another man holding your hand.”

  "In the last couple of months, it's been Brandon checking up on me, not you. He didn't have to stay with me, but he did." Kanielle looked at the closed door. "If someone needs to leave it should be you!"

  “Kanielle, you’re the one that pushed me away. You didn’t want anything to do with me, but you have another man checking up on you.”

  “You pushed me away the moment you decided to cheat.” She wished Robert were the one on the other side of the door. Kanielle rubbed her stomach, her baby came first; Coral would be here before the end of the day.

  “I love you,” Robert’s tone softened as he touched her belly. “She’s almost here, I want us to be a family.”

  “It’s too late,” she felt another contraction coming on.

  “What do you mean it’s too late?” he eyed her.

  “The divorce was finalized last week,” she blew out her mouth, and in through her nose. “I received my papers, I thought you did too.” He didn’t have a clue what her body was going through at the moment, and she wished he would try to understand and just leave her alone.

  “You can stop it, tear up the damn divorce papers. I love you, Kanielle.”

  “No!” she blurted out, and in that moment she felt warm liquid seeping from her vagina onto the bed. Was it pee? She looked underneath the sheets, touched her thigh, and then smelled her fingers. No it didn’t smell like pee.

  “What’s wrong?” Robert finally noticed something was wrong.

  “I think my water just broke,” Kanielle held on to the hand railing, and shook the heck out of it. The pain was worse than before.

  “Honey, what do I do?” Robert stood, and stepped away panicking.

  “I’m having a fucking contraction…” she said between her teeth. Kanielle tried to remember what she learned in birthing class, but it was blurry in her mind. Robert only attended two of the classes, and now he wanted to know what to do. “She’s coming…” the pressure she felt in her vagina was overbearing. Coral was ready, so she bent her knees to relieve the pressure. “Get the doctor!”

  Robert ran out the door, leaving it open. Kanielle could see Brandon in the hall.

  “You got this…” Brandon winked, moving out of the away once Robert returned with Dr. Konish, Greg, and a couple of nurses.

  “I got this…” she breathed. “Brandon…”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mrs. Jackson and Chris rushed by Brandon as he sat nervously in the waiting area. He’d been outside her door after the team of doctors and nurses entered the room. He wanted to beat down Kanielle’s room door every time he heard her scream out in pain. Brandon eventually left because he couldn’t take it anymore, if he heard her yell one more time he would’ve burst in. Brandon didn’t know what was happening to him, but every time Kanielle cried out, his heart ached.

  Brandon rushed over to them. “Mrs. Jackson!”

  They both looked back stopping.

  “Is my baby girl okay?” Irene asked with tears in her eyes.

  “The last update I received was that she’s okay,” Brandon brushed his hair out of his face. “She’s been in labor for over three hours.”

  “Isn’t it too early?” Chris asked concerned.

  “She’s thirty four weeks,” Brandon stared at her mom. “Greg said she’s going to be fine.”

  Irene’s nostrils flared as tears rolled down her face. “That baby means everything to her, if something happens,” she swallowed. “She’ll never be the same.”

  Brandon moved forward wrapping his arms around Kanielle’s mother. “Mrs. Jackson I know.” She accepted his embrace, and sobbed in his arms.

  Chris covered his face with his hands. “I have to go,” he paced.

  Irene gently pushed away from Brandon. “You’re leaving?” She peered at her son. “We are all she has. She needs us.”

  “I can’t take it,” Chris turned and marched down the hall.

  “Let him go,” Brandon voiced. “He just needs some air.” Chris was all about being the man in his family, so Brandon could bet he didn’t want his mom to see him break down.

  Irene wiped her face, “Where is she? I want to see her.”

  “Greg said for us to wait here, as soon as the baby is born they’ll wheel her through.” Brandon guided Irene to the chairs. “Both your girls will be okay.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears,” Irene bowed her head, and started to mumble.

  “Can I pray with you?” Brandon whispered.

  Irene smiled. “Of course, young man.”

  They began praying in silence. He knew the baby was everything to Kanielle, regardless of who Coral’s biological parents were. She would die to keep her baby safe. He prayed for both of them. He believed in the power of prayer, his grandma always said pray, but when you pray to be specific.


  He opened his eyes, and Maggie stood in front of him. Irene looked up too.

  “What are you doing?” She asked.

  “Praying…” he said, getting up so Irene could continue.

  Maggie followed him to the side. “People were watching you.”

  “I don’t care,” Brandon stared at her. “What are you doing here after what you did? Who called you?”

  “Robert called me, and I didn’t do anything wrong. I was trying to secure the baby if she was ours and you blew it, running after that
woman.” She pointed at him. “Why didn’t you call me? How is she?”

  Brandon glared at her. He didn’t have time for her nonsense. Thank God Kanielle didn’t believe a word either of them said. “She’s in labor.”

  “Not her, the baby.”

  Brandon cocked his head. “You don’t care how the woman that might be having your baby is doing? How heartless can you be?” He tightly whispered. “Maggie, please stay away from me.” He moved away from her and sat next to Mrs. Jackson.


  The baby cried, and Kanielle laughed out loud. Her baby had a set of strong lungs. She was finally here, after hours of labor. Dr. Konish placed Coral on her bare stomach, and Kanielle held her baby for the first time. She was covered in blood and some white gooey stuff. “Happy Birthday, Coral Amirah…” Kanielle counted her toes and fingers.

  “Richardson,” Robert’s voice cracked. He lovingly gazed at the baby.

  “Dad, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?” Dr. Konish asked.

  Before Robert could answer, Kanielle replied instead. “No, I want to,” Kanielle replied.

  Dr. Konish looked at Greg. “Okay,” Greg held the baby, and she followed the doctor’s instruction cutting the cord, and then the nurse took the baby to the side of the room. Two nurses cleaned Coral up, and ran some quick tests.

  “Is she okay?” Robert asked following the nurses.

  “We have to take her to the NICU.” One of the nurses answered.

  “Why?” Kanielle leaned up on her elbows in pain. “Is she okay?”

  “Mom,” Greg answered. “It’s just a precaution, she’s a preemie.”

  Dr. Konish patted her legs. “Now you need to rest.”

  Robert took pictures of the baby before they wheeled her away. He was beaming with his lips in a tight grin. Kanielle’s eyes were getting heavy, now she could finally rest after eight months of worrying for her unborn baby. She was finally here, and by the looks of things healthy and strong.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Brandon heard wheels being pushed down the hall, and they all stood.


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